CALOMEL IS MERCURY, IT SICKENS! STOP USING SALIVATING DRUG Don't Lose a Day's Work! If Your Liver Is Sluggish or Bowels Constipated Take "Dodson's Liver Tone."—lt's Finel You're bilious! Tour liver 1* alug giah! You feel lazy, dizzy and all knocked out. Your head la duU, your tongue la coated; breath bad; atomach •our and bowela conatlpated. But don't taka aalivatlng calomel. It makea you aick. -you may loae a day'a work. Calomel la mercury or quicksilver which cauaea necroala of the bones. Calomel crashee into sour bile like dynamite, breaking It up. That'a when you feel that awful nausea and cramp ing. If you want to enjoy the nicest, gen tlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Your druggist or dealer aella you a SO-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my personal money-back guarantee that each apoonful will clean your W. L. DOUGLAS "THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITB SHAPE" $3 53.80 S4 54.80 $8 $6 $7 & S8 .fgVgn. Save Money by Wearing W. L_ Douglas shoe*, for sale by over9oooshoe dealers. The Best Known Shoes in the World. VV7 L. Douglas name and the retail price u stamped on the hot ** torn of all shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and IM^S the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The retail pners are the same everywhere. They COM no more in San Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the price paid for them. ' I 'he quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more , than 40 years e*perience in making fine shoe*. The smart styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America, f They are made in a well-eouipped factory at Brockton, Mass.. by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and [ J /»ot K™*VEissr supervision of experienced men, all working with an hone* deteirninanon to make the best shoe* for the price that money* Ask your ihn* dnUr for W. I. nouflai ihon. If he nan- If *w— .. pot supply you with the kind yon want, take no other iVi JfJ***' ® r WJ makx. Writ* for Interesting booklet •(plaining how to LW SUM " ,UIS a" cat ihoMof the highest standard of quality for the prlre, rW B , „ by ratara mall, postage free. Hoys ShOM LOOK FOR W. L. DougU. tjJ A / . 7** «Jj»■ *•«' nana and the retail price $3.00 $2.50 A $2.00 •tamped on tba bottom. NtESK CRISP WHOIfSOME-DELICIOUS M T»T« SANFTSJTY MTTHOOS A**TLLD IN THI I MANISS of mm BISCUIT* HMI MSPBS|IBWS[TPIBIPM TNSM TNI Hi IITII If 11 111 llDlllll STAMDARO *f EXCEL UNCI UJA!Ui!Lilg|fiiU|H W Ihdir hash—. erifast W ilwdi. •«l | ha « write aj bis sas«. CNAnANOOOA BAMRY Slight Mistake. One tiny itn old country. dame went to visit her NOII, who »H« IT medical student la ii large college. Wlillt 1 sin; una waiting at the door n young iiiiin wearing a white coiil IIIMI apron ;1111•• out. tiolng forward to lilin, she tiskeil In a meek loiD*: "A.r)' you n student coming out for II doctor'/" "No, liia'ttin," HllSW cri'il . t LIE young mail; "I'm a painter coming out for a smoke." To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Staodaid CiHOVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is prioted on every label, showing it Is Quinine aod Iron in a tasteless form The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cents. Weight for weight, a iiiaiiilii rope is just about a* llong"as a steel one, Dr P** ry'B "D« «d Whot" Is not s **lo icnft" or "«yrup " but a rral old fashioned 4oif of mpdlrln* which cleans out Worm® or Tapeworm with a single dote Adv Kvfn n tßclpolf can of hi* no rial fwmltloii, for lie Is In tli«> swim. WHAT IS LAX-FOS LU-FOS IS AM IMPROVED CASCAM A DIGESTIVE LAXATIVE CATRAMC AND LIVER TONIC Lax-FOB is not s Secret or Patent Medi cine but ie composed of the following old-fsahioned roots and herbs: OABCARA BARK BLUE FLAQ ROOT RHUBARB ROOT BLACK ROOT MAY APPLE ROOT BENNA LEAVEB AND PEPBIN In Laz-Pos the CASCAXA is improved by the addition of these digestive ingredi ents making it better than ordinary CAS CAKA, and thus the combination acts not only ass stimulsting laxative and cathar tic but also as a digestive snd liver tonic. Syrnp laxatives are weak, bnt LAX-FOS combines strength with palatable, aro matic taste and does not gripe or disturb the stomach. One bottle will prove LAX-FOS is invaluable for Constipation, Indigestion or Torpid Liver. Price 50c. STOTUffn-STOgUIEir For Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. ContainsCop perss (or Worms, Sulphur for the Blood, Saltpeter for the Kidneys, Nux Vomica,a Tonic, and Pure Dairy Salt. Uaed by Vet erinarians 12 years. No Dosing. Drop Brick in feed-box. Ask your dealer for Blachman's or write BLACKIAN STOCK REMEDY COMPANY CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE I A* KODAKS * SUPPLIES IDm W« also do klfkMt el mm of finishing. IHV Prices ud Ctlslo|M upon Mqnm. wSS s. cuiwu ppnoi a., iiifcßui, v*. sluggish liver better than a doaa of nasty calomel and that It won't make you aick. Dodson's Liver Tona la real liver medicine. Tou'U know it next morn ing because you will wake up feeling line, your liver will be working, your headache and dizzineaa gone, your stomach will b« aweet and your bowela regular. Tou will feel like working; voint b« cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Dodson'a I.iver Tone is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not aallvate Give It to your children! Mllllcna of people ara using Dodson's I.iver Tone Instead of dangerous cal omel now. Your druggist will tell you that the aale of calomel la almos stopped entirely here. —Adv. Any girl who punciimtcs n love let ter Is mistaken In thinking there Is something the matter with her heart. Anoint the eyelid* with Roman Kye Bsl mm upon retiring at night, and in the ] morning observe the refreshed and I strengthened sensation in your eyes upon arising. Adr. Explsining the Tears. At a golden wedding an entertain men was tri\«>n to tlii' surrounding leiiiintry of tin- aged couple. At ili« close of 1 lie proceedings I lie host rose and relieved Ills feelings In all elo quent speech, "Look at that, now, Pat," whispered , an old Irishwoman, nudging her hus 1 hand's elbow. "IMd you see the poor I otlld masther will the tears 111 the eyes 1 of him?" 1 "Sliure, an' why wouldn't he lie cryln'?" was the husband'* rettirl, "»n', lie marrled to tli»* same woman fur : fifty yi-ars!" ™ YES! LIFT A CORN I OFF WITHOUT PAIN! I ; Clnclnnati"man telle how to dry I up a corn or callus so It lifts t off with fingers. ! 1 S"S»-s-s •••♦••»■ 1 Vou corn-pestered men and women need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes (that nearly killed you before, says this Cincinnati authority, because 11 few drops of freezone applied directly on a tender, aching corn or callus, stops I soreness at mice and soon the corn or hardened callus loosens so It can be lifted off, root and all, without pain. A small bottle of freerone costs very little at any drug store, but will posi tively take off every hard or soft conn or callus. This should he tried, as It Is inexpensive and Is said not to Irri tate the surrounding skin. If your druggist hasn't any free zone tell him to get a small bottle for you from his wholesale drug house.—adv. More Nature Faking. "In your speech yon talked about the (loye of peace lis If It were a warlike bird." f "That's the modern idea," replied the I orator. "The time has roine when the ! dove of pence must be supplied with J such defensive armament as sharp ! claws and H falcon's beak." Eczema Seven Years —Cured by Tst tsrine. "I hafl Ecsema on my chest for seven years and the torture was almost unbear able. One of your salesmen offered to pay for the Tetterlne if it did not cure we. I used iess than three boxes and am entirely well." Clem Kinard, Rufrtn, 8. C. Tetterine cures Eczema, Itching Piles, Dandruff. Ring Worm and every form of Scalp and Skin LMseaae. Tetterlne 50c. Tetterlne Soap 25c. Your druggist, or by mail from the manufacturer, The Bhup trine Co., Savannah, Oa. With every mall order for Tetterlne we Sve a box of Shuptrine's 10c Liver Pills e«. Adv. Missouri ha? joined the list of stutes j which maintain night school* for Hidults In rural regloiiK. Renovate patent leather by rubbing 1 with • doth soaked lo milk. I THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA GUARDSMEN TO BE HELD IN SERVICE; ORDER CAME AFTER THIRD IN FANT'Y HAD BEEN MUSTER ED OUT. , i OTHERS HELD FOR SERVICE Second Infantry and Compan'" A. and B. Engineers Will Be Held For Probable Police Duty. Raleigh.—Within an hour after all fhe organizations of the Third North Carolina Infantry, National Guard, ex cept the supply company, had«been mustered out of Federal service at Camp Bickett, orders were received from the War Department to suspend demobilization. It was too late to af fect this regiment, but in consequence of the order the Second Infantry, or ders! Into camp at Camp Hoyster, Goldsboro, and brigade headquarters ordered to Kaleigh, will be held there under arms, as will Companies A and B. engineers, now at Charlotte and Wilmington. Troops A and B. cavalry; Asheville and Limolnton; Field Hos pital No 1. Asheville and Ambulance Company No. 1, Canton, have already been mustered out Brigade headquarters. including General Laurence Young and staff, were previously ordered lo Raleigh for muster out. 11 is believed that under this order, headquarters will proceed to Raleigh to jjwait muster out or fur ther service. In view of (he orders given National Guard organizations in other states, It is expected ..that the North Carolina troops held'in the service will be used, if necessary, for duties In the state. The supply company, with much property work to complete, will con tinue in camp here for several days. In the meanwhile, no orders have been received calling the demobilized regi meat hack into the service, and while many of the officers, apparently are expecting this, no comment was made af (he Office of the Adjutant General. The men of Jhe Third showed pleas ure in their release, now being enabled to visit their homes, many of them foi the first time.ln nine months. Rous ing welcomes are In store for practi t ally all of the . companies at their home stations. But while this Is so, It is declared that little difficulty will be encountered in KettiiiK the men mob ilized again. If the call comes. The few days spent at Camp Bickett were delightful compared to the san.i storms, the excessive cold of the nights in Texas Lieutenant Colonel Claud McGhes expressing the thanks of Colonel Minn and the regiment for the courtesies shown by ItaleiKh fca't.' "In coming lo Raleigh we fell that we were coming home and In our ai rival here we found that-,we were at home. "Particularly do we wish to thank the management of the State Fan grounds for the use of their building* and grounds, and for the assistance given us and the munner in whih they worked for our comfort. "We also wisli to thank the manage ment of the Rex Hospital for the n cellent attention and medical aid glv en our sick. "We regret very much that we have not shown our appreciation by field ex ercises and parades but we have been so busy with detailed work that il lias been impossible for us to do so." Asheville Adopts Belgian Babies. Asheville That Ashev'lle is tli.r oughly aroused on the subject of car Ing for Belgian babies is Indicated bv the fact that the committee, whb h started out to "adopt" 500 of the youri/ sters, is now planning to care for 1,000 babies. Already there Is JoTT in (he fund, with enough In sight to make It 9700, and the committee has taken on renewed activity In an ef fort U> Increase the amount to Sl.OfMr The Bingham school boys have raised their donation to an even fIOO and a number of other schools are expect, ed to follow suit. Asheville may even tually increase the number to HIOIO than 1,000. Fears Potatoes Will Be Wasted. Salisbury.—"Tell the people not to plant potatoes" Is the request made to the newspapers by Mr. M. L. Jackson a prominent citizen of Salisbury and large farmer. * So many people arc gardening this year who have never gardened before that Mr. Jackson fears many perfectly good potatoes are going to be wasted. "Plant only the eyes of the potato and eat the rest of It," says Mr. Jackson. Thi- Is, of course, no new doctrine, pot at" raisers knowing all along that this is the way to do It. Governor Speaks st Conference. Wilmington. The afternOon session of the initial day of the state-wide j livestock conference and exposition [ - was featured by an address by Gover- t nor Bickett, who warned farmers to j prepare against the coming of the boll j weevil. The session was presided oevr by Congressman John H. Small r"tfthers to speak during the day wei s W. A. Graham, T. B. Parker, Dr. T. P Yager. Editor L. A. Nivens. Dr. W. K Lewis, (I. A. Southerland. Dr. Bradford Knapp, and Di. U. ,W, Kilgore imaioNAL j SwrscnooL LESSON (Bv K o. SEI.I>KRB, Acting Director of t>>«• Sunday School Course In the Moody Bible institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, 1!>1T, Weet.rn NVw«i»pfr t'nton.) ; LESSON FOR APRIL 8 JESUS RAISED LAZARUS FROM THE DEAD—EASTER LESSON. LESSON TEXT—John 11:17-27, «, 44. (Road 17 to 44). 001 I>KN TEXT—Jwui »alil unto her, ; I am rhr resurrection, and the life.—John U :2ft This lesson occurred about two ■ months before the crucifixion, Jesus being In Rethnhara at the time of this 1 call (See John 10:40; 1:28). There are four recorded cases of resurree- j tlon from the dead: Jatrus' dnughler (Mutt io, the son of the widow of Nnlti (l.uke 7), La r.n r us, and also Je sus 11 ft.• r his crucifixion (John -(»). I. The Lesson of Unbelief. Bethany, ' the home of Ln/.arus, is on the south- I eastern slope of Mt. Olivet, two miles from Jerusalem. Christ and his dis ciples were.on the east side of the Jor dan. Inning l»een driven there by the-l hostility nf the Jews (John 10:31), He ! purpotciy delays his stay In that place , that this event might give an oppor tuiM'y tor the manifestation of his j wonderworking power. This delay' was In face of his supernatural knowl- | ledge tlint Lazarus' sickness had been fatal, for he said plainly to Ills disci- j pies, "Lazarus Is dead." Philosophers ■ have often called death a sleep, but al ways one from which there was no juwakenlng; hence the skepticism of | these sisters is not surprising. (1) They limited the power of Jesus to his j person "if thou hadst been here." (1!) j They also limited his power lo a cer j tnln phrce; "If thou hadst been here" 1 (v. j 11. The Lesson of Pain. The suffer ! Ing of these sisters produced sacrifice | and self devotion. Suffering brings j blessing to others. It Is also a means of self-culture. Suffering drives us to I the Christ, and reveals lo us the un realized side of Christ's character (v. il.'). Jesus-is often never more kind tlinn when be seems to be least 1 kind. In the midst of her skeptl- I clsin mid paly Ji'sus gave Martha a j new and glorious thought about the resurrection. "I am the resurrection and flie life." If we desire that, all We have to do Is to gel Jesus himself (I John 5:11!). Resurrection has to do with the body, npd life lias lo do ' with the spirit (John 17 All will ultimately experience resurrection, bill only those who believe on him re ceive life (John .'1 There Ts a resurrection of life and there Is a resurrection of damnation (John *i:L1I). Murlhii answered, "Yea Lord, I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God." It is ail Important that we should really believe that (John IX); I John f»:l 111. The Lesson of Love. Love al ways manifests Itself In deeds. Mar tha secretly and quickly arose and left the Mailing friends to go and meet the waiting Master. "The Mus ter Is come." He still comes, ajid calls to us, and, if, like Martha, we spring up gladly lo meet him, he will fill our lives with blessing and Joy. Je sus came to these sisters Individu ally (vv. 21, i.'H). He had entered the danger zone In order to fie there (v. 8), and It was Thomas, the doubter, who wanted to accompany him (v, 10). "Jesus wept," not with the wailing of professional mourners, but with the silent, grief sirlcken sis ters. IV. The Lesson of Power. Jesus had let natural causes work lo their fullest extent. Coming fo the tomb, Jesus said (v. .'{!»), "Take ye away the stone." If was four days after the death ,of Lazarus before he came forth. Jesus was soon to die and rise In three days after his entomb ment. The stone had to be removed from the tomb of Lazarus; It rolled. Itself away from the tomb of Christ. The restrictions which Christ placed upon his exercise of .power, viz., that be allowed Lazarus to die, to be burled, and his body to reach the point of putrefaction, and not to come forth until Jesus himself, In lils body, was present at "the tomb, emphasizes the lesson of the restraint of power for the glory of Ood. Out of such extreme circumstances of seeming im possibility God manifested his glory (Rom. 8:28). Browning has given us a wonder fully Imaginative picture of his re newed life on earth; And oft the mnn'i soul springs Into hie face A* If he iaw again and htarri again Ills sage that bade him rise, And he did rise. The effect of the miracle was two fold. Many who were present be- j lleved on Jesus; others did not. Some went to the Pharisees to j relate what they had seen, only to meet with rebuff. The remainder of the chapter Is oc cupied with the plotting of the Pharl- j sees against Jesus, and from this | grave there stretches the shadow of i a cross upon the path of Jesus. This miracle ranks next tp Christ's own resurrection as a demonstration I of Immortality- Are we on resurrection j Has the stone been rolled aw'ay? The resurrection of Lazarus proves that our earthly existence 1s only tem porary, that our real existence Is i eternal. WRIGLEYS ANew and Tempting fAs toothsome as the name 1 implies. The third of the WRIGLEY trio of refreshing, long-lasting confections. Good for teeth, Have it always you it's a boon to the § fit? parched mouth Ffa■/#)# in hot work or m * w on l° n g auto Lasts I trips. Chew it after Sound Advice. The successful infill HI business was uivliij.' liis HOII MIIIIH! in Iy I Ce, j "M\ hoy," KIII'I I In 1 , "whatever you do, don't brag." "\o. inthop," nji111 iht' vi'iiiik milii, •.,J!III IF II 11 \. | ".\i least, not unlil~ii Iter" you have ! done It." ! "Ami Hi.n?" "Thru," M'lhl ilif father, slm>ly, "if \oii were '.U'vor enough lo do I) really Well, you will hi> clover enough f\> | Uftow t liii* it's not 'worth hi'tigging GAS, DYSPEPSIA j AND INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" settles sour, gassy stomachs in five minutes—Time it! Ton don't want a slow remedy when • your stomach is had—or an uncertain or\e—or a harmful one—your stomach I* too valuable.; you mustn't Injure It. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its ; speed In giving relief; its harmless ness; its certain unfailing action In regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures In Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach trouble has made it famous the world over. Keep this perfect stomach doctor In your home—keep it handy—get a large fifty-cent case from any dealer and then if anyone should eat something which doesn't agree with them; if ij what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes head- i ache, dizziness and nausea; eructa tions of acid and undigested food— j remember as soon as Pape's Diapepsin comes In contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. Its prompt ness, certainty ard ease in overcoming the worst stomach disorders Is a reve lation to those who try It. —AdY. About (he lime n inn Ii begins t" linve j good common sense old age makes him childish iind lie enn'l use it. ■/ \ To Prevent Old Age | Coming Too Soon ! j "Toilc poisons in the blood are thrown j out by the kidneys. The kidneys act as \ filters for such products. If we wish to I prevent old age coining too soon and In- « crease our chances for a long life, we ' should drink plenty of pure water and take a little Anuric," says the world- s famed Dr. Pierce of Buffalo, N. Y. M When suffering from backache, fre quent or scanty urine, rheumatic pnlns r here or there, or that constant tired, , worn-out feeling, the simple way to v overcome these disorders Is merely to r obtain a little Anuric (double strength) 1: from your nearest druggist and you will quickly notice the grand results. You j" will find It many times more potent than llthla, and that It dissolves uric o: idd as hot water does sugar. I si Have you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Tak^RVIEC?M AC! OFtoremove thfrmi* nnd drlfe the pulton from tlie ayateui "BHKt BA IDB OH TNI IBBIDB rtTB BMBt BATIBB 01 TBI OlTftlDß * At All Druggist* JBS. Btilf 4 SOB, Wkolstalt Dittribatou iMTWUTH's l> @:U.Tohk Sold lor 47 year*. For Malaria, Chills and fVvfr. Also a Floe General Strengthening Tonic* "•*£iTl£lC ECZEHAH Mon'jr biirk without question If HUNT'S CORK rail* in tbr 7y"\ Irritmriit of ITCH, K"/.EMA, H RINHWORM.TETTERorotberf Itrblng ik i n dlara*ra. '* ri ' e fit J I 500 at dnigKima, or dlrert from /*f# / / I 1.1. Ililnrti litlcm Ci. Umn.lii. I A( /I m**MlFki A toil.t r>r«ptntioß of m«rlt yjjWr ■ Hal pa to eradicate dandruff. llVjB. Forßaatorm# Color and iMW rTj| Baauty toGraror Faded Hair. J»jOlJJ»a»Driwat^^ Seeds and Plants IIWFET POTATO PLANTS. Grown from |en«. tna tma to nama aeed atock. Ready for April. Mi? and June *blnmen«* Varletlee: Nancy Hall Port# Rico Tain, Pat. tana w Tarn and Trlnmph 1.000 ta W.iJOO at 1160 £M»r tboonand: 'JO.OUO U> 60 000 a' 1110 par thousand, 60.000 and above at 11.26 par tbonnand. BtMik fonr order early and be aaanrad of setting prompt delivery and good plants. Remember. we fa a ran lee count, and aafe delivery to your ejrpreafl •Ilea. Krnki ( Nitj rtul »• Trtrk fare. BanMi, la>i|la FROST PROOF CABBAC£ PUNTS Bmrlr J»rt«7 and (;barl««ton VtakaflnM. Sbceaaal.ia and flat Dntrb. M 0 fori! » . 1.000 for DM; 1,000 at II.H. f o b. bar*. postpaid Uc par 100 laikMla iwaM HWSST POTATO PLANTS— ItBBMIIata •btpmant. Nancr Hall and Porto Hioo, lflQO to 1,000 at BN: 10.000 op at II to. fob bare Tomato planta too 7ta, 1.000 for II M; Sail and Pappar planta HO for II M; U)00, for II M: iWo and np at (I.M. f. o. b. bare! Poatpald »e par 100 » T. JtlllM. wnuilUl. a. t TEI.VFT BK %NS -l.argt' juanlltlt*a. early ■prckl'il varl.iy; 'a l)\i« sacks, II 60 bue.. V O H Hriinilldxr. H ATKRS * I'IKKSON, Bnjndld*.'. Ala W. N. U.. CHARLOTTE. NO. 14~191T * ADVICE TO WOMEN Brownsville, Tenn. —"It is my plee* lire to l«*t others know how much good Dr. Pierce's medicines have done me. I suffered with woman's trouble. Finally I was advised to use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I took about six bottles In all and was per* fectly well. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets are the only medicine I ever need. Any woman w ho wants, to get well and stay well should try 'Favorite Pre scription.' "—.MRS. CLARISSA ENIX. For over forty years this herbal tonic for women has been sold by all deal ers In medicine throughout this coun try. Through Its use, thousands of women all over this land have been relieved of many diseases of a woman ly nature. If- you cannot obtain Favorite Pre scription at your dealer's, send SI.OO :o Dr. -Pierce, Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo. V. Y., and he will send large package >f the tablets, or send fifty cents for mailer slae.

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