,-fp^ ——: ' _i / -r — »P iFf- ■ ryf 4 • lo Ihe banners ** . 7; 4 "•• . • . " v . ■'/ « * _ ' ' ) - ' r% '' ■ »'■ « ' • . ' " f TheiWilliamston Tobacco Market opens ■ / August 19th. 1914 and the Roanoke Warehouse is prepared to give to give to the Tobacco Growers the very best ser vice. With iho outlook for good prices---we ask give us a trial load on opening day, and S^e||Jtomise /our'best effort to please you, X -\/ Yours to serve, McJMobley, Joe Taylor and H. M. Burras PROPRIETOR'S OF Roanoke Warehouse j Williamston, - N. C. I i r • Valuable Horie Dead "Grace Johnson," the three year-old horse of Dr. .J. S. Rhod es, died at Tarboro on Monday with distemi>er. For some months, the mare had been in training, and gave promise of wonderful speed, and Dr. Rhodes had already been offered good money for her. The loss is heavy and the disappointment keen, as the animal had > been reared at "Rhodesia Farm" and was a pet: on the farm. , Go Where You Piease EatJWhat You Please That is what you caii do if you take Dod§on's!Liver!,Tone. Many people know the danger of calo mel, yet they take it because they know of nothing better. Other people are not afraid of calomel, because thae do not understand what a dangerousjdrug it is. Be cause it has hurt them; they believe it neverjwill. No one needs to take danger ous calomel (which is just another form of mercury.) Saunders & Fowden sell Dodaon's Liver Tone for fifty cents a\ bottle and guar antee thatfit takes the place of calomel. Dodson's Liver Tone is a plea sant-tasting vegetable remedy tjiat livens up the liver uflthout causing any restriction of habit er diet. Itjhas none of the many bad after-effects of calomel and is safe for children as well as grown-ups. You don't Jrun a single risk when you try Dsdson's Liver Tone, because if you aren't, en tirely satisfied all you need to do is go right back to where you bought it and have your mfeney cheerfully refunded to you with a smile. Isn't that fairf Ready for To-morrow ? Horses digest their feed less thoroughly than ——- other farm animals. In order to insure thorough lam mine Bee Dee digestion of all the food eaten, and to make your STOCK MEDICINE with horses readier for next day's work, add to their und evening feed a teaspoonful of— on feed. Il also makes thrni healthy, thriving and STOCK Ck " l ' Ira Johnston, DCC LICC MEDICINE Nebr. It will lessen your feed bflls. .. . .. 1 28c, 50c and sl. per can. It will Increase your profits. At your dealer's. East Carolina Teachers Training School A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina Every energy is directed to this one pur pose. Tuition free to all who agree to teach. Fall term be gins St 11n Itr £2rd, IM4 For catalogue and other information address. - _ .„ X , „ ROBT, H. WRIGHT, President. Greenville, N. C. Notice Having qualified as Executor upon the Estate of J. J. R. Whitfield deceased; Notice in hereby given to all persons hold ing cla.tns against said Estate to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the Ist day of August 1915, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recoveiy All persons indebted to said Estate are requeued to make immediate payment. _ _____ Thh J4th day of Jtilv 1914. J. H. WHITFIELD, B*c. 7-3' Notice. y 5 . Having qualified as administrator of Paul Watta, deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this ia to notify all persons having claims against the estate of a*id deceased *0 exhibit them to the um'eraiKned at WillumitoiK North Carolina, on or before the 37th day of July 1915 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona in debted to aaid estate will please - make immediate payment. This 27th day of July 1914, WHEELER MARTIN, Jr., Admr. 7-3« ——————— v- - Much the Batter Policy. Too m*ny persons are tempted to sxerciae themselves unto resifnatlon when they should put forth their beet *#ftl towards resistance. • ■ * ■ •• - ' THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Notice Having qualified as administrator, of the estate of A. J. Roberson, decease.!, lata of Martin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of oaid'deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned near Will iamston on or before the 31st day of July; 1915 or this notice will he pleaded in l>ar ot their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 31st dav of July 1914, A. C. ROBERSON. Admrs. J. L. COLTRAIN, 7-3t Notice Having qualified as Administratrix upon the estate of Wm. H. Martin de ceased, notice is hereby given to all per sons holding claims against said eatate to present them to the undersigned for pay inent on or before the aSih day of July 1015 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment This 28th dav of July 1914. LAURA S. MARTIN, Admx. \ Prodwet Requires Work of Many. Two thousand nine hundred silk worms are required to produce one pound of silk, but it takes 27,000 spiders to produce one pound of web. Fill Give You All ft f Check It sounds good! And it is lust as good as it sounds. When you / pay by check you have a check on your payments and you create a ' feeling of confidence in people to whom yon owe money. Let us give you a check book. Come in today. / ; _____ | _____ Farmers and Merchants Bank I . I # |g STATE, AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY it O JOHN D. BIOOS C. D. CARSTARPHEN J. L. RODOERSON 0| PRESIDENT VICE-PR ESI DENT CASHIER fcflf Notice of Primary Election MART4N COUNTY-NORTH CAROLINA. AB required by An Act of the General Assembly of 19f3, providing for Primary Elections in Margin County, notice is hereby given that a Primary of the Democratic Party will be held at the various polling places in said County, hereinafter named, on Thursday, the 6th, day of August, 1914 for the purpose of nominating candidates for the House of Representatives and all County and Township Officers. Polls will be opened at sunrise and close at sunset. Registration Books shall be kept open ten days immediately preceding day of Election for the registration of new Electors; and said Books shall close at 8 o'clock on tne night preceding such Primary Election It is suggested that the two Townships, heretofore nominating a County Commis sioner. vote for one Commissioner. Copies of said Primary Law will be printed in due time and dis tributed to all the Registrars and Judges of Election. The polling places, Registrars ana Judges of Election, are as follows: PRECINCTS. REGISTRARS. - JUDGES OF ELECTION. Goose Nest N. M. Worsley .. R. J. House L. T. Chesson. Hamilton ..... ... J. T. Waldo... P. H. Davenport H. S. Johnson. Poplar Point .t.. 1.-......... M. P. Tay10r..... ..... Van Taylor, Jr.. F. J. Roebuck. Robersonville , J. A. Mizell G. Barnhill J. L. Whitfield. Gold Point J J. Weaver .., J. A. Powell * W. A. Ross. Cross Roads S. F. Everett J. S. Ayers D. J. Meeks. Bar Grass Nathan Rogerson Mc. C». Taylor A. B. Ayers. Griffins Epbriam Peel H.J. Manning . ' . ■ LE. Corey. Williams _. v Levi Hardi?on J W. Hopkins J. B. Hardison. Jamesvillo Sylvester Stallings ... L. W. Mizell J. H Bailey. Williamston B. F Godwin A. T. Crawford J. E. Pope. The shall bo counted at the close of the Polls, and proper returns made as prescribed in> said Primary Law. A Convention of the Democratic Party of Martin County will be held at William ston, N. C., on Thursday, the 13th. of August. 1914, when and whereiall nominations for said Offices will be declared. , j . ■ . - By order of the Democratic County Convention, May 23rd, 1914. N . • HARRY W. STUBBS, Chairman. Trustee's Sale By virtue of the authority conferred iu | mt by r dted of trust executed to me by Riley Spruilf nod wife on the aiat day ot! December 1908 and duly recorded in the Regtster of deeds office in Martin County tu Book VVV Page 45gto secure the pay ment «>t « certain bond l>earing even date therewith and- the stipulation in said deed of trust not having been complied with, I shall expose at public public auc tion for cash, on the 13th day of August 1914 at 12 o'clock at the Courthouse door in Martin County the following property; Begfnmng at Tim Bowen'a corner and running with said Bowen's line to Cone hoe Creek, thence down said Creek to a branch, thence up said branch to the Williamston and Hamilton Road, thence said road to the beginning. This the 13th day of July 1914. WHEELER MARTIN, Trustee. M* . ■ > - Notice Having qualified as Administrator upon the Estate of Richard Mooring de ceased; Notice it hereby given to all per sons holding claim* against said Batata to present them to the undersigned lor payment on or before the 9th day of June 1915, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. This 9th day of June i«M« A. J. WYNN, Admr. No. Six-Sixty Six This Is a pae-Tlptioa prepared especially lor MALAVtIA « CHILL* * PCVCR. Fire or six doses will break any esse, and If taken then m • tnit the Fever wiN nol (•turn. It acts on the liver better thar Calomel and does not {ripe or sicken. 25c V- % . ' For Sale Two lots in Williamston, being lot No Four and Five in the Moore Field Plot and purchased bv Kmiua Williams from the Williamston Laud and Improvement Company, deed for which is recorded in the Register's office. Terms cash. Write or see Wm. Griffin, City No, 3 j-n 4i • — — Valuable Farm For Sale I offer for sale my Mizell Farm 3 miles from Williamston on sand clay road, 150 acres in tract, 7s acres in cultivation. 8 room residence, 2 tenant houses, new wire fence, one tobacco barn. Splendid tobacco, peanut and cotton land, good neighborhood. Must be closed in joaays for January delivery. Price and terms reasonable. Reason for selling, other business. Do not write unlesa you mean business. - * ~ This 33rd day of July, 1915. J. G. GODARD Jr., Williamston, N. C. Notice Having qualified as executor of the estate of Lanra Silvia Martin, deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, thia is to notify all persons having claima against the estate oT said deceased to exhibit >h *t" to nml»qi|ii«ii it Bel* haven, N. C., on or before 25th day of Julv 1915 or this notice will be pleaded a bar of their recovery. AU persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. / This the aoth dav of July, ioi4. RICHARD T. MARTIN, Executor. 7-»4 Beet Diet for Worker* After exhaustive research in Paris ft famous French scientist lias recom mended a diet equally divided between ■Mats and vegetables as the best for wwkinc people. 7-»4 4t CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND Jo> \k / LADIES I ■ teioSoT^DFnSiS^^SA GOLD metal lie boxes, sealed with Blue>> Ribbon. TtH KO oraaa. Bar «f TMrW l>ia—la> «4 aak hr Cll-CWb-Tt>l V BIiMORD Bit AN D PILL*, for twentT-flve years regarded aa Beat, Safest, Always Reliable. 80LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS tukd EVERYWHERE SiS' Notice Having qualified aa Executor upon the Estate of William D. Peel, deceased, no tice la hereby Rive to all creditora to pre sent their claim*, properly verified, to the underfunded, or George A. Peel, near Williamston, N. C. on or before the i«t day of August, or this notice will be pleaded in her of any recovery. All 1 persona indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment. | , This 30th da; of July. 1914. STATON J. PEEL, Executor. 7 U Notice Under and by virtue an order of the Superior Court of Mtftia County for a resale made in the special proceedings entitled, Wm. ). Whitley et al George Price et al, the undersigned Commissioa er will an the 98th day of- July 1914 at U o'clock at the Courthouse door m will iamston. N C. offer for aaleto the high est bidder for caah the followiag descnb ed property: Bounded on the North by Posnpey Williams land, on , the West by Lacy Williama land, on the Sooth by Buigeea land, aad on the Bast by Main Stmt Containing one-half acre mote ar leas. Thia the 6th day of July 1914. B. A. CRITCHE*, Com. 717