MRS. LYON'S ACHES HHP PAIHS Have All Gone Since Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Tern Hill, Pa.—" Kindly permit me to giv« 70a my teatunoaial in favor of Lydia EL Pinkham'a £■ Vegetable Com y pound. When I first |l| began taking it 1 .• •: waa suffering from j^-7IMi female troubles for jfiM some time and bad almost all kinds of aches—pains in low- ' er part of back and f.*rrTjfrTt. ii. preas- Fftfi*! fI 1 ' n K down pains. I ''—' ''* ' ' could not sleep and had no appetite. Since I have taken ! Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound the aches and pains are all gone ' and I feel like a new woman. I cannot praise your medicine too highly.' '—Mrs. | AUGCSTVB LVON, Terro Hill, Pa. It is true that nature and a woman's work na* produced the grandest remedy | for woman's ills that the world has ever known. From the roots and herbs of the field, Lydia E. Pinkham, forty years ago, gave to womankind a remedy for their peculiar ills which has proved more efficacious than any other combination of drugs ever com pounded, and today Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is recognized from coast to coast as the standard remedy for woman's ilia. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files containing hundreds of thousands of letters from women seek ing health many of them openly state over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound; and in eome cases that it has saved them from surgical operationa. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief—Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE M.-, LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegeta ble act surely ADTFD but gently on the liver. f TTLE Stop after BIVER dinner dis- J PILLS, tress-cure ■■■__ indigestion, * improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICK* Genuine must bear Signature HAIR STAIN "Walnutta" For Gray, Streaked. Bleached mi Red Hair or Mowtache. Matche* Shade—Brown to Black. Dee* not wath nor ruk off. Sold by yow Pi im'n Regular alxe, SO oenta. SALVE rtveelanedlat* relief for ell kind* of PII.KB end ft a wuoderfnl •*MRLT for KCAKMA.CL) A rI'KLT HA!SI>T»,HOHKB END any forui of HKIN |>U»- KABK. LV*ntT-FL«n WNLI at all druggist* Write lor FHIIBSAMI'LBS. Dept. O-L. THE COURTNEY DRUG COMPANY Baltimore. Mil. TENTS AND AWNINGS JSE mad« of r&nTtA Write for Vow llluitravxl catalog. SAPL A. UKTII MOICH TBIT* IV., .. Natural Consequence. "The wind is rising." "That's because it is from the East." No. SIX-SIXTY-SIX This is a prescription prepared es pecially for Malaria or Chills and Fever. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the fever will not return. 15c. —Adv. Of Course. She —Why does a hen cackle she lays an egg? He —Because the egg can't, I guess. LADIES CAN WEAR BHOEB Oneeteeceuller after aalng Allen'* root- Bate, the Antieeptlc powder to be ibaken Into the ILWTT. It make* tight or sew ihoo feel eaar. Jut the thing for DAN clog MHTIIUD*. For RILL trial YAEKAAE, addnea Allen S.Olatted. Leßoj, X. F. AIR. The high price of eggs has dona much to reduce stage fright. i—J , "S "t 0^ 6 : K After k. Othesa J HANFORD'S ' Balsam of Mynii For GaDa, Wire G*M, !«■»»,,% Strains, Bunchea, HvnaL Old Sara, Nail Woanda, Foot Rot fistula, IRfi* Eh». Mad* Since 1848. - Nca^ioißiiuo LIST DF RESCUED Names of Those Reported Saved When Empress of Ireland Sank. The following la a Ust of the paaaen gers and crew on the tit-fated steam ship Empress of Ireland that have been reported aa among those saved: BACKFORD, Joseph. BAKER, Starr. BANDY, J. P. BANTALA, T. HAW DEN. Florence, HiUsboro, 111. BAWDEN, Bresie.- * 1 BLYTH, Miss. BOCH, Miss Edith, Rochester, Minn. BOCH, Hheinhardt, Rochester, Minn. BOYLE, Robert. BRENNAN, R. BROWN, William. BYRNE. Johu. BURT, C. R. BURROWS, W. T. CANEPA. W. CAPPLJN, George. CLARKSON. H. CONE. J. M. COURT, Miss E, Liverpool, Eng. DARCY, P. LiAVIES. Johu. DA VIES. Peter. DONAVAN, Q. DORTS, John. ELGEVISH. A ERZINGER, Walter. EVANSON, Arthur. FAVEUSTEND, Mrs. FERGUSON, A. C. FENEDAY, Arthur, ' FENTON. Walter. FISHER, Mrs John, Chicago. FITZBARICK, John. FLOIR, Roy. FUGENT, William. GARU, John. Chicago. GAADE, A W.. chief engineer. GIBSON, John. GRAY. Arthur; QRIVERI, Alex. HACKNEY, Mlse Mabel, wife of Lawrence Irving. HAES, aasistant purser. HAMPTER, W. HARBANN, Renne. HEATH. H L., Chicago. HEATH, "Jack," four year-old eon of above. HELLER, W. HENDERSON, O. W. 8. HOHN. S. F. HOLT, P. R. - , HONRALAIN, William. HUGHES, Hugh. RUOHES, W. nr~i JOHNSTONE, George, Baata Bar bara, Cal. JUBAINER, Slma. KAVALSKE, Evan, Duluth. KOHL, Miss Grace. KORONIC, MtcbaeL LAWLER, Herbert LEDDELL, R. LEE, Miss Alice, Nassau, Bahamas. LOMMI, Malta. * MCREADY, Thomas M DONALD, C. P. M'DOUGAL, D. M'WIUJAMS, R. MBTCAIjn&. G. J. MOUNSEY. Mrs. William, Chicago. NIBITO, F. OWEN. W. S. PROBSI, P. QUINN, William. RJCATETENTO, Psdor. REGINALD, A., Moraland ROBERTS. W. ROMANUS, John. . ROWER. William. ROWAN, W„ steward. RYAN. Phona. RYAN, John. BALINSKI, W. BAMUHLSON, C. BCOTT. SHANNON, Edward. SIMS. John, fMI Til, C. H. SMITH. H. H. SMITH, J. SPENCER, C., bellboy. BUZZERA, Adam. TALBACHA, Alas. WALJNBKJ, Thorne. WEINRUCH, 8.. Montreal. WBISB, Alex. WHITE, J. B. WILiLIAMS, O. EUH, H. COMBES, G„ pantryman. BAM FORD, 8., Maroonl operator. BUNTHROME, Alex., BaoU Bar bara Cal BYRNE, Mr. and Mra. Brisbane, Australia. BYRNE, Mrs O. BLUOTT, A., baker. VTNLAY, J. M., Liverpool. FOSTER, E. Baker. , OREY, seaman. HOLT, Perklneon R, bedroom ataward. - DOELJK, MoacaL GRATWICK, T. HADL43Y, Alex., boatswain's mate. MURPHY, O. 8. REGINALD, A. SAMSON, C. S., chief ataward. SIMONB, Mra. R. BORAH UE, T. SWAN, J. K.. tenth engineer. WHITE, Mori and. WILXJAMS, Joseph, aaalatant stew ard. DUCKWORTH. O. H., electrician. NOVEK, Pededon. DONOVAN. CLANDON. CLARK, Charles. SAPOKB. ' BAVEIN. SEBALAK, Joseph, Ordburg. , BEARLE, Miss Eva., Seattle. VINCENT, Mra. A., Faircrosa, Ens land. . " 1 THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. SALVATION ARMY. ATWELL, Maj. and Mrs, Toronto BALES, Mlse Alice, address un known. BROOKS, Thomaa, Toronto. DELAMONT, (two brother*) Moose Jaw. ;.' * \ .. .. FOORD, Ernst. Toronto. OREEN, Ernest, Toronto. GREEN AWAY. Herbert, Toronto. GREENAWAY. Mr. and Mrs., To ronto. daughter of Bandmaster Hannagan,) daughter of Bandmoaater Hannagan.) Toronto. JOHNBTON, James, Toronto. > KEITH, Alfred, lieutenant, Toronto. MAMMON, IX, staff captain, To ronto. MORRIS, Maj. Prank, Lindsay, OnL M'INTYRE, Kenneth, Toronto. SPOONER, R., captain, Toronto. TURTIN, Richard, major, Toronto. WILSON, George, captain, Toronto. BIG SEA DISASTERS 1850 —March SO. Steamer Royal Adelaide wrecked off Margate; over 400 Urea loßt. 1851-February 16. Troopship Bir kenhead. Quecnstown to Cape of Good Hope Wrecked; 646 lives lost. 1864—March. Steamer City of Glas gow, Liverpool to Philadelphia, with 45fl passengers'; never heard from. 1854 Eleven transports with sup plies for the army In the Crimea, wrecked in storm on Black sea, Near ly 600 lives lost. 1859--October 24. Steamer Royal Charter, wrecked on the Angelsea coaet; 446 lives lost. 1867 —October 29. Royal mail steam ere Rhone and Wye and about fifty other vessels driven ashore and wrecked at St. Thomaa, West Indies, by a hurricane; about 1,000 lives lost. 1870- September 7. British warship Captain foundered off Pinlsterre; 472 lives lost. 1878—April 1. White Star steamer Atlantic wrecked off Nova Scotia; 647 lives |o«t. 1874—December 6, Emigrant ship Cos Patrick burned at sea; 470 lives lost. 1878—September 3 British steamsr Princess Alice sunk In collision In the Thames river; 700 lives lost 1887—November 15. British steam er Wah Yeung burned; 400 lives lost. 1890-February 17. British steamer Duburg wrecked In China sea; 400 lives lost. f 1890—September 19. Turkish frigate Ertogrul foundered off coast of Japan; 540 lives lost. 1891—March 17. Steamer Utopia, Anchor line, sunk by collision nM Gibraltar; 674 Uvea lost. 1892 January 13. Bteamer Nam chow wrecked In China sea; 414 Uvea lost. 1896—March 11. Spanish cruiser Reina Regenta foundered In the Atlan tic at entrance to the Mediterranean; 400 lives lost. 1898--July 4. 'French line steamer Ia Bourgogne In collision iHth British sailing ship Cromartyshire; about 660 lives lost. 1804—June 16. Steamboat General Slocum, took Are going through Hell Gate, East river; over 1,000 Uvea lost. 1904—June 28 Steamer Norge wrecked off Scottish coast; 646 livos lost. 1906—September 18. Japanese war ship Mlkasa sunk by explosion; 599 Uvea lost. 1908—March 23. Japanase steamer Mutsu Maru sunk In collision near Hakodate; 300 lives lost. 1908- April 30. Japanese training cruiser Matsu Shims sunk by ex plosion off the Pescadores; 200 lives lost. . 1908—July 28. Steamer Ylng King foundered off Hongkong; SOO lives lost. 1909—August 1. British steamer Waratah, from Sydney via Port Natal for London, left Port Natal July 26; never heard from; 300 lives lost. 1905- November 14. Steamer Seyne sunk in collision with steamer On da off Singapore; 100 lives loot. . I#lo- February 9. French line steamer General Chancy wrecked off Minorca; 200 llv«a lost. 1911 —April 2. Steamer Koombuna wrecked; 160 lives lost. 1911—September 26. French battle ship Liberte sunk by explosion in Tou 100 harbor; 286 lives lost. 1918—April 14. Steamer Titanic, White gtar line, wrecked by collision with Iceberg; sbout 1,603 lives lost 1914—May 29. Bteamer Empress of Ireland and collier Storstad collide in Gulf of St. Lawrence; more than 800 lives lost. Calls for Inquiry. London, May 30. —The London morn ing papers in commenting editorially on the disaster call for a thorough in vestlgatlon as to whether the bulk heads were closed, and, If so, how was It that the most modern system of watertight compartments failed to keep the ship from sinkingT The claim for the Empress of Ire land will be the heaviest suffered by the Lloyds underwriters since the sinking of the Titanic. It Is expected that the disaster will give a serious check to the scheme for establishing a Canadian Lloyds, with a view of re ducing the rates charged la London for insuring vessels navigating the St. Lawrence. Statistics show that the underwrit ety have consistently lost money on such voyages, owing to the dangers of the river and the prevalence of fogi apd Ice. The Times, in an editorial, con siders that nothing could have saved the Empreas of Ireland, considering the nature of the collision, hut asks: "What was the Storstad doing to run into the Empress of Ireland with such suddenness and violence 7** * • • H Have a Porch jf Party with the ideal offering to KUCStS ° r * am '| y ' es P« ci^n y so perfectly y/ ing but people . // I'ke it better I than much III 11 morecost - L ly things. eaten" feelings -=- re freshes the mouth— I SEALED! *b A Remember--the new seal is air tight and dust-proof! It's the | best gum in the best package. I Be SURE it's WRIGLEY'S. \ Look for the spear. t The reason a woman is afraid of a mouse Is that sho knows it can't hurt her, A TREATMENT THAT HEALS ITCHING, BURNING SKINS Don't etand that Itching akin humor one day longer. Go to the nearest druggist and get a Jar of reslpol oint ment (50c) and a cako of resinol soap (25c), Bathe the eczema patches with resinol soap and hot water, dry and appjy a little resinol ointment. lC's almost too good to be true. The torturing itching and burning stop In stantly, you no longer have to dig and scratch, sleep becomes possible, and healing begins. Soon the ugly, tor menting eruptions disappear complete ly and for good.—Adv. English society women plan to open tea shops at several of the continental resorts. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure your Rheumatism and all kinds of aches and pains—Neuralgia, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Cuts, Old Sores, Burns, etc. Antiseptio Anodyne. Price 26c. —Adv. Mra. A. O. Rice of Morgantown, W. Va., is to have 250 square inches of akin grafted on her. Whenever Yeu Meed m General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill T It Epilly Vilubli is I fiimril StriuM* Toils, Btciuse It Ads on thi Lliif, Drifts Out Mslirla, Enriches tko Blood ill Mils Up the Wholo System. Ton know what you are taking when yen take Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic, as the formula is printed on. every label, showing that il contains the well-knotpi tdtic properties ot QUININE and IBOH. I t has so equal (or Malaria, Chills and F«wr, Weakness, General Debility and Lo« of Appetite. Gives life and vigor to Maniac Mothers and Pale, Sickly Childrt*. A fnie Tonic and Sure Appetite*, for grown people and children. Guar mteed bj jow Prufffi*. Wo mean it. (Oa (or all purposes. Wall and Street cases. Sarv- I Itary Ventilated Street cases to protect fruits, WW 11 Ut ■ll t ■ berries, etc., from the deadly fly and street WBBW ■* dus , Wall Mirrors, Tables, Chairs, etc. for Cafes and Candy Stores. Soda Fountain, Back Bars. Drug Store Outfits, etc. Catalogs free. For Wall and Street cases ask for catalog S. For Cafes and Candy Store fixtures Outfits ask for catalog D. For general HIGH POINT SHOW CASE WORKS line of show cases ask for catalog K. TT IGr IX POINT, TU". O. MOON SHINE CHEWING TOBACCO Juicy and "sweeter than chicken." That mellow flavor you want. If your dealer does not aell MOON SHINE aak him to get it for you. Manufactured by BAILEY BROTHERS. Inc. Hot In Ihm Trumt , WIHSTOH-SALEM, M. O. IShinqlcs. Spanish ~Til« ] IyiUVTHINO IN IHKKT MITAI OUILOINQ MATERIAL tllT THATMONIYCAN 3UV ] BHAIR R BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit lie J pa to eradicate dandruff. For Raetorin* Color and Boaut jr to Gray or Faded Hair. —c. and |I.OO at Urugyleta npftPQV TREATEO.uanally glveiqui ok llilUl 131 relief,soon removes a wel line W Jt snortbrcith.oftentf vra entire relli-' I,l* In 16 to2ftdays. Trial treatment ami Fr«« /fl Dr. THOMAS E. GREEN. Surcruor lo Dr. H. H. Qrssns Sons, Box 0, Atlanta, Gs. iiffl ||VP|| Men to learn barber trad* WAN I r II Few wffk» required, ■ mmWO Steady position for com* petentjfradnatea. Wonderful demand for bar bers. Wajfew while learning : freecntaloj; ; writ# RICHMOND BARBER COLLEGE. Richmond. Va. KODAKS & SUPPLIES im* We alno do highest ela»H of finishing. rm\ Priced and Catalogue upon request* S. Galtiki Optical Co.. Rickaood, Va. SPECIAL TO WOMEN The most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antiseptics Is A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches in treating catarrh, Inflammation or ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by feminine Ills it has no equal. For ten years the Lydla E. Plnkham Medicine Co.has recommended Paxtlne In their private correspondence wltli women, which proves Its superiority. Women who have been cured say it is "worth its weight in gold." At druggists. 60c. large box, or by mail. The Pax ton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass. DAISY FLY IULLER KS TfiS Matu. Nest, eIMB, or- Dtnnltl, WD'wlat chop, inti »il lima. Mud* of motal.etn'toplllorUp o*ir; will aot *Oll or I njuro »ny t hlng. OunmitMd eff*etlTw •iprwa paid for II.M. SABOLD IOIUII, It* D«X»11> Art., Brooklya. >. T. W7N7U~ CHARLOTTE, NO. 23-19K

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