Leads All Other Paper* m This Section in Service and Circulation. Let it Serve Your ftiness and Your Home VOL XVIII. NO. WILLIAMSTON SOONTO HAVE ANOTHER BANK The Two Wilfiamston Banks Have Consolidated ud Another Bank to Be Incorporated In a Short Tine—Handsome Building To Be Erected Soon. BIG THINGS FOR THE COUNTY Financial circles in Williamston % have been in a flurry for several days, owing to the establishment of another large bank.- Several of the big stockholders in the Bank of Martin County disposed of their holdings, and will incor porate another institution with James G. Staton, President. The new bank will be capitalized at $60,000 and will have a surplus of $25,000 to start with. There . were ready takers for the shares offered, and several hundred have been sold. A banking house is to be erected on some spot in the heart of the business section, and the new institution will be gin under the most favorable conditions. Charles H. Godwin is to be Cashier. There is general satisfaction OKgP the enlargement of the banking facilities of the town, for it must mean great things for the community and county also. The incorporators of the new bank, among whom are, J. G. Staton, A. R. Dunning, W. J. Whitaker and Clayton Moore, are men trained in business, and they bespeak for the institution a successful future. No town in North Carolina has as well-devel oped financial institutions as Wil liamston, and few larger places have been able to forge ahead of 1 it in this phase of its material prosperity. At the same time as the for mation of the new bank, comes the statement of the consolida tion of the Farmers & Merchants Bank and the Bank of Martin County, two of the strongest in stitutions in this section of the State, the Bank of Martin County being the tirst organized in the county. The capjfal of the new organization w ill be $50,000 and a surplus ol $25,000 or more. One branch of the institution will be the Martin County Savings & Trust Co., and its home will be in the Godard Building, where the Bank of Martin County has made its home for years. Here will be done all kinds of business for which a bank can be charter ed, except commercial banking, as the handling of estates, guardianships, real estate, etc. The name of the Farmers & Merchants Bank will probably be changed to that of The Farmers Bank of Martin. The prime movers in the con solidation of the two banks are Dr. John D. Biggs and Joseph G. Godard. who have been at the head of the respective institutions and who are leaden in the bank ing world. These two men with others have seen a vision of an enlarged activity and usefulness to the business and farming sec tions of the county, which is to be the natural result of the con solidation of the two strong in stitutions represented by them. ■! Though the weather was bad, there was a crowd out to each service to hear the Rev Mr. Eure at the Methodist Church. His sermons were greatly enjoyed by all who heard him. The roads are so muddy that Williamston people have been al most marooned at home. Gaso line bills are not so large. THE ENTERPRISE Over One Million Four of the Martin County banks issued their statements last week, and two more are in these columns today. The call for the statements was made on December 27th, 1916, and a glance will show that in these six banks, more than a million dollars of the people's money in Martin County reposed in their vaults on that day. To be exact th£ sum was $1,003,498.11. Of this sum, the two banks in Wil liamston showed $668,964.38, or over half the sum total of depos its. Later on or at the close of the year, this sum had been greatly augmented. Somebody has snatched the gold from the soil, and put it in safe hands The increase should be far great er this year, if conditions are conducive to crop production. Ice Storms All over the South beginning with Texas, the Storm King has reigned this week. Heavy snows in Texas, ice storms with snow at other places, ana even this section received its coating of ice Monday night. Last week, the beautiful snow fell, but having been preceded by rain, soon melted. The sleet was not heavy enough to produce damage to trees and wires, but was the most potent sign of winter that has come for more than a month. Truly, the "Sunny South'' is a misnomer, for it has the appear ance of having taken a trip up North. Though all out-door wojk is suspended, the soil will not suffer as a freeze will help the decay in vegetation, which is good for the farm lands. Mr. J. Ben Hopkins Dead Death has entered another home in Williamston and left darkness there, where light once was. The soul of Benjamin Hop kins took its eternal flight on the evening of January 16th, 1917, after the body, once strong and vigorous, had become emaciated from the ravages of typhoid fev er. He was born in Martin County on February 25th, 1880, being the son of th£ late Joel and Louisa Hopkins. On May sth, 1914, he married Miss Jesse Brown, who with one child, sur vives him. Mr Hopkins came to William ston ten years ago to work for the Hoyt Hardware Co.. and es tablished there a reputation for honesty and untiring energy. Later he went into business for himself, carrying a stock of high grade staple and fancy groceries and it may truthfully be said that he was one of the most popular business men that the town has ever had. In his every day life, he was true in all delations, and possessed a character which gave him an honored position in the esteem of the public. For years he had been a member of the Christian Church, and was con stant in his devotion to its ser vices. Though a young man, he will be missed in the*town, in his church and Sunday School, and by the loved ones whom he left The funeral services were con ducted from the residence on Main Street yesterday at 2:00 o'clock by Rev. Asa J. Manning pastor of the Christian Church. The interment was in the Bap? tist Cemetery, and sorrowing friends aad relatives laid flowers on the mound, as tokens of their appreciation of hi s life here among this people. 1 " - 1 i . . , A partial eclipse of the sun on Tuesday next Invisible here. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, JAN. IQ. rgi 7 . Robbed Depot Monday night was a fine time for robbers, and so they decided to snatch a few pints from the A. C. L. depot and secured an entrance by breaking the glass ;n one of the doors which leads into the office, where the quart packages are stored away until called for. Evidently egg nog was plentiful on Tuesday morn ing with the sleet covering every thing outside, and, no doubt, the delightful concoction was extra good on account of the fact that it was purloined from the other fellow. There is no clue to the burglars, as Willianuton is the one place in the world where it is safe to rob and never get "cotched." Friday night last, "dope" burglars entered Dr. Knight's office again and also visited the office of Dr. York. Booze and morphine keep some folks busy here walking around at night seeking an entranoe to places where they think some is stored. Evidently the night watchman has to walk the dock through the hours. "Romeo and Juliet" Loverß of the beautiful in movie art, will be pleased to learn that on Januarv 26th (next Friday night) FrancesX.Bushman and Beverly Bayne will present "Romeo and Juliet" at the Gaie ty Theatre. The film is h classic in eight parts, and a heart com pelling drama with a sure appeal to every man, woman and child n the world. It was produced at a cost of $250,000 with cast of 600 players. Truly, it is the love story of the ages, and the screen production brings the soul of Shakesphere to the hearts of the people. Williamston people have not had such a splendid oppor tunity to enjoy sn magnificent a production since the Gaiety Thea tre opened its doors. Remember the dat». which is next Friday j night. " Agrfcultutal Lime The State -Department of Ag riculture is offering agricultural lime in two forms, namely: Ground Marl and Ground Lime stone. Ground Marl at 551.50 bulk, *2.75 in hags in 20ton min imum car lots with a freight rate Robersonville to Jamesville inclusive of 31.11 a ton. High grade ground limestone SI.OO bulk, 82.00 bags in 33 ton minimum car lots with a freight rate Robersonville $2.20, James ville $2.25 a ton. I am further advised, that those who wish to buy marl would do well to place their or ders at qpee, as some time will be needed to fill them on account of unfilled orders now on hand. Orders for ground limestone may be filled and shipped with reas onable promptness. Lime for agricultural purposes is offered to the farmer under so many different names, that he is at a loss to make decision about which form to buy. In Section Chap. 265 Public Laws of North Carolina, 1915, we find "that only unburned lime shall be deemed lime for agricultural purposes." Thus defining by legislative enactment the form of lime best suited for agricul tural purposes. Since there is* but one form of lime suitable for crops, that is the carbonate form the Legislature deemed it best to suppress the long list of terms and designate the carbonate form of lime "limestone" and "marl." J. L. Holliday, | County Agent University Items CfMpel Hill, N. C., Jan.— Schools taking part this vear in the High School Debating Union, conducted by the University of North Carolina, may now secure from the Universitv a copy of the question at issue—Govern ment Ownership of Railroads. The volume in all contains 92 page*, embracing a comprehen sive brief on both sides of the 'question and selected articles chostn from a wide field of pub lication, giving due emphasis to both tides of the question. It is already certain that the contest this year, which is the fifth since the plan was inaugur ated, will be the biggest yet held. So far 325 schools have signified their desire to take part, as many as the entire number for last year. The first year, 1912-13, only 90 schools were enrolled. The triangular debates will be held late in March, and then the winners will come to Chapel Hill for the final contest for the Ay cock Cup early in April. This year there will be a High School Week, with athletic contests as well M the debates. The schools will have a track meet and also a tennis tournament on the re cently constructed Varsity courts. The renown of the North Car olina High School Debating Union has gone abroad. This year both Alabama and Kentucky will hold similar debates, and furthermore will use the same question and the same bulletin that will be used in this state. Secretary E. R. Rankin states two states have ap plied to him for a number of copies sufficient for their needs. In Kentucky the. work is under the auspices of the University; in Alabama, under the leader ship of the agricultural college, a Carolina graduate, W. R. Tay lor, being director of the debates. H. s. 'Twas the year nineteen and six teen, That we put out to sea, We sailed on the good ship W.H S Twenty-five souls and me. Carrie Delle, Sylvia and Roland, They were the Seniors with me. ' *£_ Just nne year on our good ship Ami they passed on tojanother sea, The Juniors, Ethel and Louise Bessi* 1 , Ruth and James, Two years with them I. sailed And then I erased their names. Three years the Sophomores rode sthe ship, Three Marys I had with me, .Two Virginias, Ethel and Fannie They all sailed out to sea, Garland, C. D., William and Vic tor James, Bruce, Harold, Hermon and Hugh. Three years they sailed on the ! good uld ship, And then they bid her a fond adieu. This ended the voyage of the good old ship, The crew, they went theft* way. I wished them luck on their jour ney, _ And I hope to see them some day. I have sailed on many a grand old ship, Of voyage I have had the best. But the happiest voyage I ever sailed, Was on the good ship W. H. S. W. H. S. stands for something you know, Something else with the Golden Rule, This rule and W. H. S. com bined, ; Stand for our Williamston .High School. , ; , - , V E. E. Bundy. Robert Edward Lee Born January 19th, 1807 • When the future historian shall come to survey the charac ter of Lee, he will find it rising like a huge mountain above the undulating plain of humanity, and he must lift his eyes high toward Heaven to catch its sum mit. He possessed every virtue of other great commanders without their vices. He was a foe with out hate; a friend without treach ery: a soldier without cruelty; a victor without oppression; and a victim without murmuring. He was a public officer without vices; a private citizen without a wrong; a neighbor without reproach; a Christian without hypocrisy, and a man without guile. He was Caesar, without his ambition; Frederick, without hie. tyranny; Napoleon, without his selfishness; and Washington, without his re ward. He was obedient to authority as a servant, and royal in author ity as a true king. He was gen tle as a woman in life; modest and pure as a virgin in thought; watchful as a Roman vestal in duty; submissive to law as Soc rates, and grand in battle as Achilles!-Benjamin H. Hill. Prohibition On The Move If one has read the account of the meeting of the prohibition forces in Raleigh this week, he must have been struck with the strong personnel of the men who attended that meeting. The presence of Hon. William Jenn ings Brvan, who delivered one of his masterly addresses, gave the meeting an impetus Which no other man in America could have given. The Anti-Saloon men of the State are farsighted, and are usinn the best material tocombnt the whiskey evil. The Supreme Court's decision on the constitu tionality of the Webb-Kenyon law clears the way tor the League to bring about b t ter >'nforcement of the prohibition law. The pres ent session of the Legislature will be asked to aid the movement for the freedom of 'North Caro lina. Dr. William Louis Poteat, of Wake Furest "College, one of the strong men of the State, was elected President of the Anti- Saloon League, and will carry into the work that intellectual power which is needed to push forward the movement. Men are determined that the whiskey force:; shall be put to flight in their evil designs to corrupt the manhood of the State and Nation, An Apartment House Mr. Joseph G. Godard is esti mating the cost of an apartment house to be erected on the lot where the buildings were recent ly burned on Smithwick Street. If built, the apartment will have every modern convenience, water and steam heat. Williamston is quite large and important enough to have such a building, and at this time is greatly in need of it. The high price of fuel would make steam heat much to be de sired and then its convenience would be greatly desired by housekeepers. The lack of houses here menaces the growth of the town, and an apartment would in a large measure help to bring families here to live. It is ear nestly hoped that Mr. Godard will erect the building at an early date. Friends regret to learn of the ; indisposition of Retf". W. R. Bur -1 rell, who was unable to hold ser vices on Sunday. si.oo a Year in Advance ADMIRAL GEORGE DEW EY DIES AT CAPITAL After Distinguished Service* Ad miral Dewey Dies at the Nation's Capitol—Ranking Officer of the World—To be Bnried Tomorrow Hero of Manila Fay. A DISTINGUISHED CAREER There are millions of An ori cans who remember that Sunday morning, May Ist 1898, when Admiral Dewey acting under orders "capture or destroy the enemy's fleet" entered Manila Bay and performed one of the most remarkable feats in the his tory of naval warfare. Since then, he has been the hero of every man, woman, boy and rirl with warm American blood flaw ing in their veins. The govern ment gave fitting recognition by advancing him to Rear Admiral, and then by special act, Congress made him Admiral of the Navy, and the grade died with him. He was ranking officer of the world, and had reached his eightieth year, when death came Tuesday at 5:56 o'clock at his home i n Washington City. Wherever the American flag flies orders were flashed to lower them to half mast in the dead hero's honor. The body will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery, on the Virginia shore of the Po tomac River. Mrs. Dewey and son, George, survive the Admiral. The Woman's Auxiliary The Woman's Auxiliary of the Church of the Advent held a large and interesting meeting at the home of Mrs. Alonzo lias - ell on the eighth. The devotL.al service was lead by the Rector, Rev. C. H. Jordan, consisting of a Litany for Missions After the routine of business, came very interesting questions un the h'3- tory and life of the Auxiliary. Members were acquaints! with the fact that Miss.Julia C. Em. ry the General Secretary at the Church Missions House, New York, had resigned after afa h ful service of forty years. Her work has been unique in the i.is tory of Missionary societies. While the first meeting in each month will be devoted to Auxil iary work and have a missionary program, the second meeting will be of the Guild. The ntxt meeting will be on Monday after noon from 3:30 to 5:(KJat the Par ish Hall. The members will take sewing and articles for the Baz a&r which wiH be given about Thanksgiving time. Any one desiring to have special articles made for next Christmas, please hand the order to any of the members. Mrs. J. G. Staton, Pres. Mrs. J. H. Saunders, Sec. Jones-Williams Miss Ada Williams and Mr. Oscar Jones were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Williams, in Wil liams Township, Wednesday evening, at 6:30, Rev. H. M. Eure, pastor of the Methodist Church, officiating. Immediately after the ceremony, the wedded pair went to the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Jones, on the Hamilton Road. The bride and groom are among the most popular mem bers of the younger set, and have a host of friends, who wish for them many long years of happi ness. „ i

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