THE WAR SALE I The Big Cannons of the European War Have Affected *My Business. My Debts Must Be Paid. The Necessity Indu ced Me Too Throw This Big Line of Up-To-Date Merchandise At The Original Cost Days Only, Beginning FRIDAY q jfl 1 November, 13th., At 10:30 A. M. s■"_ ~ - ■ - ' • 1 I Everything has got to go and the building must be vacant by Dec., 30th. This war sale is going to be one of the greatest sales ever known in the business history ot Wil- | Iliamston. Ladies And Gentlemen j! You are especially invited to come and examine this big line before you j buy elsewhere. Don't fail to come and bring your friend* and neighbors. Y. E. TOUMA Red Door Store Williamston, N. C I ' 11 CAROLINA! Is Slated to Win You Are Needed to Cheer Her On to YirTfTPY RICHMOND $2.75 NORFOLK Carolina VS Va. Richmond-Norfolk A.&M. W.&L. VIA THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South Thanksgiving Day Football Games > ' . Ticket/"/ sale for'all trains November 25th.. and for trains scheduled TO arrive Richmond at or before 2:10 P M November 2'> and for trains scheduled to arrive Norfolk by nr bfi-.rfr 1 135 i\ M November 26th. Ail tickets limited to reach starting point not li'ter than midnight of November 27th.. 1914 W.J. CRAIG, T. c. WHITE, Passenger Traffic Mgr. Gen'l Passenger Agent. Wilmington, N. C. gfDWIGG WATTS M : —FARM The Wigg Watts Farm is being subdivided into ideal small farms and city lots and will be offered at Public Auction. This is without a doubt the finest farm land in the South. Located just East of the mist promising in the State (Williamston, N. C.) Great care is being used in the survey and each and every farm will have a splendid road frontage. The Watts farm is tile drained throughout, and is especially adapted to Tobacco, Cotton, Peanuts and Corn. The beau tiful orove iust in front of Watts Residence has been Parked and these ideal residence sites will be sold the day after the big famifale SALE CONDUCTED BY Home Office Atlantic Coast Realty Co., Greenville, N. C. Geo. W. Kelly* Manager The Premier Auction Company D. C. James, Engineer in Charge THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Notice | o*i Thursday December. v fc*l4 n: 12 J o'clock neon, I will oiler for stle to the I highest bidder, for csnh, at the Maloth t | Powen homestead, all the corn, fo ! ! • ! farm in* utensil*. w igoti*. Mrt», : It.-m, and ■ tbic !:■.** stock I>ei" ing to the MaloUrt lifjai-ii Ha'tate onetract of l*p.d- cm ».iin'nsr -i ». •• • 1 arre* a* j >inim» il 1-*, •»■ V. I > > , ! and .iili sin iti'M'- j Tilt- ir: iit i- N v. m!. 1 t 4 : r::-:- u I N • '! 1 * ! t _ rMrf .. . rnt . . _ Notice | Jiv virtue o'" ati order fr r a re sale of j the Superior Coert if Martin C ounty in j the special proceedings entitled II I', j Adminj-trator of John A Prap r *I. ila lirwper, et »1, heirs-at 1 .«»»•, the undrr-iKhc-d ommissionera will 011 the 1 ftll. dav 1 • November, iyi4, at 2> > o'clock I' M at the Court hoube door in 1 Maniu Co'iutv. N\ C\, offer for sale , the lushest bidder, for cash, the follow : injj described trccts of land: Beginning at a ditch, O. I. Which a lue; running S 85 F. 9t j>nlestO Cryant ' Chatice line; thence S. 17', W. i 4 pd-v j thtnc« •> iS H S jjole'v to a Cormr; ;.j theme N. 86,4 W. >6 p:>le« to a ditch: thenct mi said di''h to h bridge; thence ! a straight line to a pine stump in ». T, ■ I Whicha«l'» line; thence with O 1. j Wfaicharil's line to the beginning Cor;- , , tuiniuK\o net's mart; or less. This the sltb dav o f October, ifli4 11 AT CRITCIIF.R, Conir. 1 x-6 Jamesville Items - V The unveiling which was to have been on last Sunday, was postponed on account of the in clement weather. District Mana ger S. O'Brian and Sovereign J. E. Evans, the orator for the oc casion, came over from Green ville Saturday night, but owing to the postponement, they left Sunday night without meeting the many sovereigns. No date for the unveiling has been ar ranged yet. The war times seem to* have no effect on the btylding contracts here. The hanking house is near ing completion. A store {will be gun soon, the contract to be let by H. T. Stalling?. Plans for a new postolfiee building were per fected thii week by Pastmaster (Corey. Luther Hardison has enclosed his saw mill for the winter. Joe Hardison has purchased a new pea picker. Owner Stallings is sick with diphtheria, hut is better. Josephine Teel is visiting in Plymouth for two weeks. Clarence Stallings has bought an auto. E. N. Hardison went to VVill iamston Thursday. National Anthem Naturally. Tito organist wan not lacking in pa triotism, yet rebelled w lieu auked to play "The' Star-Spangled Homier" at a wedding. "II !■ not appropriate," ho r?>,!d. " Vin t tf?' i ~vaid tlio bride's lather. "Cut all the rent of ilie program. If yo'i want to, but Mlclt to After ine having the linrdi ltlt d . ' a f>; lit to keep Hello's moth r from nrifr) In;; In r off to a fcrelftnor! Uet wivh H• •!! i and ine wo w>'i out fer :ui Al..r'.» .n, nud If Ihia ain't the time lor the 'Star- Spangled Rnmier,' I'd like to know when that la" To £>6.'tjn Paint Eru»bej. Vinegar iica't d to the holling point w r, soften pttlni •hrushes that lrive be- I • nil vVomen Are Observing. Tho world Is 'hi- l»ook of women. Whati'-vfi* knowb'li«M t!»«>>• may pos ap«. ■ > -,,1. t , :.i,nri|]|> acquired by ' ! u b# reading.—Rous •Vliy r ,.M Gtoppcd Talking. A -\e:y l ' 1J»■ *»1rl, ho hud be ii . 1 ..i1t( 1. iv Mil'' .1 na«ulo II : 1;■ fii, , Kid!' I* hc it'll' ».||**lll When il l id'- , 'l.i '.'l til' 1 Ol'feltie I 1 tie fashion. 1 •" I (Ki her mother. Wlsliinr to be amiable, tlm visitor said to the chatterbox: "Have you I lout your tongue my" dear", "Ob, no. ma'am," wns thn reply; "only my breath." i ' WouM Do the Same. A Pennsylvania preacher kr>'S tho rich prefer an automobile to a IHble, j ami our that a vast maior -1 Ity of the poo: - would not be slow to manifest u similar preference if »?ivea ! ait onoorttint!»-• Laid Neat Pull of Chicks One day lltil j Imogona ran into tho !iou:->e gn at!.,' eyeJtod, and exclaimed: 'Oh, mama. «»*hat do you think? old U'' ' l:i«*d iicii luim laid a u«st full of ilttlu chicks!" If business is dull Advertise in the Enterprise RichardJWinhorne. Pres. W. H. Winborne. Vice Pres Norfolk, Va. Chowan Ck>.. N C. WINBORNE & CO. ilncorpornlod I Gotten and Peanut Factors Commission Merchants Norfolk, Virginia Peanut Warehouses: Sufiolk, Va.; Norkfolk, Va. Shipments solicited. Market information tarnished. Reference, Seaboard National Rank. Norfolk. Va. Always before buyingK et our pricea on Peanut Bags Bagging wtid Tien. H Pays. Try It for Your Cough Thousands >l people keep c>ughing because unable to get llir right remedy. Coughs are caused l»y Inflammation ofThroat and Bronchial Tubes, What you need is to soothe this Inflamma tion, Take I)r. King's New I)is— cowry-, it penetrates the delicate mucous lining, aaises (lie I'hlegm and quieklv rel ii-ves the congested membranes. (Jet a 50c. bottle from.your druggist. "Dr. King s New Discovery )uikly and com pletelv .topped inv cough' writes J. K Watts. I'loydale, Texas. Moiiev bai k il not satisfied, but it nearlv alwavs Ileitis. ' 1 ' An Active Liver Means Health Il you wan', health, a lear complexion ani treedom from Dizziness, Constipation, 'Bilious ness, H'\tdah»- and Indigestion, I take Dr. Kind's \#*w Life Bills. They driv» out fermenting and 1 undigested-loods-. clear .the blond jam! cure constipation. Only j;i'. jat your dr 1 . A Beginner. "Are you a socialist?" "I am." "What do you understand by nocial ism?" "I haven't got as far along as the understanding part 1 picked BO clalinm because I don't like any of the regular brands of polities." It Really Dozr, Relieve Rheu matism iivervhi>l y who 's ;i!"i■. '•■;! witli Rheumatism in aitv : • .1 should by all means kr ■|• a )•• ■ r 11 c of Sloan's Liniment, "it it.ui-! The minute v>u feel pain or ■> -reness in a joint or musi 1 «•. hat': ' u with (Sloan's liniment. l>o n nil> it. 1 Sloan's penetrates aim : nined iately right lot hi.* - -.11 pain, 1 relieving the ii u.l' ./oolen foeliflg and ma s.t - .i-w't easy .in'l romtortah r • oottle of Sloan s Liniment : .:5 i*nts of any druggist and u.i •• it in the Jhouse against olds Soje and I swollen joints, rheumatism, neu j ralgia, sciatica and like ailments. : ! Your money hack if not satisfied • hiit 1; doss give almost instant re ,it f.