The Martin County Buggy Company WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA Iji • 1 | t " Agents for - We are agents lor the ;i We make Buggies, Surries, Carts and r The Lilliston Peanut Picker International Harvester j Wagons, and use nothing but the Be& ffl i| ' " ' and are in a position to deliver them | Company -• j Quality of material. If you want real buggy on short notice. This machines are || Gasoline Engines j satisfaction give us your order. We also giving entire satisfaction to all to whom Mowers and Rakes j carry a large Stock of Harness, Buggy Robes we have sold. One at our factory on and can fill y° ur orders | and Whips, and have juS received a big • . r ■ [!• exhibition. This is the most up-to- j Up-to-Date shipment of same. Come in and look over date picker on the market today. Call J Fa™ Machinrey | our new Stock of Winter Robes. on or write uk for further information. 11l promptly |j Our Motto: A Square Deal to All AH Kinds of Repair Work Done On Short Notice Satisfaction Guaranteed ASA T. CRAWFORD and W. L. STALLS MANAGERS . The Union Central Life Insurance Company OF CINCINNATI. OHIO PaysLargcst Annual Dividends to Policy-Holders Men must have Insurance, and they should Lave it in the best company. The Union Central's record of forty j ears of conservative management is shown in the extremely low cost of insurance to the policy-bolder. Tbe J results of the present anl the past are the best guarantee for tne future. I FRANK F. FAGAN, Special Agent Villiamston, N. C. I t y- Jonannet's Frost Proof Cabbage Plants Are known as the best to be had anywhere by thousands of experienced buyers, and are offered to you at prices LOWBH than you pay for common, inferior plants. WILL BAVE ALL VARIETIES. Plants tied in bunches of 25. PRICES: 75 cents for 500 iotsj SI.OO per 1000 5 5000 and C 'JOIANATTS'EAKLY' GIANT AIGENTOU ASP ABACUS ROMS, one year and two year old, $4 per 1000, $1 per 100. COUNT AND »ATI»rACTION GUARANTCCO tow rates by Southern Express Co. Cash with order, please. For a profitable crop send your order* early to "Hum ALFEED JWANNET, »W 18», MT. PLEASANT, 5.C. li I Just deceived by Express! Young Horses and Young Broke Mules "THE KIND YOU SHOULD BUY" Come to See Us Washington Horse Exchange B. L. SUSMAN. President JOS. D. 81005, Ae«t. Hanager WASHINGTON, N. O. "Juat around the corner from tbe Court House" mm « A---! ■ mmft rssrasw • * x'h&tv * r -■ A » J. B. SPELLER Dealer in Wood, Shingles, Poultry, Eggs, Furs, Wall Paper aud Baseball Supplies Williamston - North Carolina ANNOUNCEMENT! We have 1 urchased the Ideal Barter Shot) anri the Ideal Pressing Club, and vs ill continue the l-m-iness a' the same stand Our furnishings are practically new und sanitary in tvtry respect and sanitation and got d service will be our paramount issues. Give us a ttial. Brown's Tonsorial Parlor A. O. BROWN, Prop. Gabba&e Plants 250,000 Karly Jersey Wake-field Cabbage Plants from Wood's selec ted seed for immediate delivery nt SI.OO per 1000. I'hcne Augustus Williams Route 1 Robersonville, N. C. BULBS IF YOU PLEASE Our new stock of French and Hol land bulbs are now arriving aud to plant early insures good flowers Remember we make the finest wed ding bouquets aud floral designs Mail, phone and telegraph orders promptly executed by J. L. O'Quinn & Co. f bo RI 8 T 6 - Pbonts 149. Raleigh, N. C. FRED M. SHUTE, Local Agent Improve Your Stock 50 Thoroughbred Berkshires FOR SALE j* All Ages J* Prices Reasonable j* Call on or write J. S. RHODES n-27-4t Williamston, N. C. Notice j On Monday, Dec. anil nt u o'clock, at Oak City, N. C. I will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described land, to-wit: j Ist Tract—A three room Louse, besides dining room and kitchcd, and lot, situat ! ed in Oak City and bounded ou the North by a htrect, on the South by the lands of Casper and Whitley, 011 the by the lands of Luni Koss and on the West by the lands of Casper Bros. Containing be tween five and six acres, now occupied by J. C. H. Johnson. and Tract—A tract of land near Oak City, bounded on the North by the lands ■*»f J, R. Council, on the South by Ihe lauds ot Richard Gatlin, on the West by the lands of Ben Shields and on the Hast by the lands of B. S. Council. Contain ing one hundred acres, more or less, and known at; the "Savannh Tract." 3rd Tract—Situated about four utiles from Oak City, N C. Bouuded on the North by the Unds of T. H. Council, et als, on the South by the lands of Richard Gatlin, on the West by the lands of Ben Shields and on the East by the lands of Ben Shields and Gatlin. Containing two hundred and twenty acres, more or less and known as the "Brown Place." There is a good dwelling house and out houses on same, sixty-five acres cleared. This the 31st day of October 1912. T. H. COUNCIL, Agent. Notice This is to notify all persons having claims against the late firm of J. C. Rob ertson & Company,'of Robersonville. N. C., that a dissolution of said partnership was caused by the death of J. C. Robert son, on the 4th. day of Oct,, 1912, and that they will present their claims to the undersigned on or before the first day of Nov., 1913, at Robersonville, N. C., as required by law in such cases. J, L. ROBERTSON, Surviving partner. Notice. Land Sale! By virtne of a Decree of the Superior Court of Martin County, in a Special Proceedings therein pending, entitled "Rt-übin Harrison, Edmond Harrison, et als, Exparte," I shall expose to public sale before the Court House door ot Mar tin County, on Moiday the 23d day of December, 1912, the following described real estate, to-wit: A certain tract of land, situate in the County aforesaid, Bear Grass Township, adjoining the lands of R. C. Bailey, Alonzo Cowing and others, containing too acres more or less, of which io or 12 acres are cleared. Couiraotly known and designated as the Davis Harrison Heme, and now occupied by Ed mond Harriseu. This the Joth of Nov. 1912. H, W. STUBBS, Com. FOR SALE 12 Chrystal Whit 6 Orpington Roosters THEO. ROBERSON Wllliainstcn, N. C. Notice of Sale Under and by virtne of a decree of the Superior Court of Martin County, made in the Special Proceedings in said court pending entitled. J. W. Burroughs & Others vs. N. A. Burroughs, the under- Mgt.ed will, on Monday the 2nd day of December, at two o'clock p. m, at the Court Hcuse door of Martin County at Williamston, N. C.. efferat public sale to the highest bidder for c.i&h that cer tain tract or parcel ot land bounded and described as follow, to-w't: Bounded on the North by the land* of C. T. Peel; on the West by the lauds of Jim Baruliill; on the East by Beaver Dam Swamp; and on the South by the Hamil ton Public Road, containing sixty (60) acres more or less r»nd being the same land that was hired by Susan Burroughs front her father. This 28th day of Oct. !jt2. A R DUNNING, Commissioner. Notice By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain trust deed executed to me by A. S. Simmons and wife, Nancy Simmons, bearing date November, 20th., 1905, and duly recorded in the Register's office of Martin County, in Book P P Pat page 319, to secure the payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith and the stipulations in said trust deed not having been complied with, 1 shall j expose at public sale io the highest bid der, for cash, on Saturday, the 30th. day of November, 1912, at two o'clock, p. m in front of the Bank of Robersonville, of Robersonvill>*, N. C. in said county, the following described lauds, to-wit: Lying .and being in Robersonville Township in said county, and beginning on the public path, at a pine stump, the corner of as Simmons and Sarah Knox, runs thence down aaid path a northerly course to a lightwood stake, a corner of lot no sin the Abuer S. Coburn land division, thence a straight line across the field a southerly course to a corner of lot no 6, thence a northerly with the line of said lot no 6to the rim of a branch, thence down the run of said branch its various courses to the branch which runs through the A. S. Simmons field, thence a southerly course a straight line to a stake in Sarah Knox's line, thence with Sarah Knox's line to the beginning. Thi9 29th. day of Oct., 1912. A. R. DUNNING, Trustee. Farm For Sale 80 Acre Farm, 18 acres cleared, two story dwelling iu first class con dition; one tobacco barn, gin house; well timbered. For $1950, situated 6 miles from Williamston on main road. B. A. Critcher Notice By virtue of a power of sale contained iu a certain trust deed executed to me by A. S. Simmons and wife, bearing date Dec. nth. 1907, and duly recorded in j the Regbter's office of Martin County in Book TT T, at page 372 to secure the payment of certain bordf beariug even date therewith, and the stipulations in said trust deed not h&vinU been complied with. I shall expose to public sale, to the highest, for cash, on Saturday, the 30th day of November, 1912 , at two o'clock p m., in front of The Bank of RobersonviUe, of Roliersonville, N. C., in t-aid county, the following described buds to wit: laying and being in RobersonviUe Township tn said county, and being lot no 5 in the Abner Coburn land division, and the share drawn by R. B. Brown in said division, and beginning at a stake on the public path, and runs thence N. 69 yi W. to T. A. Andrews' line thence with said Audreivs line to old line of Pitt County, thence with said county line S. 70 li. IJ7 [oles, thence N. 9E. 38 poles, thence S. £7 VV. 38 poles to said public path, thence with sa.d publit path to the beginning. This 29th. day of Oct , 1912. J. C. SMITH, Trustee. > Notice Under and by virtue of a judgment of the Superior Count of Martin County, made in the special proceeding entitled J. H. Mizellet als vs. Alonzo Mizell et als, the undersigned commissioner will on Monday, December 2nd 1912, at 12 o'clock at the Court House door in Will iainston, N. C., offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash, the following describ ed tract of land, viz:—Bounded on the North by Skewarke Church, on the South and East and West by Wheeler Martin land. Containing four and three fourths acres, and being known as the John Mizell tract and being occupied by Luke Mizel!. This the 30th day cf October 1912. B. A. CRITCHER, Commissioner. Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. C. Robertson, deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at RobersonviUe, N. C., on or before the first day of November, 1913 or this notice will be pleaded in bar 01 their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Oct. 19, 19'2. , *A. S. ROBERSON, MARY A. ROBERSON, Administrators,