MOTHERHOOD WOMAN'S JOY Suggestions to Childless Women. Among the virtues of Lydia E. Pink ham '• Vegetable Compound is the ability to correct sterility in the e mm of mizy women. This fact is weM established as evidenced by the following letter and hundreds of othera we have published in these colums. Poplar Bluff, Mo.—"l want other woman to know what a bleaaing Lydia Ihmuiiiimnin 1 n^t^arn • Vege -11 UiaßLlUj table Compound has R UHBu been me * had always wanted H a baby in our home I »il >ut wm in poor I HBT /n 1 ! health and not able I 11 n r*" /]| 1 to do my work. My mother and hus , 'S band both unred me *°try LydiaE.Pink l%• CMr\ " ham's Vegetable K. ■ Compound. I did c my health im proved and I am now the mother of a fine baby girl and do all my own house work."—Mrs. Alua B. Timmonb, 216 Almond St., Poplar Bluff, Mo. In many other homes, once childleaa, there are now children because of the fact that LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound makes women normal, healthy and strong Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi cine Co., Lynn, Mass.. for advice—it will be confidential and nelpfoL j THrff «■ ) young Udy nimtd Banker. „ho ikpt »♦*•*« lh« fthip lay M anchor; ' _ sh« »»ofc« in »hrn ihc Send lh« matt Wf. No* ho.K up ihr lop shtrl tad ipankm " It's mim* *• frighten uvM; U twakff *» «»*!'« Ml ol a pound plMp with th« flrat ty mptoma of a cold clutching at th* threat and ••"ft. »Hh that ihllly irupjr taaHag all avac. Qukk actlan la nacaaaary at wck tlmaa to nip H In th« bud and thua prevent krone hltla or aarloua luna I rouble* If yau will alwaya keep a bottle «f m reliable Boschee's German Syrup handy there la no need to worry. It gently soothes Inflammation, eases the cough. Insures a good night's sleep, with free expectoration In the* morning. This old remedy has been Successfully used sll over the civil [red world for the Isst 51 yesrs. 25c. and 75c. sizes at all druggists and dealers everywhere. Try It and see. STOCK LlCKfr-STOCK LIKE IT ■ For Horses. Cattle. Sheep and Hogs. Contains Cop peris for Worms, Sulphur for the Blood, Saltpeter for the Kidneys, Nux Vomica,a Tonic, and I'ure Dairy Salt. Used by Vet erinarians 12 years. No Doting. Drop Brick la feed-box. Ask yourdealer for Black man's or write BLACKMAN STOCK REMEDY COMPANY CHATTANOOGA. TENNESSEE COLORED PEOPLE can have nice, long, straight hair by Using Exelento Quinine Penade, which Is h Huir Grower, not u Kinky Hair remover. You can see the results by using several times. Try a package. Price 25c at all drug stores or by mail on receipt of stamps or coin. Agents wanted everywhere. Write for par ticulars. Exelento Medlclpe Co.. At lanta, Ga. "IOOBIImRA W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 5-1917. GASTORIA j | (lj|jlj|j|dag}) I Forlnfitnt. and Children. P> (PASTOR] I Mothers Know iillK-SS Genuine Castoria Etl £ - 3 PER ceNTjj m LSSSBSSSH A L Bears the /Jj JT ■ ISSssS SigQatuie/Vjr imC&SSE Of LMIT BhMS" (Njr Use \Jr Pqi* Over TBr cnr^'' l Thirty Years v NEW ' ill® CASTORIA Bxaa Copy Of Wrappac. mM« ww^.,w .i W .«n. HIGH COST OF LIVING - / This is a serious matter with house keepers as food prices are constantly going up. To overcome this, out out the high priced meat dishes and serve | your family more Skinner's Macaroni nnd Spaghetti, the cheapest, most de ii clous ami most nu* "ttlous of all foods Write the Skinner Mfg. Co., Omaha, Nebr., for beautiful cook telling how to prepare It Ina hundred different waya. It's free to every woman.—Adv. Aa the Old Year Died. "I couldn't get out tf marrying her," ; Henpet-k explained. "When she pro j |H>setl she said : "Will you marry me? , Have you any objection?' You see. .no | matter whether 1 said 'yes' or "no,' she liuil me." "Win ditin't ynij JuM keep silent, then?" inquired his friend. "That's what 1 did. ami she said, 'Silence glvee consent." and that etided 'it." MOTHER'S JOY SALVE for Colds, Croup. Pneumonia and Asthma ; GOOSE GREASK LINIMENT for Neuralgia, Rheumatism and Sprains. For sale by all Druggists. OOOSK GREASE COMPANY, MFR'S. Greensboro, N. C.—Adv. Clinched His "Anything new lit the show?" asked the local manager. "Yes." answered the visiting agent. "The biggest sup* I |vi,v of new songs, new faces, new i Jokes-ever show nln captivity. Just to j show you the trouble we've taken with I that show, we've been collecting nil that material for the hist ten years." TAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Qlrlsl Try This! Makes Hair Thick, Glossy, Fluffy. Beautiful—No Mora Itching Scalp. j .Within ten minutes after nn appli cation >f I>IIIIUTUII' you cannot fltnl a 'single trace of dandruff or-falling hair and your scalp will not Itch, but what ; will please you most will be after a i few weeks' use, w hen you see new hair, fine and downy at first- yes—but I really new hulr—growing all over the scalp. A little Danderine Immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, Just moisten a doth with ' Danderine and carefully draw it I through your hair, taking one small strand at n time. The effect Is amaz ing—your hair will be light, fluffy autl wavy, and have, an appearance of abundance; an Incomparable luster, softness nnd luxuriance. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Dnnderlne from any store, nnd prove that your hair Is as pretty and soft as any—that It hn« been neglected fir Injured by careless treatment —that's all —you surely can have beautiful hair md lots of It If you will Just try a lit le Dnnderlne. Adv. Couldn't Help It. "1 have been spoken of as a logical candidate for the legislature," "Never mind"' consolingly said J. Fuller Gloom. "People will talk, you know." —Judge. A Definition. "Pa, what is a luxury?" "Anything you want, my son. when you haven't got the price." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong. aick women well, uo alcohol. Sold in tablets or liquid.—Adv. The average girl would rather be In love than be happy. THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA MracaioNAL SDNMrScnooL LESSON . (By K. O. Acting Director of the Sunday School Coarse In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) j (Copyright. 1»17, Weatern Newspaper Union.) LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 4 JESUS THE SAVIOR OF THE WORLD. I,ESSON TEXT—JoTin 1:1-18. J UOLDKN TEXT-For Qod so loved the world, that he Kave Ma only begotten eon. I that whosoever beurveth In him. should not perish, but have everlasting life John 1:16. , I Tbis most famous Interview In his tory occurred probably In some room lu Jerusalem where Jesus WHS a guest, a room reached by an outer stairway no that he could Vecelve visitors pri vately. \ / . | I. The Teacher of the Jews (vv. 1, 2). Nlcodemus was a member of the sunhedrln (Ch. 7 :50). lie belonged to the Pharisees who were much devoted , to the scriptures, and In whose hand the political affairs were largely j placed by the Romans. There are sev j eral reasons why Nlcodemus came to Jesus by night. Prudence dictated se | crecy, but that he came at all was en | couraging. He was more apt to And Jesus at home In the evening. He had much that he wished to learn, and needed a quiet hour, removed from A the crowd. The things that Jesus had done and taught made Nlcodemus think that Jesus might be the Mes | slah. Nlcodemus wanted to know J how to be blessed or happy. ! 11. A Teacher From Qod (vv. 3-8). A greut majority of the disciples of i Jesus came from the common people (I Cor. 1:11 Id) yet for "nil classes he had the same message, "Ye must be born again." The answer of Jesus was according to the condition of the man before him, the deepest need of n-hls- soul. - Literally, lie said. "Most as r surcdly, except a than (anyone) fie horn agalir (anew or from above) he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven." To be born anew means to be born sgaln. It mutters not what your par eiitage may have been. If any man : could do without n new birth, Nlco demus was that .man. He was mornl, religious and sincere. The Instrument through which this birth Is effective lis the word of God (I Peter 1:23; j'James 1:18; John 15:3) and the au j thor Is the Holy Spirit (v. 5: Titus 3 :.1). Water Is a symbol of the word (ICph. fi:2fl). Literally translated, this passage would rend, "Except one be born of wuter and wind." And as wind "hyNynlversal consent refers to I one factor In regeneration, the Spirit, so the water manifestly refers to the other element of regeneration, the word." The main contention Is that j the word Is the Instrument In the rc it generation. Although not expressly I mentioned here, It Is elsewhere. | Nlcodemus was a teacher of Israel (v. 10 It. V.) and yet he did not know so fundamental a truth as the new birth, though the Old Testament taught It. ' 111. The Pupil'* Difficulty (vv. ft 13). | The works of the flesh as contrasted j with the fruits of the Spirit are | brought out In the Epistles, yet, like Nlcodemus, people are asking today. "How can these things be?" Jesus challenges Nlcodemus ".vlth the words. "Art thou a teacher of Israel and un derstandest'not these things?" What | Jesus said to Nlcodemus (vv. 11-13) ! Is true of the scriptures now, especlal- J l.v of the New Testament. They tes | tlfy to the facts which Jesus knew j and revealed, he having been In I heaven, and cotne down from heaven j for the purpose of making them known. To be born Implies that It Is the starting point of a new life, that j we must grow as a child grows to be a man until It reaches to "n perfect | man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Eph. 4:13). IV. The Lesson Illustrated (vv. 14 1 . Jesus believed In objective I teaching, and he here refers to a memorable event In the early history of the Jews as Illustrating his teach ing, The Journey through the wilder ness to, the promised land became weary and discouraging, and the Is raelites complained bitterly of their hardships, complaining against Ood and against Moses. Punishment came In the form of fiery serpents, called fiery from the burning, stinging sensa •i tlQELcaused by their bite. So Intense j was the venom of the bites that they j became fatal In a few hours. This i punishment made the people realize | ; the awful evil of sin. They acknowl- I edged their sin, and pray Hi for for giveness. Moses mafle a brazen ser pent. and carried It through the camp BO that all could see. and looking he- ! came an act of faith. Implying repent- i ance and return to obedience and to Cod. Thus our salvation is literally, j "Look and live;" believe and have eternal life; doubt and perish (Mark j 18:10; John 3 :36). V. God's Greatest Gift (v. Ifl). This ! 1» probably the most familiar verse | known to the Christian world, ami j has led more souls to salvation than any other In the Bible. In it Is re- i vealed the mighty Ood—"For God a 1 mighty motive—"Ood so loved;" aj mighty scope—"Ood so loved the } whrlda mighty sacrifice —"Ood so j loved the world that he gnve his only | begotten Son;" u mighty escape—j. "should not perish;" a mighty gift— | "eternal life." • ' , c This verse Is the gospel In a nut shell : the origin and grounds of ble salvation. DANGEROUS CALOMEL IS SELDOM SOLD NOW Calomel Salivates! It Makes You Sick and You Lose a Day's Work—Dodson's Liver Tone Acts Better Than Calomel and Is Harmless for Men, Women, Children —Read Guarantee! Fvery druggist here, yes! your druggist and i everybody's druggist has noticed a great falling off in tlie sale of calomel. They all give the same reason. Dodson's I.iver 'lone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous and people know it while Dodson's Liver Tone is safe and gives better re sults." said a prominent local druggist. DodSon's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every , druggist. A large family-sized bottle costs only 50 ( cents and. if you find it doesn't take the place of I dangerous, salivating calomel you have only to ask I for your money back. I 'Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant-tasting, pnre j ly vegetable remedy, harmless to both children ■ and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up j feclmir tine, no sick headache, biliousness, atrue. All) man becomes in il«*n 1 husband j tli«" (In\ liis \\lf«> a wlilnw. Wrlght'a Indian V»*»tabl» T'lllo rmitnln nothing l»iif vp|i'tih)« Inn? Nt a which net fftntlv hp n lonic n nW|MirprM t |v«- by Hlmu ■ latlon and not by Irritation. Adv. Speechless amazement I* one of the i few tilings tluil KO without saying. Only One "BROMO QUININK" ' To ipf i tji' ircniiinn, fall for full name I.A.XATIVH BHOMo VIIIMBM. I-oo* for ilifnmur* ~f H \V j tiluiva Vuron a Old ID Una Day »!>.■ Explained. "I was held up In llils «•!ty before I j hnl !»••• II here a day." "I 'hin t \«• 11 get it, IIIIIK*** lo cry nut?" "Oh. yes, Inn what did flu* nurse cute for i:i• 11V" HAVE SOFT. WHITE HANDS Clear Skin and Good Hair by Uaing Cuticura—Trial Fro. " The Sonp to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to aoothe and lical. Besides these fragrant, super-creamy emol lients prevent little skin troubles be coming serious by keeping the pores ' free from obstruction. Not hint; better at any, price for all toilet purposes. Free sample each hy mall with Hook. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. .Sold everywhere.—Adv. Wood Being Put to Many New Uses. I Among I lie products-made exclusive ly from wood *S»c Vhurcoal, without ' which we could have no formaldc i i liyde; cellulose, which, converted Into J viscose, furnishes iih with artltlclal : sausage skins and artificial silk from j which neckties, stockings braids mid ! tapestries are iiiiule. Nine-tenths of all paper Is made j from wood. At the forest products lalw>ratory at Madison, Wis., of the ■ i American Forestry association the mill ! waste of long leaf pine has been j ' turned into a brown paper, that lias' a variety of uses; cut into strips, it is i l spun Into threads and woven Into I hags. matting burlap suitcases and furniture. That laboratory has also j produced a dye from the mill waste of osage orange that Is a substitute for fustic. "CASCARETS" FDR SLUGGISH BOWELS No sick headache, sour stomach, 1 biliousness or constipation by morning. Get a 10-cent box now. Turn the rascals out —the headache, biliousness, indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and foul gases—turn them out to-night and keep them out with Cascarets. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never know the misery caused by u lazy liver, clogged bowels or an upset stom ach. Don't put in another day of distress. Let Cascarets cleanse your stomach; remove the sour fermenting food; take the excess bile from your liver »hd carry out all the constipated Waste matter and poison in the bowels. Then you will feel great. A Casca/et to-night straightens you. out by rrorning. They work while you sleep. ' A 10-cent box from any drug store means a clear head, sweet stomach and clean, healthy liver and bowel action tor months. Chil dren love Cascarets because they never gripe or sicken. Adv. Their Practice. "Dentists make appealing orators." v,-' . "Why so?" "Look at The way they can draw tears by working on people'* feelings." sour stomach or clogged bowels. Prison's Liver Tone doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all next day like calomel. Take a dose of calomel tonightyand tomorrow you will feel sick, weak and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work! Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morning' because you will wake up with your head clear, your liver active, bowels clean, breath sweet and stomach regulated. You will feel cheerful and full of vigor and ready for a hard day's work. You can cat anything afterwards without risk of salivating yourself or your children. (jet a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone ami try it on my guarantee. You'll never agafn put a dos« of nast.v, dangerous calomel into vour stomach. Adv. Rerfuy Annoying. "Will, iluit's enough to try the pa tienie of .lob!" exclaimed the village minister, as he threw aside the local paper. A "Why, what's the mailer, War'.'" asked Ills w it'e. "Last Sunday I preached from the text 'lte ye, therefore, steadfast.'" an I swered the good iiiiui; "Inu tile printer j iiiakes It lend, 'He ye there-for break-- ftrst.'-" 1 ACTRESS TELLS SECRET. A well known aetrcuA given the follow- | Ins recipe for amy linlr: To half pint of , witter add I or. llay Hum, a small box of i Harbo Compound, and 07. of glycerine. Any druKKlxt can put this up or you can mix it at home nt very little cost. Full directions for making and use come In each box of Ilarbo Compound. It will gradually darken ■treak»d, faded gray hair, anil make It soft and Rlossy. It will not color the scalp, IR not gtlcky or gTeaay, and does not rub off. Adv t I Natural Means. "How does a poet laureate manage to maintain his standing?" "Of course, by Ills-poetic feet." —.. , Aviators attached to ..the® Signal corps station at San Piego obtain weather reports. ■ - ■ .Trr.T-.-fr Why Rheumatism Comes With Cold Weather! BY VALENTINE MOTT PIERCE, M. D. A close connection exists between these two cold weather and rheu matism. Prof. Alex. Haig, of London, has the moat followers in the medical profession in the belief that the pres j ence in the system of uric acid, or its salts in excess, is the real cause of rheu-1 matism. Everyone has recognized the difference in the appearance of their j water as soon as it gets C() | ( j ■ there is j often a copious sediment of brrckdust. | Heverai causes may lead up to an | accumulation of uric acid in the system, j which, in turn, causes rheumatism or | gout, or creaky joints, or swollen lingers, l or painful joints. For one reason the skin does not throw o/f the uric acid, by profuse sweating, wfin the hot weather, and the kidneytfSue unable to take care 'of the double burden. Another reason ' Hl# Occupation. "What Is that man doing?" asked j the customer, as lie saw the clockmak I ers assistant palming ili«- hours on a clock face. "Oh," replied the master, "lie Is situ ply making time." The Inducement. Willis—What makes a man always give a lady a diamond ring'.' JIIU«— The lady.—Orange I'eel. Prominent Citizen. I'.ug—Who Is lie? Caterpillar—That's Mr. Firefly, otic of our leading lights. WMCBZSm gll in 1 fbfiiunters = Chester Rifles, which shows how they are esteemed. S = They are madq in various styles and calibers and =5 g ARE SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OK HUNTING i □iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiD An Edible Currency. At '•>> lin in. ii rural station iti eea~ trnr Vlrjrlnln, Mr. Hell l« the store keeper. one iln.v II siniill negro nun# j lulu Ills store with II single egc He went ull in Mr. Ilell unit ilisphij«»i| the | now liliil egg. "Mr. Hell, iiiiiini irr say pleat**, utr, I give her II 11«*♦ •« 11«• fur ills egg." j "Vim rim get two noodles f>r us vgg," unsvKml Mr. Hi'H. "Noiv sir, nnuiiiiMT ilon' want two needles;' slio sny piense, sir, give in* ilo ehtinge In eliooso.-Youth's Oon»- |I;I INSIST ON YAM NUTS— , Up tb'ilatu grocer* have thprn -the ni>i* food with »n "unforgetnlile llavor,'' mail* from Southern yainn. Try YAM Nt I"S once, they'll win you xure. The William* Co., Greenville, S. C. Ailv. The Toiler. "lines n fanner have to work hnrlT* "Yep. I tut nut -as hard as tin* aver ago person who has to liuy what uf fanners raise." Thirty years ni:o there were only two Protectant eliuri lies ln,('hlls». Now there are in that people jil» not drink aa much j water in cold weather as in summer, which helps to flush the kidnpys. Again, they eat more meat in cold weather, ana some people are HO susceptible that they soon develop rheumatism after eating [ meat. At all such times persons should drink j copiously of hot water, sav, a pinl morning and night, and take Amino three or four timee a day. This An uric comes in tablet form and can ba had at almost any drug store. It dis solves the uric acid in the system and carries it outward. I would adviw everyone to take Anuric occasionally, and continue Tor three or four weeks, and in that way avoid rheumatism, goui and many of the paiulul disorders due to uric acid. Adv. \ TuifTPills Thf firm dote often mtonliheithe Invalid, giving tlamlcltv of mind, buoyancy of Iwdf, GOOD DIGESTION, regular bowel# and solid flesh. Price. 25 ctft fflnm ft CPLLTONIC Sold for \7 your*. For Malaria.Chill* und lever. Alto n Fine General Slri-ii(tlifninjj lonic. *°yVi'^

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