Advertise In The ENTERPRISE We H*rc Tit CIRCULATION VOL XVI. NO. 27 rar—lo SB M y bocal y | Visit Hamilton's Show near the depot and spend a pleasant even ing. Services at the Methodist, Bap tist and Episcopal Churches on Sunday. May Day tomorrow, and the anniversary of Dewey's victory at Manila. Policeman Patrick is cleaning the street before the office door, hats off to him. /f Fresh vegetables grown by lo cal gardeners look good to the housekeepers. Summer time is near, I then it's barbecue and beer; nothing stronger, rnever fear. Go to and vote for men who will inaugurate a "Clean-up" campaign. Manager Walker is giving some excellent pictures at the Gaiety, Trey 0' Hearts tonight Tuesday!is the birthday of Vir ginia Dare, who was born on Roanoke Island in 1687. Some owners of autos should be taxed for the noise they make with the horn attachments. The working force of the Coast Line has been here improving the Main St., extension crossing. It would be a good thing to have less law and better enforce ment, especially in the matter of cleanliness. I The public will notice that there arespeeial sales on at Carstar phen's and Harrison's in sum mer goods. Readers of this paper should go carefully over every adver tisement on its eight pages—it will pay them. Hamilton's show at Janies ville all next week, beginning on Monday. The people of that town should give it good patron age. See ad. A great improvement is being made by the opening of the St., running from Haughton through Gabriel Wiggins' lot to that run ning past Watts grove. If you want a clean show, visit Hamilton's tonight and tomor row. The fun is good, pictures fine and acting more than worth the money. Tomorrow the Basket Ball team of Scotland Neck will meet the4ocals on the campus here. The game will bs called at 9:30 a. m. The public is invited. The extremely dry weather is damaging vegetables, and seed put in ground almost bake be fore they will sprout. April has not brought such hot days days in forty years, say the knowing ones. here seems tore-: member such unreasonable weather. It is hoped that it does not presage the summer. J. H. Howerton, who was in the offieejseveral weeks, decided to accept a position at Mt Olive, and So left last Saturday morn ing for that town. Jack W. Al len, of Raleigh, has accepted the position of foreman and arrived Monday- He has had a number of years of experience in a news paper and job office, having been with the Ne\V«Bern Journal for some time. He expects to bring his family here as soon as con venient. - -.. f FORJ3ALE. Field peas and improved Spanish peanuts. Price guaranteed.—H. G. Mumford & Co., Ayden, N. C. THE ENTERPRISE 0«k City Item* Johnnie Eubanks, of Hassell, was in town Sunday. Ralph House spent a few days in Savannah last week. Jasper Everett, of Roberson ville, was here Monday.- Miss Ruth Savage spent sev eral days with the Misses House last week. 1 The High School will have commencement exercises on April 29th and 30th. B. L. Council left for St. Vin cent's Hospital at Norfolk, Mon day A. M Mr. and Mrs Jesse Crisp, Mr. and Mrs- Tom Johnson spent Sunday in the country. W. S., and Sam Clark and Miss Mary Louise Worsley, of Tar boro, were in town monday. Mrs. P. G. Cobb, and Mrs. R. F. Hooks, of Rocky Mount, have been the guests of Miss Chloe Bennett for several days. Misses Annie Harrell and Lila Philpot accompained by Ernest Harrell attended the show at Robersonville Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. S- E. Hines, Miss Lizzie Harrell and Mrs. F. M. •Harrell attended the show at Robersonville Saturday night. J. L. Hines, L. T. Chesson, Cleveland Allsbrooks and J. W. Hines returned Friday evening from a very enjoyable trip to Wallace's fishery. Messrs. P. R. Frank and Cleve land Reeves and Miss Vivian Reeves, of Spring Green, were the guests of Mrs. N. M. Worse ley Sunday- Gold Point Items Tobacco plants are very small for the time of year. Miss Ethel Williams is visiting in Hamilton this week. B. H. Roberson, of Roberson ville, was here Monday. Farmers are not planting as much cotton as last season in this section. J. R. Roebuck has been quite ill for several days, but is con valescent now. Miss Mattie Williams is spend ing sometime with her grand parents in Hamilton. Mrs. J. M. Guilford is Offer ing from the result of a fall re ceived a few days ago. George Crofton and wife, of Robersonville, were the guests of J. H. Roberson Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Johnston, of Edge comb, is the guest of her daugh ter, Mrs. J. Henry Roberson. Rev. Geo. H. Sullivan, of Wash ington, filled his rogular appoint ment at the Christian Church Saturday and Sunday. New Directories. The new directories of the Wil liamston Telephone Co., have been issued from this office, and are much larger than any previ ous copies. The Company is con tinually increasing its lines, and is one of the largest of the Inde pendent companies in the State. President W. C. Manning is an expansionist and desires to keep in touch with the world. These directories contain all the num bers of the subscribers, snd they are urgently requested to call by number, as it facilitates the work of the operators. This is made absolutely necessary by the volume of work done each day at the Central office Subscribes will note the long list of advertisers in the direc tory, and when in town should make their purchases from them or see them anyway about busi ness in their lines. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. % FRIDAY, APRIL, 3o 1915 The Twentieth Century Book Chib The Twentieth Century Book Club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. James Slade Rhodes, who entertained in her usual de lightful manner at "Rhodesia Place." In the absence of the president Mrs. Frederick W. Hoyt presid ed. The programme was a most enjoyable one and contained the following numbers: Sketch of McCauley, Mrs. War ren H. Biggs Selection—Essay on Milton, Mrs. W. H Harrell Song-"Ring Out Wild Bells," Miss Mayo Lamb At the conclusion of the pro gramme, the hostess served an elegant ice course assisted by Mrs. Rome Biggs, Jr. There were invited guests, among them being Mrs. Emily Fagan, of Edenton, and Miss Carrie Alexander, of Scotland Neck. I have three old second hand sewing machines in my house for the Free Machine Agent If not called for in ten days, I shall get rid of them by some means.— Mrs. T. W. Thomas, City. FOR SALE—lmproved span nish seed peanuts 31-2 cents per pound.—J. T. Everette, R. F. D. 3 Robersonville, N. C. The above was made from a snapshot taken by the manager of the Gaiety Theatre, and represents a section of the Williamston Graded School in the parade at the first County Commencement. They are passing the drug store of Saunders & Fowden on Main Street. 1 . Secretary J. T. Jerome went to Greenville Saturday to meet the committee concerning the change in the date of the con tests between the High Schools in the northeastern division of counties. The change was made necessary by the number of cas es of small pox in Greenvill. The committee decided that it would be perfectly safe to meet in that town on May 7th. The contests will consist of both athletic and literary efforts. Williamston will send several live contestants who may not bring home a medal, but who will creditably represent the school here. A Good Time Spelling The "White Sale" and Spelling Bee held by the Ladies Aid So ciety of the Methodist church on Tuesday evening in the Elling ton building was a delightful af fair. There was a good crowd present and much interest was exhibited in the spelling match. Prof. Jerome acted as teacher, using the "Blue Back," so dear to the heart of every old-time Carolinian- Judge R. J. Peel and Editor Manning selected the classes from the very best spell- Changed Date. Chased by a Snake. Monday, Mrs. Emmett Wynne, who lives in Watts Grove, and a colored wjjpaCk, attempted to kill a blacksnake, having as weapons a pistol and a stick. Failing to plug his snakeship with a bullet, they proceeded to lay the stick upon him. This so angered the reptile that it began to chase Mrs. Wynne, who war badly frightened and screamed. Wil liam Ellison, young son of W. A. Ellison, being in an adjoining lot, ran to her assistance, and se curing the pistol -bored three holes in the slimy sides of the angry snake and saved the wo man from further danger. Wil liam, though only fourteen years old, is one of the best shots for his age in this section. Moore-Thrower. Mr. and Mrs. Latham Thrower requsatthe honor your presence at the marriage of their daughter Annie Caroline to Mr. Maurice Shepherd Moore ' Wednesday morning May the twelfth at seven forty-five o'clock Church of the Advent Williamston, North Carolina. No cards in town- ers in the town; and the fun commenced. Our by one. the lines fell away until only Dr. W. E. Warren remained, and he was acclaimed the champion. Ice cream, cake and fancy ar ticles were on sale and a neat sum was realized by the ladies. High School Commencement. Prof. J. T. Jerome has receiv ed a letter from Dr. W. L. Po teat, of Wake Forest, accepting the invitation to deliver the an nual address at the High School commencement May 28th. Dr. Poteat is President of Wake For est College and one of the most distinguished of southern educa tors, and an interesting speaker. He has visited Williamston as the guest of his daughter, Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Jr., and the community will be pleased to learn of his acceptance. School to Close. The Graded School at Oak City will close on Friday night, May 7th. The exercises will begin on Thursday, May 6th, and will con sist of selections given by the primary department and the first four grades. Prof. I. S. Bowen is principal of the school, and has a full corps of assistants. Hamilton Items F. L. Haislip went to Norfolk Friday J. L. Champion went to Flor ence, S C., Wednesday on busi ness. Miss Mittie, of Gold Point, is the guest of her grandmother here. Mr*. Annie W. Hyman, of Newport News, is visiting Mrs. T. B. Slade, Jr. Mrs. K. B. Watkins, of Rich mond, and Mrs. Hurlbert, of Philadelphia, are the guests of Mrs. J. P. Boyle. Mrs. Fernie Howard and little daughter are the guests of Mrs. Lizzie Ewell this week. John Davenport returned Fri day from Alabama accompained bv his brother, Thad Davenport. Messrs. D. G Matthews, C. J. Whitley with Misses Lelia Pippen and Lillie Floid attended services in Williameton Sunday night. Wilson, The Neutral There are those in all sections of the United States, who for political reasons, have criticised President Wilson because he* has not plunged the nation in war. They have beaten about for some point to attack him, and chose his neutrality with desperation. They called him "a coward" and other scurriliouß Dames, though at the same time admitting that they would select some dense spot in in a near-by swamp in which to hide, .lust as well, for such men would hinder any army in itr. march to meet the enemy. Their place would be at home feeding th#- pigs or some light work. But those men who are thoughtful, free from prejudice in politics can see the great wisdom of the hi«'f Executive of the Nation in the guidance of the country in the crisis which has overshadowed the land, ever since the murder of the Madexos in Mexico, and before. The Eu ropean war, though not touching us so closely except commercially, has required as great wisdom in avoiding any friction with the .warring nations. Mr. Wilson's poise in the situation must gain the admiration of the known w-orld. As hesaid in liis speech to the Press Association, "there [is something greater to he done than light." The laurels of neu trality outlive the glories of Iron crosses, and kisses on the cheek by a superior* officer. Absolute self-control arid self mastery shall distinguish this nation above and beyond all others, and he who is directly responsible for this dis tinction. will go down in history as the greatest president elected by the people of the thane United States. Tows Convention. A number of eitiaens met at the court house ?>n Wednesday night for the purpose of nomi nating five commissioners and a mayor to be voted for on Tues day, May 4th. Things were done a la Williaruston : vest pock et style according to rules for curing hny. However, things were quiet and that counts larg ly. A look at the personel of the nominees, will find that with the exception of Letlie Fowden, there is not a drop of new blood in the whole ticket. It is earn estly hoped that that will color the rest. The nominees are: W. T. Meadows, F. K. Hodges, Les lie Fowden, W. H. Crawford and J. R. Hoberson. B. F. Godwin was renominate for Mayor. Subscribe To Tht ENTERPRISE Only SI.OO A YEAR— $1 .00 a Year in Advance jj Personal | OC^3IOOHt === g W. A. Ellison went to fteber sonville Monday. John W. Hassell spent-Sunday here with his mother. David Brown spent Tuesday night at Jamesville. Julian Carr Anderson came home Tuesday from Raleigh. Miss Carrie Alexander is the "\ guest of Mrs. J. S. Rhodes. Mre. Louis C. Harrison left for South Carolina Wednesday. Mrs. R. L. Smith, of Holxrson ville, was a visitor here this week. Mrs. John H. Thrower and lit tie son, of Vaughn, are visiting relatives here. Miss Fannie Biggs Martin has returned from a visit to Mrs. J. J. Jones in Durham. Misses Lillie Belle Flardieon and Daisy Taylor spent th*> week end in Jamesville. Mesdames John Biggs and Warren Biggs returned from Raleigh Sunday evening. Miss Tellzelle Woodard, ©f Wil son, has been with her sister here for the past week. Mrs Emily Fagan, of £#enton, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Rome Biggs, this week. S. S. Nash and Sam Clark* of Tarboro, were here Wednes day en route' to the fishery on lower Roanoke. Messrs. Moye and Van Taylor and James A. Everett, motored here Wednesday and joined a party to Calm Point. Hon. A. It. Dunning i? in Ital eigh attending the session of the Committee conducting the Car ter- Abernethy case. .J. W. Watts, Alon/.o Hassell, Paul Simpson with several others took passage on the "Doris" for Calm Point Wednesday. M. W. Ballard, Dr. Fleming, Chas. Perkins and P. H. Daven port passed here e,n route to Wal lace's .ishery on Wednesday. Leslie Fowden and Julius Pur vis went to Washington Sunday, where the latter will consult Dr. H. W. Carter, eye specialist. Mrs. W. G. Baptist and little child, of Wendell, and Mrs. 0. B. Bains, of Spring Hope, have been the guests of Dr. and Airs. P. B. Cone this week. Bethel Vs. Williamston. The track meet between two Bethel boys and several from We Hitfh School here a fortnight ago was a most interesting one, thd' the entries were limited. There was a good number to witness rthe feats, the Bay being fine for 'fcuch contests. ,In ihe standing jump, Clyde Ancterson of the local school, won oat. Bob James, of Bethel, made the high est mark in the running broad jump and also in the .vaulting rising to eight and one-half feet Henry Harrison, of the locals, who has made good records in the past, hurt his foot and had to retire. After these feats, the crowd and the contestants went to Main Street where a 100 yard course was layed off. % Fitzhugh Robert son, Bob James and Clyde An derson entered here, the former winning. This race was very interesting from start to finish, the contestants being stripped for the trial and wearing their school colors.

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