FARMERS and MERCHANTS BANK WILLIAMBTON, NORTH OAKOLINft ' ~ . ' . *P- » ' ■ - ' , • \ . ,'.. TV"""''' " " SS3E33SSSSSS^SKSSSS3SSES JOHN D. BIOQS, *■• I A _ A I State President • ~ , /m fanf JOHND. BIGGS. RWA VVML CHAS.D.CARSTARPHEN. C. P. CARSTARPHEN. .. , -. - ■ ™ . _ O J-J £1 I W. H. CRAWFORt). . Vice President piirw AM ■ SESTET FRANK F. FAGAN. 'i|MF COUtltV -Cashier . ' ■ ■ * JOHN D. SIMPSON. JOHN L. RODdERSON, D CpOSTtS Assistant Cashier ■HMMMBaMa R. w salsbury. r state/ientofconoition ... ' .. Deposits Compared December Thirty-First, Nineteen Hundred Thirteen 1)^9111^6(1 Resources, Liabititie* Jun6 1905 n , ~ *15127001 Loans and Discount. $272,817.19 - ... December 31, 1910 > $' 53.270.01 Overdrafts ./ •• 60.17 ' Capital Slock " $ 25,000.00 December 31. 1911 * . >' 205.727.88 Bonds 10,000.00 , Surplus 15.000.00 p«id » Dividend, $14,150.00 IN i oi .qi ; ' 23018911 BVg house ami S«tur« ■ 9.500.00 Net p ro6 ta 1913 7,557.43 Stxplm and Profit, 22.557.4) CV«mbe, 31. 1912 ZWIW.II nmi Deposits 307.846.32 Toui e™« p $36,707.43 December 31, 1913 • 307,846.32 $355,403.75 * \" $355,403.75 , ( „ • I We take this method of publicly thanking our friends for their valuable patronage during the past year, which has been the mo& successful! in our history, and at the same time we extend New Year Greetings, wishing each one increased prosperity during 1914. We beg to call especial attention to our statement published above and invite a careful Study of the comparisons with preceding years. It will be noted that our resources have increased to more than $355,000.00 and our deposits and net earnings show re markable gains over last year. Our largely increased resources enable us to be in a position to extend greater accom modation to our customers and we hope to add many new names to our books during this New Year. - -> J * ' •» FRANK F. FAGAN, Cashier JOB PRINTING "The Kind That Pays" When in need of toy kind of Job Printing call at the Enterprise Office, or telephone No. 46 and we will call for it. We make a ipecialty of print ing die following: Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Wedding Invitations, Etc. THE ENTERPRISE Notice By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Martin County, made in the special proceeding! entitled Bennett Gray. Adm. of Whitley Griffin, vs Joe ii***' ci TLv Couhl^S sioner will on Monday the and day of February 1914** 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in Williamson, N. C. offer for sale to the highest bidder for the following dtecribed land to-wit Beginning at a Red Oak at the corner of James Williams fence on the road, run ning West 43 poles, thence South 44 de grees Bast 16 poles, thence N. 21 degrees 'East 104 poles to V steak, thence North • 65 West 38 poles iov pine stump thence South 69 West 60 poles, thence South 19 West to the corner maple in James Williams line lo the first rtatiou. Containing 80 acres more or ld», „ This Ist. day of January 1914. / B. A. CRITCHER CommFi loner. •® • ~ 1 ' i ' i- 9 ■ :■ w i PERSONAL Hon. R. H. Salsbury, of, Has sell, was here on business Tues day. J. W. Watts, Jr., has returned to the A. &M. College. Misses Fannie Biggs Martin, Carrie DeN Blount and Mary Louise Carstarphen left Tuesday for St. Mary's Sceool, Raleigh. Misses Hilda Crawford and and Vada Wynne returned to the B. C. Crawford, of Lexington, has returned home after spend ing the holidays here with his sister, Miss Anna Crawford. Normal at Greensboro Tuesday. Arthur White is visiting rela tives in to)vn. Bud Price, who has been clerk at the post office, has resigned and has entered school at Buie's Creek, James Johnson, of Hassell, was in town Tuesday on business. Mrs. Henry Hatton, of Wind sor, is visiting Mrs. G. N. Gurga nus this week. . t * National Characteristic* An Irish man fights before ha reft ■ons; a Scotchman reasons before hi fights; an Englishman la not particu lar ss to the order of precedence, bat will do either to accommodate hla customers. The Duke of Wellington, called the Iron Duke, once aaid that the beat troops would be as follows: An Irishman only half sober, a Scotch man half btewed, and an Engllaliman with hia stomach fall. FOR SALE One bay horse 8 years old, sound and solid works any where, one open bug -gy, harness new, one good cart, and one lot 50 by 195 Ft. on Academy St. Rob i' ersonvillp, N. C. Mail inquiries to L. H. Scotland Neck, N. C. TBS ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMBTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Notice Of Sale Under and by virtue of an order pf the Superior Court of Martin County in the Special Proceeding* entitled A. XL Dun ning, Administrator of Susan A. Sahs bury, vs J. G. Salinbury and Other*, it being a proceeding to well real estate for assets, the undersigned, will on Sat urday the 31st day of January 1914 at 12 o'clock M. at tIA Court House door of Martin Countv at Williamston, N. C offer at pnblic sale, to the highest bidder for cash, a one-half undivided interest in and to that certain tract or parcel of land situate in said county ami described as following, to-wit: Adjoining the lauds of Mrs. P. Salis bury, J. L. Ewell, the Bsllatd Tract others, and containing One Hundred and Twenty-Six acres more or les* and befng the came premises, that were con veyed toSut-an A. Salisbury by John O [Salisbury by deed of record in Jiojk I.L at Page 427 Martin County Regwtry. which said deed is hereby raferrvd to for'a more particular description, said premises as, The Huga ton Tract. • This 30th. day of Decmber, 1914. A. R, DUNNINC Commissioner. 1-9 s Trustee's Sale By virtue at a power of Mile contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by N. C. Parllnes and bearing date Dec., 16th, 191 a, of re cord in Book Di-Page 5 a Martin County public registry, to secure the payment of certain bond of even date and tenor there with and the stipulations in same not having been complied with, I shall on Tuesday, Feb., 3rd, i9Uat ia o'clock M at the Conrt House door of Martin Connty at Williamston. N. C. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed property, to wit; Bounded on the North and Bast by the lands of T. S. Hadley, on the North by the lands of J, G. Staton. on the South by the WiUiamaton and Bear Grass Road, on the West by Walter Ilassell land, con taining 60 acres more or less and being 1 the same land conveyed to said Farlinesl by the Martin County Realty Co. This 3d day of Jan., -1914. WHEELER MARTIN Jr, Truitee. * •* " ' Cheap Filter. The moat impure water may be purified by filtering through charcoal. Take a large flower pot, pnt a piece of Bponge or clean moss over the hole in the bottom, and fill three-quarterß full of equal parte of clean sand and char coal. Over this lay a linen cloth large enough to hang over the sides of the pot. Pour.'the into the cloth and it will come out pure. Notice By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Martin County insde in the special proceedings entitled, J. R. Wynn, el*:* vs Mattie Roberson, etals, the un dersign el will on Monday the and day of Feb., 1914 at i 2 o'clock M. at the Court House Door in Williamston, N. C. offer lor sale to the highest bidder for ct»h the following described land to-wit Bounded by the Frank Everett land on the South, on the North by the Billy Chllifer land, on the West by Ashley Cromwells land and on the East by Whit Moore land and being the same land heired from Mrs. Louisa Ward. C ntaining 5o acres more or less. Thia Ist day of Jsn., 1914. B. A. CRITCHER Commissioner. Notice Of sale! ttv virtue of the power and authority «tv«rn by a certain Deed of Trust execut ed by Frank Watson and wife Sarah Watson to J. H. Matthews, Trustee which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Martin, in Book XXX Page 435, the following prop erty will be. sold at public auDtion, viz., The following parcel or lot of land in Williamston, Martin Comnty, N. C., to wit: That certain lot ia Williamston on which B. S. Spruill lived and died and on which Adaline Spruill lived Jirlv 30th 191 a, and which is known as the B. S Spruill Home Place which he conveyed to his daughter Sarah Watson by deed ot recorded in Book C.C.C. Page 384. Place of Sale Court House door in Williams ton, N. C. Time of Sale xa o'clock m. Thursday January 29th. 1914. Terms of sale caah. " , Thia December ißth. 1913. J. H. MATTHEWS, Trustee.'-"' WINSTON & MATTHEWS, dttoraeys. - Executor's Notice. Having qunlfied as executor by auth ority conferred by the last will and testa ment of Lacy Warren, deceased, late of Martia County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persous having claim# against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his residence in Roberaonville, N. C., 011 or before the first day of January, 1915, or this Notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 18th. d«y of Dec 1913, k . J. A. MIZELL, Executor. 12-26 it V - * • ■— ; ' Nest 100 Yeara Old. Sparrow's nest over 100 yeara old has been found fn the Irunk of an old ach tree In Cumberland, England. Fine Horses 1 0 , / And Mules Just arrived. You will findus at the old New berry Stables on Main street with a nice lot of very fine stock. Prices > Are Right Come to see us Yours to serve Will James • v and Eli Gurganus 1»• . .