THE ENTERPRISE Hiuufift numiiuv WllltaaMMc. R. C ~ WILLIAM C. HANKING. EDITOK SUBSCRIPTION RATES OM TMI I'-OO ■B Month* ... JO (km Months >S Strictly Casta la Advance ■altrad at the Poat office at Wllllaraaton, ■. C. aa fctand Claaa Mall Matter. AMnu all Communications to THE ENTERPRISE, Williamston. N C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12. - - 1917 I Notice of Sale Under Execution. North Caroii:i-i In the Sjpenof Court M trttn Cn nit I'm n Manufaturing Company, \ S. - I W. Swain BY viitnre of :>■: finitii.u directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court I of M.iitln County in 11)»■ nlio\e entitled net toil. I will on Tuesday, the 30th of October '-j 1 7 nt t wei ve oY) ck . M «t the 1 ciiithou&e iloor ofj*>id couhtv (• e: 4- to the highest bidder 7o r cash s«t!*f\ kill excution nil th«* light. title Mini 111 eiest which the said E. W. bwaiu, the drfeubatit has in the following desciib e l tract i I lan !, to-wit I.ytng and tie itiK Poplar I'oiiit Township Martin County, North Carolina adjoining ihe lands ot Warr.-n Henrv U nit', iti.d II H. M /*,l,tt 11)* liCginntiiK "t a canal hridti* 011 111 c* count* loid, thei'te 11 »tl.,:glit I lie t .1 I Klit *i o I sih ke nil the lunk ol ill . th -i.ctf up and ditch to tb.- count\ mail, ihetfce along said rOi» Ito Wwrien l,eggett'r> line, thence *U. I.evneti's lire to Henry Wyiin's rotnei, hence wt'h H II Jlv 11", line to the liegiioii,., being the J K Sw.itn I otue plucr. j his the JVII dav of September I^l7. J 11 I'AOE. Sheriff ■ E P. BUNCH Agent For Carolina Metal Shingle* Williamston. N. C Phonel7(il Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Moat Reliable After many yea-- 1 ' expirienee in tlie use of it and othf*r coutrhj medicines, there are many who brefer Clutmberlain's to any other. .Mrs \. C. Kirstein, Greenville II!-.. writes, "Cham berlain's Cnugh Remedy has peen used in my mother's home ami mine for years, and we al ways found it a quick cure for colds am) bronchial troubles We find it tn he the most reliable cough medicine we have used " I'OK KENT —Safety deposit boxes, reasonable. Mar tin Co., Savings ami Trust Co AUTOMOBILE FOK SALE One small 5 pasenger Kuick, with starter, lights and A 1 con dition. Will sell cheap, a bargain S- K. Higgs Ir.m & Motor Co. For Sale North Carol'.:.a, Beaufort County.® Br virtue of .1 of salt* CcutHliied in two certain drviU \f trust, executed b> Louis M M'/f 11 a ail wife, Fannie Mv.sll to 1. A liaiiiel Jr., trustee, date.l June 7111 1 15. mid recorded, one iti l> 10k K-1, page 134 r's office of. Martin CVi:: r --nd •,• .■ u u y,,, | JO , k Hi, page Rtgi-.te:'» ( tfice ot Mrrtiu couuty, saiil deeds of trust being given »o secure certain iudt btednesi thrrel v secured, and therein recited, tUfnuiti having heeu made in payment of said inbebteduess, aud the holder of and notes having made demand uj>ou the undersigned to foreclose under the power of sale contained in said deeds of truat, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidd. r. tor cadi at the Courthouse door in Martin county, at 12 o'clock 111. on the lath (lay of November, 1917, the fol lowing tfact of land. Begintiirg at a black gum in Tfiin branch in Jesse Mizeli's line, Redmond Harmon's corner, thence north 10 west 37 poles to a pine, a corner in Redmond Harrison's line, thence qjong Harrison s line of marked trees north 13 west to Harrison's comer, a pine, theuce along Redmond Harrison'* line of marked trees to a corner at the path, a pine, thence north along the path of marked ''W WUh Ilaysison's line to a corner iu Jas. P. Bailey s line, a black gum, thence with., Bailey's line to Builey and Eliza Rogerson's corner, a lightwood stump, thence with Rogerson's line ofwurked treea to the run of Thin branch, a corner • pine, thence down the run its various courses of aaid branch to the beginning, containing 57 acres, more or lesv E. E. DANIEL, K., Truatee. This the Bth day of October 1917. ► Professional Cards 5 r - j S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law Greenville, N. C. • Williamaton, N. C, Greenville Long Distance Phone 328 Wm. B. Warren • J. 3. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes Physicians and Surgeons Office in Biggs Drug Store - 'Phone 7, ———————— ————— B. A- CRITCHEK B. D. CRITCHER CRIT£HER & CRiTCHER ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW MAIN STBEET PHONE 71 Williamston. N. C. { \ H Dunning CUyton Moore DUNNING MOORE, j Allornev • and Countellon At Law Office 114 Main St., ovrt I - . K. nlorc Williamson. N. C Phone I 35 IDS. 11. Saunders, M. I> Physician and Surgeon Day phone 53 - Night phone 40 i Williamston. N. C. I Hugh B. York, M. D ji I I Microscopy, Electrotherapy, X , Kay, Iliugnosis, Specialties >fue on Smith wick St , rear Blount Hit. j office bonis, htoio H m.. 7t04 p. tn. J Offic; phone fto • Night 'pboue 63 j .1. I). SLA DIO i l'ndert»ikt?i .1111'. Licensed hmbal- 1 met Ply 1111111111. - N. C, Dr P. B. CONE j Dentist Office over Farmers and Mer chants Bank. Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 Phone No. 9 lies Phone No. 156 Dunning & Smith t-La w Williamston, N. C. Robersonville N. C. Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount will be at the Atlantic Hotel fourth Wendnes i;.y in each month to treat dis i eas|>s of t! e EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT ami FIT GLASSES WANTED Hv Rosemary Muniit'ui'iuriug (."inn |KIIIV, Roanoke Rupids, N. C. I.unities .in«l single men and WotIUMI In! Wdlk 111 l uttull mill. 1 We 11av«' "lie 'd llie liest mills in the State, and a very liealtliv \" iI - lav;e, .villi fine siltinds and i liuii lies, (ioiitl wages paid while leaining. I'm - lurt liei itilormafiim write T. W Mullen, Sirpt., niary. N. C., To My Customers 1 Owing to the high prices of ; all materials used in the laundry work lam obliged to make slight advances commencing October Ist I!H7, mi collars and cuffs as i follows; ! Shirts Plain from 10 to 11 cents Collars from 2c. 2 l-2c. ; Cuffs, per pair, from 4c to sc. CHINESE LAUNDRY, Main Street, Williamston. N. C. FREE OF CHARGE. Any adult suffering from cough, cold or bronchitis, is invited to call at the drug store of Saundets & Foudeu and get an absolutely fiee, a sample bottle of Boschee's German Syrup, a soothing and healing remedy for all lung troubles, which has a successful record of fifty yeats. Gives the paaieut n good night's rest free from coughing, with free ex pectoration in tee morning. Regular si/es, 25 and 7* cents. For sale in all civilized countries. Skewarkee Lod?e No. 90 Skewarkee Lodge No. 90, A. F. & A. M., meets every second ' and fourth Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTOW, NORTH CAROLINA if - it \ * jg Have You Bought That ©J I "Second Liberty Loan Bond" I This bank offers its service to those contemplating purchasing the above bonds in any account m 1 | You can subscribe on the Partial Payment plan §3 if you desire. . « & Subscriptions close of October 27th, 1917. Ig 1 The Peoples Bank I J G STATON, President J. L. MASSELL, Vice President j|j V. R. TAYLOR, 2nd V-President C. H. GODWIN, Cashier Williamston, N. C. - - Sour Stomack Kat slowly, matsicate your food thoroughly, abstain from meat for a few days and in most cases the sour stomach will dis appear. If it does not, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets im mediately after supper Red meats most likely to cause »our stomach and you may find it best to cut them out. Notice North Carol ma In The Supreme Court Martin County C. C. Joyner Vs Victoria Joyner The defendant above-named will take notice that an action entitled a* aliove has l>een commenced in the Superior Court of Martin Countv, North Carolina, for the purpose ot obtait inn absolute divorce, and the said defendant will further take notice that be is require 1 to ap|ear at the term of tlie Supreme Court of said County, to be hel4—tin the i4th Monday after the Ist Monday of Sept I-JI7, it being the tenth day of Decem ber, 1917, nt the Countheuse of said County in Williatniton, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in >aid action, or the plaintiff will atiplv ; to the court for the relief demanded 111 1 said complaint 1 This the 39th day of Septemder. 1917 R. R PKRI. Clerk Superior Court NOTICE j North Carolina Martin County. Having qualified as executor of the estate of John W. Ccletrain, deceased, late of Martin Countv, North Carolina litis is to notify all persons having cl tint; against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit thftu to the undersigned at the office of in.miing and Moore, Attorneys, Williantst >ll N C. on or before the sth day 1 f October 1S» 18, or this notice will be pleaded in b.irof their r.-civery. All persons indebted to said estate will pluse make immediate pa)tnent fliis the »nd dav of Oct >l>er 1917. JOSKPH L. HOLUDAY Executor of the estate of John C 'letrain, deceased, I NOTICE Having qualified as udminitiatnx up on the estate of S, 11 Hyniau, deceased, notice is hereby giveu to all persons holding .claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned for pay- I ment on or before the and day of Octo ber, 1918, or this notice will pleaded in bar of their recovery. A I persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This the 2nd day of October 1917. MARGAUKT HYMAN Administratrix Notice of Sale Under and by virtue of an ordor of the Superior Court of Martiu County, made ill the special proceeding entitled, W. B Daniel, et als vs W. O Andrews, et als, the undersigned commissioners will on day of October, 1917, at 112 o'clock, M., at the couithouse in Williatnston, N. C,, effer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash,, that certain tract of land, lying and being in Martiu County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of S. S. Hadley, Joseph D. Biggs, aud others, aud more particularly de scribed as follows: Known as lots, number five and six, iu division of the late Otis Andrews' land divisions among his ohildreu. and the same land upon which the late M. L. Andrews resided, adjoining the laud of J, R. Riddick, S. S. Hadley, Joseph D. Biggs, and the Main Road leading from Williamston to J. uiesville, contain ing 150 acres more or less This 19 day of September, 1917. 8. A CRITCHF.R COMMISSIONER. Gold in Your Soil You don't have to go to Alaska to find Oold It is right in the soil of your "ar.n Rut you can't get it out without MODERN IMPLEMENTS Our stock of the latest makes of farm Implements embraces the very best to be found in all lines. They will extract the Gold from your soil when no others can MCCORMICK MOWERS BETTER THAN EVER *i. one thing certain—you will be en- I 'Av/MI Ml ™ us,a f tlc over the latest features in IMS RliUB l, 4 J jfjr thq a J v V? y ® up-to-date, newlv im- S^ z V s snHlti/ ' )roved McCormick Mowers. Years of tTi experience back up every point. liiVt u Come in and see the neat, clean /&k I " iY#?W \ strong design, See how easy you can ntki the perfectly balanced cutt er fill r y pr, see the automatic locking and re- I'asinp device on the lever. See how MjKlftFli *™ljm v vry hiph the bar can be raised with jj ier bar Stn The r J c^ ming sickle or cut " WL- work loose. A simple adjustmentTrom outside keeps the gears always *in proper mesh. Both wheels stay on the ground in heavy grass or weed* no lack of tractive power. You want Mower satisfaction-you want to examine an interesting mower-to compare it with others point by point—then drop in and study the improved McCormick. J. C. Crawford, Aoft. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. NOTICR In the Superior Court North Carolina Martin County John W. Manning VP, National Tire & Rubber Co., Inc. International Automobile League, Inc , and A. C. Bid well. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Martin Countv in the above entitled cause, I will, on Monday the 3rd day of December, 1917, at 12:00 o,clock M. at the Court House door of said county*, sell to the highest bidder for cash to sat isfy said execution, all the right title and interest which the said defendant* above uamed, have in the following de- • Scribed personal property to-wit: One lot of Automobile tires and being the aame lot of tires seized and levied upon by the undersigned under and by virtue of a warrant of attachment issued in the above entitled cause. Thia 9th day of October, 1917. v J. H. PAGE Sheriff of Martin Counry. PARMELE TRAINING SCHOOL Parmele, North Carolina For Colored Youth. Primarily, its mission is to train those who are to become the teachers in the schools of Martin County. Courses in Manual Training, Music, Domes tic Science and Practical Agricul ture. energy directed to Character Building and the prep aration for Community Service. New Buildings, Splendid Accom modation. Rates reasonable. For further information write, * W. C. CHANCE, Principal. ♦ Mrs. Mattie Speller * • Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDIS Also a full line of wall paper. Phone 35 Wiuiamaton. N. G Wheeler Martin Wheeler Martin, Martin & Martin Attorneys-a t-Law Williams ton - North Carolina 'PHONB 23 No. 666 This u • prescription prepared atpecialH (or MALARIA or CHILLS 4, FEVER, or •[* *£» will break any cate, and n taken then aa a tonic the Perer will not fsturn. It act* on the liver better than Calomel and dote not (ripe or sicken 2Sc

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