VOL XVI. NO. .|J WOMAN'S CLUB IS ORGANIZED Great Step of Progress Taken by The Wmmb ef the Tewa- WUI be Helpful . The Williamston Woman's Club was organized Friday with the fol lowing officers: Mre.W.H Harrell, President; Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Jr., Vice-President; Mrs, F. W. Hoyt 2nd Vice-President; Mrs. A. D. Mizell. Sec'y; Mrs*. John L. Hassell, Treasurer. No step has been taken by the women of the town that should be more heartily endorsed and so generously helped as this. See ing the broad field so urgently in need of help, the wonder is that such an organization has not been in operation for a long time. We feel sure that the Club will help in the general uplift of the J community in every way that helps to make a good town. We note here a few things which have been accomplished in a cer- tain town by a similar Club. The women began a careful in- ( quiry to find just what their ( friends and sons were doing when not engaged in their usual du- ties of the day. And to their ut- T ter astonishment, they found cer- j tain men who would secrete.them selves in some back room and play poker. Other young men, it was discovered, were breaking into public buildings. The school building had actually been brok- ' en into on many occasions and high-handed gambling carried on. It was also found that the Court House had been entered ' by opening a defective blind and playing in the petit jury room. All of this was. objectionable. But the thing that was most mor tifying to the good women, was that many of them found that their small boys had seen, with their keen and quick discerning eyes, the playjng and gambling by their fathers and older broth ers, and were likewise congrega ting in outbuildings, clumps of woods and in other hiding places and were gaming too. No one was surprised at finding the boys - playing, as they had seen their own fathers, lawmakers, doctors, lawyers, educators, town officers, and prominent men in the com munity playing, and certainly they followed along. The wo men handled the situation by simply asking their husbands and sons to stop and look at their examples, and by keeping a more vigilant eye on the small boy. The result has been that more than 60 per cent, of this danger ous habit has been stopped. They found that the playing of rook, set back, bridge, etc., to qn excess was detrimental, and a cause for time-wasting; they found that 47 girls and 21 boys had been tardy and lost their places on the honor roll caused by late rook playing at night and late sleeping in the morning. That a few family spats had oc curred because of the neglect to have soriie small things looked after, sach as sewing buttons on pants, etc., which might easily have been done in the hours of wasted time. The club has teen wonderfully successful with this problem by advising their members and friends to have an occasional game in some good home where a pleasant evening can be (pass ed suiropnded by the proper at mosphere. 4 . In this item alone much time has been saved to the reading THE ENTERPRISE and study of good books and helpful literature. Another very important dis covery was the finding by many mothers that their own little boys were smoking dangerous cigaretts. All these boys had been told many times not to smoke, and had given their sol em promise not to do it. But force was brought to bear on them by their larger associates and the seeing of grown ups, doctors, lawyers and others very prominent in the town whom they had chosen as their model. The result has been that every man has agreed to do his best to prevent any other person from beginning a habit that is so de structive to the brain tissue. And you can now find very few boys on the streets picking up cigar and cigarette stumps. Another very important dis covery maned by the Club in the town referred to was that you can "help your neighbor, your town and community in simple, plain dress by saving in this item alone. And several families, who had been spending, most of their income for dress show, and buying their groceries on time, have now gotten on a system of debt paying, tnd the town mer chants say they are saving thous ands of dollars that they have formerly been beaten out of. The stimulation of the credit, morals and honor of the town has been wonderful. One other discovery made which w«s a surprise was that the townNs paying out more for shows that it is for schools. No complaint was heard at the cost of shows, but much growling and kicking against taxes. It was conceded that an occasional show of good moving pictures is not real harmful. But the great number of pictures of heineous men and beasts were making the wrong impressions upon the young minds of the town. The film trusts had advertised thous ands of scenes that had no foun dation of truth in them—had organized voting contests, draw ing contests and other things calculated to excite the »nind and drift it from the thought of more importaut and real things. It was found that most failures in recitations and examinations at school were caused from the waste of time at the picture shows. The child's mind was filled with the myth of some mo tion picture, and no real thinking which is necessary to make the brain grow and develop had been done. The pictures which were so largely advertised as Bible pic tures, only for the purpose of holding down the church folks and drawing them out, were gen erally found to be pictures by men whose knowledge of the Bible and love for God were too limited to make a picture fit to jnake the early impressions upOft the young mind of the things of God, and a careful reading of the Bible was substituted instead of the picture show, Now only an occassional show which is strictly censored before is allowed- The bill boards of the film trusts have been remov ed from the prominent corners, especially the postoffice, and the picture show has been placed be hind the home, the church and the school. And much better re sults are seen In the school work. These are only a few things which have been accomplished, as there are hundreds of things in every town which may be im proved. And we have the faith in our wojmen to belive that they «n do tbehr p ra WILLI AMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY. SEPT. 10, 1915 BREEZY ITEMS FROM OAK CITY Billie Haislip was in town Fri- 1 day. Lizzie Moore has entered school here. J. C. Ross left for Baltimore Monday. James Fleming spent Sunday in town. J. W. Hines spent the week end in Norfolk. Mrs. T. W. Davenport return ed from Roper Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ross went to Robersonville Sunday. Miss Lulu Jones has returned from a visit to Hamilton. J. L. Davenport, of James ville, was here Saturday. Mrs. H. K. Harrell and daugh ter are in Norfolk this week. Mrs. Jack Hyman made flay ing trip to Norfolk Sunday. Messrs. Henry Cherry and Leon Roberson were here Sunday. Mrs. Annie Norman and daugh ter left for Norfolk Tuesday. Mrs. J. P Long, of Burgaw, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Long. Mrs. Tommy Bell spent the week-end with Mrs. J. W. Hines. Jerry Casper, of Kenly is spend ing a few days with his mother. Miss Annie M. Dautridge re turned from Norfolk Wednesday. Mrs. C. M. Hurst returned from ft short trip to the country Frf* day. Messrs. Claud Nelson and Charley Crisp spent Sunday in Ayden. Messrs. Joe and Charlie Coun cil were here from Rocky Mount Monday. Miss, Pauline Beverly, of Beth el, arrived Monday to attend school. The High School opened Mon day, Sept. 6th, with a good at i tendance. Little Syble and Eloise Ross - Bpest a few days in Robersonville last week. 1 Misses Emily Hines and Clarice 1 Cartwright returned from Virg ■ inia SundayT Mrs. Thurston Allsbrook arid Mißs Esther Allsbrook left for their home Friday. Little Margaret Fleming from Greenville arrived Sunday to en ter school here. Miss Dora Bush, of Norfolk, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Joe Long, this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Daniel and daughter attended meeting at Flat Swamp Sunday. Tom and Luther Davenport left Tuesday to attend the funeral of their sister at Pine Town. I Miss Mary Lambeth, of Guil ford College, came Friday to take charge as principal of the High School. Miss Estell« House returned from Rocky Mount Thursday, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Gor don House. Mrs. Bettie Brown, who has been the guest of her son, Nat Brown, returned to her home in Tarboro Saturday. Miss Kate McLean, of Moore County, arrived Friday to take charge of the musical depart ment of the High School here. T. W. Davenport, J. L., and J. W. Hines, N. M. Worslev and W. 0. Council spent Thursday in WilHamston to attend the Farm ers Institute. iiSUJ ifi.lr B#* MiNt. V'l't THE JURY LIST SEPT. COURT. Trial of Civil And Criminal Cases September Term of Mar tin Superior Court. Urst week. —Jameaville Town ship:—Simon E. Corey, Q. N. Cooper, Geo. H. Bailv, J. T. Hin son, J. H. Ange. Williams Township: —W. L. 11 Manning, Lawrence S. Griffin Griffins District:—W. A. Har- s dison, L. H. Peel. E. S. Peel, Buck Roberson. ' Robersonville Township:— R. L Smith, N. 0. Vannortwick, J. D. Martin, Edwara Jolly, J. C- r Keel. Williamston Township:—R. A. Critcher, J. C. Riddick, S. S. Hadley, Leslie Fowden. j Cross Roads Township:—Frank L. Teel, W. H. Crawford J. B. Barnhill. i Poplar Point Township:—E.M. Lowell. T. W, Wells. i Bear Grass Township:—C. B. Harrisn, J. M, Rodgerson, H. C. i Roderson. Goose Nest Township:—J. W. Roberson, W. S. Casper, H. C. Harrington, Sylvester Sills, R. S. Council. Hamilton Township:—J. H. i Purvis, W. A. White, C. J. Stalls. Second Week. Jamesville Township:—W. H. Stallings, R. 0. Martin. | Williams Township:—Will A. i i*e . Griffins Township:—J. H. Rev ells. Goose Nest Township:—M. L. Burnett, Jesse A. Powell. Bear Grass Township—J. D. Harrison, Geo. R. Terry, W. AS Perry. Williamston Township: -J. C. , Anderson, J. F. Jones. Cross Roads Township:-W.K. Roebuck, C. M. Swain. Robersonville Township:—B.S. Hathway, C. D. Jenkins. R. H. Weaver, A. E, Purvis, F. S Pur i vis. J w ■ 1 Desecrated Church > On last Saturday night thieves entered the new Baptist Church 1 which is in the course of erection, r stole some clothing and boots of the men who are engaged at i work on the building, and took - a key which had locked the door on the inside. Again on Wed nesday night of this week the church was entered and one of the windows broken. It is hard to believe that there are persons ' in Williamston so base as to be I guilty of such action, and one might well ask what are the night II policemen doing when this des f ecration is going on? Received Law license 1 Among the seventy-eeven ap plicants for license before the i Supreme Court, appears the name - of Harry Murden Stubbs, who - studied law this year at Wake Forest. Mr. Stubbe took his de -3 gree at the University of North t Carolina last year, but an eye n trouble kept him from studying •for months, and so he could not finish in law until this year. He e is the son of Senator H. W. e Stubbs and a young man of splen " did parts, whose friends predict for him a brilliant career in his d chosen profession. /, n Mrs. E. R. Smith left Wednes - day for Standish, Mich., to spend a month with relatives- News Budget From Hamilton Joe Council spent Sunday here. Miss Lula Jones is visiting friends here. i Willie Sherrod went to Rocky Mount Tuesday. Mrs. M. I. Fleming visited in ( Enfield last week. Mrs. Herbert Salsbury is visit- ( ing relatives here. f Lorey Waldo, of Portsmouth, spent last week here. C. D. Council, of York, Pa., is visiting his mother here. £ 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Boyle have , returned from Boston. Mrs. Sallie Rodgers is visiting Mrs. W. A. Davenport. Mrs. John Ayers has returned from a visit to Williamston. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Haislip spent Labor Day in Norfolk. Jordan Hines and Willie Sher rod. went to Spring Hill Sunday. Miss Fannie Matthews return ed from Morehead City Tuesday. Misses Lula Teachy and Louise Horn have returned to Rocky Mount. Miss Mary B. Salsbury is vis iting her grandfather, Judge Waldo. Willie Sherrod left Tuesday for Warrenton, where he will attend school. Miss Delia Purvis returned from Black Mountain Tuesday accompanied by Mrs. Jim John son and daughters. Steven Ewell, C. D. Perkins, Asa Johnson and Mr. Roberson attended the ball game at Rocky , Mount Wednesday. Dr. M. I. Fleming went to Nor folk Friday to take S. D. Mat thews, who had the misfortune to break his knee-cap. To Prepare Rest Room The Board of Town Commis sioners has taken up the matter of providing a community build ing to be opened for the use of the women and children of the county, when in town. This move i ment should receive the endorse -1 ment of everybody. The need for ' such a place where women and children, who are often forced t* t come to court, and too, for those : who come shopping or sight-see ing, to rest and relax while in town, has long been felt. Such ? rooms will be appreciated by all visitors. Many.counties are establishing s similar conveniences, and we 2 hope that the county will co-ope } rate with the Town Board in pro t viding some capable working " woman *) care for the rooms; to see that they are kept warm, ?lean and comfortable. The business men of the town have agreed to properly furnish same with chairs, rugs and other e necessary furnishings. Eye Specialist Coming. e An experienced optician repre h senting A. K. Hawkes Co., At e lanta, Ga., wiil be at the office of g Dr. J. H. B. Knight, Sept. 22nd, it for ONE DAY ONLY, when and e where he will examine the eyes r . and fit glasses for all who desire i- his services. There will be nc t charge for this expert service, is You will only have to pay foi your glasses. All who are hav ing any trouble with their eyei i- are invited to come and cotne d promptly. His work will be guar teed by Dr. Knight. Ad. si.oo a Year in Adyanmm THINGS DIDN'T W LOOK RIGHT- And Thii Individual Gentleman De cided Hint He Would Fart Better Elsewhere. On Tuesday of last weefe* /as. Simpson, who was under bamt for appearance here before Judge. Godwin, after arriving in tovmi and looking over the situation, de cided that things appeared sqni ly, and so slipped away. He drove here through the country, and saying that he was going to meet his wife and chil dren on the arrival of the tram from Jamesville, went down the street toward the depot, but evi dently took another route as he has not been seen since. His wife with three children remained here until the noon train and friends took them back home. Much sympathy was felt for her and the little children. It will he -remembered that Sheriff Crawford raided a still in the lower part of the county re cently, and that he and his com panions saw and recognized the men at the still. They knew the man to be James Simpson and a warrant was sworn out for hha_ Simpson evidently felt that the testimony of Sheriff Crawfin€t and Policeman Edwards vrouMT convict him, and reasoning that a good run was better than* bad stand, he quietly went away~ Rural Route Amended!. • -S • i A petition by many of the cit izens on route Number has materially changed the £ The length of the route as mended will mate it 28.70. The addition to the route wilt begin at Smith\yick Creek Church. them 1 south to E. Peel's corner:, thecx east to Hardison's corner: thaai north to W. E. Tice's; continue north to N. J. Corey's and re trace; then west to A. E. Giriff • fin's corner. The petition was placed iti the ■ hands of Hon. John H. Small.. ' who saw the Fourth Assrrtaaft ( Postmaster General, and the ■ change was made as requ^stcjL^ • The length of time will be m * creased one hour. j » Bankers Meet I ----- ' j Monday, at Elizabeth City,, the* j bankers in Group One met for- I tl)e first time. Every bank which is now a member was cepre sented except one. Cashier God— I win, of the Bank of Martin Coun ty, is Sec-Treas. Those attend ing from Williamston were, C- IE- Godwin, R. G. Harrison, A. R. 3 Dunning and H. A. Biggs. Dr. John D. Biggs, President of the 1 F. &M. Bank, who was to re spond to a toast at the banqoet* 1 was too ill to leave home. Mr. A~ R. Dunning responded to the ad r dress of welcome delivered by Rev. C. A. Ashby, rector of Christ Church, Elizabeth City- The meeting was a pleasant one, and will be productive of good* ! " increasing, as it will, a closer re*- lationship among the banks in * the group. Monday night, n . '» splendid banquet was enjoyed aft „ d the Southern Hotel. e The children amifcasndchldroe o of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gardner ». visited them last week, and te-- >r gether spent a most delightful | r- reunion. There were Mr. and. J « Mrs. Lee Gardner and children y e Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gardner anff »- Dr. and Mrs. John W. Willfame. „d«.

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