MS BOWIE THE CIRCtIMTIQN OF Mil OTHER IN THE COT KIT VOL XVIII. NO 48. BAPTIST HOSTS IN TOWN THIS WEEK The Tenth Session of The Roanoke Association Commenced here on Tuesday The Williamston Memorial Baptist Church is entertaining theßoanoke.Association this week and one hundred and more dele gates are in attendance. This is the first time in the history of the Church here that an Associa tion has assembled in the town, and the interest in its coming was most marked, and members of other congregations kindly opened their homes to the vis itors. The Roanoke Asso:iation com prises the counties of Halifax, a part ofWilson, Edgecombe. Beau fort, Nash, Washington and Mar tin and was formed in the year of 1907 from the Tar River Associa tion. Sixty-thres churches are represented with a membership of 7,000. Until his death, Mr. T ;> dlLi Memorial B?p !»' Church M. Arrington, of Rocky Mount, was Moderator and he was suc ceeded by Mr. Claude W. Wilson, of Greenville, who was at one time principal of the school at Williamston; W. E. Daniel, is Vice Moderator, T. L. Vernon, of Hobgood, Clerk and Treasurer; C- J, Austin, of Tarboro, Audi tor and Historian. The William it >n Church ii well represente 1 in the commit tees of the Association as Mr. J. W. Anderson is a member of the Executive Committee and also the Finance Committee; Rev. W. R. Burrell, pastor,- is on that of the Winterville 11 i _r h School, and the pastor and deacons of the local Church form the Com. On Religious Exercises Perhaps, few congregations in theAssocia tion would entertain with grat er enthusiasm and a m)re gra'-'i ous hospitality than that of Williamston; the congregation led by Pastor Burrell, is a working force for good in the community, and with its splendid edifice and organization, stands prominent among the Congregationof Bap tists in North Carolina. Messrs. C. H. Trueblood and J. E. Kirk, of the Committee on Conditions and Needs arrived Monday and made the proper ar rangements for the business ses sessions, placing blackboards for exhibition of Church letters, etc., in the Church building. The women of the congregation de corated attractively with port ed plants and ferns, which gave the handsome interior an added beauty. The annual sermon was preach ed on Tuesday-evening by Rev. G. W. May, of Rocky Mount. Business sessions were held at 9 a. m., and at 3 p. m. on each day. Dr. John D Biggs was intro duced to the congregation by Pastor Burrell, and in most cor dial words, welcomed the Asso ciation to the Church and to the town, expressing the pleasure of the people at the presence of such a distinguished assemblage of delegates and visitors. On Wednesday afternoon, Mr. W. C. Manning, Food Adminis trator for Martin County, was invited to address the Association THE ENi! E RB*o SE si on the vital question of food con servation, and the purposes of the government in asking that the people give heed to demands at the present time, when the country must not only maintain itself, but also the Army, Navy and assist the Allies in the war for humanity. Wednesday evening, the Asso ciation was called to order by Moderator Wilson, and after the scriptural reading, prayer and singing, the choir and organist rendered most excellent music, the quartette composed of P. F. Apfel, Duice Critcher, Dr. P. B. Cone and Dr. J. D. Biggs giving unuaual pleasure to the large crowd which had assembled early The report on Woman's Work was called for, but Hon. Walter E Daniel who was to make the report was not present, and Rev. Mr. Kinchlow, of Rocky Mount, addressed the meeting. He em phasized the great inportance of woman's activites,and urged that a larger significance be placed upon it. Rev. R. A. McFarland moved the adoption of the report and same was done. Rev. M. L. Kestler, \frho is in charge of the Thomasville Orphanage, made a stirring appeal for the orphan boys and girls. He told interest ing facts about the training of the orphans and how they were making good in the world. The number in the home at Thomas ville and the Kennedy Home near Kinston totals 500, and as the cost of living is so high, the cost per capita for the children has been increased more than double. Last year *64,000 were received, and no to that «um much will have to be added. The Baptists of Williamston are es pecially interested in the work, as the late Dennis Simmons gave such a splendid endowment at his death, and the Simmons Building stands as a monument to his love fur little children The number of visitors arid de legates attending the Association was not as was hoped for and confidently expectei. Pas tor Burrell with his splendidly equipped" committees WHS pre pared to entertain 011 a broader scale, but many who intended coming were forced to abandon ■pr W |H Wk. mtk 1 K. I■ JH J w* M ■ Host To The Association. the idea owing to unavoidable circumstances. And the town peo ple irrespective of denomination were most cordial in their desire v to help extend ho3pita ! ity to the visitors. The reputation the town was fullv su3tainel in the entertainment of those who came, and it AS regretted that more could not have bein here. Among tho3e who came, were Rev. and Mrs. George I. D v.vell. of, Ayrlen They were greeted heartily by every one, for their good work at this plaee is 3till felt, Lonpr years ago, Mr. Dow ell, wa3 pastor here, while the WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY OCTOBER 19. 1917. Mr. H. A. Coltrain Dead The death of H. Augustus Coltrain occurred at the State Hospital Raleigh, at nine o'clock, Sunday night, and the body wal brought here on the noon train Tuesday. It was taken to hil home about four miles from Wil* liamston, - and interred in the family cemetery. Mr. Coltrain bo fore misfortune overtook him, was one of the most active citi zens of the county, and has al ways earned the esteened of the people. It became necessary to give him treatment at the State Hospital, and he had been there a number of years. He leaves a wife and severa children among the latter being Mrs. Lucy Daniel, Mrs. Thornton Daniel, Messrs. George and Jos hua Coltrain. The deceased had been a mem ber of the Christian Church for a number of years, and was faith ful to his religious duties. PERSONAL Mrs. Cotten will be here on the 22nd. Come to hear her. Miss Jesse Hodges spent the week-end at home near Wash ington. Mr 3. R. L. Smith and child, of Robersonville, were visitors in town this week. Miss Olivia Winstead spent the week-end with relatives in Washington. Miss. Debwllder, of Rocky Mount, spent several davs in town this week with Mrs. W. H. Cra-*rfuid. J. Dillon Simpson, who has been on the tobacco market, at LaGrang spent the week-end with his father here. He left Monday for Pinetops. Mrs. Charles Cobb and little son, of Mildred, spent the week end here with Mr. and Mr-, John Simpson. It will interest every woman to hear Mrs. Cotten here on the 22nd John D Rogers, who is in training at Camp .Jackson, was called home Tuesday on account of the death of his sister at Bear Grass. Among those who attended the ininistrel show at Washington Monday night were Mrs. J. S Rhodes, Mrs. Rome Biggs. Jr., and Miss Helen Maynard. Jack Sherrod, formeraly of Martin County, but now a citi zen of Halifax, was among the visitors at the Association. Mesdames Alonzo Hassell and Chas. Carstarphen, Misses Craw ford and Pope with Louis C Bennett, C. D. Carstarphen, Jr., and others motored to Halifax County Suifday and spent the day with Dr. and Mrs. J. A. White, who reside near Hobgood Notice Of Services Services at the Church of the Advent (Episcopal) on the Ist, 2nd and 3rd Sunday at 7:30 a.m., 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. • Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Service every Friday night 7:30 Services on October 18th and 28th at 4:30 p. m Clarance H. Jordan. Rector. congregation was small. Then after an absence of several years, he assumed the pastorate again, and saw the Church grow more influential in the community. They have many warm friends in the county, who delight to have them come. Other facts about the meet ing will be published next week. What the New Quarantine Law Requires of Citizens of This County >Do you know .what is required d you by the new State quaran tine Law? It requires parents or householders to report every case of whooping cough, measles, diptheria, smallpox, scarlet fev •rand typhoid fever occurring in their homes to the county quar antine officer. It requires phy sitiansto report everv case of tttese diseases that they are call ed on to attend to the county quarantine officer and to do this within twenty four hours It re quires public school teachers to to fill out and return the blanks furnished them by the countv quarantine officer, and to follow the rules and regulations sent to protect them and their schools hi case of an outbreak of any contagious disease. It requires county quarantine officers, to send to any parent or househol dtr in whose home n contagious disease has been reported a yel low placard with the name of the disease printed on it with in structions for posting the pla card on the front of the house: it requires him to send instruc tions for the treatment and con trol of the patient in the house. The quarantine officer is requir ed to enforce the quarantine law and to make it give the protec tion for which it was intended. Counties reporting many cases of contagious diseases given credit for doing good work. It shows that the people are coop- the quarantine offi cer and are reporting all or a great many of their cases. It shows that they are interested in reducing illnoss and saving the lives of little children, and it means that there will be fewer deaths to report later on The names and addresses of ♦hose hr.'i .r had a case of con tagious disease during the month during the month of September, which were reported to me, are printed below. If you know of other cases whose names (Jo not appear, such information giVen the quarantine officer will be appreciated and held in strict confidence It may be the means of saving a life or keeping down an epidemic. The following cases were re ported: for September 1917. Whooping cough:Vera Rog ers, Helen Rogers, Theresa Rog ers, Mrs. John Rogers, Williams ton R. F. D. Typhoid fever: Is abella Draper, Parmele; Sadie Everett, Williamston R F. D. Scarlet fever: Selma Roebuck, William Roebuck, Williamston R. F. D. (Signed) DR. W. E. Warren, County Quarantine Officer. Assaulted Young Girl On Tuesday evening just be fore dark, Sofrona Harris, a ne gro about eighteen years old went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther T. Walters while they in Williamston, and called theirll-year-old daughter, Ida to the well and carried her to a nearby shelter, where he assaulted her Upon the return of Mr. Wal ters, he had the negro arrested and he was brought to town and placed in jail by Sheriff Page. The next morning the case was heard before Justice B. F. God win, who bound the negro otftsf to the December term of court without bail— Every can should come to hear Mrs. Cotten on the 22nd. "How Can I Help" You have a chance today! Young man, SI,OOO invested in a Liberty Loan Bond will assist your Nation in its supremeeffort to help humanity, and will be a rich investment for you, guard ing against the winds of old age. One thousand dollars invested in an automobile, will be apt to break you financially, and it may break your neck. Every dol lar of the §I,OOO will go for something which, in Uncle Sam's judgment, is necessary for vour protection, or for human welfare. Every person who can, should buy a Liberty Loan Bond; it is as good as gold. If you lay a hun dred dollars away for five years, it is but a hundred dollars at the expiration of the time--a Liberty Bond. $l2O. Buy The Bond ToDay! Special Notices The President of the Woman's Auxiliary wishes to announce that the Guild will meet at the Parish Hall on October 22nd, at 4 p m , and the Auxiliary on November sth. At last meeting, it was decided to give an oyster supper early in November, pro ceeds for organ fund, and later to hold a bazaar, the date of which will be announced. Mrs. Robert R. Cotten To Speak Mrs. Robert R Gotten, Honor ary Chairman of the North Caro lina Division of the Woman's Committee of the Council of Na tional Defense, will address the women of Martin County in the j rooms of the kotus Club, VVilliamston, Monday, October 22nd at 2:30 p. m. To the women of the county, this will be an opportunity never before extended to them to hear one of the most distinguished women in the State, who also has a National reputation. Mrs. Cotten has for many years been active in all things pertaining to the uplift of her sex, and the good of the State and Nation. She possesses rare literary gen ius and is a distinguished author ess Her reputation as a speaker is nationvide, and at this crisis in the history of the coun try, she is giving her time and talents to aid the women in the task which is theirs, while hus bands, brothers and sons are in the. trenches. The women in the county are cordially invited to come to Will iamston and hear Mrs. Cotten on the 22nd. High Average. The Southern Tobacco Jonrnal, October 9th, 1917, in giving a re port of the different markets in both number of pounds and prices says that Rocky Mount sold up to Oct. 6tK, 10,800,000 ponnds at an average of $20.90; Wilson 16,500,000 at an average of 29 and 30 cents per pound; Pilot Mountin, which has just opened made an average of #33. 36. The difference in the averages is of ten made by a difference in the grades, ect., of the leaf offered. The Williamston market has made an average, including all kind of weed, of $27.45 on more —i than' two" millions of pounds. Last week, the average was s3l. 00. The pricesare higher, though sales are lighter 'on account of peanut digging and cotton pick ing throughout the section. Farmers have, sold rapidly this season, and much of the crop has already been hauled. Private Radcliffe, who is stat ioned at Greenville for the pre sent, visited friends here Wed nesday. jV $1 .00 a Year in Advance REGISTRATION OF WOMEN. Woman's Committee Of Council §1 National Defence. Regiftratiea To Be Held In School BmMinp Saturday October 27th. A new experience is in store for the women of our countary since for the first time in its history they will be given m opportunity *0 let their govern ment know what they are doit* and what they can do best to render patriotic service to their country. And this does not mean that women are asked to go any where or necessarily do anything nen, but simply to record how the women of our United States line up in the various occupations open to them; and to offer means for training in others where there is a demand for it. Thousands of women wfl register in the Domestic list as mothers, housekeepers! etc. Some in farming, poultry raising, gard ening, dairying, cooking, clean ing, While others will list them selves as stenographers, book keepers, saleswoman, milliner teacher, dressmaker, nurse; and on through many occupations to® numerous to mention in whicfc women have already proved themselves efficient. In each state there will be a chairman of Registration work ing under the Woman's Com mittee of Council of National De fence and each county will have a committee of Registration who will handle the registration card® the summaries only being sent to 'state headquarters and Washing tin Mrs W. B. Waddili, of Hen derson is Chairman of Registra tion for North Carolina and Mis*. Mayo Lamb is Chairman for Martin County. It has been de cided to use the same week for Registration that the Food Ad ministration «vill use for their next food campaign, which is October 27th to November 4th. hut a great effort will be made ;to do as much of the work as possible on Saturday October 27th On this date the school building in each school district will be us ed as Registration headquarters between the hours of 0 a. m., and 4 p. m., and it is hoped that all the women of the state will avail themselves of this oppor tunity. This Registration is -purely vol untary. No one will be compelled to take advantage of it, but the government feels that it will be valuable information in peace as well as war times" In great num bers women all over the country are anxious to volunteer for ser vice if their govertment 3hould need them in the national crisis to take the places in business of the men who are going to the front, just as the women of other countries have shown they could serve; and this information will be recorded along with those who must render their patriotic service within the home and fafhily circle. Registration will be carefully classified and a dis tinction made between and untrained service. There is no age limit. Every one above sixteen will have aa opportunity, and every when women feel that it is not only a duty but a patriotic privilege. The need of more drays in the town is urgent. It is impossible half of the time to secure one to go up one street and down the other. Some enterprising citizen should purchase a large truck Cor service, and then thework wooUl bs greatly facilitated.

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