YQUR ACCOUNT SOLICITED / t BANK OF MARTIN COUNTY « • > » / WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA . I -■ . 4 Resources $250,000. 00 t , J. Q. QODARD, President - C. H. GODWIN, Cashier 544444444444444444444*44** LOCAL ITEMS All notices published In thl* column, where nvnut U to be derived, will be charged at the nle of 10 cento n line, (cuunt »i* wordt to a Hoe), each lMue. Special rate will lie made on mi cvutrarta. —Service at the Baptist and Episcopal Churches on Sunday. —The Baptist Bazaar will open Tec. 3rd. I will sell you checks for as much[( 10, for five cents. All over $lO, tin ctiits, titber Bank.— J. B. Speller. —The Pink Mask tonight and tomorrow night at the Opera House —Williainston can beat Raleigh in fine btock. Ask Walter Hatsell about it. Dr. David T. Taylor* WAS here Friday to see Mr L B Wvnn who is 111 nt his home rfn Ha ugh ton Street —Prof. J. T. Jerome will prcacb in the Methodist Church on Sun day eveni«n. The public is invit ed to attend —The interior of tbe Bank of Martin County has been thoroughly renovated and rendered rooie at tractive. The Director's room, opeuing iuto the office of A. R Dunning and the counting room, is handsomely finished. New furni ture will be used for this nnd will add greatly to the convenience f the officers of the institution —J. A Mizell has sold tbe Ansou Mizdl place lor $6,000 to J. G. Godaru, Jr., and will move tlse where. RevvHo:acf S.-tile, who has accepted the pastorate of the Chris tian Church here for the coming year preached both mornitig and Bight Sunday to poo I congrega tions. —The shooting of John Teel at Jaroe>>ville last Friday night, will recall the night last >ear when of ficers and citizens armed themselves •ad gave chase to a man supposed to be Teel, and the muderer of Rogers. Teel was shot by Ni-ah RoVrson at Jamesville aud then clubbed with tbe gun. Rob ersou claimed that Teel shoi first. —Collector Whetler Mai tin gives an interesting account of the fine farming done on his Main Street Bxtention farm. His corn crop was exceptionally good, and the Money crop much larger than for past years. Plenty of ' hog and hominy" wbereJtheJCoUector Inngß his hat. Huntsville, Ala. W. C. Pollard, * well known citizen, says.—"l have used Foley's Honey & Tar Compound and found it a most ex cellent preparation. In fact, it •aits my case better than any cough syrup I have ever used and I have used a good many, for I am now over seventy years old " Saunders Jk Fowden. t:k ' .. . . . E PERSONAL BRIEFS*! Dr. nud Mrs. J. D. Biggs,, Mrs. H I) Cook and little Miss Eliza beth Cook went to Scotland Neck Saturday by motor. Robert Everett. Miss Annie Fa gan and Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Jr., motoied to Washing ton Sunday and spent the day with friends. Louis C. Bennett left Thursday morning for West Virginia. Ferdinand Getsiager, of Rocky Mount, was in town last week oa .bttsi.MMi. - - - Editor Manning went to Raleigh Monday afternaon and returned Tuesday night, bringing with him his sou, John W. Manning, who while a student at the A. & M., this tern was attacked by rheuma tism, and 'aaa been caafiueu to his roon* for geveral weeks. Rev Rufus Bradley aad Mrs. Levet B Harrison left Tueaday for the Methodic Conference at Fay etteville. Mrs John Moore and son, of Norfolk, are spending the week with relatives in town. S. J. Everett was here frcra Gretv.ville Tuesday on business. Died In Richmond Nei\s of the death of Mr Svlvts ur Godard at Richmond, Wednes dtynijfht, November 20th 1912, A a - , received 'here. After the death ot bis wifrf thirteen years ago Mr. Godard wtnt to live in Rich mond, and several weeks ago wag stricken with serious illness aud died there. Ilis biotlicr, J. Gus Godard, of Dunn, and his only son, Howard, weri with hitn wheu the end came. He was fifty three years old and born in Martin Coun ty, and was the uncle of Joseph G. Godard, of Williauiston. Three children survive hitn a and two daughters. The boJy passed through here on Thursday and was carried to Jamesville, and interred near there in the family cemetery. A large number of relatives and friends paid the last mark of respect to the memory of the dead. Those from here who attended the funeral were Mrs. W. C Manuing, Mrs. J. G Godard, Jr., Miss Sue Leggett and Joseph G. Godard, Sr. "Tells the Whole Story." To say that Foley's Honey & Tar Compound is best for children snd grown persons and contains no opiates tells only part of the tale. The whole story is that it is the best medicine for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and other affec tions of the tnroat, chest and lungs. Stops la grippe, coughs and has a healing and soothing effect. Rem ember the name, Foley's Honey & Tar Compound, aid accept no substitutes. Saunders & Fowden. TOBACCO FLUES Have Woolard to make your FLUES and You will have the BEST CARTS AND WAGONS MADE TO ORDER Wollards Combined Harrow and Cultivator J. L. WOOLARD WILLI AMSTON, N. C. ARRfINTT frECM fOR Thirty-Five Cents the Dozen. The Enterprise BETTOR MEDICINE THAN CALOMEL Dodaon's Livc»-To«c, a Safe Veg etable Liquid, aew take* the place of Calomel, the Power ful Mineral Drug Many people knowthe danger of calomel, \tt thev take it because they know of nothing belter Oth er people are cot afraid of calomel because they do not understand what a dangerous drug it is. Nobody needs to take danperou* calomel (which is made from mer cury) if they live near a store wbtre Dodson's Liver Tone is sold. Saunders & Fowden sells Dod son's Liver Loue. und guarantees it to be a perfect substitute for cal omel It is a pleasaut tasting vegetable tonic, that livens up the liver without causing and restric tion of habit or diet It has none of the bad after-effects of calomel and is safe for children as well as grown-ups. A Mitchell, a genral merchant near Bigdad, Ky , writes us: —"I think Foley Kiduev Pills one of the greatest kidney medicines there is. M> datighter was in terrible shape wiib kidney trouble and I get her to take it She is comple tely cured uow. 1 think it one of the greatest medicines mnde." Saunders & Fowden. The Pink Mask Despite the extremely rough weather last night, tlfe Pink Mask Comedy Co , played to a good house and drew appreciate ap plause. There are fourteen people in the company and each is an artist in his line. The songs and music were catchy and the jokes clean. There was uot a thing off color and for this the audience ex pressed their commendation. One of the most attractive numbers was Baker's ' 'square dance" all by him self. They will show tonight and tommorrow night and lovers of fun should not fail to attend and enjoy the best thing of the season. Farmers and Merchants Bank WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA Capital . $25,000.00 Surplus and Profits $15,000.00 State, Oounty and City Depository wr w 1 'HUg' w «iig . ® ® Qy ® (8) The Bank of Personal Service The Spirit of Modern Banking is to adapt special facilities to the indivi j dual needs of each customer. We endeavor to fully realize this ideal of successful banking ®$ $ m Four per cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits ®®M W ® JOHN D. BIQQS C. D. CARSTAPHEN FRANK F. FAOAN J. L. RODOERSON PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT CASHIER ASST. CASHIER C. D. CARSTARPHEN & CO. General Merchants When you want the Best in Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Dress Goods, Millinery, Furniture, Hardware, Stoves \ and Ranges, Wire Fencing: Gome to See lis G. D. Garstarphen & Go. Wllliamston - - N#rth Carolina