MS feOWIE THE ORCULffnOM ©rail OTHER PAPERS M THE CO§NTI VOL XVIII. NO 47. Nr. Larry Johnson Baried Mere The body of Mr. Larry John son formerly of this place, was brought here Thursday from Hopewell Va., accompanied bv Rev. Preston Peyton, Mrs. E. M. Gordy, Miss Mary Gordy, Frank Johnson, of Oak City, and Wil liam Johnson, son of the deceas ed Mrs. Gordy and daughter had gone to Hopewell, on a re ceipt of a message saying that Mr, Johnson was ill with heart trouble. The body was taken to the Episcopal Church on the arrival of the noon train, and at three o'clock, funeral services were conducted by Revs- Peyton and Jordan, the choir singing "My Faith Looks Up To Thee" and "Nearer My God To Thee" hymns selected by Mr. Johnson for his funeral. Owing to the fact that Mrs. Elizabeth Tucker, the only sister of Mr. Johnson was ill and could not reach here in time for the funeral, the inter ment took place on Friday after noon at 3 o'clock,the body repos ing in the Church during the time. Mr. Johnson was the son of late Larry Johnson and Mary Johnson, his wife, and was rear ed in Williamston. He lived for years in Brunswick, Ga., but for some time had been living at Hopewell with his son. In early manhood he joined the Episcopal Church here under the rectorship of Rev. T. B. Haugh ton, and from the testimony of him who ministered unto the dy ing, he died in hope of a blessed resurrection. Drafted Men To Leave. Dr. John D. Biggs, who serv-j ed for several months on the County Exemption Board, has resigned and Mr John L Hassell, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, the ap pointment to fill the vacancy. On Saturday (tomorrow) the third squad of drafted men will leave here for Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C. The men to leave are; • Lanier Harmon Matthews, William Henry Carson, Henry G. Simpson, Robert A Taylor, John Henry Peel, L. Rid dick, Wade Davis, Wiley Luther Bailey, Murdock Ayers, Jesse C. Ange, Thomas H. W'ynn. Rural Carrier Examination. The United States Civil Service Commission has announced an examination for the County of Martin, North Carolina, to be held at Williamston at l;30p. m. on Nov. 10 1917 to fill the posi tion of rural carrier at Williams ton, and vacancies that may later occur on rural routes from other post offices in the above "mentioned county. The examina tion will be open only to male citizens who are actually domi ciled in the territory of a post offiee in the county and who meet the other requirements set forth in Form No. 1977. This form and application blanks may be obtained from the offices mention above or from the Unit ed States Civil Service Com mission at Washington, D. C, Applications should be forwarded to the Commistion at Washing ton at the earliest practicable date. The Roanoke Hunting Club left Tuesday morning for Calm Point, where they will remain for. about ten days. The party was composed of Kader B- Craw ford, A. R. Dunning, J G. Staton, W. H. Crawford, John S. Cook, T. C. Cook. _ THE ENTERPRISE -■**. ~±m. > v ,-r 4 " 1 tJw The Kefcukee Association The meeting of the Associa tion at Robersonville beginning on Saturday and lasting through Monday, was perhaps, more largely attended than any which has ever been held in Martin County. The weather was ideal and Robersonville was very ac cessible; then the number of au tos increaes in the county the at tendance at a public gathering The people of Robersonville and those around the town are noted for their splendid hospitali ty, and truly did sustain their rep utation The arrangements for the comfort and pleasure of all those attending the meeting were complete in the slightest de tail. Never has there been more elaborate prepration of fojd, and as Martin County produces its own meat, corn, potatoes, poultry and other things, it was expected tha* those who went to the meeting would fare like lords. A large number of Williams ton people spent Sunday there, and were loud in their praises of the gracious hospitality of their hosts. The next meeting of the association will be held in Rockv Mount next October, The Women Organize Monday afternoon at the rest rooms of the Farmers & Mer chants Bank, the women of Mar tin County perfected an organiza tion of the Woman's Council of Defense for the County. Mrs. John D. Biggs was made per manent chairman, and the other officer* were chosen forth® work. The chief object of the Council is to get the women to pledge for the safetv of the Nation by using strict economy in food, dress and in art things pertaining to household expenses. Every woman in the county is supposed to be registered with the state ment 4f what kind of work she is fitted for. This work is an important One and if the war continues, will be vitally nec essary to the lives of the people. Out-of-town women attending were, Miss Hattie Everett, Mrs. Staton Ayers. Mrs. J. VV. Williams, Mrs. Charles Rob^rson. Booze And A Pistol Got Him Tuesday, Jim Mizell, who lives in the Boar Grass section, loaded up on "monkey rum" and taking his pistol started out on a ram page. He cursed and swore up and down the road, and finally pulled his pistol and commenced to shoot after cursing a man he met on the road. The country was not large enough for him to operate in 30 he came to town, where he flourished his gun and a quart of rum, taking the re drying plant for the scflpe of his maudlin actions. The police man was apprised of his pres ence. and went out and brought him before Justice Manning, who bound him over to court in three counts. Booze and a pistol are boon companions, and the third person gets the punish ment, when he joins them. The War is on. The American citizen should not try to see how much he can get out of his fellow man, or the country at large. His duty is to put his shoulder to the wheel and help win the'war. Make some sacrifice--a little selfdenial will be good for most people anyway. Americans should be careful with their food. There are nations across the ocean on verge of starvation. Economize; eat a little I less of the expensive food; waste ! less and you will help others. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY OCTOBER 12. 1917. Bagged A Big Still r Sheriff Page hat bagged two stills within the last three weeks, the second and last being found on the farm of Jesse Leggett in Poplar Point Township. About 200 yards from a tobacco barh, a well trodden path leading to it, was located a 60-gallon copper kettle with all necessary equip ment for the making of "monkey rum." Here were found 20 mo lasses hogheads. 6 10-gallon kegs two pitcher pumps, hose. etc. No beer ready to brew was found, as the operators had either finish ed their job or were just waiting to begin operations again. Sheriff Page was accompanied by Police man Page in this raid, and all the paraphernalia was brought to town as a witness against the operator and owner of the still. If the Sheriff keeps up the pace he has set, there will soon be little booze around here to de bauch and ruin the lives of men. September Sales. That the Williamston Tobacco market would sell more tobacco this year was expected, and so the September sales were 1,663,054 pounds, and with the August sales, the market sold over 2, 000,000 pounds to Oct. Ibt. This, too, at the very highest market prices. No market in the East has given the facers a squarer deal in every pound of leaf; in fact, the local market has surpassed the average mar ket. The warehousemen have been alive to the business of gett ing the farmers here, and more alive to giving high prices. Of the amount sold during) September, the Dixie sold 630, 299; the Farmers, 513,435; the Brick, 519,320. The October sales continue good with prices up. When in need of money *for your weed, drive in to Williams ton, where everv facility for handling tobacco is found. To Visit Kinston and Other Places. Harry A. Biggs left Tuesday morning for Kinston where he attended a reception given in honor of Mrs. Cordelia Powell Odenheimer, President General of the Daughters of the Confed racy Mrs. - Jacksie Thrash, President of the North Carolina Division. From Kinston he will go to Richmond to be the guest of George M. Schaefer for the Richmond Fair,thence to Raleigh for the State Fair where on Wed nesday he will ride in the parade as one of the escorts to Miss Ran kin the representative from Mon tana. 0 Jo Our Dietetic Guide (From one husband) We've substituted corn for wheat And pallid cottage-cheese for meat; , With nobly stimulated zeal We chew the dull potato-peel; We've tested every new disguise For making rice a glad surprise, And never throw a bit awav, B!lt mingle all in queer puree. O doughty Dietetic Guide, Lead on, lead on! We're satisfied. —Chicago Tribune. Banks Profits The ratio of the bank loans and and discounts to be paid-in cap ital, November, 1915. In North Carolina, was 5.3. Among the counties, Scotland lead with 11.4; Polk came second with 11. 1 and Martin third with 9.7. Banking in Martin County is safe, sound and secure, and the profits from same naturally are large. Stroag Endorsement Of Government \ j I utterly abhor the proud, cove tous, heartless, conscienceless, brutal, diabolical military des potism of Germany that is exert wg every effort to rule or ruin She world; and I think that we ♦hould do all that we can to help |bur brave soldiers and sailors to Reduce the crazy Imperial Ger man government to sanity. It is tight to employ violence to sub due a wild, powerful, murderous lunatic. I admire the determina tion of our government to do all in their power to protect our valiant defenders, and to provide for their dependent families. Sylvester Hassell. Hamilton Item» Mr and Mrs. Speight were the guests of Mrs R W Salsbury Saturday night Mrs Ralph Watkins arrived Friday to visit Mrs J P Boyle Ed Insco spent Tuesday here. J. L. Hines, of Rocky Mount, ippnt Sunday here with his fam ily Mrs, N W, Grimes has return ed from Baltimore. Mrs. Thad Lawrence is spencf ing the week at Gold Point.* Mr and Mrs J P Boyle, John Martin, Jr., and Miss Mag gie B. Jones spent Sundav after noon in Williamston. Mrs Leslie Johnson and daugh ter spent Sunday here. Mrs. Martha Purvis spent tne wcek-etHl in RobcroonviHo. Miss Olivia Rogers is spending several days in Williamston this week. v The two-and-one half year old child of Mr. and Mrs. P, L. Sals bury has infantile paralysis. Miss Delia Purvis has returned from a month's visit to her sister in Robeisonville. Mrs. T B. Slade, Mrs. J. P. Boyle, Mrs. $. D. Matthews and Miss Martha Council spent Thurs day in Washington. Mrs. J H Edinondson has re turned to her home in Norfolk. y Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kdmonson and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Peel spent Tuesday in Rockv Mount. Mrs. M. I Fleming '.vent to Enfield Tuesday. P H. Davenport with friends spent VV'ednesday in Rocky Mount. Mrs. J. P. Boyle and Mrs B. B. Sherrod spent Tuesday in Willi amston, Statement Of Ownership And Management Circulation etc. required by the act of Aug 24, 1912, of the En terprise published weekly at Williamston, N C for Oct, 1917 State of North Carolina, County of Martin Name of Editor: W C Manning Williamston, N C Managing Editor: Same Business Manager: Same Publisher: Same Owner: W. C. Manning Known bondholders, mortagees and other security holders, hold ing 1 per cent or more of the to tal amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: None W. C. Manning Editor and Own er. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of Oct. 1917 C. H. Godwin Notary Public. W. C. Manning has been ap pointed Food Administrator for Martin County. Thompson-Thomas Miss Lena Thomas and Mr. James Thompson were quietly married At 4;45 Wednesday after noon at the home of Captain and Mrs. T. W Thomas, parents, of the bride, Rev. W. R. Burrell, pastor of the Baptist Church, of ficating. The couple left on the 5 o'clock train for Norfolk, where the groom is employed. The bride is well-known as a teacher, having served the coun ty faithfully in this capacity since she finished her training at the State Normal Institute at Greensboro, and is a splendid young woman, had accepted the position of teacher of the school at Smithwick Creek this year, but later decided to be married. Mr. Thompson worked here early in the year. Differs From Any Other The Williamston tobacco mar ket is unique from the fact that on it can v be found James the First, three Kings, a Taylor, Meadows, a Boon, two Smiths* and last but not least, it has the Hight. Royalty to lend dignity to the market; a Taylor to properly measure the farmers product; Meadows and Brooks to give re freshing Boon to those who have been wandering elsewhere; Smiths to hammer low prices to death and a Hight to which no other market in Eastern Caro lina has reached If you don't believe it, bring all the rest of your crop here and carry home the simoleans Williamston Leading. bast week, it was stated in these columns that Everetts, in Martin County lead in the num ber of subscriptions to the sol diers tobacco fund, which the News &. Observer is managing. Right on the heel of this state ment was the publication of a long list from Williamston, which run up Martin County's stock to a high mark. Mr. C. B Clark collected the contributions here and forwarded them to thji "Old Reliable" at Raleigh. ■ A Faithful Woman Gone The death of Louisa Scott last week removed from the com munity one of the oldest and most faithful colored women that has ever lived among this people. She was the strong friend of both races, and in whatever capacity she ministered, she did her duty as one who serves. For years she had been a member of the Mis ionary Baptist Church. The fun eral was conducted on Friday af ternoon from the church. Card Of Thanks *f We wish to publicly thank all those who rendered us the slight est kindness at the death ot our and wife, Lina Andrews Johnson, whose call to go hence was sudden and seemingly un timely. Friends gave us every at tention, and we are deeply g/eate ful. The Family. 1 Attention Tax Payers The special privilege taxes have been due since August Ist., 1917, and the general -taxes are now due. The Tax Collector will proceed to collect same at once. The citizens will please be ready to pay when called 011. W. T Meadows,— — Tow if Treas. $1 .00 a Year in Advance PERSONAL W,' B. Watts w as in town day from Plymouth. Miss Leona Page arrived home from Richmond Saturday. Mrs. S. L. Ewell and son, of Hamilton, were in town Wednes day: Dr. W. E. Warren went to Hobgood Wednesday on pro fessional business. Miss Mildred Purvis was in town Sunday visiting her sister, Mrs. Fowden John Henry Thrower and family left Sunday for their home in Hollister. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Boyle and John Martin were here from Hamilton Sunday. Mrs. Rome Biggs, who has been visiting her sisters in Washington, returned Sunday. Mesdames Staton Ayers aad John W. Williams, of Everetts, were in town Monday. John Tucker, of Edenton, was here Thursday of last week to attend the funerakof Mr. Larry Johnson d Mrs. Britt Howell and J children, of Edgecombe Couht.v, visited Mrs. Irene Smith Sunday. Mrs. W. R. Burrell and daugh ter, who havo been in Canada for several months, returned home Saturday. Miss Alice Gibson, of Dardens, has been in toWn this week after attending the Association at Rt)b ersonville. Mr. and Mrs.' Mark Ruffin, Mr and Mrs. W. Page, and Messrs Billow and Spier, of Tarboro, were visitors at Hotel Britt, Sunday. Miss Minnie Cochran, of Rob ersonville, and Miss Clyde Ed rnondson. of Bethel, have been the guest of Mrs. Fred Garender this - weec Increase On Postage. _ The Post Office Department of the Government has issued notice that an incrased rate on first class postage will go to effect on November 2nd. Beginning that date the rate on letters will be 3 cents for each ounce or fraction thereof and two cents for each postal or post The -in creased rates will not apply to dropped letters that are for local delivery in town. People should bear this in mind and put three cents on letters of less than an ounce in weight and two cents on postal cards, beginning Novem ber 2nd Any of the present sup ply of two cent.envelops or one cent postal cards on hand then can be used by putting an addi tional one cent stamp on each. *• • l "The Land Of Opportunity" North Carolina has a population of 2,400,000, estimated. Eighty one per cent engaged in agricul ture. Total State debt; $8,763,500 The State owns stock in inter nal improvements whose market value would pay this. Value of real and personal pro perty assessed for taxation; SBB7, 924, 492. Amount of taxes collected: $4,267,022.32 (net). ; Average days of sunshine per annum, 250. First in raising sweet potatoes. Second in raising tobacco, Cotton per acre: First for seven years. t Value-of agricultural crops in 1916: $274, 435, 000.« —Rank among states in 1916, 11th.