Excursion Rates to The - Seashore Via The ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South From WMliamston, N. C. To Washington, D. C. $11.55 To Balitmore Md. 11.55 To New York City, 20.55 To Boston, Mass. 25.05 Tickets'on sale every day until Sept. 30th. via Norfolk and Steamer, ..with final return limit Oct. 31st 1914. To Wrightsville Beach N. C. S7. GO Tickets on sale every dny until Sept. 80th with final return limit Oct. 31st 1914 ; __ To Wilmington, N- C. $5.00 To Norfolk, Va. 3.00 Tickets on sale for all trains each Saturday and for all forenoon trains each Sunday until Sept 13th 1914, limited returning to midnight of Tuesday next fol lowing date of sale. For summer excursion rates to many mountains, lake and pleas ure resorts, and for any other information, reservations, etc., call on W. A. Ellison, Ticket Agent, br address, W. J. CRAIG, Pass. Traf. Mgr. T. C WHITE, Gen. Pass. Agt Wilmington, N. C. Has Your Child Worms? NttTst children do. A coated, furred tongue, -strong breath, j stomach pains, circles under eyes, I pale sallow complexion, ngrvous, fretful, grinding of teeth, tossing in sleep, peculiar ilreatns —any one of these indicate Child haSi Worms, . Get a box of Ktckupoo Worm Killer at once. It thej worms—the cause of your child's j condition. Is Laxative and aidsi Nature to expel the Worm.s. Sup-1 plied in randy lorm. Kasy lor children to take. 25c. at your Druggist. . v . . . ITU- v' I I l%r" Ti P-—-J WE have just received a lar^e Agents for the celebrated Lillis- f \ ij/k I 'lot oi Harness *■ tioual Harvester Co., Kerosene ; | Brin# us * your repair work facturers of Buggies. Surries, . I I v ma^er^a^ # used in every ■MMMUNtta SfIHMHMBHHHHHi "7 ■ • ~ J '' r' ' 7 ,■ ' ' .l Gasolene 15c per Gallon by yi^tßarrel —r- : ~~ * " ~ ' " 7 1 Jt ' _, *» ~ riartin County Buggy Co. - WHliamston, N. C. I ASA T. CRAWFORD and W. L. STALLS, Owners Notice By virtue of mi order of the Superior Court of M*rtin\;oanty, io the soecial proceedings entitled B. A. Critcher, Guardian of J. L Harrell Ex Parte, the ouderUgaed Commissioners will on the 3rd day of Aug. 1914 at 11 o'clock A. M. in front of the Bank at Oak Citr North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash the following tracts of land described as follows: ist Tract—Beginning at corner of lot No 6, running N. 28. 264 poles, theucc S E. 2* poles, thy ce S. 52 W. as and ode fiift.li poles to orst station. Con sining 40 acres. 2nd Tract—A one-half undivided inter «st in and to the following land-Begin uiug at the mouth of Poplar Branch, run ning S 84 W. 17. and one fifteenth poles, thence S Si 4 », Ujence N. 4J*4 W. 54 poles to a N. 34 W. 26 poles to a branch, thence down the branch to the mouth, thence S 314* E 24 poles to the canal bridge, thence down the canal to the first station Contaiuiug 2o'j acres. This the 29th dav of June 1914 11. A.CRITCHER, Commissioner 3 Notice By virtue Of an order of the Superior Couit of Martin County iu the ptocee|l irg-> B F. Harrell v VV. It. Harrell et .al , the undersized Commissioner will •■wt-ttw 3-rt 4*v""Rf~ vui?. at ri vel->ck A. m in front oi' the Rutk of Oak Citv, North Carolina, offer for sale to tl>e high est bidder for cash the following describ ed trscts of land: at Turner's now Prilt hard's Corner and running idong the hue of lot No jX.52 E 16 1 piles to a branch thence down the branch to the corner of lot No. 3, the'nee S. 14 -E 17 poles to a stake theuce S 5 3 AV a'iS p'il;sto Prich ard» line, theuce S. *,'■ W. I3'j poles to the Ist 'station. Containing 4o r.cre* more or less. Beyinning at corner of lut No. in Pritchard's , line and running N. 52 E. a6N poles to the line of lot No. 3, thence S. 34 E. 9 poles, S. 43'4 E. 16 poles, theucc Jv 52 W. 264 poles to line, thence N 51 \V 23 and four'fifths i>oles to the Ist nation, Containing 40 acres m > r r or le-s A one half undivided in'eyf-1 in tid 10 the following truct—Beginning Ht the mouth of Poplar Branch. Moore's corner and running 8. S4 VV. and one fifth, poles, thence SBj 4 p'Tles, thence N 43!» W 54 poles to a stake, thence N. 34 VV. 26 p;>le« to a bnflßh. thence down the branch to the n>3tith, thetKe S. 31 4 /E. 24 poles to tlie canil b-idge, thence down the canal to tji-' i-t stH'i in, Con taining JQ'i aye* «nd home tract and dower t» v- Sal lie A ilitrelL Begin nine at the corner t vh * 0* p-esn Poad and running N. VV. hi and one fifth poles, thence S. 21 VV. 208 poles thence to a pine Ilymsns line to the Ist station. Containing 60 acres more or less All the abovt described tracts being Lots N 1 3. 4, 5. and 6iu Harrell land division and all the above tracts will be sold as one tract This the 29th dav of fane,' Isl4- A. R DUNNING, 1 ■ "Couimias-oners B. A. CRITCHER \ 7-3 THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and _ Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five regular Courses leading to decrees. Special Courses for teacher*. Free tuition 'to those »frho agree to become teachers in the State. ' Fall Sessions beginsSen'onber 16th. 1514 For catalogue anl other snt'oriuations, 1 addaess J it, us I. FOIST. President, Greensboro, N. C. THE NORTH CAROLINA College Of Agriculture And Me -1 chanic Arts 1 This State Industrial t oilege I offer strong courses in Arrricul jture. Horticulture, Stock*raising, J Dai ring, Poultry. Veterinary '[Medicine: in Civil, Kiectrieal, and I Mechanical Engineering; in Chemistry and Dyeing; in Oot . | ton Manufacturing, and in Agri cultural teaching. Four year Courses. Two and one year Courses in Agriculture and iu j Machine Shop Work Faculty of [GI men; 738 studients; 25 build lings; excellent epuipmcnt and I laboratories for each department. iOn July 9th. County Superin tendents conduct entrance ex aminations at each county seat. For catalogue write, E. P. OWEN, Registrar West Raleigh. N. C. I j—ZZ £_ L Notice I'ntler atld hv virtue t»f authority Con tained in a deed of tru»t executed hy lordoti Williams to It. h'ratik (iolwitt,' .Jr , beat tit),' 1 ate April 3 tli . 19 >7. and of record in Rook I'PP at us s"' l Mar tin County Registry, to aycwr>* the pav • tnent of a certain note of even dste there- I with anil the stipulation* tit same not I havuijf been comp'ied with, and at the jreq t.'st of the * - aiti.-s in interest, the tin- I dsrsigned tru-tee, will on Mondav the 17th., day of' August 1914 at t? o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door ol Martin County at Williattiston, N. C , offer 'it public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the followijj de*»'ribel land, tin wit: Ist tract It britikt the sa'u; premises ihat WAS ennveved to J Williams by W. 1* Uowett ami wile, aud contain in# four acres, more or less 1 2nd tract Adjoining J. R. Ila'.lard on the Fast, Ned Williams on the South, and the Hamilton and Williattiston road on the West containing seven acre*, more or less, and including all the land owned by Jordan Williams in Poplar. Point Township at the date of ssid deed in trust The 16U1 Jul* ISI4. A. R. DUNNING, Trustee. I 7-17 Stops Neuralgia Kills Pain Sloan's Liniment syives instant relief from Neuralgia or Sciatica. It jjces straight to the painful part -Snotties the Nerves and Stops the -Pain. 11 is also go« >l for Rheumatism. Sore Throat. Chest Pains and Sprains. You don't need to rub—it penetrates. Mr. J. R, Swinger, Louisville,Kv. writes: "1 suffered with quite a severe Neuralgic Headacee for four months without any relief. I used Sloan's Liniment for two or three nights and 1 haven't suf- TereifSviih my head since." (»et a b'Vttic today. Keep in the house all the time tor pains ;Vtid all hurts 251 5 0I'. and 81.00. at your Drug gist. Bui klen's A mica Sal vel, for all Sores Notice Of Sale Hx virtue of authority of a resolution duly a-oted by tile Stockholders of the Marii i Countv Tobocco Warehouse O.'. at the in.-t iinjr of siid stockholders, held in tin* tivsn of WtlHauistoti on the 3rd IM\ of Jtilv. lot 1. the nnders'gnetl will olf. t .ti public sale, tc the highest bidder for Monday the ,}ut day of An il '.'l' I ' l -L at 11 o'clock \1„ in front of tli Tiixu- Warehoiue in thetown of will - iant'ton, N. C , all the tea! estate and pers tint) property beloitkdtiK to suit! corporation satdreal estate beitiK describ ed as follows: llrginuint; at the County Koad>leaditiy ftout Williamston to Wadiingt >u wlrert it 1 i.i.ys the Alliemarle and Raleigh Hatit '.nl in the town iif W ulmm-ton; tbet ce down said railroad to Mary Har re!!'> i inter to a branch; tlieiire ddwti said '1 aneh to Stanley Dugout* line; thern eup a bram li nlonn "Stanley Dug- Kins line to said Wlllfiitnstou and Wash ington road; thence down said road to the bcg'utiiig, containing about tluA* acres. Also another tract of lan.l la-ginning at a post tin the road; thence South 76'> H.iit 1 poles and 71 links thence South 84 West J poles anri 37 links; thenc • Noi'li N. Vfit 1 pile anil 55 links tci the beginning; cotilaiuttu r 39 .in; hundredths pari ol all net e, mid i»-itii: Ule '-.one i-o «i cotoeveil by Sttsati Sini , h to J \) - fjett. and hy joht) K K infers ar 1 H tut ettn l-toner* to 1..P 1.-l' .-cH »• hiclt sail' deed a aredul l . ret: mti dHI Mirttn Co'iut» ( . Rl'L 1 1- ry. [ The jifrtpertv above descri'ned II'H-C! until Auyustl 1, 113, with an c»{>.t 11 fur two idditinnil vims, the be 1 hefeatter aureed lip ni. icul it 1* u> tier |.j»U.od th-,t ih«» putchast-r wtrt lake a !i« RUI jfi*t to s*nl lease. The purtiiahei v»ili l»e entitle I to the rent for Mild titiif. This snie will be tnaile with the tin- that there will he erected on said premises, additional pri/.e roouta at a cost not to exceed Fifteen Hundred Dollars (150000), attd the purchaser wdl have to assume this responsibility. Tht > sale is to include the personal prop erf v situHte on said jjreti'ises. By oriler of the stockholders, STATON. President C. 11, GODWIN, Secretary W. A. KLbISON, Trtasurer WJ^i^jkmbpbb JAM 158 CANNON, Jit. M. A.. D. D.. I'UIVI IPAI.. All I A 9 VQ MOTTO: Thorough Infraction under positively v w CliriMlnn 111 II tie noes at the lowmt possible cist. Rociilt 1T ,H today/with a faculty of S3, a boardlnsr patronage of •XCSUIIa 308. a body of 428, and a plant worth $150,100, The Leading Training School for Girls in Virginia. A 4 ffi\ PAYS all charts f(ir the year, Inelndlnsr Table Board, jh •« A I Ilnom. J.brhta, Steam Heat, l.aundry, Medical Atten- Tk 1 *%|l T W t,.ntlon, Physical Culture and Tuition In all subjects 'y A V except music and elocution. , is: Can parents ftml a Mltnol \vitl» t\ h. iter record. with more exiiert pneeil mannKcmcnt at Mich mo !v: «i* co t'.' Foe rufnloßt »* and appilca tlon blank address Gi'H). r. lI)AMS, Hla> k*lon\ Vtt. BINGHAM! SCHfIOI-'S ctfiul.(iuriffli«.fot I2L. year* htt been to- make ® Merv ol Boy*. Organ, «t,on Military,. Alone amona N. C. private tchoob bmalum'i Commandant is * We»l Point graduate, detailed from die U. 8, Army. Within * year A Million Dollar Hotel and U. 8. Government Suinmep Camp for Military Instruction have come to Aihevtlle, WliyT Lake lor Hwlrn~> mill A* T union and Board JLOO per Half Term. Col. R. Btn#Kam. R. F. D. BJX 12 AiKevJle, N. C WE SELL The Range with R E PUTA TI 0 N The Great Majestic Hoyt Hardware Co. Willamston, N. C.