| High Quality-Low Price | I Or eans New Store I My Btock of Clothing, Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents Furnishings will be found complete, of the most re- £jjj liable quality and at the LOWEST PRICES With the hope of giving Satisfaction to all parties I have determined to conduct my business upon lib eral principles and while supplying the very best articles in the market, to sell them at prices that can bear Jw the teat of comparison with those of any other store in the trade. gj I . Come to See Us § 5} I To The Public I " J» - " . - r — : ——- ' ' To those who do not know me, 1 wish to say that I am a young man, born in New Bern, N. C. got my education in Netf York, and as soon as my education was completed I came hack to my native State which I call- home, and I expect to remain here. Sfl VJS lam proud to sav that I find here in Williamston the best and grandest people I ever met. I al- u| so wish to thank the people here for their kind courtesies and good will shown to me. This is one of | Qg the greatest encouragements for a yonng man in the first start in business. fesi | j0 Yours truly, @1 Mi m Walter Raleigh Orleans & WilliMiiiHtonV N. C. ' HI kS Main Street -■ .J. H. Hopkins Old Stand ?fj p 333CCC333CCC333 0 CCCCCCCCC EVERYBODY IS DOING IT. (SET !N LINE j +- • • (S M-) Ac Yes. erir 1 «rs >r women, boys or men can join our Christmas Banking Club. The plan is this: Deposit sor 10 cents or 2 cents for the first week. Then increase your deposit the same amount each week. * In 40 weeks - \ 2-cents club pays $16.40 5-cents club pays "* 41.tK) 10-cents club pays 82.00 You can deposit 25 or 50 or §I.OO or §*...00 or more each week. • . Come in--we will tell you all about it. Come irt get a Christmas Hacking Club book free. The Peoples Bank ~£• *. - " ** i * v A~ A \ THE BNTEBPMtt, WXLLIAMSTOR, CA*OL»~ I! Land vvile For Taxes NORTH CAROLINA. ) > Notice of Tax Sale Martin County t I, VV T Britton, Tax ( ollector-for liohersomiile Graded School | District and RoberSonvillo Township R aus. have this.day levied on the following tracts of parcels of land, and will soil the same at ! public auction before th" Bank of RoberM»nvilk>, at' Uobersonville, |N. C., on Monday May 71»v. 1917. at n.nin, unless the taxes for the [year 1!'1H are paid on or (>• fore that dar. This April 3rd, 1!>17. W; T. BRITTON, Tax Collector. WHITE - Atlantic Coast Realty Co., J town lots, $ 1.67 SI.BO *3.47 Bunting. W. E., 30 acres adj. W.L. Everett, i " 312 " VJ. B- Raw Is. * 4.20 1.80 6.50 iI Crisp. W. A.. 2 town lots. * .27 1.80 - 2.07 Ca.-uer Brothers, 2 town lots. 4.00 1.80 5.80 Everett, VV. H., 2 town lots. .47 1.80 2.27 Hathaway. W.G., 190 acres, Lucy Manning, [ 60 "S. L. Andrews, t 14.46 1.80 16.26 Harrison, Mrs. Bettie, 49 acres, Jesse Rawls. 6.68 180 8.48 Ward, N, H., 3 town lots. .50 1.80 ' 2.30 .Williams, N. S., 3 town lot?, .50 1.80 2.30 Whichard, J. H., 1 town lot,, 1.17 1.80 2.97 COLORED Cherry, J 8., 43 acres, adj. Lawrence Andrews '13.34 SI.BO $5.14 Cofield, Lewis, 15 acres adj. Gus Cofield, 3.44 1.80 524 Everett, Mrs.JJulia, 1 town lot, 1.00 1.80 280 Forest, R, F,, 42 acres ad.i. Andrew Wynn, 1.50 1.80 330 Jones, Annie, 1 town lot, -17 1.80 1.97 Long, Henry;,.2s acres adj. J. W.H. Coburn, .83 1.80 2.63 Smith. Peter, in Parmele, 1-58 1.80 3.38 White, WLMianPl town lot in Parmele, .50 1,80 2.30 Wiggins,*A'. W., 1 town lot in Parmele, 1.67 1.80 3,47 - ** ~* " »' ' - - - Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount will be at the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wednes day in eaeh month to treat dis eases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT and FIT GLASSES m * Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin? Martin & Martin Attorneys-at-Law Williamßton - North Carolina • 'PHONX #3 " s ' ) SCDC3O j | BRING YOUR • | f| Storage Batteries D® .TO US P For Repairs or Recharged °- - > "A We Are Agents For Woolard and Exide Batteries 1 ' ■ And we are in position to give I y / you expert service L ?tf * ji |S. BIGGS IRON & MOTOR CO. | Williamston, N. G. »—-war-Tna nm ' ' 1 I-.11 in i Spring and Summer GOODS We wish to announce that our Spring and Summer goods are now ready for your inspection. Come in and make early purchases. . * t i. ' • ; . ' EVERYTHING General Merchandise I C. D. Garstarphen & Co. | Willslfl" Farmers, increase your •/ yield per acre- by using Top Dresser Place your orders before the market advances. Can r . j sell you Dresser contain ing 9 per cent r" V" 3 per cent Potash at f $57.00 A TON Leslie Fowden WILUAMSTON, - ' North Carolina V . . ' • 3 ■ ■ " ■ ■ " . . . ' 5- •- . ■ • • ; *i* '