I The Lilliston Peanut Picker—lts Guarantee I II ;'-' '■ ' • "• ' * «g II . 7> 1918 ' I The Lilliston Peanut Picker jfjj Gentlemen:- >, mM Jjjk Replying to yours the We guarantee the fe£a 2? Lilliston Pioker to as many or more peanuts V than any other machine made olean them wp jfik further guarantee the Peanut . ONE TEAR and any parts shoving a defeot returned to us Jj* charges paid, we will furnish another without any oharge. wjP TOURS W IIImiI - I ■ ■ I I W | International Harvester Company * jj Gasoline Engines. Mowers, Rakes and Grain Threshers. Let us have your order X IJ Benthall Repair©. We handle the Repairs for this well known Peanut Picker and can get them on II short notice. If more convenient you can get them from D. D. Stalls at Everetts II We make Surries, Buggies, Carts and Wagons. Also do all kinds of Repair Work. All which we w l® wt ' guarantee. The very best workmanship H jP II Just received a Big Shipment of Harness—Best ever shown here—be sure to see them JP 11 • V| il The Martin County Buggy Company " |jj . ASA T. CRAWFORD and W\ L. STALLS, Manager Wllllamston, North Carolina J J C'C'C'C*C*CC*C'C*C'C'C' C"C'C'C*C'C*C*C'C*C 1 C*CC*^C*C*C*C*C*C*C'C*C*C'C'C*@C*C*€ C»C*C'C'C'C*CC'Cc** Democratic '* i S> Convention A Convention of the Democrats of Martin Count) will be held at WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Wednesday September 4th Candidate for the Legislature and other County Offices will be nominated. All Democrats are earnestly requested to attend By order of the Executive Committe, this July 30, 19 J 2 W. C. MANNING, Sec'y -H. W. STUBBS, Chm. , ' | Don't fail to attend the sales of the Roanoke i / and Dixie Warehouses whether you have any Tobacco or not, and see for yourself the . • . • 1 ■' , i splendid facilities of our Warehouses . ' SEIJ QURQANS W. L JAMES H. T. BEASLEY 8 a i ft Bring Your Tobacco to the 3 I ROANOKE WAREHOUSE 1 ;,: /H I ( I H !■ M For the Highest Price 1 f|S • $ § The Best Attention Given Everybody i " s If H. T. BEASLEY, Manager I ■ j Ij