VOL. XIII. NO. 5? I Professional Cards 5 Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotbeiapy, X-Ray Diagnosis, Specialties Office over Farmers & Merchant* Bank Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 Wm. 8, Warren - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drug Store - 'Phone 39 Jos. H. Saunders, M. ft. Physician and Surgeon Day 'Phone 53 - Night 'Plione 40 Williams)oll, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount, will be at tkfc At lantic Hotel fourth Wednesday in each month to treat diseases of Jlhe Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Pit Glasses. A. R. Dunning - * C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys-Law Williamstou • North Carolina Robersonville, North Carolina Burrous A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law Williamston • Nprth Carolina 'PHONit 23 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williamston, N. C. Greenville Long Distance Phone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston • North Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston • North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, Fiie. Health, Accident, 1,1. Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston • North Carolina Office on Main Street Society pres«ins . . Glub . . o. C. Price, Manager Phone No. 58 Up-to-Date Cleaing, Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring Very careful attention given to Ladies' Kid Gloves, Faacy "JVsts Coat Suits and Skirts Club Rates for Men. • Clothes called for and delivered Agents for Rose & Co. Merwhant-Tai!. , 7 ' cago.yil mwwwnwi THE ENTERPRISE *» . M GOVERNOR KITCHIN ON SOUND DEMOCRACY He Spoke Interestingly of tbe Record of Senator Sim mons and Reviewed his Votes as Found in the Congressional Records—A Strong Plea for Ihe State Ticket- Was Loudly Cheered EXPLAINS THE BAXTES SHEMWELL CASE Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Gov. W. W. Kitcbin made his first appecr.—cc *".rre siece the Senator ial campaign began. Tbe crowd in the City Hall was not large, but was very enthusiastic. Tbe pupils of the Graded School were given a 1 alf holiday as a mark of respect to tbe Cbtet Executive of the State and many of them heard the speech to its close. Gcv. Kitchin was presented to the audience by Mr. J. L. Hassell, who named him as the next senator from North Carolina. The Gover nor was greeted with hearty ap plause when be came forward and began his address, every sentence of which was ibteresting. With manner and words free from any touch of personalities, be discussed the record of Senator Simmons, who for the last four years has by bis votes placed himself in line with the Republican party. From the Congressoinal Records and from printed speeches of Senator Sim mons, he clinched tbe truth of his assertion that the senior Senator bad in thirteen different iustances forsaken tbe principle* of the Democratic party as laid down in tbe party platform, aud voted against tbe progressive legislation for wbicb the Democrats stand pledged. He asserted bis belief that Senator Simmers was conscien tious, but that he was not in har mony with his party; that Bryan and the most it fluent ial Democratic newspapers in every part of the country recognized Simmons as, a reactionary, and, therefore, not in line with tbe principles of Demo cracy as enunicated at Baltimore and which made Woodrow Wilson the nominee of tbe party. He ex pressed bis willingness to meet Simmons in debate, and pledged himself to withdraw from the cam paign if be could not make his as- I serious true. He told of tbe wonderful progress ox tne ataie during tbe four yean of his office as governor. Touch ing on his own acts since in office, WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, OCTOBER u, 1912 he explained and compared the pardoning power which be had ex ercised, with that of the last two governors, Glenn and the lamented Aycock, especially dwelling on tbe Sbemwell affair. In speakfhg of bis services ts Congressman from tbe Fifth District, he declared that be secured more public buildings and rural routes than any man In the North Carolina delegation not even excepting the Hon. John H. Small, tbe useful representative from the First DisUict, whose labors in behalf of his people have made for him a national reputation. That in the fight led by the Repub lican member of the House, Mr. Crnmpacker, who sought to hum iliate the South by reducing its re presentation on account of those states which had disfranchised the negro, he led the fight against tbe bill and defended tbe South against ber enemies, Crumpacker and Hey burn. He spoke for over two hours and before dosing made a strong appeal for Locke Craig and the entire Democratic County, State and National tickets. Of bis own cam paign, he relteratsd bis claim that he would be elected to succeed Senator Simmons in the United States Senate. It was a splendid address, one of the best ever deliv ered here by any man in political life, and free from any of that tinge of bitterness and personal attack which some of tbe newspapers and critics ot the Governor, have claim ed be has put into his speeches. There were among bis bearers, GOV. W. W. KITCHIN' those who oppose his candidacy and while there was no change in their minds, they pronounced the speech [ad interesting one. The Governor was in splendid form and strength ened the belief of his friends in his cause. Governor Kitcbin left on the five o'clock train for Goldsboro. While in town, be was the guest of the reception committee, Messrs. W. C. Manning, J. L. HasselL, C. H. Godwin and A. R. Dunning,>t the Atlantic Hotel. KITCHIN-SIMMONS DEBATE Mr. Albion Dunn, Representing Kite ta in makes it too warm for Con gressman Thomas, Sim mons' Representative BURGAW, N. C., Oct. 7. Ex- Congressman Thomas representing Senator Simmons and Mr. Albion Duns representing Gov. Kitcbin engsgtd in joint debate here today. Dunn opened in a speech of one hour. Thomas replied for one hour. Both speakers had fifteen minutes rejoinder. Dunn went fully into the record of Senator Simmons in 1908, 1909, 1910 and 1911, showing bow the votes of Simmons upon lumber, coal, iron and reciprocity were absolutely con trary to Democratic principles. He made Congressman Thomas admit that his vote on reciprocity aud the ship subsidy steel were contrary to Simmons' vote on these questions. In the cours: of bis remarks he laid down tbe proposition that if North Carolina is comraitteed to protection Kitchiu will be defeated, that if the state, on the contrary is to remain in the Democratic faith and hold to Democratic principles, then Simmons ought to be defeated. He further showed, to tbe satisfac tion of good Democrats, that Gov ernor Kitcbtn has made a faithful public servant and is needed in tbe United States Senate to uphold and carry out the program of President Wilion. Thomas, in an hour's it joinder, ridiculed the charges and dodged issues absolutely failing to explain the conduct and vote of Senator Simmons in upholding tbe hands of Senator Aldrich in bis trust legislation. - On Dunn's rejoinder, be showed that Thomas had refused to meet the issue and proved in the face of the record SeDator* Simeons bore Congressman Thomas would never be able to explain Simmons' vote on these questions. Thomas in reply still failed to meet the charges against Simmons' record, referring to the youth of his opponent, and bis cwn vast superiority as a debater This was amusing to the supporters of Gov ernor Kitchln when they knew that Thomas had refused to speak un less Dunn opened and he was al lowed an hour in rejoinder and ac cording to those present the youth was there with the goods aud Thomas has yet failed to answer. After the debate there were many favorable comments upon the argu ment produced by Kitcbin's repre sentative and it is currently repott ed that many Simmons' 'advocates left the court house Kitcbin con verts.—Greenville Reflector. Revival Services Rev. J. J. Taylor assisted by D. W. Milam, is holding a series of meetings in the Christian Cburch. They have just closed a meeting in Roberaonville which lasted one month, and there were about fifty accessions. Mr. Taylor is a strong speaker, plain and convincing, holding the earnest attention of his hearers to the close of the services. The singing led by Prof. Milam is attractive and every singer in the town is invited to join the choir These meetings will continue through Snuday and for several nights next week- Everybody is invited to attend. Mrs. Peter Holan, 11501 Buck eye Rd, Cleveland, 0., says: "Yes Indeed I can recommend Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. My little boy bad a bad case of whoop log cough, some time he was blue in the tace. I gave him Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, and it had a remarkable effect and cured him in a short time." Contains no harmful drugs. Saunders & Fow den. Boy Scouts 1 How many of you know that since the Boy Scoot movement started two years ago, there are 400 000 kind deeds extra done each day? One hundred and forty mil lion kiod deeds a year extra! Boy Scouts tie a knot in their neckties in the morning when they start out for the day, and they are in honor bound cot to untie it until they have done some one a good turn. A Boy Scout's honor is a pretty serkus tbitg and can very well be depended upon. Their motto is "Be prepared," and byway of liv ing up to it vast numbers of boys are in training for efficiency, which | will raise the standards of boyhood everywhere and vastly increase the aimy cf self-reliant, responsible men. A boy cannot live up to the very high "scout" standards unless he is healthy and well, therefore he must systematically take care of himself. He must play and sleep and work aud eat well. The Scout commandments are: Thy honor shall be kv.pt sacred, and thy loyally to parents and country unsullied. Be ever ready to save life. Always be a friend to animals. Never under any circumstances take money for doing a kindness or a brave deed. Be thrifty and despise tbe pleas ures of the street corner. Carry your back straight and your bead bravely in order to grow muscular and self-reliant. Refrain from cigaret smoking. Try to be cbetrful and good natured under all circumstances and Be Prepkred. Musi Make Statement By an act of Congress, statements -mnst be made certifying to the ownership, etc., of every newspaper it) the United States. These state ments are called for on the first of April and October of each year. The copies of statements are given to the local prstmaster, who retains one and forwards one to the Third Postmaster General. The state ments are required to be published in the columns of the paper making said statement. That of THE EN TERPRISE follows: Statement Of The Ownership, Management, Circulation, etc , of THE ENTERPRISE, published week ly at Willlamston, N. C., required by Act of August 24th. 1912. Editor, W. C. Manning, Will lamston, N C. Managing Editor, W. C. Manning, Business Managers, W. C. Man ning and F. M. Shute. Publisher, W. C. Manning. Owner, W. C. Manning. (Signed) W. C. Manning. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th. day of September, 1912. (Seal) C. H. Godwin, Notary Public. My commission expires Dec. 23rd. 1913- In Honor Staton A number/of friends were invit ed to the home of Mr*. P. U. Ba;- nes on Wednesday afternoon in honor of the birthday of Mrs. James G. Staton. The guests knew of the nature of the affair, but it was not disclosed to her who was to receive especial honors. This made the occasion an unusually pleasant one to all. Tables were arranged for cards, and handsome score cards distributed to each. Mrs. Statoii was the recipient of many gifts which together with the graciou»- ness of the hostess, were highly ap preciated. SI.OO a Year in Advance A Sad Death Died in Baltimore Md., at the Wtstminester Hotel some time In the night October 3rd. 191 2, John Clayton Rolwrtson son of John A, and Julia Robertson. He was born iu Pitt County Sept. the 6th. iB6O, and was reared and educated near Robersonville, N. C. He took a course in book keeping and penmanship and prepared him self for business life, and taught book keeping and penmanship for some liuir before engaging in busi ng. Then he engaged in a mer cantile buMness with Elder G. D. Roberson for about eight years. He then organized a bank of his own, which he successfully ran for two or three year?. He then or ganize! the bank of Robersonville, and was president of said bank at the time of his death; had been in business with his brother J. L. Rob ertson for nbout two years, in which they were prospering and succeed ing well. He had gone to Baltimore to bay goods expecting to return by Nor folk to meet his wife, and be at the Kehukce Association there. There we received the sad news of his death, which we think was due to apolexy or heart failure, as he was found on the bed partly dressed. He was married to Mary Aliiene Roberson, daughter of Rider G. D. Roberson, May 13th. 1891, which happy union lasted until his death. He leaves her a sad and lonely widow together with three lovely and sorrowful daughters, having lost a little boy some years ago. He joined the Primitive Baptist Church at Plat Swamp and was baptized by Elder G. D. Roberson on the first Sunday in November 1902. Wheu the Church was constitut ed at Robersonville he was in its constitution, and wai chosen clerk and treasurer which offices he filled faithfully until the time of his death; be san£ wtll and delighted in the worship of God, and loved to serve his brethren and friends in any way he could. A feeling of deep gloom and sad ness i - . thrown over our community at his sudden and tragic death; bis bereaved family have our deep and heartfelt sympathy in their sad be reavement. Besides hii wife otid children he leaves an afflicted mother, three brothers and two sisters. We be lieve our sad loss is his eternal gain, and though we are in gloom and sadness it is not without hope of his blessed immortality. We be lieve we can bay ' Wtll uuue iliuu good and faithful servant," and his Heavenly Father will Did him "enter into the joys of his Lord." A la/ge concourse of friends gathered at his burial here, and after services at the church and at the grave, wc laid all that was mortal of bim to rest in the ceme tery here. Peace to thy ashes my Brother. A flection ately r M. T. Lawrenence. ' Notice The County Teachers' Associa tion for white teachers will have its first meetiug for this year in Will iamston on SaturJay, the 19th. inst., at 1:15 p. m., at the Graded School building. All teaciiers in the PuDlic Schools of the county are expected to be present. R. J. Peel, Supr. Mr. Jas. V. Churchill, 90 Wall l St., Auburn, N. Y., has been bothered with serious kidney and bladder trouble ever since he left the army, and says: "I decided to try Foley Kidney Pills as they had CUrcw bo Uiauy pvopw. wuU a auoU found they were just the thing. in a healthy condition. I. gladly recommend them. Saunders fr Fowden.

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