REMEMBER 7 You(all 0§ \ At Tour Drug ZXwtjjf Mr. Itobert JI. Norrls, Kn. 1533 Hen ry St.. North Berkeley, Cal., writes: "We have never had uny other medi cine but Peniua In our home since we h»ive been married. I suffered with kidney and bladder trouble, bu! two months treatment with J'erun* made me a well and strong man. jSy wife felt weak and was easily tired (ind was also troubled with various pains, but. since she took l'eruua she la well and strong." HAIR STAIN "Walnutta" For Gray, Slrejkrd, Blear bed arvl Red i lair or Miu»t»ilK*. Maichrt Sh»lc Black. /)cf» not uhltfl nor rub off. Sold hjr font Druggnt. Regular alxe, 00 cont^. How»fd Nilholt, r_. . P|pu 220S Clarli Av . Si Hull I FKIX Trial i).4iU. I I Uti % ' A Change^ "Did Caesar's disposition cbnnge much during bis life?" asked the" pro r "Well." answered the binding slu dent, "he had a lot more Gaul when lie dud" t HUSBAND SPENT EVERYTHING in an Effort to Ering Wife's Trou bles to F.nd, and Finally Succeeds. Myra, Ky.—Mrs. Sarah Ilranham, of this town, gives out tho following statement for publication: "1 am 37 years of awe, and suffered untold ogony with womanly troubles for 11 years. - was »U rut> flown, and was told that I could not live. My husband spent everything ho had, but 1 got only tempouiry relief. A merchant recommended Cmdul, tho woman's tonic, to my N husband, and lie K"t mo 5 bottles at one time. 1 began taking it, and before the llrat bottle was none, 1 hogau to feel better. 1 took all of tho 6 bottles, and 1 am today as pound and well ns any woman, and fat and hearty." Such "testimony ns tho. above, which is given unsolicited, speaks for Itnolf. Can't you seo, lady render; that you are doing yourself, your family, your friends, an Injustice by not, at least, trying; Cardul, if you suffer from any of tho many ailments so common to women? Cardul Is. composed of pure, harm less, vegetable ingredients, which act la a gentle, natural way on the weakv . cned womanly organs, helping build them back to permanent strength and health. Cardul has helped thousands of oth cr women. Why not you? *A.«k your druggist, lie knows about Cardul. N. H. H'rtr-10-1 !uti»V Advlrorv TVn*..Ctistts nK K,i Willi' 'no Co.. t'hMlrtutenn. Twin,, tor Afv, ia//iMfrwrnoii*. :inj '.t '; y t* book,"* lihup Treat* nirnt (i>r \Voi.tca," atut in plain wi.»ppw. on rtn tat. Adv. It Is Still Fashionable. "Pa. what's poetic Justice?" "Tho former president of a- bache lor tlub bring married to a \vo;nan who" 'makes him feel that he would rather lore bis job than be late for dinner furnishes u pretty fair i-umplo of it " Calomel la an Injurious Drug ami i.i being displaii-d in a (;reat many t>ectious of tli»> South by l>r. (V IV V\ dlianis' Liver anil Kidney l'ills These pills Ktimulato the Liver and lto.vols without that weulveiiing' after etfrrt which Calomel causes. Sold by dealers 2Tic. bottle. Sample mailed on request. The G. U. Co, Quitman,' Ga. —Adv. Gossip. Lmt* I miw Kiln l yesteriTay, and we h. d the lovelie! I cbnl'-der.!lal chat toiirl hr l.u> I thought so; she wouldn't talk to ni" ti'diy Judge. Backache Warns You L.tckaihe is one of Nature's warnings of kiduey weakness. Kiuney disease kills thousands,every year. IVo l neglect a bad bat V. If your back ii it it hurts to stoop or lift— it —__ Jim ca. .is. ii regularity ot .the. secrcttous suspect yout kuiiieys. If yon suffer head aches, dizziness cud are tired, nervous - ■ ami worn-QUt. you have further proof. "V ITse lioap's Kidusy Bills, a fine rem edy forbad backs and weak kitinej-s. A KEN Tl Ch Y CASE O W U N'csbllt, Marlon, Ky , a^ya: "Klitnty dlata*o h»d t'hloir fells mads me an Invalid. L, JT'.i\ « Stof)" I In bfd for uC / vv v w.-, ka at a tlm» ana Wjk"/'^SSv oft, n wlahtd that would come and end my misery. J/BPW I could hardly hold MHBhL my arms fibuvn mv le ad at times and the kidney tlona w«ri. In awful ah »pp Doclora heldZ , my recovery. A rela- >1 tlvo ndvlaed me to try K'daey Pttt( anil after I had ft-, T»ken ono box, I fett * 1 w-.a a whII man and Doan's Kidney Pllt»alonocared nie." Cat Doan'a at Aay Star*. SOc a Bos DO AN ' S *V/ll" POSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. OIL FROM SOT BEANS *V 4 ' ' INTERESTING EXPERIMENT CON DUCTED WITH PRODUCT AT „ ELIZABETH CITY. | PROSPECTS OF BIG IND^TRY Nrrth Carolina la Especially Adapted to Cultivation of Soy Bean and la Now Producing Half Million Bush «la Annually. . (f Elizabeth experiment of i much Interoat to oil men arid one | which may eventually (exult In a big j agricultural industry inNorth Caro , Una was conducted ni the plant of tho KJUaUith City Cotton Oil and Fertl | llzer Pompany recently. The oil was I I extracted from live bushels of soy I beatis by a process which ?.hc expert j menters aro keeping a secret. The ( experiment la rexnided übeing very. » | successful and those who watched f the process are vory enthusiastic • i over the prospects of future develop- I rrients alonx Hilh line, ,'flioy honestly j j believe that discoveries In the manu j facture of soy bean products are . ! about to be made which will make | them extensively cultivated and for » | which the fanners will receive thou . J hands of dollars. The flvs. bushels of beans In this ex i periinent v as separated into two pfo i ! tlucls, oil and meal. An nbundnticn of | oil was secured which the experiment ers will have analyzed. They believe that this oil will prove to ln> of, a I very high Kiude and tlmt It will have 1 Kieat commercial value, while the ' j meal will ln» capable of bolnt? manu i fai-tiired Into many food products use ' J ful to both man and b n> t. Tim success of this experiment is especially as a similar one | t | was niiifle about two years ago by an* ' ■ j other till mill and tf wan attended j ; j with failure as the yield of oil was > j not. satisfactory at all; besides this | experiment revealed the fact that | tlmrc is no waste In the miniiif.n l >n«!. j ( the whole bean being converted Into | | either fill or meal. | There are Kieat prospects for aMk I industry In eastcrti North Carolina as j the soil of this sf'tlon Is especially ' I adapted to the cultivation of the soy j j bean or stork pea, as they are coin- j I motily called. A larse acreage is ' planted each year and Jive or six | j counties last ,ye,u yielded neiVljf a i j half million bushels, This crop can j 'be Increased until t'e yield will j i amount to several million bushels, as 1 | the invention of soy bean pickers have J , | made the harvesting of them on a ! | large scale possible at a small cost. ■ j Epworth League Meets June 17-21. WilininKton.—ArninKoments are be- j | ins made far the state convention of ' j the Epworth League which will, he j 'J held at Fifth Street I I June 17th to "Ist. It is expected that j j too convention will bo attended by | from fio) t.o »>OO young people from all sections of the state. Minn l.l«./.le, ; Hancock, of New Hern, secretary of ■ the state organization, lias written to j the lociil Society thai ,a strong team , ; ] of speakers lias been secured. Among j those who are-on the tentative pro ' j mam lire: llev. Harold M Norl, of i Greensboro, who will conduct the con- | I serration service Sunday ni;;ht, June j 201 Ji. Rev. (.!. T. Howe, of the West ■ em North Carolina Conference. will i | conduct the annual citU'fitviU'Q on I Sunday morning. | Caldwell County Commencement. Lenoir. Caldwell county com -1 .neneemetit for the bonis of tho i-couuty was held here recently and a, | large crowd of pt cplo from all sci |tkms of the county came in to pur | t idpnte In the i \ertisv s and cncour „.! age the movement. The parado of | ilia dlfforent schools formed in front : ;of the graded s.lsool building at 10 j o'clock and marched \he busi ness section of the town to time beat en by the drummers. In tho parado there was about 1,000 school chi.drmv 1 from only a few of Schools represent t ed.. The bad weather for the past j few weeks and many of tho schools t bavin;; closed their terms i.s responsi ble for so small a per cent of the - schools beiiiK represented. Greensboro Gets Creamery, tjSecusboro. A few days •%- | enmmery to supply Crcem-hoto ,iiiul ' cef trnl North Caro'lua was | opened. A test made before the open | ins produced a tine quality of butter, I and was made in the presence of A, J' Heed, of the state experiment sta tUlll. who-la Incluupe of rtatry flolfl j work; and Assistant "Stanley Combs', .of the same department. A formal j opening will be made with an exhibl j tion of churning and butter making, i to which farmers and housekeepers from Greensboro. * I»uild Big Fertilizer Plant, Mount llolly,—The Southern Elee trorChemieal Co. begink work this week on an extensive fertilizer plant, which wiH require about tlx montha J for completion. Working n large force of hands full time. This plant will be erected alongside the Southern Power Company's steam plant .and will use its surplus. This auxiliary power plant has 10.000 hotepower to dispose of, wliieh power will be utiliz ed by the chemical, company. J. L. Patterson of Fort Mill, S. C., at pres ent is In charge of theVork. THS MfTERPBISg, WILUAMBTON, WORTH OABOLDfJL For Handu BOIJS and Girls to Make and Do ' (Copyright by A. Nedy Hall) •j " .. * By A. NEELY HALL. ' i K?' "■ * . ' HOMEMADE STILTS. Tho common form of stilts made and used by American boys, and shown In Fig. 1,-require Ittt 1« or no deserip tlon. AH that is needed Is a couple of poles 1 Inch thick, 2 inches wide and about 6 feet long, for tho uprights, and two blocks of Wood 2 Inches thick, 3 Inches wide, and G inches long, for the htep blocks. Have you ever attempted to devise a pair of Ktllts that may be adjusted to H li I !.J ) | ■ J fefc i hfu -vi >?Tj " I fl It ■ r r u ■ L'f ! i si Ui > 4 • "ilj; nil -f,TILTS WITH , t:.r >iAb\J. different heights? Fig. 2 abov.» a pair I hat in very simple to make. The uprights and step blocks should hi' of tho dimensions for the common form of stilts Tho step blocks will look neatt r If sawed off on u slant on their lower i ;id, as shown in Fig. 3, In st*;ad of being li ft square as In Flk. 1. The slide arrangement for the steps In made with two pairs of hinges and some wire. T-hinxcs arc shown In the Tilustratlens, but any other"locm of hinges that you may have, at least Inches long, and with 15 screw-holes In each (lap, wltl serve' the > purpose. Floctrlc-bi 11 wire will do for the wire. Bcrow one (l;j|» of a binge the long flap if a T-h!iig'i la used) ta each bido ef each step bi ck, as shown In Fig. 3. __ -lX _ J} ~ j being ca/'Tul to get those on each ' st«-p. block exactly opposite one an oth i Hun n piece of tho bell wire through tho top holes of tho project ing (laps of tho hinges, and another through the bottom of tho flaps, as shown in Fig. !i. Then slip a stilt upright through the sleeve funned by the*ijfct-wn»'s r the hinges, #iui the step block, and twist togetWfFuie ends of the wir -s close agalnslPtle stilt up rinht to as to make a ptU'ht-iltting sleeve Flg. 1). Tho Step block will now slide along the upright". To fasten it at different heights, it is necessary | to make a hole through the upright at ,diff rent heights aii\l in the proper po- i sitions so a nail can be pushed through t!n s center holes of tho lilngo flaps, and through tho as shown in Fig. 4. Mott hoys want toe-straps, and Fig. b shows the bt st way (f attaching •them to the adjustable steps Tin-ran stilts like those shown in Fig. 7 furnish lots of, l'un. You can ■Jit •Tin-Can .Stilts have races on them, and you can J)so them tor making "scent" tracks when playing the game of "llare and Hounds." Cut the Hlock A (Fig. 8) of th« right length to fit inside of the top of a tomato-can. Then cut a block about 4 inches wide and 8 inches long (B, Fig. S), and. after tacking the straps C to it, nail block A to its cen ter. Set block A into tho top of the can, and fasten It in place by driving nails through the can into its ends. Btrapß C may be strips of cloth. . . , By DOROTHY PERKINS. y j DOLL FURNITURE MADE OF CARD BOARD BOXEB. Cardboard boxes large, small, | round and square ones—suggest many j possibilities for home handicraft that j a girl may work at. The doll bed shown In Fig. 1 is | made from a candy box or box in j which fancy stationery has come. Get the kind of which tho box telescopes | Into the cover. In Fig. 2, A shows j the foot and sides of tho bed are made from the box, and I) shows the j cover used for tho head and canopy. Cut away tho sides of box A as indi cated by dotted lines, to make them I of tho form shown In Fig. 1. Then I cut and bend do^v u the head end of j j . I -,p - Qjßjjjj 'fvX 'r- jjj^ .Fid | i the box, and. slipping this inside of j the covor, fasten It with glue. The top of the little tabio shown In j Fig. 3 Is an Inverted pillbox, wit£ the j cover removed. Tho legs (13) are each ■ made of a piece of cardboard folded as shown in Fig. 4, and are glued or | sewed inside of each of tho four cor ners of tho box top. A table of n moro elaborato con- j struction, though one quite as easy to make, is shown In Fig. &. You will mkf J I" (J FIG.* JJ ffpK I I I J bpn |_ J FIC. 5 lie 6 notice that It has a drawer In one end. This drawer and the tabio top aro made of a pillbox, tho kind having a sliding cover (A, Figs. 5 and 6). Cut the two sides (it) of tho form shown 1 in Fig. G, and fasten thein to tho sides of the box with glue. The armchair (Fig. 7) Is made out of tho sliding cover of a pillbox. Tho dotted lines in Fig. S Bhow the neces sary cutting. A small box cover forms the seat ol tho chair shown in Fig. 9. The leg 3 are formed of two pieces of cardboard (A and H, Fig. 10), one having a allt. cut from Its bottom up to tha IPI-W _ - FIC. 7- p mm ; I B FIC. 10 ; nsA 1 ft A f -» lilt L. ** I fttc.S FIG. U - center (A), and the other from its top » edge down to its center (B). Dy cut- I ting the Bllts in this manner, tbe . -pieces will fit together as shown in Fig. 11. Glue or cow them together. J | aLCOH OL-3 PER CENT !H !( AVefelaUe Preparation for As - a rtv Siomachs and Bowels of u»\; Promotfs Djgc*libn,Chcerful ?j i and Rest Contains neither l l> || Opium. Morphine nor Mineral stj j Mot Narc otic & p«>p, »/ou Drsim/si /rrrjra U> zVw/«i ifin/ - |», Mm Stmttm • 1 C\ A'mAMSmKI - V* I Ann* 3*4 ' rt I Mpptrmiai • ) I (nrinmU Ul• •«! *'~m S»4 • , It» Smmrn* j;0 Mimkfm" Ft*vf • Kiil (J-.CI A perfect Remedy forConstipa £U 1 lion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, i{c | Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP i;;ti Uc Simile Signature of ICsfi OJ THE CENTAUR COMPANY. TlTv' NEW YORK. M Exact Copy of Wr»pp»r general PLLLI If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by Parceli Post ■pUgN| Q2m on receipt of price. Arthur Peter A Co, Louisville, Ky. Bilxil Secrets of the Wardrobe. When Winston Churchill was run- | nlng for the governorship of Now j Hampshire, Ilia opponents became pes-1 tlferously active, making speeches, j writing letters and distributing cam- j paign buttons. One morning a friend j sent thin telegram to Chiirchlll: "Have you no buttons for your sup- j porters?" The candidate was out of town and did not Ret tho telegram, but a pretty I girl stenographer .did. She sent this answering v.lre: "No. We une safety pins. "WINSTON CHL'HCHIIJA" —rbpular Magazine. HAIR CAME OUT IN BUNCHES Route No. 3, llox 20A, Broken row, (tkla —"My trouble began with an itching of the scalp of my head. My scalp at first became covered with flakes of dandruff which caused ine to scratch and this caun.ed a breaking out here nnd there on the scalp. It became BO Irritated until I could not rest at night and my liulr would come out In bunches und became bhort and rough. "Everything I used would cause it to grow worse and it continued that way for 1 about three or four years. Wliiio reading the paper I saw the advertisement of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a sample. It proved so good that I decided to get some' more. I used them ns directed | and In two weeks I saw a good ef fect. Now my hair is longer and j looks better than I have ever known i It to be. I give all tho credit of my cure of scalp trouble to the Cuticura Soap and Ointment." (Signed) Mrs. j Ella Shcfllcld, Nov. 30, 1912. Cuticura Soap and Ointment 60ld throughout the world. Sample of £ach free. with 32-p. Skin Ilook, Address post card "Cuticura, Dept. L, Doston."—Adv. Not Much. Hess —Do you think much of Jlm mle? Tess- No, only about twenty -four hours a day.-—Judge. SPRING SUGGESTION. Tako two or threo Wright'si Indian Vegetable Pills upon retiring a few times nnd you will say that they're tho best Spring you've ever tried. Send for trial box to 372 Pearl street. New York.~»Adv. Wrong Label. Grpeery Clerk—What is it, auntie? Colored" Auntie—Missus sent me for two cans of medicated milk. m Disease germs are on every hand. They are in the very air ■ I wo breathe A system "run down" is a prey for them. One I I must have vital force to withstand them. Vital force depends \ L on digestion—on whether or not food nourishes— oq fog A I quality of blood coursing through the body. f I DR. PIERCE'S I J Golden Medical Discovery i I Strengthens the weak stomach. Gives good digestion. Enlivens the - f. aluggiah liver. Feoda the Btarved nerves. Again full health and strength M return, A peneral upbuilding enables the heart to pump like an engine I running in oil Too vital force is once more established to fall power. I . Year in and year out for over forty years this great health-restoring V remedy has boen spreading throughout the entire work)—because of its ' h ability to make the sick well and the weak strong. Don't despair of 1 "being your old self again.** Give this vegetable remedy a trial—Today I* Now. Yon will soon feel "liko new again." Sold in liquid or tablet form by » I Druggistaor trial box for 50c by mail. Write Dc. R. V.Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. \ . '' s** . "V fcr-' - ' CASTORIA Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the A, Signature /J\p of w (\ Jr * n fir Use Va For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver h, ! right the stomach and bowels are right I CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS J4UTI K'ently Irut firmlv i© £? iud'tr U,er "jfIjBfCARTERS | Cures C or* Y!Lrn ftipitiun, I L . .? i digestion, Headache, I end Distress After Eating. ' SMAI.L PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRIOL Genuine must bear Signature M The Reliable Remedy W fur all forma of (RHEUMATISM I M (IKTS ATTIIK .JOINTS M FUDH TUB INNIIIK Tablets, Liu toi till t For «il« by all drugnlats ... .^,..4*]--^ This is the BEST Saw Mill rCx KPs The Twentieth Century Every tingh _. piece is ble bait fwl and center friction f*«d m»w mills of th« best r*«r#/ materials thraoghuut. fttee! hcadblocks aud cable drive. Economical. Wrlto for diwcrtptiTo catalog of all siaee of saw mlll*, planers, r *a»i>, miters, *to A.VANCE &. CO , CMVk°C\"U" Oil I STORE Mu ■ 1 m*. *4 B «»-irl.l»or .all Hook Mint ran. ! Wf* MM i nre yonrsolf at homo. Write j ttUSIOM RtNEOI CO. B«»t. Til. 11l S. Dsarbotn SI. Chicap A I E>* Bellle Muslin cur tainx »ittytve pleats, 2H jranla lon*. Retell price fl J5 pfflr; we will send free at t*)c n p.-ilr, wholesale price. Send money orders. SLATTERY & BR t EN, 30 Seat 14th street. Room 2, New York City READERS | of this paper desiring to buy any thing advertised in its columns should insist upon having what they ask for, refusing all substitutes or imitations.