VOL. XV. NO. 8 Efete* Officers The annual election of officers in Skewarkee Lodge on Tuesday evening, resulted in the choice of the following; Dr. James S.- Rhodes, Worshipful Master; Hen ry D. Taylor, Senior Warden; John E. Pope, Junior Warden; C, D. Carstarphen, Treasurer; A. D. Mizell, Secretary. The other officers are appointive ones, and will becJiosen by the Master. It was decided to have, the instal lation and banquet on the last - Tuesday night in December. Dr. Rhodes, J. E. Pope and H. D. Taylor form the committee to arrange the banquet Professional Cards Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X- Ray, Diagnosis, Specialties 'Office on Smith wick St., rear Blount Bro. Office hour», 8 to 10 «. tn.. 7 to 9 P- m Office "phone 60 - Night 'phone 63 Wm. B. Warren • J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Bigg* Drug S'ore - 'Phone 79 J Jos. H. Saunders, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Day phone 53 - Night phone 40 Williamston, N. C. a Dr. R. L. Savage \ 2 of Rocky Mount, will be at the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wendnes day in each month to treat dis eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT and FIT GLASSES A. R. Dunning • I C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys.'t Law Williamston, N. C. Robersonville, N. C^~ Bnrrous A. Critcher - Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Jr. > Martin & Critcher Attorneys-at-Law - Williamston - North Carolina •PHON* S3 S. J.^Everett ' Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. - Williimaton, N. C. - Greenville Long Distance Phone %a 8 S. A. NEWELL Attorney at Law - North Carolina Clayton Moore Attorney at Law Williamston «• - North Carolina • . . - 1 •. ■ . John E. Pope General Insurance, Life, Fire. Health, Accident, Live Stock Real Estate - Brokerage Williamston - North Carolina ' Office on Haughton Street Phone 14a Dr P. B. CONE Dentist Qffie same one used by Dr. White. Willjt* in office each day. \ Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 Phone No. 9 THE ENTERPRISE LOCAL . ;; 1'- . * Full moon tomorrow. Court this week. Almost time to bring in* the Yule log. , The Xmas spirit is in the air and the shoppers in the stores. Services at the Baptist and Episcopal Churches on Sunday. Note change in the ad of J. P. Simpson, and see him about the car. x The small boy and the fire cracker are very much in evid ence. Prof. J. T. Jerome filled the pulpit at the Methodist Church on Sunday. Thanks to the moon, the town has been better illuminated for the past week. W. T. Ward & Go., purchase the famous Kentucky mules there's none better. See them. FOR SALE CHE A P.-One pair of Stimpson Platform Scales. Two pairs of Scales with brass scoops. -J. A. Mizell, City. A visit to Harrison Bros will give you an excellent idea as to the gifts which you should give the loved on§s at home. Why not order your Photos and Photo Calendars NOW from the Williamston Studio and avoid tl|e Christmas rush? WANTED:—We want to buy live cattle. Williamston Land and Improvement Co. The A. C. L. Railroad will erect a proper structure at the Main Street extension to replace the present piling, which is both un sightly and unsafe. WANTED.—Several carpen ters at once for rough and inter ior work. Two months Job. Best wages. Come with tools ready to work.—C. V. York, Green ville,lN. C. 4 Old Winter come in on the wings of a forty-mile gale Sun day. The rain fell and made the day very unpleasant. Monday morning, the mercuryhad fallen considerably and ice formed. Every child should see Santa Claus at Saunders & Fowden's Drug Store. The window repre sents the sweetest story ever told to little children at this season. Walk inside the store and buy your gifts. _ . Last week, T. C. Cook placed a mule in the break to shoe it, and the animal stood quietly and after the work was done, it was taken out and in a few minutes fell dead. The animal was very old, and no doubt, was in poor condition. Frank Britton and famly, who removed from here to Beauforr County the first of the year, have returned to Martin County and are living at the Watts farm in East Williamston, Mr. Britton will have the management of the farm next year. The town resembled a slum quarter in a city on, Saturday night, and there was none to break, up the disorder. However two offenders had to pay the price on Monday before Mayor Godwin. A proper administra tion of the law would fill the hours of the court for more than a day and increase the treasury. Why is this not done? Watch Ukef^ See the label on your paper and if in arrears, we will greatly ap preciate a renewal. Just put the money in an envelope and mail to us. We will send receipt promptly. WILLIAMSTON. N. C.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER n. 191 j PERSONAL t ' T. B. Slade was here from Hamilton Tuefday. J. O. Guthrie has been in town this week on business. P. F. Apfel has returned from a trip to Buffalo, N. Y. Rev. H. C. Bowen was here Wednesday on business. A. D. Mizell visited relatives near Bethel on Sunday. Judge F. C. Winston has been in town this week attending Court Mjss Annie Lamb is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lamb in Wil son. .... Watts Martin, of Norfolk was in town last week visiting rel atives. Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Standford have returned from the Confer ence at Oxford. Mrs. W. R. Fowden, who has been in Durham \ for several weeks, has returned home. Messrs. W. H. and K. B. Craw ford, J. S. Cook and J. G. Staton went to Waterlily, on the Curri tuck Sound, this week to shoot ducks. „ Buy Red Croat Seal* The sale of Red Cross Seals means help to victims of the great plague, consumption, which is killing 6,000 people in North Car olina every year. These seals are being sold throughout the United States, and it behoves every man, woman and child who will use a stamp during the holi days, to buy them. Business men everywhere stamp every letter sent out with one of these seals, because in this way they are helping the afflicted in their own and other places. Prof. J. T. Jerome has charge of the sale here-seehim and get a supply for Christmas. Nineteenth Anniversary In a beautiful Christmas cover, the Daily Reflector published in Greenville, which is situated in the great County of Pitt, cele brates its nineteenth anniversary. It is happy in its arrangement and the line of ads displayed would do credit to a larger town. The people of Pitt County ap preciate the best in advertising, and so the growth of that section is correspondingly great. On the front cover of this issue appears the name of a former resident of Williamston, who is doing well in Greenville. "There's a reason" —he knows how to advertise. We offer our heartiest congra tulations to Brother Whichard, and wish for him and the Reflec tor many, many years of success in the God-blessed land of Pitt. Oak City Items Henry C. VanNortwick, of Washington, was the guest of Miss Lila Philpot last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Johnson spentitfst Sunday in Roberson ville. L. J. Davenport and family, of Hamilton, spent Sunday at the home of T. W. Davenport. Mrs. M. J. House is spending a few days in Tarboro. R. W. House returned from his trip to Washington Monday. M. L. Burnett is spending a few days in Washington. Prof. Myers, of Hamilton, spent Sunday in the town the guest of f F. G. Whitaker. Oscar Daniels, of Robersofrville, spent Sunday with his brother, J. T. Daniels. Miss Bessie Manning, of Has sell, was the guest'of Mrs. B. [F- Casper last Sunday. The Ladies Aid Society of the Missionary Baptist Church will, meet Wednesday, Dec. 10th. - .. V Seat Back It will be pleasing to the Meth odist congregation and many friends to learn that the Confer ence decided to return Rev. J. T. Standford to the Williamston- Hamilton charge. Mr. Stand ford has made an excellent pas tor, and his Conference report was the best since the Rev. T. H. Sutton left here. While there is rejoicing at the return of the pastor, regret is felt because Elder R. F. Bumpass has been transferred. Mr. Bumpass„was more popular here as a preacher than any Elder in years. Elder R. H. Willis will succeed him in the Warrenton District. Monument to Sir Walter Raleigh* * A meeting of the North Caro lina delegates to the Conference of the American Committee in the interest of the celebration of the 100 years of peace between the EnKlish speaking people, un der the treaty of Ghent, was held at the Jefferson Hotel, Richmond, Va., Decembers and 4, and adopt ed the following resolutions: ' 'Whereas, it was recommend ed by the conference that each State in the Union shotUd adopt some suitable memorial to mark this great event. "Therefore, to illustrate the glory of the English race, both in this country and the mother land, we deem it exceedingly fit to commemorate the landing of Sir Walter Raleigh's colony at Roa noke Island, in North Carolina, being the first settlement of the English on the, American contin ent fn 1585; and, "Whereas, it was suggested by the North Carolina delegation, through the committee on patrio tic organizations, that in further ance of this idea there should be erected in the city of Raleigh a monument to Sir Walter Raleigh and his colony; and, "Whereas, it was adopted and endorsed by the General Confer ence that we should erect this monument to that brave soldier and sailor, that brilliant states man and diplomat, that bold ex plorer and generous colonizer, that learned scholar and knightly cavalier, who after the lapse of centuries shines forth as one of the great men of our race—Sir Walter Raleigh; therefore "Resolved, that these resolu tions be sent to the Raleigh News and Observer, the Wilmington Star and Charlotte Observer, with request that all State pa pers copy the same. "Resolved, that we hereby re quest General Julian S. Carr and Col. Benehan Cameron to perfect an organization for the purpose of carrying out the above resolu tions." The North Carolina delegates at the conference were: Bennehan Cameron, Chairman Committee on Patriotic Organiza tions of the American Committed Wilson G. Lamb and Dr. S. West ray Battle, of the Society of the Cincinnati of North Carolina; Bennehan Cameron, of the Sons of the Revolution; Gen. Julian S. Carr (by proxy), Commander of the UnitedConfererate Veterans; Mrs. Marshal Williams, President of the N. C. Division of the Unit ed Daughters of the Confederacy Mrs. T. W. Thrash, Secretary of the N. 3. Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy; Mrs. E. €. Gregory (proxy), Vice Chairman; Miss L. Mayo Lamb; Mrs.-Gowan, representing Daugh ters of the American Revolution; Mrs/ Lindsay Patterson, repre senting State Literary and His torical Society; Miss Adelaide Meares, representing the Order Plant with Caution Not many weeks will pass be fore it will be time to prepare" plant beds for tobacco. Last sea son many farmers had an insuf ficient number of good plants for setting. Some used inferior plants, and raised inferior leaf, as a matter of course. Seed sel ection and proper care of beds is the principal ground work for a good crop. To fail there spells failure on the market. Another mistake often made is the plant ing of more acres than can be properly tended. Many men realize more from a six-acre crop than others do from ten acres. The old advice, "Never bite off 1 more than you can chew," can be applied to the planting of any crop. Intensive rather than ex tensive farming, is the method which is developing the State at this time. Plant with caution in everything. • Found Dead in Bed Sunday morning, F.S.Leathers, who had lived at the home of W. M. Perry near .lamesville, was found dead in bed. The night previous he had complained of feeling bad and failed to eat sup per, retiring soon after, v The following morning, Mrs. Perry went to ask if she could not serve breakfast to him, and £pund that he had just breathed out his life. About seven years ago, he came to Martin County, and had since lived with Mr. Perry. He was a native County, and was born onSQQtober 2nd. 1845. During the Cftvil War, he served the South as a private soldier. His wife was the sister of Mrs. Julian S. Carr, and died some years ago, leaving two chil dren, who survive him. The family connections in Durham were notified, and by a strange coincidence, the son-in-law of the dead man, who is a travelling man, came to Williamston Sun day night, and upon learning of the death of Mr. Leathers Cwent to the home of Mr. PerrX and Monday accompanied the body to Durham where it was interred. * Big Sale of Tobacco 0 Saturday witnessed the biggest break of tobacco on the market here this season. The Dixie Warehouse had hundreds of pounds more than at any time during the busiest part of the season. Messrs. Gentry and Lipscomb of Greenville, with buyers from other towns and local buyers took the weed at splendid prices. Auctioneer Han cock made the bidding lively and a large crowd followed the sales. Never before has there been such a scene here at this time pf the year. Wagon wagon had to get in line and wait for an op portunity to drive in and unload. The floor of the Roanoke held a large quantity of the golden weed also, and the prices were fine all through the day. When the last pound is sold here, it will mean the close of the strongest market in the history of the business in Martin County. The prospects for the coming year are brighter for both the farmers and the warehousemen than ever. ' * S • . _ s - Altogether Too Strenuoua. There i« a man whose wife him get up »o often to hunt burglars that be says be 1* going to lot her a divorce and marry a night watch- of(the Grown and Colonial Dames; Reilly (proxy), Sec retaiyrGeneral of Confederation of Women's Clubs; Mrs. W. W. Watt (proxy), representing Unit ed States Daughters 1812. si,oo a Year in Advance * Court in Smion The December Term of Martin County Superior Court opened Monday at 9:30, with His Honor Geo. W. Connor, Judge presid ing. After a brief charge to the Jurors, the Grand Jury was chosen as follows: Dr. U. S. Has sell, Foreman: J. W. Hopkins, W. H. Martin, A. E. Purvis, H. S. (Gardner, Nathan Rogerson, I W. P. Bowen, Marshall Cherry. J. B. Burroughs, W. A. Manning, W. H. Perry, J. B. Coburn, Ed James Fred Harrell, 0. T. Everett, J. T. Daniel, W. J. Buck Roberson. Cases disposed of: John Albritton. Abandonment. Continued under former order. Ned Williams, Jr. Disturbing religious congregation. Nolo con tendere. Harry and William Glazer. S. 11. and W. L. Nolpros with leave. P. B. Tomlinson. Violating town ordinance? Guilty. Fined $5 and cojjt. ov_. Cephus Williams. A. D. W. Plead guilty. Judgment suspend ed upon payment of cost. Jos. H. Wyni\ I). I'. A. Plead guilty. Judgment, suspended upon payment of cost. V R. G. Sexton. KiWig stock in range. Not guilty. S. L. Grey. Forgery." Plead guilty. Prayer for judgment con tinued. Bond of.* 100 to appear fnm term to show good behavior. E. H. Mayo and Mack Gainer. Affray. Guilty. Mayo fined $25 and cost, Gainer $5 and one-half cost. Cecil Hopkins and Lewis Thom as. Burning woods. Not a true bill. John Teel. Search and seizure. Not a true bi11..,, >A.J. Hopkins. A. 1). W. Gasp dismissed! Frank James. A. 1). W. Guilty. Eight months on roads. Lawrence Biggs. Affray. Plead guilty. sso'and Jcost. John Pitts. A. D. W. Plead guilty. Judgment suspended on payment of cost. Charles Bell. A. I). W. Guilty. $lO and cost. Lawrence Woolard. Retailing. Mistrial. Berry Downes. C. to A. Not a true bill. Fred Knight. C. C. W. Plead guilty. Judgment suspended on payment of cost. Walter Ward. Murder. Not guilty. Basket Party There will be u a Basket Party at Biggs School House Friday even ing, December 18th, for the bene fit of the Christmas Tree. There will also be a voting contest in which each inamorato will .be given the opportunity to show the fair damsel of his choice how much he esteems her by the num ber of votes that he casts for her. A rug of very pretty design will be awarded the ypung lady who receives the largest number of votes. A delightful time assured all who attend this, the biggest at traction of the season, as it will be only twelve days from Christ mas, and, of course, both young 1 , and old are always exhilarated by the approach of "Christmas times." Music by the -B. S. Choir. Come early and avoid the rush. Novelty for the Invalid # Chair. A moat Inexpensive but charmlnf tiny Bet for Invalid's tray la a glaal combination creamer, sugar and bel ter dish. The little crystal sugar Is covered by the butter plate (as a lid), and it In turn fits over the creanM| no that all three may be fitted on* into the other and take bat little on the tray.

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