THE ENTERPRISE KULUHRO KVBKY FRIDAY ■ . WllliaaMon, N. C. WILLIAM C. MANNING. EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES taVnt .... fi.oo Mr Months ... .50 Three Months . .35 Strictly Casta la Advance Entered at the Pom OFTOC at WitlUauUui, It. C. as Second Clau Mail Matter. Address all Communications to THE ENTERPRISE, Williamston, N. C. Friday, November 2Q, 1912 Begin Planning The establishment of the Cooper age Company's mills was through the energy and enterpiise of the citizens of Williamston. The mill now in operation, though all the buildings have not teen completed, and the track from the Coast Line Staton is about finished. This all has been accomplished by orgacized effort and necessary funds in the hands of the Holdings Company. But the Cooperage Company and Pants Factory are not industries sufficient—pla;is should be made to establish otlur mil!* litre if not by home folks, then invite other con .cerns to couie. We have an abun dance of swamp timber which can be utilized iu various way; ship ments by boat und rail, thus com - peting with other towns for wood working f.tctcr es. A planing mil! is needed h jr e, And there aie rumors that one wll be built—! ut make it a certainty. No business man has ever con cealed the fact that Williamston i« the best town for a peanut factory in this section The raw material Is here, the labor is waiting to ho hired at a reasonable price for that class of wofk. The Board of Tiade has excell ent reasons for advertising the to wd. beit'K In a paf cr post lion now than evtr to offer inducements for capitalists. No better farming is done in tlie State thau in this im mediate section, and farm lands me at a high premium. Don't lit stop but keep tip tlu pacv which has bten begun bere. "A betUt and biggtr Williatuston," should be the slogan on our lips and fiud echo in the minds and activities cf our citizens. Drinking Too Fast German scientists who recetitv visited the United States declared that Americans drink too fast, and should take moie time in the cou sumption of their potious. Dr. Albeit Oliven, luad of the Berlin Samtoriutu, declared that we should not try to do a.marathon with our beer, to see how much we can drink iu a giwu time, but that one should take his glass and rool with it for half au hour. Now, if there is virtue iu cutting down the allowance of beer, why is there not more virtue in stopping the ailowance altogether? And if one should take a half hour in which to dituk lii*> glass, in order to get the most benefit out of it, why uot make one glass do for three or four year?? As a matter of fact, the only proper way to xirink beer is from an c npty glaes. —Sel Bargain Sale One 2 barrell Bowser Oil Tank, One Pair Side Bar Scales, One 2 Light Gillet Light, lStimpson Counter Scales, One Combination Safe. J. A. Mizell ii 29 Agent J. A. Mizell & Co. NOTICE Oa December 19, 1912, I will sell to the highest bidder all of my per sonal property, snch as mules horses, cow?, farming implements, mowing machines, wagons, carts, buggies, corn, hay, and everything used on the farm. At my resi dence on Hamilton road known as Penny Slade Farm. W. D. Jenkins '*»■ Y>Ss&> **-■+ ' •- *j> -■ ::v. > ... -rr *-f- K rTfl Baking Powder AbsoluteTyPure The Woman Makes the Home She make 3 it bxt who, looking after the culinary department, timrj nor back resolute ly upon unhealthful, cr even fxd accessories. She 13; sho ..~c\v3 that true economy not conjiit in the uso of inferior meat, flour, or baking powder. She is an earnest advocate of heme made, :io;r;-i baked food, and has proved tIK- truth rf the statements of the expert 3 that the best cock* ing in the world txisy L done with Kov-1 Baking Powder. A Deserved Honor lor some tine during the fall term at the University of North Carolina, William H. Harrell a member of the Junior Cliss has been Manager of the Dramrtic Club there. From early hot hood he has demonstrated his histrionic talent in amateur plays htrt- He has fine discernment in neu ters and his interpretations present few flaws for the critic to condemn. While taking much interest in athletics, etc , at the University, he is studying CleuicKl Engineering with the zeal of the scholar who has blotted out "fail" from his vocabulary. Notice Under and by virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court of Martiu County, mndc in the special preceding entitled, Priiitia (snr} nntj*i, itth»T*rro+4> l v4d -Gwr gaiitis vs. J I>. Gurganus et nl», heirs at law, tht undersigned Cominissiuuer will 011 Monday, December 2nd 1911, at u o'clock, at the Court Holme door in Williamson, N. C , off»*r for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract cf l.uul viz; Bounded on North and Ka&t by William Green lund, 011 the South by I'enina Taylor land and ou the West by Rear Grafs road, aijd knowu "The Uoberson Land." Contain ing 77 acres more or les>s. This the 24th day of October 1912. B. A. CRITCHER, Commissioner. North Carolina, Mariiu County. Maggie Bridges vs Will Bridges The defendant above named vlll take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Supeiior Court of Martin County an absolute divorce and I lie said defendant will fur ther tike notice that hi ih required to ap pear at the term of Supei ior Court of *aid Court to be beld on the second Monday after the first Mondiy in March 19 3, it bein the 17th day of March, at the Court house of said county iu Williamson, N. C., and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demand ed in said complaint. This the 14th day of Nov. 1912. J, A. HOBBS, 11-29-41 Clerk Superior Court. CHICHESTER SPiULS DIAMOND 3,1AN0 0 T\ I *' X.AMya f r' k*\ j,.ur i*r,for cnt cnm.TK:t*r» a I>tAMOM> l J;; ( lt t , .u-'./A UOJ.D t,.?-:, *of,!'it (vim klbbivi. T'.uir » i *,ruru. Itir «f V / Drur«*'>' n>ii jtv f,r nr ci)i errtii V 01AM O? n > J.x> l> Pi T. 1.., t r (V . rt t. t Sa,\v *, v, SOI.D BY ALL DRUGGISTS ffli 15, EVERYWHERE SS "My Mamma Says - lis Safe for Children." Public Sale of Timbc Lands Pursuant to an order of the DUtiirt Court of the United State for the Eastern District of Virginia entered iu the mat ter of George 8 Briggs Bankrupt. the undersigned hi in bankruptcy of the tiU'iGir»rge H Briggs, Bankrupt as aforesaid, will at 4 o'clock iu the after noon on the day of December, 1912, at the front door of tin* Couit liou«e of Martiu County, North Carolina, proceed to sell nt public auction for cash, said s'tle ta be subject to the approval of tbe court, nil the title, rights sod interests of the said lieorge ,S. Briggs, Bankrupt, in and to the following described timber rights: (i) All the Handing Ash timber that will measure ten inches or more in dia -1 meter at the stump eighteen inches al»ove ] the general level of tie Uqd when cut, j and h-11 the other timber of everv kind I and description thut will measure twelve inches ornior-r in diameter at the stump eighteen inches above «lie general level jof the land when cut in nod upon the I following tract of land situated in Martin I County, North Carolina, and described |as follows, to-wit: Adjoining Conoboe Creek on the north John Clr-sen on the east, Conoboe Road on the south, and \V. R. vi'hitley on the west; conraing Three Hundred seres more or less and known as the Pasture Neck trnct of land. And jto cut -and remove which Haiti timber, mt.t fffjorge 8, Briiur had years fiotu il.e 'ith day of January, r ,11, mid upon which tin,ber• rights, the said trt-nrpr ft Hriirgs hid paid tr 10000 and there i;j, outstanding as n lieu 1 Helton, cue 110U of o> with interest at sis pti ceut imiiunllv thereon from rhe 6th day ot J Miliary, 191 1, which is now due -ind unpaid with interest thereon as aforesaid; ud the rights of the said George S Briggs therein being more de tinitch nt)d specifically mi out in a deed rrotti N S. Peel, now remaining of re coid in the Office of tbe Register of Dtedei for Martin County, North Caro lina, in Book Al, page 7S, to which said dead refereuce is hereby made for a more juirticulur description of the said lights ond title of the said George $ Brings iu said oroperty. (1) All of the standing timber and lumber of every kiud and description of the si/.e of ten inches or more in diamete r at the stump when cut eighteen inches above the general level of the land, and such as tnny attain that siz* during the continuance of the rightVof said bank rupt in and upon ihe following tract of land situate in Martin County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of \V. J. Whittaker and bound ss follows: Ad j 'lung the Pasture Neck tract of land on uotth. \V. J. Whittaker on the east and south. Conohce Cteek 011 the west, ond containing Three Hundred and Seventy-five acres more or less. And to cut and remove which said tinil>er. the said George S Briggs had twelve years from the 1 2th day of December, 1910, and on which said rights of ticcrge S. Briggs ' n tid last described property, there is now outstanding as a lien there on five notes ol J, 00 00 each, bearing in tereat at six per cent per annum, and payable at t«o, three, foui five and six 1 ears respectively, alter the 12th day of December, it»io;'aud the rights of said George S. Briggs therein being more de finitely and specifically set out in a deed from W. R. Whitley and Minnie Whit ley, now remaining of record in the Of fice of the Register of Deeds for Martin County, North Carolina, in Book At, page 7-I, to which said deed reference is lieu-by made for a more particular de scription of the said rights and title of the said George S. Briggs in said proper ty The above property is sold subject to the liens thereon aforesaid. The pro perty i. foresaid will be lust ottered as a whole, and then separately. OHORGR \V. ROPER, Trustee. Madam, Read McCalt's The Fashion Authority McCALVS U • larm, arCtaic, hand tamely iUuvtraiod 100-pace monthly MAu M ino that it nddinn to the kappa. nf«» and efficiency of 1,100 000 woman each month Kaclt Isntie i hrlmltil of tVlilnn t. fancy. w\»rk, liitnrMtlsg short storle.*, ami s-cores at IrtNii savluK and money whir Ideas f>r wmnmt. There r. 10 nioro than 60 cf i > i the celebrated PAITKR.\'B In eadt Issue. . PATTERNS are toiuous for ;tyle. At, Htmitltcttv ami ocxmouiv. Only lOaod la cents each. 4 The puhtlihm.x r f McCAI.I. S will spond IhotMauda of dollars extra tn thecommit ''! . ordw lo MeOALI-S head nn«l jhoutdor» above all otlww women* lutunutnM n« nay print. However, w£ib 60c * , oar: ' ,oslUv ®')' T-j M»» Sgl«t A»y Orw M-C>n fatltra Fru fitjtn your flr«t copy of McCALL'B. If you KuUtcriljo quickly. TltE IMAU COSPANY, 236 «* 37tk *. tm M NOTE -Ask lor a ltc« copy d McCALI.'S *-o«aW. *ul iirw prrrniuM c*t«lo?ue. Sainpk cupy soul pat. *rn cajUctue alto (i*e oc rrQunt. Just Arrived! A Car Load of the Finest HORSES AND MULES Ever Brought to ... ~y •- & . """ ■ jf . Williamston It will pay You to see them Before Buying * t ... Walter Hassell ■ A " ' . r' . .• . / ". -• ~ - ' • ' . *at Main Street «st., ——-or- : '•% ; . .-• "—" ———— v ''"t " ~ '' v . . ' ... ■ "J -i r ' - . • v " ■' * .. ; • Williamston - - North Carolina