GALOHEL IKES YOU SICK, UGH! ITS MERCURY UNO SALIVATES Straighten Up! Don't Lose a Day's Work! Clean Your Sluggish Liver and Bowels With "Dodson's Uver Tone." ©gh! Calomel makes you sick. Take a dose of the vile, dangerous drug to- Bight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel ts mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones Calomel, when it comes into'contact with sour bile crashes Into it, break lag It up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you feel sluggish and "all knocked out," if year liver is torpid and bowels consti pated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour. Just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone. Here's my gusrantee—Go to any drag store or dealer and get a 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone Take a spoonful tonight and if it doesn't ALL INQUIRIES NOT ALIKE Philadelphia Lawyer Illustrated "Lead Ing Questions" in Court With Dip lomatic Kiss Story. The lute John O. Johnson, a Phila delphia lawyer, was once explaining »e a Jury the nature and the unfulr- Mn of "leading" or guhling qulstloiis. He illustrated his explanation with an anecdote. "A young chap anil a pretty girl," he said, "ant on n secluded bench at Lemon Hill. The girl turned to h!m and said earnestly: " 'You ask me for a kiss. There is a language In kisses. A kiss on (he hand denotes chivalrous respect. On tfce forehead it denotes a Arm and Mthful friendship. On the Hps—' her color rose and she drew a long hseath —'a kiss on the lips denotes all things. Kiss me. then, once. Ex- S»ess In one kiss your feeling toward me.' "The bashful youth pondered. '"I don't want to lose her,' he said te himself. 'Where Is It best to kiss her? Iland, forehead or Hps?' "A mellow whistle Interrupted hlni. He looked nt the girl. Her red mouth was puckered up In the form of a rose bnd ; she had pulled down Iter hat so as to bide her forehead completely, and both hands were thrust up to the wrists In her pockets," The Era of Censorship "A little learning Is a dangerous thing," exclaimed the man who quotes. "Possibly," replied Senator Sorghum. "A great deal just now depends on how yon got your Information and what yon Intend to do with It." Weil-Known Firm. "Who painted Brown's house?" "I think he said it was done hy Fit/. A Starts." A torpid liver condition prevent# proper tood IHI nillatlon. Tone up your liver with Wrlghfe Indian Vegetable Ptlla. They aot gently and surely. Adv. The 4-luip who steals a woman's purse Is apt to get a lot of trash. WAS ALL RUN DOWN Faulty Kidneys Caused Acute Suf- fering. Completely Recovered Since Using Doan's. Mrs. Harry A. Lyon, ft St. William St., S. Boston, Mass., says: "Doan't Kidney Pills have surely done me wonderful good. About two months prior to the birth of my baby, I had fw's convulsions and was taken to a hospital. Doctors said the convulsions were due to my kidneys not W working properly. lg| « "I had swelling of £7 the feet and ankles \«r— yf so that I had to wear large - sized slippers. My back ached In- tensely, I was nerv- "M. LTOH. ous and unable to sleep. I also suf fered from awful headaches and felt weak, languid, and run down. "After I came home a friend sug gested that I try Doan't Kidney Pillt, and I got some. I s>on noticed improvement; my back became stronger and I felt better in every way. I kept on taking Doan't and waq cured. They are surely reliable." Mrs. Lyon gave the above state ment in May, 1915, and on March 12, 1917, she said: "My cure has lasted. I take Doan't occasionally, however, as a strpngth ener for my kidneys." C*t Daaa'a a* Aar Stars, Mk • la DOAN'S POSTER-SOUS URN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. CABBAGE PLANTS ■art/ Jersey and Chartenton Wakefield Saecea mkm and Flat Dntcb. Satisfaction Guaranteed. By expreaa; 400, iI.GO; 1,000, 1 at HJ»j 10,000 np at 11.00. r. O. a H 4kk. Delivered Parcel Post 100, *Se; 1,000, II .75. D. F. JAMISON, SUMMERVILLE, S.C. gE£3&a@3s straighten yon right «p and make yoa feel fine and vigorous by morning I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone Is destroying the sale of calomel be cause it Is real liver medicine; entire ly vegetable, therefore it eannot sali vate or make you tick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your slug gish liver to%ork and clean your bow els of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system anil making you feel miserable. 1 guar antee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feel in* fine for months. Give It to your children. It Is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. —Adv. Taken in Bales. Tew people are in business for th'ir health." "The pawnbrokers seem altruistic, however. I'm sure they can never get rid of all those guitars and revolvers they so graciously loan money on." Mow's This ? We offer for any cuso of catarrh that cannot bo cured by HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is tak en Internally and arts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of tho System. Sold by driiKKtsts for over forty years. Price 76c. Testimonials free. K J Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. Germany Disgusted. Kllhu Root, on his return from Rus sia, said at a dinner In New York : "Germany, while I was abroad, tried very hard for a separate peace. She soon gave up, however, disgustedly de claring that the allies were more in- | dined for separate pieces." Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what yon are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is * Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builda op the system. 60 cents. In Better Standing "You citizens of Washington, I>. 0., can't vote!" remarked the visitor. "No. And at that we're entitled to 1 yore credit than numerous residents of other cities who could vote If they chose, but who prefer not to interfere with political bosses."—Washington Star. 59 YEARS OLD,. HALE AND HARDY And Praise* Cardui, Which She Says Pulled Her Through a Most Dangerous Period. Mercer, Ky.—"About 15 years ago," writes Mrs. W. T. IJall, of this place, "F began suffering with change of life, ami was suffering very much. . . I began taking Cardui after huving suf fered for 3 years, and I was dread fully nervous. Hardly felt like doing my work. Couldn't sleep well at nights. However, after several doses of Cardui I saw an Improvement and In a few days I could do my work with ease and In two weeks I was able to walk six miles and went to the street fair at Central City and enjoyed myself. After using two bottles. I got my natural health and strength and It pulltd me through Vnat most danger ous of periods In a woman's life with no trouble or suffering. I am now hale and hearty, and vas 5! 9 years old the 11th of tlds month. I will never cease praising Cardui, which did me so much good. It also saved my daughter's life whe.a she had such a dreadful spell. . . " Over 40 years In use, Cardui has proven Its efficacy as "the woman's tonic." If you are weak, and run down, and suffer from symptoms of troubles peculiar to women, give Cunlni a trial.—Adv. What Name? Orvllle Wright said at a Dayton din ner: The war has developed flying enor moii'ly. We'll all fly after the war. Air fiends will then be as thick as motor fiends are today. "What name shall we give to the air fiend's mania? Aeryslpeias, perhaps? Or would flyfold be better? Maybe we'll call it Inflewenza. Hold, though! All things considered, wouldn't the best name be skyatica?" From One Who Has Tried. "What Is the distinction between la surance and assurnnce?" "Takes one to sell the other." The under dog Is entitled to little sympathy if he starts the fight. Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy ■o Smarttag-Jaat Comfort N msU it OTCOI!OH7CSSO THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, NQJtTQ CAROLINA DEFINITE ADVANTAGES OF SELF-FEEDER i |Bk>. iH -. • • .*E3r- •' v.-*'-. "• ••-''■ z*:*~ '■ "':. ...*"• FINE BUNCH OF PUREBRE •From the I'nlted State* Department of Agriculture.) . Tlierp is no advantage In skimping the pig when It conies time to fatten Mm, ihe United States department of agriculture points out. During the growing period of his life, pastures with little grain were In order, for icale and constitution were the innln objects to he obtained. The last few weeks before butchering the Idea is to lay on a good covering of fat, to In crease »he proportion of high priced lard, i.nd to add tenderness and paiat ablllty to the meat. A fat hog sells to much better advantage on the market for these very reasons. To add this fat rapidly and most economically, we must feed nn abun dance of grain. The self-feeder Is sim ply a device to keep before the pigs a constant supply of feed. In order that they may eat of such feeds In such quantities as they desire. Results With 8«lf-Fscd«r. A brief resume of results obtained by experiments with over 275 hogs, part of them self-fed and the balanco hand-fed In the best possible manner, shows: 1. That In comparison with the hand fed pigs, the self-fed pigs ate grain 19 per cent more rapidly. SELF-FEEDERS USED FOR FATTENING PIGS Most Economical Plan to Finish Off Porkers for Market- Much Waste Eliminated. (T?v I W. CARPKNTKtt. Mississippi A. Hid M. Coll«K*-) It Is to *he Interest of farmers hav ing hogs to lie finished, either for market or butchering this winter, to get them ready In the quickest and moat economical way, since the prices of feedstuff* are so high. This can best be done by putting the hogs on a self-feeder with corn In one com partment and either tankage or cot tonseed meal in the other. A self feeder Is nothing more than a hopper which allows the feed to come down as needed by the hogs,'and at the same time prevents waste, as It is necessary for the 'feed nlready down to be eaten away before any more comes down. These feeders can be made on almost any farm out of scrap lumber If necessary. Belf-feeders pny, even though there lire only 11 few hogs to he fed. They have uniformly given better results thnn hand feeding, both at the experi ment station and on farms In Missis sippi. HORN not only make larger dally gains, hut the nnme amount of feed will make much more pork. This evidently can he accounted for by the fact that the hog wan allowed to eat at will, consequently never gorged Itself, thus enabling It to di gest Its food more thoroughly. For the greatest and most econom ical gains it is essential to have either tankage or cottonseed meal In addi tion to corn, as this glvos the needed balanced ration. It will also harden pork faster than corn alone. AH long 11 h there Is corn In the self-feeder, there Is no danger of the hogn eating enough cottonseed lueul to Injure them. In addition to the feeds In the self feeder the bogs should be given plenty of fresh water and dry quarters to sleep In, as it In Impossible for them to do their best In n filthy pen. Too, the best quality of pork will not be secured from hogs In filthy pens. BETTER CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN OF HORSES Animal Must Be Looked Upon as Chief Source of Power Re quired on Many Farms. Better car should be taken of work horses in or ler to aid In the effort for increased crop production, believes Dr. C. W. McCampbell, associate professor of animal husbandry In the Kansas State Agricultural colege. Horses must furnish the greatest part of the power required on many farms. "The tractor, of course, has Its part to play, but statistics show Unit there nre more than 15,000 acres of cultl- in Kansas for every tractor In use," said Doctor McOa lpbell. "This should be evidence enough that the horse must be looked .to. as the chief source of power on the farm. Be caase of this fact he should be given more consideration and greater care so that his productive power maybe as large as possible. "Feed the horw one-fourth of his Hons ON EASTERN FARM 2. they gained weight 28 per cent more rapidly. Ami last, that they consumed only 02 per cent as much grain In gaining lt«> pounds. This shows three very definite nd vantages In the use of the self-feeder, rigs fed In this manner will eat more grain per day than under any other method of feeding. This maximum consumption is not wasteful of grain: in fart It saves grain, for an Increase of 1!> per cent In the rate of eating caused an Increase of 28 per cent In the rate of gaining. The c.hjoct in feed ing Is in put on fat as rapidly and with ns little grain as possible. A method which -will Increase the rate of gaining 2S per cent and at the same time decrease by 8 per cent the grain required to produce a unit of gnln Is certainly worthy of the breeder's- con Slderatlod. How to Use Belf-Feeder, Fill part of the self-feeder with corn or similar carbonaceous feed and the other part with protein supplement; also take cure to see that it Is kept filled. Induce well-grown shoats to eat when and what they ehoose, and save frrnln, snve labor, and get your hogs to market at the earliest possible date. roughage In the morning, only n small amount lit noon nnd the remainder lit nlglit. I.lttlo hay should be fed lit noon ns It Is bulky and 11 full Htnmnch cuts down efllclency. At 11»*» present war prices ont h are cheaper us n grain feed than corn, nnd gi»>d bright cotton seed moiil In the most economical sounc of protein and tlx l cheapest, supplementary feed to be hiul. A miixlnnim of about two pounds u day of cottonseed men I Is nil tliat should be fed and the horse should become It K°adunlly. Itegln with one-fourth pound the first day, Increas ing II a ijuarler pound each day until tho right amount is reached. None hut the best quality should he fed and should contain not less Hum-41 to -l.'i per cent protein." A ration of eight pounds of oat's, two pounds of cottonseed meal, fifteen pounds of straw, nnd one pound of mo lasses a day for eacli I,'HK) pounds live weight Is given by Doctor McCnmp hcll as one of the most economical to feed under the present conditions and high prices. The straw should be fed In the morning and evening and the molasses sprayed on it. This ration lias proved successful and has given good results. Another point often neglected with the horse Is that of watering. Water immediately after a meal washes the feed from the stomach and thus d»- reases the value received from it hy the horse. The fnrmer should take a barrel of wuter to the field with him and give Ms horses a bucketful lit least once each half duy. Cut the grain rntlon down to one linlf on Sundays and liny other time when the horse Is not working. Full feeding while not nt work causes dis orders and the disease known ns ura turia or "Monday morning sickness." Feeding less while not nt work is an economical practice and r.iuch better for the horse. SANITARY HOG HOUSE IS MOST IMPORTANT Clean Surroundings Tend Tow ard General Thrift Among Hogs to Prevent Disease. Sanitary conditions tend towards u'enernl thrift among hogs. It pays I dollars and cents to kocp tlio sur roundings clean, points out Ray Oate wood, Instructor In nnlmal husbandry In*the Kansas State Agricultural col lege. "Prevention Is always the cheapest and easiest manner In which to den' with disease," said Mr. On te wood "The houses should he kept clean, dry, and free from dust. In case thf liouse becomes foul it should he clean ed, disinfected and a small amount of lime scattered about the floor. It If. also good practice to whitewash the walls frequently. "The lots should he kept elenn. Cobs should be burned and the ashes and fliarcoal given the hogs. The pens should be kept free from manure and, when possible, It Is a good practice to move the hogs to new soli. Thi? helps to keep them In a more health ful condition. "Keep a close watch for the appear anco of disease. Find fRe trouble and act accordingly. Do not put it off too long for a great loss may b* In curred by waiting. Unthrifty hog# and profit do not go hand In hnntl'' WRIG LEYS s. 0* s. * i&tjff Send Over Some 1 WRIGLEYS ] I \ % J Keep your soldier or ! V \ sailor boy supplied. • \\\ k \ Give him the lastliue 1 refreshment, the pro- ! * J tectlon against thirst. I hc,p f° appetite ! | yp£-- nil andMi!est,on ®tf° r,c i j jfjM It's an outstanding J || \ feature of the war— ! 1 \ "All the British Army ! I 1 AFTER EVERY MEAL Even With the Barber. "Don't yon care for any postcards today?" asked the postal clerk as lie handed the mnii the stamp lie had requested. "Not today," said tlie man. "Or some stamped envelopes'/ We have some new ones." "No, thank you." "Would you like » money order?" "No." "Or perhaps you would like to open ii postal savings account?" Hut the man hud lied. "Who was that fellow, and why did you ask liliu nil those questionsV" asked n fellow clerk. "That," said the other clerk, "is my barber. For years when he has shaved me he has bothered mo with recommendations of 1 massages, sham poos, haircuts and hulr tonics. I am even with him now." RED FACES AND RED HANDS Boothed and Healed by Cutlcura—Sam ple Each Free by Mall. Treatment for the face: Ou rising and retiring smear affected pnrts with Cutlcura Ointment. Then wash off with Cutlcura Soap and hot wuter. For the hands: Soak them In a hot lather of Cutlcura Soap. Dry, and rub In Cutlcura Ointment. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Outlcurii, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere.—Adr. Eloquence Unheeded. "I have laid my oratorical talents at the feet of my country,? "And then what happened?" "Somebody said. 'Forward, march!' and my country simply stepped over 'em nnd went right along." •Joseph McMnhOn, veteran, of four wars, at eighty-two, works for a living In Brooklyn. V. V. Why buy many bottle* of other Verml fuse*, when one bottle of Dr. Peery'« "Dead Shot" will >ct lurely and promptly? Adv. It Is unkind to look a man's religion in the pockethook. What Constipation Means It means a miserable condition of ill health that leads to aD aorta of special ailmenta such aa headache, backache, dyspepsia, dizziness, indigestion, pains of various kinds, piles snd numerous other disorders—CONSTIPATION is a crime •gainst nature, and no human being can be well for any length of time while constipated. DR. Ivikl'S LIVES PILLS is the remedy and has been used successfully all over this country for 72 year*. Get a box and see how if feels to have your liver and bowels resume their health-giving natural functions. For sale at all druggists and dealers everywhere. Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills itf|jmßSMiTH' s P (HILLTONIC "^.2-7 The Particular Landlord. "I understand the police hacked the patrol wagon up to an apartment house iu your neighborhood and took out a hunch of disorderly tenants." I "Yes. Clrettt world. Isn't It'/ The * i inun who owns the place wouldn't I rent an apartment (> anyone who had children." t A Question. "Anyhow,-poverty Is no crime." "And ilnit's a good thing. Where would 11s poor folks get our technical ities from?" llij Bottle p|| For 35c When you buy 'ff wf m 'r~T. Yager's Lini- ! " '3 ment you get splendid value! The large 33 cent bottle contains twice as much an the usual 30 cent bottle uf liniment. Try it (or rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains, cuts and bruises. At all dealers price IS cents. (JILIIKRT IICON. & CO.. lialtlmor*, MO. ECZEHAR Money bark without question A If HUNT'S CURE fallH In the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, EINUWORM.TETTEKorotber f £l|| Itching akin llite»*ei». '' r ' , ' e JI tOc at druggtntN, or direct from /"*! lf / /I il.lll;Mi MKLN Ci. .Ilnnii TIL |AL / I KODAKS & SUPPLIES We al»o do cla*H of flnitihlnf. Price* ami Catalogue upou request. S. Csleski Optical C*., Richmond, Va. SAVE YOUR SWEET POTATO VINES worth 12 00 acre. M 7 method will kf*«p \h«*mgrv«n all wlnu r. Write Die, W. C. Mml**™, il FWmmK Tum W. N U . CHARL'OTTE, NO. 42 -1917