I TO OUR FARMER FRIENDS 1 * As the Harvest time is almost on us doubtless you are wondering what to do jj|j W with your idle funds, let us suggest—Deposit it in our Bank and receive a Cer- * S5 tificate of Deposit bearing interest at 4 per cent, from date of issue; or if you ® ® , i prefer, we will be glad to take it subject to check, furnish you a check book free „ I « ® which will be a receipt every time you issue one. We are a designated Depository | ® Jfj of the United States Government. Uncle Sam Banks with us—why not you ? 1 Jf) I "R,, BANK OF MARTIN COUNTY | ■****4******************** 3 LOCAL ITEMS 20¥0999*9*W¥999999m9*9999* All notice* publtahed In tbl« column, where revenue la to be derived, will be charged at the rate ol 10 cent* a line, (count ill word» to • tine), each iMue Special rate will be made on sag ccntract*. Rub-My-Tism will cure you Cairv your tcbacco to tbe Roar ok e for high prices. FOR SALE:—If you want to ace or buy FINE CATTLE, see Rhcdes & Biggs City. Rub-My-Tism will cure yon. —Sixty thousinds pounds on tbe market today—prices on aeroplane. Watch Willlamston sell tobacco. —Let tbe Roanoke sell your weed, and you will not want to go e's^where. sor 6 doses 666 will break nuy case of Chills & Fever; it acts on tbe liver better than Calomel, and does not gripe t,r sicken 25c. —STRAYED.— Red bull, 4 jeats old, frizzly hair on his tore head, swallow fotk in each rear. Left last October. Reward for re turn. —Frank Everett, Ctty. —Top-notch prices and fine at tentiou can always be had at the Roanoke Warehome. Williamstoo though not the largest tobacco market in the State is the best 111 Eastern Carolina. —The Woman's Auxiliary will ui«et at the residence of Mis. J. G. Statoii on Monday m 5 o'clock. Members are reijuesteJ to be pre sent. —Monday is Labor l)nv and there will be uo rural mails. The banks and 1 >oat 0 fine will close ilso. —To mouow is the last day of ami tiien cimes an R and o> st« n. —Tne number of boys mid guls who will leave hete tor the oifTerent collegia 111 the State, will be gieut er than ever bifcie dunug the com ing fall tei m. Melons i.re rapidly disappear ing and no a it is Scnpi ertioug aud J.mres grapes. —Tat re will be services at the bomeof Thomas Gardner on the Legget farm on Sunday beginning at 2 o'clock. Thepublic is iuvited. —J. L. Cherry. —lnsure your gun for the fall business. See ad of The Citizens Fire Insurance Company In this Issue. —FOR SALE- —Eight lots on the edge of Williamstou, cash or time. Also White Orpington and Rhode Island roostets, two-thirds grown, pure strain.—George J. Bowell, City. —The material for the track to the river is being placed here. Soon the building will begin. The mill people are ereAiag the plant as rapidly as material can be haul ed to the site. Tbe heavy boiler and other machinery was carried down last week on the truck wagon of Kader Lilley drawn by twelve moles. Tbe contract for hauling was taken by J. W. Watts 81 Co. j , :'t*k / | PERSONAL BRIEFS J Mr?. Vernon L?ngley and chil dren, of Elm City, are visiting rela tives here. R. E. Robersou, of Palmyra, has been in town this week. John Hooks, of Fremont, spent Mouday in town on business. Mr. and Mrs F. L. Minga, of St Louis, are visiting relative} on Haugbtou Street. Miss Allie Manning, who has been visiting Miss Irma Woodbouse left Monday for her home in Wash ington. * Miss Mary Belle Elhsou, of Suffolk, is tbe guest of relatives in town. Mrs. J. H. Page and children we visiting relatives in Pitt County. Misses Hilda Crawford and Maud Wynne, who have been vis mug in Jamesville and Plymouth, are ut home again. Kd James, of Robersonville, was here. ltv. Mr. Swartort, of Wilson, preached ut the Christaiu Church Suuday. While iti town he whb the guest of Editor and Mrs. W. C. Manning. Mrs. J. W. Simmons,of Suffolk, was the guest of Mrs. S. A. New ell Monday. Maurice S. Moore atteuded the meeting of Sons of Jove at Ocean View last week. W. T^ Taylor, of Robersonville, was in town Tuesday 011 business. Cornelius ami Holland Ward, of Smithtield, arc visiting relatives here and in the country. James Moore aud daughter, of Norfolk, tfho have been visiting the Umily of J. B. Wattere, lelt Monday for their Some. Miss Maty Cotton Johmou, of Plymouth, is visiting Mrs. W. 11. Harrell Mrs. Walret Taylor and children, of August-;, Ga., are visiting Mr. and G P. McNaughtou. Dr. J. Colburn Hoyt, of Wash ington, has been visiting his broth er, F. W. Hoyt, this week. 1 Mayor aud Mrs. B. F. Godwin 1 with Master -Charles Godwin left for Virginia Beach Thursday. Mrs. J. H. Saunders is visiting relatives in Washington. Mrs. J. A. CI irk and daughter, Nellie, of Durham, arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cj. B Clark. ' Robert W. Herter, Lawrencevllle Mo , who had beeu bothered with kidney trouble for two years, says: "I tried three different kinds of kidney pills but with no relief. -My neighbor told me to use Foley Kidney Pills, I took three bottles ! of them, and got a permaneut cure. I recommend them to everybody." Saunders & Fowden. " • ;■ / . ; — . i WE ARE EXPECTING DAILY AN OTHER SHIPMENT of the GREAT Majestic Ranges BE SURE AND COME TO SEE I THEM. THEY ARE THE BEST I RANGE MADE i. v r i Hovt Hardware Com'py i ■ CUT OUT THIS AD MOLES «». WARTS | NOkßtorr | for the removal of MOLES and WARTS without | pain anil leaving neither scar nor mark » ! is the same rt nitdv tbat we sold your aniinother, and has, since its first appeamce upon the market, carried with it the j Unanimous Indorsement i f Man and Woman s • I MOLESUFF was the best in pioner days, is still the best today. Our long experience protects you. We guarantee. Letters flow personages well *ll know, together with much valuable information ate contained in «»n attractive booklet wl.ich will te sent free upon request. II you have any trouble getting MOLHSOFF, send one dol i lar direct 10 tlu* under: One bundled dollsis in will be paid to the party mailing to us a picture of themselves* before and after using MOLKSOFF; these pictures to be accepted, Hnd used by us, advertising MOLEhOFF. One million people will see your picture with and without an ugly growth oil your • person. FLORIDA DISTR'BUTING CO., Dept. C3lO *■ I'ei.aacola, Florida. ! East Carolina Teachers Training School; A Slate school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one porpose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall Teirn begins September 24, 1912. For catalogue and other information, address ROBERT H. WRIGHT, Principal Greenville - - - . North Carolina ; TOBACCO FLUES ft Have Woolard to make your FLUES and You will have t|ie BEST _____________ / . CARTS AND WAGONS b MADE TO ORDER 1: I Wollards Combined Harrow and Cultivator •w' y ■ t ;• J. L. WOOLARD > ~ WILUAMSTON, N. C. ' .V ' • _ ..j ,-l \ SC. D. CARSTARPHEN & CO. J! o a General Merchants g When you want the Best in J* J Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, (j| Hats, Dress Goods, Millinery, ( 9 Furniture, Hardware, Stoves C 9 and Ranges, Wire Fencing © w A Gome to See Is £ f 110. D. Garstarphen & Go. Wllliamston - - North Carolina §£ eeeeeee c-c-ec-c-c- cc-c# ! © ■ ■ These Cars are more attract "| tive than ever before. Book your order Now for Immediate Delivery. All Cars Equipped with Self-Starters. X THE TOUGHEST ROAD GAR BUILT. X iS. R. BIGGS, Agent €-€-€• €•€?€? Founded 1838 - Chartered 1858 TRI NI T Y COLLEGE IT6 STRENGTH LIES IIS A Largo Well-Tralnod Excellent Building* and equipments Full, Well-Arranged Courses; Earnest, High- Mlndod Studentsi A barge and Uoyal Body of Alumni and rrlendsi Noble Ideals and Traditions) an Inspiring History ■ -=■==— - ■■■■ of Achievement and Service ~ ■ Next Session begins Sept. 11, 191 a. For Catalogue and Illustrated Booklet, address R. I*. rLOWBRS, Secretary. Durham, N. C. TRINITY PARK SCHOOL - ESTABLISHED 1898 Location excellent. Equipment first-class. Well-Trained Faculity of successful experience. Special care of the health of students. An in structor in each dormitory to supervise living conditions of boys under his care. Excellent libnuy and gymnasium faculties. Large athetotic fields. Fall term opens September 11. ; FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. ADDRESS W. W. PEELBi Headmaster, - Durham, N. Carolina v . '? ■ •