VOL. XV. NO. 16 AccadeataHy Killed Friday afternoon last Robert D. Ba tern an, who made his home with William Jones and family near Yarrreirs bridge, drove over the bridge and down the road to get the mail from the box. On returning, he struck the mule which commenced to go at a rapid gait, When near the mill, Bate man reined the animal into the yard of the mill and the cart striking the Bateman was thrown out And was so severely bruised that he died about four hours later. * , > Saturday afternoon, he was buried in the • Short Cemetery near Holly Springs Church, of which he was fa member. Rev. J. T. Standford, pastor of the Church, performed the funeral services. Farmers' Day Saturday was Farmers' Day in Williamston and a goodly num ber were here throughout the day. T. B. Parker {with a strong corps of assistants lectured both morning and afternoon, and at the same hours the Women's In stitute was held in the Christian Church. These Institutes have become of wholesome benefit to the farm life in this section. To farm according to scientific me thods is to bring from , the soil the best products. The lecturers demonstrated to the mind of the man who never thought before, that seed selection, soil prepara tion and a proper system of fer tilization will place the tiller of the soil above the level upon which he has been standing, and he will get renumerative returns for his labor. The government could do nothing better than to put into the minds and lives of the Southern farmers a know ledge of those things which MotherJNature has been holding in reserve since the world began, and which science now is appro priating to the aid of better and bigger crops. At thelsame timetm Saturday were held CivillService examina tions for*the post office of James ville, Everetts, Hamilton, Hassell and Oak|City. Mr. Dudley from the Department was present to conduct these examinations. There were twenty people who took the examinations, several being women. As announced before, the offices will be given irrespective of party or creed. The attainment of the coveted depend upon* the appli cants' fitness. In Memoriam The death angel came to the home of Mrs. Jennie Strawbridge on Jan. 28th. 1914, and bore away her soul. She was ili only a few days. She was fifty-three years of Age. She joined the Old Ford' Christian Church early in life, and lived the Christian religion. She was a good woman, a good neighbor, kind and gentle to every one. She be missed by her loved ones, her neighbors and the church. v She was the widow of the late Adam Strawbridge. She leaves three sons and two daughters to mourn their loss. The sympathy of the community goes out to them. 1 The body of the deceased was laid to rest Thursday afternoon, January 29th. 1914, in the family cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. T. Standford, of the WilHainston Methodist Church. , Your money buys more at Mc- Gowan's. THE ENTERPRISE ' - ■' ', -' . V , ■ , , •» PERSONAL ' • *i. ' • Mrs. P. B. Cone has returned from a visit to relatives in Mid dlesex and Wilson. Misses Mary Shelburn and Ethel Skinner were here to see Paul Gilmore in "Capt Alvarez" Miss Gladys Hornthal came up from Plymouth Friday to attend the play and has spent several days here with relatives this week Mrs. Edwin Smithwick, of Jamesville, has been vising Mrs. P. H. Brown this week. Miss Annie Fagan has be*»n spending several days with her mother in Edenton this week". F. F. Fagan went to Edenton Sunday. Miss Lila Philpot is visiting her mother here. John A. Bennett has been here from Oak City this ' week. Messrs. Alonzo Hassell, C. D. Carstarphen and J. W. Watts have been in Norfolk this week on business. Staton Ayers, of Everetts, was in town Wednesday. J. 0. Guthrie, of Raleigh, has been in town this week on busi ness. Mrs. F. K. Hodges and Miss Eva Wolfe are visiting relatives in Florence, S. C. "Captain Alvarez" Much was expected of Paul Gilmore in "Capt Alvarez" on Friday evening last, * and more was given. The staging of the play was fine, but the limited capacity of the stage here, though it compares with those in many larger towns, rendered it impos sible to use successfully all the scenery brought by the company. However, the scenes were at tractive and in keeping with the play. Paul Gilmore as the care free soldier of fortune with all the confidence of a man full of rich, red American blood, showed no sign of weakness at any time, and being the favorite of the theatre goers here, won splendid approval which was evidenced in the applause. Gilmore was sup ported by Miss Mabel Scott, whose interpretation of "Bonita" was flawless. She has inherent talent and good looks, two things which make for success on the stage. Louis Lytton v ias "Don Arana," the crafty minister of the government, was strong in every act. Equally as well did "Gonzalo, Chief of the Federal Police," and "Tirso", the Casti-i I lian, sustain their proles. The play was without doubt the strongest ever presented here. It is full of life, action, love, pathos which demands talent on the part of the interpreters. Mana gers Martin and Fowden brought the play here at great expense, because they want the best and are giving lovers of the stage j something worth while. The 1 people should appreciate their, desire to present clean, whole-• some attractions. On February j 20th., they will present "Bought 1 and Paid For" which is endorsed by the best people everywhere. Watch other fellow,he shops at McGowan's. WHEN IN NEED OF TOBAC CO FLUS IN ALL SHAPES AND STYLES?—I will v guarantee to be of interest to you. Manufac tured of the best material and by the best mechanics. Prompt at tention and deliverys will be given all orders. W. T. HURST (Manufacturer Robersonville, N. C. * WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1914 The Battleship Maine N Sunday, February the fifteenth, the entire country will remember that it was on'that day in 1898 that the destruction of the battle ship Maine was wrought in, the harbor of Havana. The Spanish- American War soon followed and Cuba was freed from the tyrant's yoke. The remains of the battle ship have been raised with fitting honors, and the memory of the dead within its shattered form is alive and will be kept so as the years go by. The destruction of the ship was the work of the Spaniards, whether in the employ of the*government or not lessens notthe crime. By its destruc tion, Spain lost her possessions in the Western World, and it was meet that she should. Today the scene is a little different for the United States has become the protector of the Spanish subjects in ill-fated Mexico. A Letter y THE ENTERPRISE, Williamaton, Ni C., Mr. Editor:— In last week's issue of your favored paper I notice a most erroneous statement in regards to the Smallpox condition in this community, which, if you will grant me the space in your col umns, I shall endeavor to correct. A few weeks ago I was called to see a negro boy who presented symptoms of Smallpox, and at the same time made a partial diagnosis of Smallpox. The un developed condition of the case caused me to request my collegue, Dr. Long, to see the patient, which he did making a positive diagnosis of Chickenpox. This particular patient had a most speedy recovery, and in about two weeks or ten days his father, Levi Jones, contracted the same condition, which proved to be quite a severe case of Smallpox. I immediately took Dr. Long out to see him, when 'he readily agreed that he had Smallpox in a most virulent form. I treated this patient, Levi Jones, and his entire family of five through their illness, and the picture exhibited by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners was a photograph of Levi Jones, my patient both pro and con, and not a patient of his, (The photo graph he had taken without my consent, one of which I bought of him and also have on exhibit at my office). Shortly after the outbreak of | Smallpox, 1 went to Baltimore j with a patient during which time j Dr. Long saw a few cases of Smallpox which proved to be my patients upon my return home, 1 as I had the unpleasant task of treating them through the bal ance of their illness, and so far as I can learn Dr. Long has not 1 treated a single case throughl j their entire illness and, in fact, » ;I do not think there have been fifteen cases all told, who so j . F ; much as consulted a physician for| the condition. J The negroes have been vacci- j nated well especially since it was t not compulsory, but upon gation I find the figures set forth ; in your paper, also exaggerated, j Naturally the whites have been J vaccinated and re vaccinated un til our race has entirely escaped. the condition in this community. I There seems to be a rapfd decline in the number of cases now, and j I trust in a short time, Smallpox i will be a thing qf the past with us. ; . Respectfully, Major I. Fleming, M. D. Hamilton, N. C., Feb. 9th. 1914. I 1 To the Fanners of this County Look out for the seed fakir! He has for the past few weeks been operating in the central part of the State, and has deceived and defrauded farmer after far mer, selling them ordinary seeds from $4.00 to $6,00 per bushel that were not worth more than from SI.OO to $1.50 per bushel. Keep your eye on the fellow who comet to your house with his new kind of seed for spring or fall sowing-seed that makes mirraculous yields. Ask him to show his license to sell seeds in N. C. If he cannot show the re ceipt of the Commissioner of Agriculture for money paid for such a license, get his name and address and send them to us at once and we will make an effort to get in touch with him. It will pay you to write the State De partment of Agriculture before buying aeeds from these seed peddlers. Last year these seed fakirs did much damage in Wilkes and other counties in that section and final ly the farmers cried out against their dirty business, but the cry reached us too late to do them any good—it was a case of lock ing the stable after the horse is stolen. We have just received a com plaint that these fakirs are in the State again, selling seeds for spring sowing at ridiculously high prices, and we are after them, but they may get you before we can get them. Therefore, be on the lookout for them. Approval W. A. Graham, Com missioner of Agriculture James B. Burgess, Agrono mist & Botanist, In Charge Seed Laboratory. * Cases From Martin There are several cases before the Supreme Court from Martin County this week. The case of the Va-Car. Peanut Company against the A. C. L., was argued by A. R. Dunning for the plain tiff, Roberson vs Lumber Co., by H. W. Stubbs for the plaintiff and Coltrain vs Lumber Co., was argued by Stubbs and Martin for defendant. Sullivan vs Blount by Stubbs and Newell for defend- The attorneys left here early in the week for Ral eigh. y Birthday Party Little Miss Gladys Bailey gave a party at her home in Roberson i ville, on Broad Street, Wednes jday afternoon February 4th., [from 3:30 to 5:30, the occasion being her ninth birthday. About thirty-five little people gathered to wish her many happy returns of the day. Dclcious refreshments were J served. Gaiety jllTheatreO lis ■, SSI rj n | TO-NIGHT '-S | m jjj Reels Pictures LJ | Prices Five and Ten Cents ! or~ = i m fc — LOCAL Tomorrow is St. Valentine's Day. Casco Suitings, Regular 10c. values, sale price, 6c. at Mc- Gowan's. Yesterday was the anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. Just a little ice from the West ern blizzard came this way, and was welcomed gladly, as the warm weather was bringing forth the buds and blossoms. Farmers have been earnestly wishing for a heavy snow, and it is falling. Saturday the Big Day at Mc- Gowan's. Bishop Joseph B. Cheshire, of the Diocese of North Carolina, will preach in the Episcopal Church here on Monday evening, March 2nd. Bishop Strange is yet unable to do any work. BOARDERS WANTED-Any one wishing table board can se cure same at Mrs. Ray's Boarding House on Main St. Reasonable Prices. A beautiful line of Dress Silks, regular SI.OO and $1.25 values, sale price, 85c. at McGowan's. The movies continue to delight the old as well as the kiddies. Two shows each night at the Gaiety Theatre with Manning's Orchestra to enliven the house. Get Renulac for Spring to brighten your furniture. See ad. The same goods for less money at McGowan's. Special features at the Gaiety tonight, Saturday night and all next week. Don't fail to go and carry the children. Ladies' Rubber Shoes, Sale price, 42c. at McGowan's. Harrison Bros., & Company have been handling cars of goods, shingles and fertilizers which is qarried right to the door of their warehouse on the spur track built for them by the A. C. L. They are able to furnish anything in the mercantile business. It is the only firm in Martin County who handles goods by the car lot right at its storage rooms. Just received a new shipment of Dry Goods in Dress Gingham, Calicoes, Suitings and Apron Ginghams in all the newest shades Come and look them over. —Mc- Gowan's Cash Store. God willing I will preach at the home of Miss Polly Pulley on Sunday at 2 o'clock.-J. L. Chersy. The greatest money saving event ever held in Williamston at McGowan's. MissMattie Waters, while serv ing as saleslady at the reduction sale at McGowan's store, had the misfortune to get her right hand severely hurt by having a heavy box fall against* it. Dr. York gave her immediate attention. Miss Frances Hardy Dies The death of Mrs. Frances Hardy occurred at the home of her brother-in-law, James Barn hill, on February 7th. 1914, after weeks of suffering. She was a consistent member of Vernon Church near Everetts, and lived the Christian life. For several months, her health had been de licate and death was ta her a relief. .. ■ Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the midst of a large number of sympathising friends, the body was laid to rest, Rev. J. T. Stand ford performing the last sad rites of the Church. The interment was in the cemetery at the home. Dori't forget to ask for that 75c. umbrella—only 33c. at Mc jGowau's. st.oo a Year in Advance Died Friday Afternoon Lucy Hyman, daughter of Jor dan and Sarah Hyman, died at the home of her parents on Fri das afternoon, February 6th, 1913. She was one of the moat respected colored women in the town and was a member of one of the oldest colored families in the community. Lucy had been in the employ of A. R. Dunning since his residence here, and had never failed to meet every duty. She was a member of the Meth odist Church and took active in terest ir\,the work of same. Sunday afternoon, the funeral services were held at the Metho dist Church by the pastor. Rev. Garrett, and never has there been seen a larger concourse of people assembled to pay respect to the dead in this community. The family desire to thank friends and neighbors who so kindly aided them during the ill ness and at the death of the sis ter and daughter. These acts of kindness will not be "forgotten. Stereoptican Lecture CS. Modern Sunday School Meth ods, Saturday night, February 21st, at the 'Baptist Church illus trated by Stereoptican by E. L. Middleton, Sunday School Secre tary of Raleigh, N. C. On Sun day the 22nd, he will lecture at 11 A. M., 3P. M., and 7:30 at night on Sunday School Plans, Methods with Round Table Dis cussions to follow. All who are interested in Sunday School work especially invited to attend. J. D. Howell. .' Resolutions Hall of Skewarkee Lodge No. 90, A. F. &A. M. Our Lodge is again called upon to mourn the death of one of its oldest and most faithful and devoted mem [ bers. Henry D. Cowen was born in Martin County 18th, April 1850, | he died in Williamston on the sth day of January 1914. He was made an Entered Ap prentice on the 22nd day of Nov ; ember 1898, passed to the degree* of a Fellowcraft on the 13th day of December 1898, and raised to i the sublime degree of a Master Mason on October the 24th 1899. Bro. Cowen, while he was in health was a constant attendant at the Meetings of the Lodge, always doing what he could for the advancement of Masonry, and for the betterment of the Craft In his daily life among his brethren, did he best teach the grand principles of our ancient Institution, for no improper mo tive ever influenced him in any of his dealings with his brethren. He was modest and unassum ing, always putting the interest of his brethren and friends ahead of his own. Resolved: Ist. That Skewar kee Lodge deeply mourns the loss \ of Bro. Cowen, and that every member of the Lodge wear the usual badge of mourning. 2nd. That we extend to the widow and family of our deceas ed brother our deepest sympathy in this hour of their sore bereave ment. 3rd. That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the . Lodge. ' ; «• 4th. That a copy of these re- • solutions, under the seal of the Lodge, be sent his widow, ' that a copy be furnished THE EN TERPRISE, with the request that the same be published. C. D. Carstarphen, , W. J. Whitaker, R. J. Peel, , • Committee-

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