PERSONAL . 2j ' I T. J. Latham is in town from Washington City this week. Misses Martha and Elizabeth' Hassell went to Kinston Wednes day to visit their aunt, Mrs. C. A Jeffress. Miss Myra Hodges, of Washing ton, is the guest of Mrs. C. W. Keith. Misses Rachel Edmondsou and Annie Davenport, of Hamilton, were in town Wednesday visiting relatives. N. S. Peel went to Waynes \4lle Wednesday. Miss Sallie Harris is visiting friends in Greensboro. Rufus Carson, of Bethel, mo tored here Monday and spent the day with Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Page. O&rroll Fagan, of Dardens, is visiting relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Robert son, of Ahoskie, have been visit ing their parents here this week. Mrs. J. B. H. Knight, Miss Frances and Master Charles Knight after visiting relatives in New York and Pittsfield, Mass., returned home last week. Mr?. Elizabeth Pope, accom panied by little Misses Margaret Mantling and Martha Gotten Crawford, left Thursday fcr Ocean View. Mr?. F. K. Hodges and Misses Eva and Pearl Wolfe went to Ocean View Thursday. Mi. and Mrs. Walter Hassell returned Friday from Crockett Spring?, Va., Miss Carrie Dell Blount has re turned from Richmond where she has been for the past month. Miss Mary Dare Brown .has been in Norfolk this week the nf Miss Ruth Roberts on Morati Avenue. Misses Jessie Brown and Maud Wynn are visiting, friends at Aurelian Springs. E. T. Cowper and sons, Thur man and Roscoe, with Mrs. James E. Moore left Saturday for Vir gini.i Beach. John W. Manning has been visiting relatives in Norfolk this week. Miss Marie Perkins is visiting Miss Daisy Manning on Haugh ton Street. Misses Ella Pender, Mary How ell and Katharine Cobb, of Tar boro, are the guests of Miss Fan nie Biggs Martin. Misses May Baarett, of Farm vilie. Marjorie Barnhill and Gen eva James, of Rodersonville, are visiting the Misses Wynne on Haughton Street. Misses Mary Sifith. of Ply mouth, and Katherine Cobb, of Tarboro. are the guests of Miss Fannie Biggs Martin this week. Mrs. W. H. Crawford is at home after a trip to Virginia Beaih. Richard Perry, of Palmyra, has been visiting his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. George Stanton and little child, of Macon. Ga., are visiting their aunt, Mrs. W. T.Meadows, on West Main Street. J. R. Robertson, Clyde Waters, J. R. Mobley and Will Ambrose left for Hot Springs. ArJt., Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. John Fraley. of Tarboro, have been in town this week en route from Elizabeth City, where they attended the funeral of Mr. Fraley's father. The Misses Gladys and Lula Keel, accompaniedlby Miss Mat tie Lou Anderson, left Monday for their Mount; Alonzo Hassell spent the week end at Virginia Beach. Harvey Cox from Christ School, Arden, has been in Itown this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. I Dunning ywH little daughter are at hoine from Virginia Beach. . ... „ J Rev. M. E. Bethea and Master | Theodore left Monday for Flor- ! ence, S. C., where they will vis it relatives for two weeks. Miss Emma Griffin, accompani ed by H. A. Biggs, went to Roa noke Rapids Monday to visit rela tives. Miss Annie Kate Thrower left Sunday for Suffolk to visit friends in that city. Miss Anna Strong, of Raleigh, is the guest of Mrs. J. H. Sann-- ders on Church Steet. Dr. James S. Rhodes, who for the past three months has been attending lectures at Baltimore and Harvard College, returned Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Staton, J. P. Simpson and family, Mrs. C. D. Carstarphen and children and Mrs. W. R. Fowden returned from Virginia Beach Tuesday. LOCAL Five Sundays in this month. Remenber Chill Killer will do the" work. Sold by Saunders & Fowden. Lost—one cow and calf. Col or dark creaiji, calf dark red. Marked crop and split in left ear. Out about four week. —J. A. Per ry, Williamston. For torpid liver, use McNair's Blood and Liver Pills. Sold by Saunders & Fowden. There will be preaching at the home of Tom Wiggins on the farm of Geo. L. Whitley Sunday at 2 o'clock.—J. L. Cherry. - -For chills and fevers take Chill Killer. It's guaranteed. Sold by Saunders & Fowden. 25 and 50 cents. The Annual Meeting at Skew arkey will begin Friday and continue through Sunday. Big Stock of fruit jars that must be sold. All sizes.-"M. B. McGowan, City. —lf one bottle of Chill Killer fails to break up your chills and fever, we will gladly refund your money. It is a great convenience to the public to be able to use the phone line to Plymouth. The copper line will be extended to Tarboro. LOST, Stolen or Loaned Out, one double-barrelled Remington gun. Return to W. A. Ellison, City. Services at the Baptist Church on Sunday morning and night. There will be no services -at the Episcopal Church as the rector is away on his vacation. A small number of the young people including several visitors, enjoyed a dance Thursday night of last week at the Masonic Hall. Alexander's Orchestra furnished the music and those dancing en joyed the evening though the heat was tropical. —No Calomel or other purga tive is required when you take Chill Killer. It's the wonderful purgative Chill Tonic. Sold by Saunders &,Fowden. 25 and 50 cents. Saturday afternoon, the horse being driven by Miss Hattie Lou| Ward became frightened at the! car ofvH. A. Biggs in front of his home, and threw her out of the baggy with Miss Delia Snithwick, who was driving with her. Both were, bruised and nervous, but there were no serious injuries. FOR SALE—I9I3 Model, Mo tor Cycles and Motor Boats at bargain prices, all makes, brand new machines, on easy monthly payment plan. Get our proposi tion before buying or you will re gret it, also bargains in used Mo tor Cycles. Write us today. En close stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 11 Trenton, Mich. John L. Rogerson has complet ed and furnished his handsome residence on West Main Street, and as soon as Mrs. Rodgerson can leaVe her room at the Roan oke Hotel, she and Mr. Rodger son will occupy it Mr. and Mrs. G. P. McNaughton are at present | in the home. —Five or six doses of Chill Killer will stop any case of chHls, jif not will refund \your money. | Sold by Saunders & Fowden. 25 and 5b cents. Educated— Has your engineering course taught you anything? Son—Has it! You ought to see me operate a corkscrew!— Pen nsylvania Punch Bowl. Tokens of Trade—"l went to the Bootmakers' Union dinner last night." "What were the 'eats'? "Sore, tongue, shoestring pota toes and Reach cobbler."—Yale Record. At the Game "A man on first and third!" said he. "Here's where we work the squeeze!" "Oh, Charlie, dear, not right out here—lt is so public, please!" Cornell Widow. Don't take menicine for sleep lesness; take a bath. Reoort of the Condition of the Bank of Martin County Williamstou, N. C., at the clow Q{ busi ness June 4, 1913 RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts $lB9 345 34 Overdraft* 7,006.53 N. C. State Bonds 1,000.00 All other stocks bonds, nit#* 2,376.00 Banking house fur. and fixt'rs 1,950.00 Due from banks and banker* 26,987 27 National bank notes, etc. 6,601.58 Total $235,268.62 LIABILITIES , Capital Stock 9 15,000.00 Surplus Fund 22,000.00 .Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 2.628.12 Dividends unpaid 252.00 Bills payable - 33,000.00 Time certificates of deposit' 62,796.90 Deposits subject to check 93,868.14 Due to banks and backer 5,720.46 Total (335,265 62 State of North Carotins, County of Martin, *•: 1, C. H. Godwin, Cathler of the above-nsmed bank, do solemnly awear that the above state nent la true to the beat of my knowledgt and belief, C. H. GODWIN, Cashier Correct—Atteat: J. G. Godard, A, K. Dunning \V. C. Manning, Directors. Subacribed and sworn to before me.this udsy of June lyij. Burrous A, Critcher. Notary Fubltc THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained bv the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to degrees. Special Courses for teachers. Fiee tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State. For catalogue and other information, address JULIUS I. FOI'ST, PUKSIPKNT 6-20-8t Greenaboro, N. C. Executor's Notice Having qualihedas executor of the will of Joan T. Hvtiiau. deceased, late of Mar tin County, N. C. This is to notify all persons claims against the estate of said estate to eikibit them to the undersigned at Oak Citv, N. Ci, ou or before June 14th 1914, or this notice will Le pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persous in debted to said estate will please nuke immediate payment. This June 14th, 1913. JOHN T. DANIEL, 6-20-6t Executor of John T. Hynian. No. Six-Sixty Six This is a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER, Five or sis dose* will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better thar Halomel acd doe* not tripe or sicken. 25c CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND LADIES I r &A &ON D*SSaND'PILUMa GOLD metallic boxes, sealed with BluefA) Wbboa Takb no otbbb. b» «r j,»\T/ InoM »4 aak (be 081-CWU-ms V DIAMOND BEARD PILLS, for twenty-fls* years regarded >s Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TBIJU) EVERYWHERE gXBL R U B-M Y-TIS M Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic used in ternally and externally. Price 25c. H Squander Now and : m ji You Suffer Later m pi "Whatever a man soweth, that shall he alsp reap." \ jB Service and safety are prime essentials in a bank. We offer you both. S Keep in mind that we are the bank that does things. Save for the ® par rainy day while the sun of prosperity is shinning. Call and let us jjfir jjg talk the matter over with you. jffi 1 Farmers and Merchants Bank \ff. WILLI AMSTON, N. C. | K |jj STATE, COUNTY AND CITY DEPOSITORY || W JOHN D. Bioas C. D. CARSTARPHEN FRANK F. FAQ AN J. L. tfjr PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT CASHIER _ ASST. CASHIER . Ik (I;®®®®© ®®®®®® Notice North Carolina, Martin County. All persons will take notice, that they are hereby forbidden, under the penalty law, to catch or attempt to catch fish with *eine, Kill net, trap or any other net, trap or teine of whatever kind, name, charac ter or description, or any other manner whatsoever, except with hook and line on my land in Poplar Point Township, Martin County, and commonly known as the Mobley Mill Poud, and bounded and described as follows to-wit: That certain piece or parcel of land situate in Martin Countv, adjoining the lands of J. A. Everett, Cowan, Martin & Critcher, and others, and described as follows: It being the Mobley Mill and Mill site site containing tour (4) acres more or less, and being the same which Harrison Bros. & Co., sold to Wvnn, September », 1912. This 28th day of June, 1913. J. A. EVERETT. Choice Cut Flowers ! Roses, Caranations and Violets a specialty. Our artistic arrangements in wedding outfits are equal to the best. Nothing finer in floral offerings than our styles. Pot plants, palms and ferns for house decoration Rose bushes, shrubberies, ever greens, hedge plants and shade trees. Mail, telephone and telegraph orders promptly executed. J. L. O'Quinn & Co. r uo u I 8T » Pbones 149. Raleigh, N. C. FRED M. SHUTE, Agent Mrs. Mattie Speller (Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE Phone 35 Wllllamston. N. C. For Absolute Safety Deposit Your Money With Bank of Robersonville RobersonvtUe, N. C. OUR MOTTO: Safety First . 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on TIME I DEPOSITS 00 J. H. ROBERSON, J*., President Jg A. S. ROBERSON, Vice«Pre«ident J. A. MIZELL, Cashiej^ OVER 68 YCARS' Og|^^^n^CXPCItlENCC I I L J J * L J J ~ 1 i ■ ■ ■ i ■ -J Vl■!k |l% 1 TRADE MARKS TlMHir Designs 9 "FT" 1 COPYRIGHTS 4C. A nvono »ond!ng » eketoh and detcrimton mtmj qnlokl* ucermin otir opir.ton frM wlitilitr an Invention Is probkblT patentable Corerounlea tlone etrloOr eoußdeuUaJ. HANDBOOK on Pat ante •enlfrea. eldest eirancy toraaounncpatenta. Patauta taken throuah Muuu M Co. Noiln *«W notice, without cbana, In the Scientific Unerican. iL handsomely Illustrated weakly. I .arrest ctr» ccintlon of any i ntntiflc journal. Terms, $5 a mss£~&& ? Our Service Includes Satisfaction or Your rioncy Refunded YOUR MONEY BACK IF IT FAILS \ After working for three long years, we have at j \ last so perfected a CHILL TONIC that we can \ guarantee to our customers and friends. It I i positively will cure Chills, Fever, Agues, Ma- | larial in all their forms. Also acts on the liver j \ and does not gripe or siken. I NO CURE, NO PAY—Remember we GUARANTEE j SAUNDERS & FOWDEN, Druggists j WILLIAMSTON - - NORTH CAROLINA 'j | s 1 s If we served you well, please call again. If not, tell us that we ! repair the wrong:, before too late. We need your buiiness j -^uuinjuwirJWiruv^vyvi/vvuY^fir^ East Carolina Teachers Training School j I ' A State School to train teachers for the public \ Schools of North Carolina. Bvory energy la dl ) rlcted to this one purpose. Tuition free to all j ) who agree to teach. Foil Term begins Septem ] bar 23, 1913. 1 * '] •X ' I j for catalogue and other Information address ROBT. H. WRIGHT. President I Jv4l2t Greenville, N. G. | Hm sinoe ISM given "Thorough Instruction under positively Christian influences at the loweat possible cost." RESULT: It is to-day with its faculty of 83. a boarding patronage of 863, its student body of 413, and its plant worth t160,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA SIM pays'all charges for the year, including table board, room, lights, steam heat, laundry, medical attention, physic*! culture, and tuition in all subjects exoept music and elocution. For catalogue and appficatloa blank address, REV. THOB. KOSSER REEVES, B. Ah Principal. BLACKSTONE, VA. TOBACCO FLUES Have Woolard to make your FLUES and You will have tHe BEST CARTS AND WAGONS MADE TO ORDER Woloards Combined Harrow and Cultivator J. L. WOOLARD & CO. WILLIAMSTON, N» C. jJ

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