WHY OMR IS DANGEROUS. fll to an Epktofnio Catarrhal Fmf >mid by a Baoillus that Gener ally Lmm the Patient Wssk After tha A«uta fttags Has Paw id. Qrip Pstlants to Parana, tha Expectorant Tonio. Do not make tha error of rtfudtn* *rlp as an exaggerated cold. Thera la a big difference between the two. Grip Is an epidemic disease that pol aoos the vital organs. When a per aon has irlp, the air passages are alive with millions of b&clllt poison- Mg the blood. The Infected person Csels tired and exhausted. Peruna la a Tonio Laxative, ft requires a good tonic laxative to . keep the body of the patient as it rang as possible to counteract the effect of the poisons created by the grip bacil lus. An expectorant tonic with soma laxative Qualities Is the safeat rem edy. Such la Peruna. Beware es pecially of coal tar powders or tableta because they lessen the vitality of tha patient v. ' There Is no specific for the grip. Peruna has been used with good success in former grip epidemics In dications point to the return of grip this winter. Do not fart to read the experience at former grip patients with I'erupa. Mrs. Gentry Gates, 8219 First Ave.. East Lake. Ala., writes: "I had a had case of grip. I tried Peruna and It cured me. I can safely aay it Is a fine medicine." Mrs. • Charles E. Wells. Sr., 230 South St., Delaware, Ohio, writes: "After a severe attack of la grippe I took Peruna and found it a good tonic." AsJr Your Druggist tor Free Peruaa Lucky Day Almanac for 1914 m IFYOU have^-^^^ no appetite, Indlseatton, flatulence. Sick Wsedscke, 'all run down" or losing yoa wtH find Tuft's Pills |eat what yoa need. They tone up ths weak Stomach an] build up tha Aagglni energies. Why Scratch? "Hunt's Cure"is guar anteed to stop and x/XTTjU permanentlycurethat terrible itching. It is compounded for that am purpose and your money «jT m MM w '" be promptly refunded lAMA MM WITHOUT QUESTION | JJNI jVMj if Hunt's Cure fails to cure Itch, Ecsema, Tetter, Ring ■■CSV! V Worm or any other Skin Dtoaase. 50c at your druggist's, or by sudl direct if he haan'tit. Manufactured only by A. 8. RICHAfIOS MEDICINE CO.. Sbsratfß. Teu« M : The Reliable Remedy M for air ftfms of 1 RHEUMATISM I M GETS AT THE JOINTS M m FROM THK INHIUK M Liquid, Tablets, Unlmut^w for sale by all drosslsu LARGE 74-PAGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOG I figjjf a f Camera* and Photographic I JHm * Supplies mailed FREE DEVELOPING mmi MUKTIW: A SfECIALTT Par so as Optical Cosipaay, Dept. B CHAJtIXSTOW, 8. C. ■■l ■ ||VpH Men to leara barber trade 111 nII I Lll In six to eight weeka. Tu ff! 1111 I 111 Ition with aetof tools, M: ■ ■ fill I bll with your own tools, 18. Wages while learning. Call or write. ■aCMBOND BARBER COLLEGE, RMunond, Va. CANCERSpIp Sin* lataraatlu faats ■bout the eaaae of Cancer: alao tells what to do for pal a. ■II e»t. odaa, Mc. Witt* lot it today, mell—ln thla pe^t. B Diversified Farming Is Making the South Planters arc finding that it pays to rotate crops. Corn, hay and cotton follow each other with a sure profit. Besides raising diversified crops, more planters use fertilizers containing Enough Potash means at least as much Potash as phosphoric acid. To get full value out of your fertilizer, in sist on high-grade' goods. If your dealer doesn't qury such grades, buy Potash sepa rately; Potash Pays. Wtwillttllymamy *mf»t fr»m m*M A, two - GERMAN KALI WOUS, lac. .■>„ | roadway. (*«w Yorfc - lneunMk louut.>ttmKM lMM. Wtmauf CaMnl M aw. Ullink ». aiHl«T»iiH>« SUg. QUITE PROBABLY IT WOULD - . Little Accident to Headgear Likely to Spoil Expression of Almost ' V- Any Man. "Look pleasant," said the photogra pher. The sitter raised his eyes and gave a sickening smirk. "Your head just .a little more to ttve left, please," suggested the voice frohfc the black shroud. "No. don't eyes." Like a man suffering from a stiff neck or an Eiffel tower collar, the Bitter tilt ed his head gingerly till It reached the desired angle, and he resembled a dying flsh trying not to mind. "That's very nice, very nice indeed," said the photographer. "?tay Just there while I make the exposure." He removed the cap as he spoke and counf#d out a minute and three-quarters. "Thank you," he observed. "You can get up. I'm afraid you have been sitting on your hat." "My hat!" roared the sit ter. angrily, regarding the flattened felt. "Why the dickens didn't you tell me I was sitting on my hat?" "My dear air," proteated the photographer, blandly, "that would have spoiled your expression," GAVE LESSON IN REVERENCE Bmsll Boy's Stern Rebuke to Bishop Whom He Suspected of Harbor Ing Thoughts of Barter. HlshOp Thornton, when in Hallarat. i was walking one fine Sunday morning with hla favorite dog, a very Intelli gent retriever. The dog was perform ing all aorta of tricks; Jumping over his master's stick, retrieving it from the water, and so on. The bishop was aware of the wide eyed interest of a small boy, who, with his nurse, was walking on the shore of the lake. The blsfiop recognUed in hiin the son of a neighbor with whom he was on the best of terms, although the neighbor was a leading light of Nonconformity In tfie cflyT To amuse the boy the bishop put the dog through the whole category of his and then said: "Now, isn't that a nice dog; and wouldn't you like to have one like him?" To which the small boy replied, sternly: "Sir, I think you forgot what day this is." —London I>ally Citizen. Important to Moth era Examine carefully every bottle of ! CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for i infants and children, and aee that it Signature of i In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria The Spender. At Christmas the millionaire filled his pockets with bills. To the post man, Janitor, hallboy, barber, and waiter, each and all, he gave a ten spot "Ha. ha!" he chuckled, "I'm the guy who put the X in Xmas!" Pneumonia? Apply Hanford'a Bal sam. Rub it on and rub It in thor oughly, until the skin is irritated. Adv. A man tries to live up to his ideals almost as hard as a woman tries to live up to her photographs. r Stop that cough, the source of Pneumonia, etc. Prompt use of Dean's Mentholated Cough Drop a gives relief—6c at Druggists. Extremes meet, but they don't al ways speak as they pass by. Wfuttemom's ft Slide Polishes Finest Quality Largest Vsrlety CJILT EDGE the ooly ladiet' ahoe dreauaf that poa co«tMa« OIL. Blacka and politlx* l«W aed «****•• booti end shines without rub bing. 25c, French Gloss," lot. STAR comfc4a«boa lor draaiaa aad peCahmtal kiadt at naeel o» laaahon |oe. "Dandy" wax 25c. QUICK WHITE" (la liquid fena wsh hm»w.) ouichly cleaoa aad whitens dfaty canvas Aoca. 10c aad 25c. BABY ELITE cnwhiMtioa fo* fenttenea who take u> br?"* '°° it Al. Ratota color aad W* wW" • bfuA or cltfk. 10c Elite mu 25c. II rest daalar 6mm art hasp die Uad yea vast, wad "** SiSIS" ta" - 1 THS SHTBKPSISE, WILLUMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. BUILDING IN 1914 CHARLOTTE CONSTRUCTION FOR YEAR THE QREATEBT EVER KNOWN IN HIBTORY. A . • WILL BE RECORD SMASHER Nearly Two Million Dollar* Contem- platod For Commercial Purposes to Say Nothing of Buburb«, Rui dencss and Small Buildings. Charlotte.—That the c&raing year i 914, will be the best in the history I of the city, in all lines and with all interests, la he sum-totalof estimates on the part, of a score of business men, merchant*, manufacturers, job bers, bulldera and others recently in j tecvlewed. ! In building operations, 1914 prom | ises to be a record breaker, for al | ready morethan a million and a half ' dollars worth of work is under way j and that too In strictly commercial | lines, without any esumate as to the J vast volume of residential and su | burban construction, which doubtless will swell the grand total to at least ! $2,000,000. j This, according to those best post ;ed on the situation and those who ; make It a business to keep close in j touch with all affalrn or this charac ter, is the greatest outlay that Char lotte has ever known and one that will 'doubtless stand as the high water mark for several years to come. If the amount of building con •traction is any estimate of the year's activity, then Charlotte should make greater strides in 1914 than in any j previous year in its history. Of j course this does not Include what la *in contemplation, but only that for which estimates have been submitted and in many instances for which con tracts have actually been given. There are many big Jobs that have not yet been announced, but which will be made known with the open ing up of the spring season, when building activity will be greatly aug mented. A little resume of what Is actually in view now may be of interest and the figures are herewith reproduced: Queen's College, six buildings, $160,- 000; Horner Military Institute, three buildings, $75,000; Masonic Temple, $80,000; Morehead Apartments, SIOO,- 000; Hutchison building for J. B. Ivey Co., $90,0000; Latta Development, $75,000; Duls Apartment, $50,000; East Trade construction,' $100,000; Carr Apartments, $50,000; Norfolk- Southern terminals, |fl0,000; S. A. L. Improvements, $25,000; Standard Oil Company, $35,000; North Tryon con struction, $50,000; West Trade con struction, $50,000; Mercantile Devel opment Co., 12 stores, $300,000. There is no estimate included for the new postofflce building to be erected by the government for the reason that no agreement has been reached as to the plans but this should doubtless be included In the year's summary for the reason that operations will doubtless be started during the year. ■« 1 Craig Says Btste la Prosperous. Ilalelgh.—Speaking of the passing of the old year and the coming of the new, Governor Craig eaid that the achievements in freight rate adjust ment, progress in the construction of good highways and the further awak ening of interest in the value of really rqpds and general advancement in rural life conditions and improved methods of farming are shining fea tures of the advance made in this state during the past year. He be lleves, too, that the progress of the past year Is but the beginning of a great advance that will gain wonder fully in volume during the year o which the state Is Just entering so auspicuously: The advent of 1914 finds North Car olina with 413 state banks, with a combined capital of SH/'IB,OOO coni . pared with 375 banks last year with $9,984,000 capital, a gain of 40 per cent. The banking resources now $83,500,000 last year. Bpeno«r Gells $46,000 Bonds. Spencer^—The town of Spencer has cldfeed a deal for sale of $45,000 boftds. This amount has been placed to the credit of the town in the Bink of Spencer. Mayor C. G. Thelling, who has given much attention to the sale of the bonds, states that approximate ly $30,000 of the money will be used in securing a water plant for the town, and that SIO,OOO will be used In enlarging the school building. The town has been badly in need ef more water for two years and also needs a larger school building. Thomas for Congress. - Newborn —Hon, Charles R. Thomas, who will be one of the candidates for the Democratic nomination for repre sentative from this district in the Sixty-fourth Congress returned re cently from western North Carolina and made formal announcement that he would be in ths race. In this an nouncement Mr. Thomas stated that he would not attack or reflect upon any other candidate unless forced to do so in defense of his own record. The other candidates. It is believed, have taken this view of the mattsr. V • m' VVRIG LEY S w ■ & soothes your emoldng Be SURE It's look like the clean, pure, y^lvvvr healthful WRIGLEY'S. These will MW be offered principally by street fakirs, peddlers and candy departments of some 5 and 10 cent 2 stores. Refuse them! Be SURE it's WRIGLEY'S. • # • BUY IT BY THE BOX of most dealers for 85 cents* Each box contains twenty 5 cent packages• Chew it after every meal Pleaa for Patriotism. "You should be patriotic an(T con tribute your valuable services to your country without thought of pecuniary reward!" "I will," replied the official; "juHt an Boon as a whole lot of people get ' patriotic enough to quit Bending their bills to me." IS CHILD GROSS, FEU SICK Look, Mother! If tongue is coated, give "California > Syrup of Figs." Children love this "fruit laxative," ftnd nothing else cleanses,' the tender stomach, liver and bowels BO nicely.' A child simply will not atop playing to empty the bowels, and the result is they become tightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach •ours, then your little one becomes cross, half-tick, feverish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally, breath is bad, system full of cold, has sore throat, •tomach-ache or diarrhoea. Listen, Mother! See If tongue is coated, then give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup .of Figs," and in a few houf-s all the constipated waate, sour bile and undigested food passcq out of the sys tem, and you have a well child again. Millions of mdthers give "California Syrug of Figs" because it is perfectl/ harmlesfe; children loviNt, and it nev er fails to act on the stomach, liver and bowels. Ask at the store for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-upa plainly printed on the bottle. Adv. « , ' ', Contraries. . "Poor Jibba has an itching for fame and fotfune."•»•••%- "Yes, and has to scratch for it" :— , ■ t For frostbites use Hanford's Bal sam. Adv. • The man whose specialty is making excuses never makes good. _ r-SLOANS LINIMENT relieves rheumatism quickly. It stimulates the circulation — in stantly relieves stiffness and soreness of muscles and joints. ,Doii't rub it penetrates. Rhautnatlim Never Rnlumd "I am a travelling mnn and about one year a«c» I wo* laid up with rheumatism nnd could not walk. A friend recommended Sloan 11 Liniment and the morn in* after I used it my knee van nil O.K. and it bun never.bothered ti?c since. I always keep your Liniment in tho house and carry it wiUi iuc ou the rumi."— Mr. TUumut i. llartmr. tfrnsl I'hitiuUlphui. Pa. Rheumatism Neuralgia Stiffneu Vanished "I suffered with an awful stiffness In mr legw. That night 1 gave my legs a good - rubbingwith Sloan's Liniment and believe * me, next morning I could Jump out of bed. AVVBA I have been supplied with a bottle ever W aince." — Mr A. Moon of Manckitur, N. IL I Sprained Ankle Relieved V y "I waa (llfor along time with aseverefr • VA sprained ankle. I got a bottle of Sloan • v" Liniment and now I am able to tie about I " and can walk a great deal. I write this because I think you deserve a lot of crrd- It for putting such a fine Liniment on the \ I market and I shall always take time to kmkT\ recommend Dr. Sloan's Liniment." —"»• (JuxrU J AOUM of Balumorm, Md. Sloan's Liniment gives a grateful sensation of comfort. Good for sprains, neuralgia, sore throat and toothache. Use it now. 'Jjjßfi " *, At all Dealers, 28c., 50c. and SI.OO WWI ' Send fur Sloan's free book ou horses. .. Address Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, lac. BOSTON. MASS. sis 1 ~ UAnll/O BlKh Grade pW A KUIIArN Finishing Mall order* given Spe ruljHv rial attention. Price# reasonable. LJpn jW. (Service prompt Send for Price Ll»t J kUMAU't AM MOM UUUIUtIUI, k. «. PEAFOWL, foxes, mink, flbeaianu, pigeons. etc., wanted; any quairftlr. IJ.i.rUeMuurj.i'^stkUMsU.l.l. dhßoaaaaaasaA M B«l Co«(k »jTnp. Tutx Oood. Vm Q M ' la time. Sold by OraicMa. RC AnC Dfi Iht» paper deslrtnff E. #% \J Ei Is O to bar nnji hing adver tised In Its colutnna should Insist npon hSTInK whs* tbrr ask for, refusing all substitutes or Imitation*. Charlotte Directory TYPEWRITERS New, rebuilt and second band. IVT.Ot IrcSKfffil DP and guaranteed satisfactory. W« JanHflj V) * e " snpplles for all makes. w*i*> pair all makes. h '• I. CBATTM * COWAIY, Chartsttot IA ■ ■ . »'»'■■■■ W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 2-1911