VOL. XIV. NO. 39 Professional Cards Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X- Ray, Diagnosis, Specialties Office on Smith wick St., rear Blount Bfo. Office hours, 8 to 10 m. m., 7 to 9 p. m. Office 'phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 Win. E. Warren - J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drng Store - 'Phone ?9 Jos. H. Saunders, M. b. Physician and Surgeon Day phone 53 - Night phone 40 Williamston, N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount, will be at the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wendnes day in each month to treat dis eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT and FIT GLASSES A. R. Dunning - } C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorney s-.'t-Law Williamston, N. C. Robersonville, N. C. Burrous A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law Williamston - North Carolina 'PHOHK 23 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williamston, N. C. Greenville Long Distance Phone 328 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston - North Carolina John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, Fire. Health, Accident, Live Slock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston - North Carolina Office on Main Street f 1 ' Society Pressing t . Glub . . O. C. Price, Manager Phone No. 58 q up o-Date Cleaing, | Pressing, Dyeing and Tailoring Very careful attention |giveh to Ladies' Kid Gloves, Fancy Waists Coat Suits and Skirts qßlClub Rates for Men. Clothes called for and delivered £| Agents for Rose & Co. V Merchant-Tailors, Chi tSb*o. in a THE ENTERPRISE Institute dosed The Martin County Teachers' Institute closed last Friday after noon. The attendance was splendid and though the weather was extremely warm, the atten tion of those who entered was marked. There were about forty two' enrolled before the term end ed. Prof. Bachman, who con ducted the school, gave thorough instruction in those things nec essary to the training of a teacher. Miss Sue Fulghum, who instructed in the primary grades, was forced to leave after several days, having been called to Balti more to the bedside of her mother, who is very ill in Johns Hopkins Hospital. But for this unfortunate circumstance, the Institute would have been second to none in the State in its value to the teachers. Miss Fulghum is one of the most successful teachers in primary work in North Carolina, and her work in the Institute complete in detail. Prof. R. J. Peel tendered the teachers and the young people of the town a reception at the Lotus Club on last Wednesday evening, which was very enjoyable. A pleasing programme was render ed and refreshments were served before the close of the hours. Prof. J. JD. Harris, of the Rocky Mount schools, was here several days and his work proved helpful to the Institute. Those in attendance took an examina tion on the work during the two weeks. Breaks His Ankle The county at large will regret very much to learn that Judge Francis D. Winston broke his left ankle last Wednesday night. It occurred at his home about 8:30 o'clock. He was coming down the stair-steps and when on the fifth step from the bottom his heelcaught and he fell practically the full length of himseif, break ing one bone and deslocating another in his left ankle. For a man his size and weight it is sur prising that he did not injure himself more, and in this his friends throughout state will re joice, regreting that the accident is as bad as it is. The doctor was immediatly called and dress ed the wound and remained with him the night through, and he is now doing as well as could be ex pected and resting as comfortably as possible considering the ex treme warm weather and his large phipique. It is hoped he will be able to be up about the house in two weeks. This is the second time he fias hurt this same leg. Some years ago he broke a sinew and was forced to use an elastic band and suffered from it for several weeks. Windsor Ledger. Organiser Rfcmseur Here On Tuesday night of last week, Hubert Ramseur, Orgairfzing Sec'y of the N. C. Just Freight Rate Association, met a few in terested citizens at the City Hall and formed an organization for Martin County. Owing to local conditions, only a small number of the business men were present, but the inter est here in the movement is strong as freight discrimination has been going on for years at this place. After a short talk by Mr. Ramseur, who carefully ex plained the objects of the meet ing, the following were' elected as officers of the Martin County Association: Geo. W. Blount, President; P. F. Apfel, Vice- President; JohnL. Haßsell, Sec'y. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, JULY n. 1913 ' "•' - i ■Jm - A Delightful Occasion On July 3rd., Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Jr., was hostess in honor of her sister, Miss Helen* Poteat and Mi's. Francis Hassell. The handsome residence was decorat ed with the National colors—Old Glory waved in the Southern breeze, showing forth the patrio tism in the heart of the home. On the arrival of the guests, a ticket was given to each and Jthe one holding the corresponding number was the partner. Then books were distributed and the guests took an imaginary trip, making en route a tourist's book. From magazines furnished, the guests selected their route, ire sorts, hotels, menus, etc. When these were finished; they were attractive souvenirs. After the booklets were completed, the guests were invited out on the verandah, where iced tea with salad was served. The second course was delicious ice cream and cake completing a most refreshing menu. Later the guests depart ed with the thought that the oc casion was one of the most de lightful during the season. Died in Norfolk News reached here by wire on Thursday that the death of Mr. Jack Brown had occured at St. Vicent's Hospital early that morn ing Mr. Brown was desperately ill in the spring, but avoided an operation for appendicitis. On Wednesday of last week he went to Norfolk accompanied by his" brother-in-law Charlie Moore, and later was operated on by Dr. Payne. His condition was a! serious one as the operation show- 4 ed. Mr. Robert Brown went to Norfolk Wednesday night, but was too late to see his brother alive. His body was brought here today. . Embroidery Club Mrs. A. R. Dunning entertained the Emboidery Club at her home on Main Street, Tuesday after noon. The honor guests were, the Misses Bethea; of Florence, S. C., Mrs. Alonzo Hassell, Mrs. C. B. Clark, of Durham; Mrs. J. P. Simpson. There were pleasant conversation and fancy work to make the hours pass to the enjoy ment of each, and the host&ss in vited the guests in the dining room where salads, tea, pickles, saltines, sherbet and cake were served. To each was given as a souvenir of the occasion, a unique powder book especially suited for travel in the summer. These were attvactivily made and their usefulness rendered them accept able gifts. 300 Gallons in a Month , Referring to the recent capture of blind citizens who live in Will iamston and get their booze at Spe''ers Ferry, The Windsor Ledger comments on the number of gallons thus: "It is said this has been going on for some various men in Martin county having liquor shipped to Speller's Ferry, in Bertie county. And tjiat the i books of the agent show that over three hundred gallons of liquor have been shipped or re ceived there in the last month. ; This is the biggest haul yet made in this or the nearby counties, and will no doubt put a quietus to the ilicit traffic, for a while at least, if not altogether, certainly to using Bertie landings as a subtefuge and creating the im pression that the business is car ried on this county." j ' Oak City Items* N. C. Hines, of Dunn, spent Saturday night with his father, J. L. Hines. The Misses Elinor and Helen Hines are spending some time at their grandfather's home. Miss Anna Mae Harrell left for Norfolk Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. C.'Crispspent Sunday with their son. Wheyland Casper spent the latter part of last week at home. Mr. J. D. Daniels spent last week in Norfolk. The little Misses Mddena An drews, of Ocean View, and Helen Everett, of Robersonville, are spending the week with Dare and Beatrice Daniels. , Glasgow Evans, of Tarboro, I was here Monday to see his son. Marvin Everett and Wheeler Daniels spent last week in Rober sonville. G. C. Weeks and family, of Scotland Neck, spent Wednesday here with relatives. Lawrence Stalls and mother, of Williamston, were here Tuesday. J. A. Hobbs, of Williamston, spent Sunday here. W. K. Hurst and wife spent last week in Tarboro. Philatheas Entertain On Monday evening at the home of Miss Lettie Critcher, the Pnil atheas of the Baptist Sunday School entertained the members of the Baraca Class. There were other guests and the occasion was % «rost pleasant one. Games and music made the hours pass joy ously to every one present. These two classes are very enthusiastic and form an important part of the Sunday School work. Ice cream and cake wereoerved and thoroughly enjoyed. At an hour all too soon for the guests, the good nights were uttered and so ended another delightful meet ing of the two classes. USE OF CALOMEL PRACTICALLY STOPPED Dangerous Drug Giving Way for Safer, More Reliable Remedy Hundreds of people in this vicinty alone have stopped the use of dangerous calomel when their liver is acting slowly, and take Dodson's Liver Tone instead. Dodson's Liver Tone is always safe and has none of the bad after-effects which so often follow the use of calomel. It is a plea sant-tasting vegetable liquid that starts the liver gently and surely, and relives constipation an bili ousness and causes no restriction of habit or diet. Many preparations have sprung up that imitate the claims made for Dodson's but re member Dodsoe's Liver Tone is the tried and tested remedy that has proven such a good medicine and is so satisfactory to every user—is the reason these imita tions are on the market. Dodson's Liver Tone cannot hurt anyone and if it fails to do all that is claimed for it Saunders & Fowden who sells it, will give your money back with a smile. Not Out of The Race Those who attended the races at Battleboro, saw a Martin County horse take everything in sight. Limber Twig, formerly owned by Dr. Warren, but now in the possession of W, G. Barn hill, of Everetts, exhibited some of his old-time vigor and showed Hassell Items Mrs. R. H. Salsbury spent Tuesday in Scotland Neck. Miss Bessie Roberson has re turned from* the Institute at W'lliamston. Miss Gladys Cherry from Speed is visiting Misses Julia and Louise Salsbury. Mrs. Frank Roberson visited her daughter, Mrs. Buckman, in Washington last week. T. C. Hyman, of Wilson, and Henry Cherry, of Speed, were in town Sunday. Mrs. Lou Lawrence, who spent last week at the home of her brother, R. H. Salsbury, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. M. E. Starling spent sev eral days in Robersonville last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Johnson spent Sunday in Oak City. Little Miss Callie Mae Rober son, of Robersonville, spent sev eral days with Grace Starling last week. Misses Alma and Selma Flem ing are attending the summer school at Chapel Hill. Miss Nannie House, of Stokes, was here last week visiting friends. J. H. Eubanksand family, who had their home burned last week, have moved into the Gordy house on the edge of town. Miss Myra Fleming spent a few days at Stokes last week. Miss Vivia Reeves has just re turned from a visit to her sister, Mrß. Wiggins, of Tarboro. R. H. Salsbury and son Robert, have returned from a trip to Washington, Baltimore, Gettys burg and other Northern cities. Miss Minnie Bryant, of Gold Point, visited the Misses Rober son this week. J. H. Johnson spent last week in Oak City. A. R. Haislip attended the re union at Gettysbury last week. Miss Laura Salsbury is attend ing the summer school at Green ville. Parmele Items Miss Nina Whichard left Mon day for her home at Stokes. Roy and Lucius Ward were in town Sunday. Carl A. Tranham spent the week-end here. Norman Powell from Tarboro spent the week-end here. Fred S. Powell spent Saturday and Sunday near Hassell. D. S. Powell, L. L. Roberson and J. L. Speight went to Willia mston Monday. Mrs. L. M. Savage returned home from Sanford Saturday af ter a visit there to reletives. Mrs. William Gray and children of Greenville, spent Thursday with Mrs. R. L. Nelson. Miss Bernice Teel, of Everetts, spent the week with her aunt, Mrs. J. H. Bryan. Willie Stokes with a party of friends notored here Sunday. Mrs. Jennie Brown spent Fri day in town. The members of the M. E. Church gave a picnic on the Fourth for the benefit of the Sun day School. the other entries his heels. He was driven by Ben Whitley, of Washington, who is a veteran horseman, and Limber Twig easily won against younger and supposdly faster racers under his management. Si.oo a Year in Advance Hamilton Items George Brown is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Long. Mrs. Arrington Kitchin and children are visiting Mrs. J. B. Cloman, ,~ Mrs. E. B. Darden has return ed to Norfolk. Misses Rachel and Helen Ed moudson visited Mrs. Noah Shep herd in Rocky Mount last week. Mr. Austin, of Enfield, spent several days in Hamilton this week. Mrs. John Haskett and daugh ter, Hilda, of Kinston, are visit* ing Mrs. B. L. Long, 1 Mrs. Henry Avent, of Rocky Mount, is the guest of Mrs. Flem ing this week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Sherrod spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sherrod Salsbury. P. L. Salsbury returned Thurs day from a trip to Lynchburg, Natural Bridge and Luray Cave, Va. Sherrod Salsbury and family with Miss Lillie Way Baker and Sherrod Baker visited Enfield last week. / F. L. Haislip spent Friday and Saturday in Norfolk. Richard Slade and family re turned to their home in Colum bus, Ga., last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Coon Andrews have moved from here to Wash-' ington, where he will go in the grocery business having sold out here to Thurston Pippin. Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Fleming, Mrs. J. P. Boyle, Miss Hurlbuet, Miss Lillie Way Baker, Mr. Sher rod Salsbury and family: Messrs. Pat Davenport, Horace Ellis, Charlie Perkins and Willie Sher rod attended the races at Battle boro on the Fourth. Bear Grass Items Death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers on the 2nd. instant, taking away a little child. Miss Maud Powell, of Gold Point, spent Sunday with Miss Naoni Rogerson. Wiley Rogerson, of Roberson aille, was in town Wednesday on bn^iness. W. S. Bailey, of Norfolk, was Friday and Saturday. A. B. Rogerson, of Everetts, spent Sunday witn his parents. J. S. Peele, of Everetts, was in town Wednesday. Miss lettie Roberson spent Sun day in the country with her sis ter. Charlie Cratt has returned from Western North Carolina, where he went for his health which is improved. Received Clerkship Mr. Joseph F. Taylor, of Wash ington, has received the appoint- - meet of clerk to the Finance Com- - mittee of which Senator Simmons is Chairman. The position was made vacant by the resignation of A. D. Watts, who has been ap pointed Collector for the Western District. Mr. Taylor was a ean» didate for the position of Collect or for the Eastern District now occupied by Wheeler Martin, Sr., . of Williamston. His candidacy developed some opposition, and a ; vacancy occuring in the clerkship . he was tendered the job and ac- - ceptad. The salary is $3,000 per * year. Mr. Taylor has many friends here who will be pleased at his appointment,.

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