THE ENTERPRISE PUBUSHBD KVBRV FRIDAY It. C. WILLIAM C. MANNING. Burro* SUBSCRIPTION RATES QHTMT .... SI.OO «xXtenth» SO Tkrw Months Strictly CMk la Advuc* Entered at the Port o»ce at WlllUmatoa, V. C. ia Second Claaa Mall Matter. Friday, August tqit We should put clean, competent men in every office from township constable to president of the United States. Petty jealousies have worked Iwrm in the past and will always bring bad result! when in dulged in. The Rood of the whole shoald be considered and not the blind prejudices of those who are careless of results. We have stated repeatedly that no article unsigned would appear in these columns, but this unalter able rule is violated very often. Only this wtefc we received a com munication signed "Many voters of Martin County" placing the name of a citizen of the county before the people for Representative, but there was no man's name to show who sent it and therefore it could not be published. We have no dealre to disregard the wishes of the people but our rule is tbe safe one and we must abide by it. Sign your communications. Not a Candidate Mr. Editor: Having been solicited by a goodly number ot friends to let my name KO before the County Convention as a candidate for the Legislature, and in your last issue my friend, Mr. G P. Roberson ad vocated tbe same, I desire to say that I appreciate the compliment and especially the kind words of Mr. Robersun. but feel that it is mv duty to sny that I cannot accept tbe honor even if tbe people of Martiu County should desite to bestow it upon me Owing to my business and age, I feel that it would not be well to have my time so fullv occupied. For this same season t aui not a candidate for tbe office of County Commissioner' at the Couvention. I wish to thauk all the people for their kindness and loyal support, aud I would suggest that they nominate Mr. G. F. Roberson to succeed me on the Board of Commissioners. He ban served faithfully for some years as a magistrate and has much experi ence with the people Now I desire to say that my at titude as to the acceptance of any office does not indicate a lack of in terest in the political affairs of tbe county. 1 «hall ahva\s do what I can for the interest of our grand old Democratic party as founded aud advocated by Thomas Jefferson, AnJrew Jackson aud a long list of our old heroes. IJo nut like this new "faud angle" 'det of L rmocracy in some of our public offici ils. They are elected on our platform and instead of standing -qu ue on it, get off aud on as it suits tbera. Thej have ro to do so, but should stand pat on it until it is changed bv the Slate'ard Natioual Convert Now in conclusiftu, let all out t:ood people to work and vote for Locke Crai« for Governor, Vl' . W. Kitchin tdr U. S Senator and Wilson for President. Tliey aie simon-pu'c Democrats and will stand square on our platform, aud if they are elected, we will all be happy. Yours truly. K. 11. Salisbury. WOOD'S | Special Grass Clover Mixtures Make the Largest Yields of Hay and Pasturage. They are combined in proper propor tion to give the beat teaulta for ihe differ ent soils (or which they are recommend- ' ed. We use in these mix-tares our Trade i Mark Brand Seeds, which are best qual ities obtainable, ana tested both as to germination and purity. Our cuatomera report the moat aatia factory results, both aa to aecuring excel- | lent stands and largest yields of both hay | and pasturage. grvea full information; also tell other Crass and Clover Seeds, Alfalfa, Vetch** and all Tarm and Garden Seeds for fall planting. Catalog mailed free. Write for it T. W. WOOD & SONS SoillMwn, - Richmond, Va. CALOMEL GIVES ONLY TEMPORARY RELIEF So Powerful H Shocks Liver and Leaves it Weaker than before. Dodaoo'i Liver-Tone a Per fect Substitute Nearly everybody who has ever tried calomel for constipation or a sluggish liver has found thst it gives only a temporary relief. For cal omel is such a powerful drug that it shocks and weakens the "liver snd makes it less able afterward to do its duty than in the first place This is one of tbe reasons why Saunders 8l Fowden drug store would rather sell Dodson's Liver- Tone to you than calomel. We know that Dodsou's Liver-Tone is a pure vegetable liver tonic that will cure constipation quick ly auu gently without any danger of baa after effects. We guarantee it to do this with a guarantee that is simple and fair. If you buy a bottle of Dodson's Liver-Tone for yourself or your children, and do not find that it is a perfect substi tute tor calomel, .then come back to the stote and get your money. If you don't get value for your money out of this tonic, it's your right to expect your money bsck, and we will gladly give it to you. For Register of Deeds At the solicitation of s number of my friends, I bave decided to announce, myself a candidate for the cffice of Register of Deeds ot Martin County, subject to action of the Democratic Convention. Very respectfully, S. S. BROWN. For Register ol Deeds 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Register of Deeds of Martin County, and ask my friend* and fellow Democrats to give me their suppoit, which I assure thrm will he appreciated. And if elected I promise to fill the office to the best of my ability and to render to each find every one the proper courtesy duetSem. Respectfully, D. J. MKICKS. For Register of Deeds I hereby announce myself a can didate for Register of Deeds, of Martin County, subject to the ap proval and action of the Democra tic Convention. Very respectfully, Sylvester PeaL-- For The Legislature At tbe solicitation of a great number of friends, I hereby an nounce my candidacy for nomina nation for Repersenative to the General Assembly of North Caro lina from Martin County, rubject to the action of the Democratic Convention. Respectfuliy, JUSTUS EVERETT. For Register of Deeds I hereby aunaunce tnvstlf a can didate for the office of Register of Deeds of Martin County, subject to the action of the Democratic Couu- Ity Convention. Any support by my friends will be highly appreciat ed. Respectfully, H. M. llurras. For Register of Deeds I hereby announce tnvself a can didate for the office of Register of Deeds of Martin County, subject to the action of the Deuiociatic Coun ty Convention, September 4th. 191 a. Respectfully, HdWard B. Durden. For Sheriff I hereby announce myself a can didate for St ; iff of Martiu County subject to the action of the Demo cratic Cenvention. Respectfully, Harmon l\ Roberson, Jr. For Representative At the request of a number of my j friend-, I herebv announce myself a candidate for the House of Rep resentatives subject to the action of ; the Democratic Convention of Martin County. This May 28th, 1912. A. Corey. For Register of Deeds At tbe tequest of my friends I announce my candidacy for the office of Register of Deeds of Mar tin Couoty, subject to the action of the Democratic Convention. Respectfully, Kader B. Crawford. Notice of Sale Bjr virtue of a power of aal« contained in a certain deed of trait executed by R. T. Taylor and wife, S. O. Taj lor, to the undersigned trnatee, bearing date July 14th, 190s, and of record in Book ZZ at page 937, Martin Public Registry, to se car* the payment of certain bond of even date therewith, and the stipulations in ■aid deed of trust not having been com plied with, and at the request of the party in interest, the undersigned, will on Sat urday the aiet, of September 191 a, ot two o'clock p. M., at ptiblic sale "offer to the highest bidder, for cash, Iha following described land to-wit: Situate on the Bast side of Main street in the town of Gold Point, N. C., at the corner of J. sf. Griffin and R. T. Taylor, rune tbence a Southeasterly course with J. S. Griffin's and R. T. Taylor's line 52# yds to W. D. Powell's line, thence with said Powell'a and Taylor's line a South erly course 4# yds, tbence Northwester ly course with said Powell's and Taylor's line 6 yds, tbence with said Powell's and Taylor's line a Southerly courae 5 yd* to J. K. Robersou's line, thence with said Roberson'aand Taylor's line 15# yds to J. B. Coburn's line, tbence with said Co burn's and Taylor's line Northwesterly course yds to Main streets, thence with Msin street a Northeast course 28 yda to the beginng. This list day of August >913. 8-33 W. H. WOOLARD, Trustee. Notice By virtue of an execution Vendition Exponas directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Martin Coun ty in tbe action entitled P. K. Hodges I vs. W. L. Andrews, I will on Monday, the and day of September, 1913 at 1a o'clock m. at the Court House door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for ca»h to satiafy ssid execution, ail the right, title and interest in and to, which the defendant has in tbe following de scribed teal estate, to wit: Bounded on the South by Patsy Sykes' land; on the Esst by Henry Everett land, on the North br Mill Road; and on the West by Andrew Cherry laud; Coutsin ing sixty (60) seres more or lesa; and * being ssme land willed to W. L. Andrews by Moses Andrews, of record in Will Book no. 4, page 379. This the 39th dav of July, 1913. 1. c. CRAWFORD, Sheriff, Msrtin County. Notice Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Martiu County iu tbe [ Special Proceeding therein Pending, en titled, Blake Harrell et als., ex parte, it being a proceeding to sell real estate for partition, the undersigned, commissioner appointed by the Court, will on Monday (he 3d day of Sept , 1912, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of Martin County at Williamston, N. C., offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tisct or lot of land: Situate and being in the town of Ham ilton, N. C., and lying on the East side of Front Street in said town, and adjoin ing the Pitt Jones land and others, and commonly known aa the Gairis House and Lot, This ut day of August, 1913. 3.9 P. L. SALSBURY. Corn. Notice Having qualified as Administratrix upon tbe Estate of Elisabeth W. Short deceased; late of Martin County, Nosth Carolina. Notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said Estate to present them to the undersign ed for payment on or before the 33rd day of August 1913, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said Estate are request ed to make immediate payment. This 23rd day of August 1912. MARY A. STALLINGS, Administratrix. Clayton Moore, 823 Attorney. keoort of the Condition of the Bank of Martin County Williamston, N. C., at the close of'' busi ness J uue 14, 191 A / RKSOURCKS: Y Iyoaus and Discounts >186,826.45 jOverdiafts 6,446.89 N C. Stiite Bonds 1,000.00 All ether stocks bonds, mtgs 2,375.00 Banking house fur. and iixt'rs 1,650.00 Dut- from banks and hankers ) 1.114 95 National bank notes, etc. 5.795.'7 Total $215,408.46 LIABILITIES . ' Capital Stock $ 16,000.00 ' Surplus Fund 20,000.00 " Undivided profits, leas current expenses and taxes paid 1,810.21 f Bills Payable 49,500.00 Time certificates of depoeit 44,459-59 Deposits subject to check 80,655.46 Due to banks and bankers 3,983.30 Total 1215,408.46 State of North Carolina, County of Martin, sa: 1 I, C. H. Godwin, Cashier of the above-named e bank, do solemnly swear that the above state meat is true to the best of my knowledge and * belief. s C. H. GODWIN, Caahler * Correct—Attest: J. O. Godard, J. G. Stnton W. C. Manning, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me,this so daj of June I,ls. BUTTOWS A. Critcher. Notary Public NOTICE! A convention of the Republicans ot Martin County is hereby called to meet in the Town of Williamston at 12 m, Monday Sept. 2nd, 1912 to select delegates to the Republican Convention that con venes in Charlotte Wednesday September 4th, IQI2, and transact such other business as may come before it. The Republicans of the various precincts will assem ble at their respective voting places Saturday, August 31, 1912, and send delegates to said County Convention. By order of the Executive Committee, this Aug. 14, 1912 C. C. FAGAN, Sec. WHEELER MARTIN, Chm Notice of Execution of Sale North Carolina, Martin County. Eli Gurganus v» A. Bagley. By virtue of an execution directed to tbe undersigned from the Superior Court of Martin Countv in tbe above entitled action. I will on Monday, tbe second , day of September, 1912, at 12:00 o'clock at tbe Court House door of said county, [ tell to tbe highest bidder for cash to satit'v said execution, all the right, title end intere»t which tbe said A. Bagley, the defendant, has in the following de -1 scribed real estate: to-wit: Beginning at a stop on railroad street to the right of bouse occupied by Ed mund Slade, running South East to a > tob near the corner of said house; thence on East couree to a fence post; thence a > north east course to n maiked persimon tree on a ravine tbe old railroad street; thence up said old railroad ureetjto the first station, tbe beginning. Containing ! by estimation about one aixth of an acre ! more or less, including tbe tenant bouse now occupied by Edmund Slade. This the 29th day of July 19T2. J. C. CRAWFORD, Sheriff. Notice Having qualified as Administrator upon • the Estate of Joseph R. Hardison deceas ed; Notice is hereby given to all persons 1 holding claims against said Estate to ' present them to the undersigned foi pay ' ment on or before the 1 day of August 1913, or this notice will be pleaded iu bsr of their recovery. All per so us indebted to said Estate are requested to make im mediate payment. This 31 day of July 191 a. H. C. JACKSON, . Administrator. Excutor's Notice I ' Having qualified as executor of Susan ' Penglsze, deceased,late of Martin County ' North Carolina, this is to notify all per ' sons having claims against the estate of ! said deceased to exhibit them to the un ' dersigned at his office in tbe town Rob ' ersonville, N. C., on or before the first day of August 1913, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This July 26, 1912. 7.26 O. P. ROBERSON, Executor. *> in Notice ■ Having qualified as administrators of the estate of Mack 11. Leggett, deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims • against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Will iamson, N. C., R. F. D. I, on or before the first day of August, 1213, or this 5 notice will be pleaded in bar of their re j covery. All persons indebted to said 3 estate will please make immediate pay ment. 0 This the 27th day of July, 1912. 0 J. A. and J. R. LEGGETT, 5 Administrators. 1 Notice Having qualified as Executrix upon the Estate of Joseph L. Woolard dsceased; o Notice is herebv giveu % to all persona 0 holding claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned for pay ment on or before the 15th, dav oj July 1 1913, or this notice will I* pleaded in o bar of their recovery. All persons inde bted to said Estate are requested to make • immediate payment. 6 This 15 day ot July 191 a. 01. AUGUSTA M. WOOLARD, _, Executrix. [ J. B. SPELLER ■d * \ ~ Dealer in id Wood, Shingles, Poultry, Eggs, '• |Furs, Wall Paper and >7 Baseball Supplies Williamston - North Carolini COTTON GINS BURN Protect yourself by insur ing in Yhe largest, strong est, and most progressive Fire Insurance Company in the South, The Citizens Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore. JNO. E. POPE. Aj?ent Williamston, N. C. IWEBB * SKINNER, den'l AgU. Raleigh, N. C. Tor Sale! CORN, HAY, MEAT and LARD apply to ' Kader Lillcy & Sons Williamston, N. C. : FOR SALE ! r One Grand Square Rose wood Piano for sale cheap. Apply to Q. P.McNaughton Williamston, N. C. e Flowers delivered on Time ' All kinds of Cut Flowers in season j Wedding outfits in the latest styles. > Floral offtringsf artistically arranged . Pet Plants, Palms, ferns and nov -5 elties for house decorations. Col -1 i lard and Cabbage Plants ready now Mail, phone and telegraph orders promptly executed by J. L. O'Quinn & Co. FLORISTS i Phone 140. Raleigh, N. C. : TOMBSTONES I If in need of any elj thing in the line of Monuments, Etc. N t we will save you money. The larg est and best in *' COQQINS MARBLE CO. N. H. SHEPHERD, Agent A Roberaonville • North Carolina Foley Kidney Pins TON 10 IN ACTION - QUICK IN RIIULTI Oivs prompt relief from BACKACHE, KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of tfa* KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of tha ( BLADDER and all annoying URINARY IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to MF> >LB AOED and ELDERLY PU LB and for WOMEN. HA. I HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION 8.1 )•?), 627 Washlneton St., CoihtitlUii Ind., 1J In his 83th year. Ha write* on "I bavs lately suffered much fr re my kidneys end bled* lor I hail severe backaches audiny kidney nctioa was ton freqoeDt, causii.* me to lose much ale** IT night, and ID my blunder there WIACONSTANT pain. I took Foley Kulney Pill* for some time, tud am now free of all'trouble and ngaln able to *> up and around. Foley Kiduey Pill* have mj kigbest reooumendati. a." For Sale by Siunders & Fowden i , REPORT or THE CONDITION OF THB , Bank of Robersonville Robetscnville, N. C., at the dose of bua- I iness June 14, 1912. RESOURCES: ■ Loans and discounts ( (0,328.69 : Overdrafts 4,907.80 Banking house $ 2,540.05; fur ■ 5 niture ami fixtures f 1064 39 3,604.44 T>ce from backs and bunkers 4,105.31 Gold coin 865.00 Silver coins, etc. 1,723.56 Total | 75,53480 LIABII.I I IKft : ' Capital stock $ 15,000.00 ' Surplus fund 9,600.00 Undivided profiU, less current expenses and taxes paid 1,631.80 Dividends unpaid 240.00 Time certificates of deposit 12,261.93 Deposits subject to check 36,670.06 •, Cashier's checks outstanding 141.01 ToUl $ 75.534.80 STATS or koeth CAJLOLIVA, County of Martin. »s:—l, J. A. Miaell, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly sircar that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. A. MIZELL, Cashier Correct Attest: J. H. Roberson, Jr. J. C. * Robertson, A. 8. Roberson Director*. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ttad day of Juae 191s. j. c. SMITH, a Notary mbUc.

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