MS BOWIE THE QROTJiTIoh ©P Ml OTHER PAPERS IN THE COWTT: • VOL XVIII. NO 49. A Molt Interesting Session. That the action of the Roanoke Association, which convened here on Tuesdsy of last week, was a modt interacting and profitable one to the body of Christians re presented as well as to the individ ual, cannot be gainsaid. That loyalty which is needed to give to the work an impetus at all times, was most marked in the reports and utterances of the delegates. The addresses at dif ferent times gave each hearer a vision of greater and larger things for the Church in the fu ture. Among the strongest of these, was that delivered by Rev. R. A. McFarland, of Scotland Neek, on State Missions Prominent visitors from other Associations were: If. L. Kesler, Thomasville Orphanage, F. C. Nye, Winterville High School, G. J. Dowell, pastor Ay den * Baptist Church, C. J, Thompson, representative of Biblical Recorder, G. E. Linebery, Chowan College. Mr. Frank P. Shields, of Scot land Neck, delivered a timely address on Aged Ministers, a subject which is agitating the Christian world at this time, and every communion is arranging to care for these faithful soldiers of the Cross, who instead of be ing a burden, should be the ob jects of the loving care of those whom thev have served. Wednesday evening, after the address on orphanage work by M. L. Kesler, an offering was taken without previous notice, and the sum of **38.89 was re ceived. The financial reports showed that the Association gave about $2,000 tu Home Missions, *1,500 to State Missions and $2,000 to Foreign Missions. The amount given for Association Missions was *2,565.35; Minute Fund, *114.05, and Ministerial educa tion, $5.00. Nashville secured the meeting of the next Association, and Rev. W. R Burrell was chosen to preach the introductory sermon. All the officers were re-elected with of the Vice- Moderator, who was succeeded by Dr. John D. Biggs, of Wi 1 - liamston. Card Of On behalf of the Memorial Bap tist Church and of myself I wish to heartily thank the friends of the other Communions in the town for the promptness and heartiness they open ed their homes to the delegates to the Association, also to those who in any way assisted to make the meeting such a success. The kindness of our friends has been a constant inspiration to us and shall not soon be forgotten. W. R. Burrell First In America The Sunday School of St. Paul's Episcopal church in Green ville purchased a Liberty Loan Bond, and as far as it is known, it was the first purchase of the kind in America. There are many Sunday Schoolsjall over the coun try which could have invested at least $50.00 in this patriotic way. Children are more en thusiastic and patriotic, too, then their elders, and when told how to express their senHments, gen erally do their bit. Why/cannot something be done here in the Sunday Schools? The graded school pupils start ed out to secure a Bond this week. THE ENTERPRISE FIRST COMMUNITY FAIR IN MARTIN COUNTY Goose Nest Township Gets in Line with Splendid Success at Oak City J. L. Hotli day Directs Affairs Goose Nest Township at large gathered at Oak City High School building on the 24th, when the Community Fair was opened. Mr. F. .M, Harrell was president of the Association, which made the Fair possible, and Mr. J. L. Holiday, County Demonstration Agent, directed the arrangements. The products of the farms and gardens, while not so extensive as those seen in the larger fairs, were equal in quality to those grown anywhere. The garden vegetables and many varieties of fruits, showed the combi nation of good soil, good brains and willing hands of the com* munity. The woman's kitchen and pan try display was great. The jellies perserves, pickles, cakes and can ned goods were as fine as that of any community. The knitting, sewing and needle work depart ment was the most elaborate of all displays, and demonstrated the skill of the women and girls of the neighborhood. Several fine colts were shown of both draft and road types; coops of fine breeds of chickens were exhibited also. Many blue and red ribbons were awarded by the judges, but at this time the winners cannot be published, las the lists have not been fur nished. Among the valuable and rare articles on exhibition, were two clocks brought from Holland by the Cranvonogle family . 200 years ago and are now the pro perty of Mrs A. Burnett, of Oak City. Before being brought from Holland, they belonged to the man who saved Holland by open ing the dikes and drowning an invading army. These clocks from appearances are largely gold, and are probably worth hun dreds of dollars each. Mrs. Bur. nett had also on display a pin cushion made in Holland in 1585 Miss Hattie Everett displayed a silk quilt made by her grand mother 150 years ago. The day waj made more joyous by the singing of patriotic songs bv the school children, and short talks by A. J. Manning, County Supt., of schools; J. L. Holliday, County Demonstrator; W. C. Manning, County Food Adminis trator. An elegantly prepared dinner was served to all those in attendance. It is hoped that every town ship in the county will follow the splendid example of Goose Nest and have a Community Fair. ELDER SAMUEL MCWILLON Will Preach At The Following Places. Robersonville, at night Oct. 28 Spring Greene, " 29 Skewarkey, " 30 Jamesville, " 31 Smithwick Creek, Nov. 1 Bear Grass, " 2 Robersonville, "3&4 Flat Swamp, " 5 Briery Swamp, " 6 Great Swamp, " 7 Bethel, at night' " 7 Tarboro, '' 8 Pleasant Hill, '' 9 Falls Tar River " 10&11 WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY OCTOBER 26. 1917. Loading Up Ob Copper With prices advancing in cop* per, Martin County can get on the market and realize some good hard cash, for Sheriff Page is loading up on copper still! caught out in the byways and hedges. Last week, he and Po liceman Page made a exploration out in Griffins District, and found another 60-gallon still with all necessary apparatus; the different parts of the booze fac tory were a bit scattered as tf the owners desired to fool the officers, if they should come. There were some empty barrels, and one bayel of grape "mash" from whieh was intended to make grape brandy. This was emptied into the mill pond, and the still was brought to town and stored away. Saturday Ben Price was brought here for trial, but the case was put off until Monday. Joe Lassiter was found to have been a partner of Price, and Cornelius Lilley, a negro, who lived on the land where the still was found, was accused of aid ing and abetting Lassiter and Price. He stored the molasses in his house, covering same with fodder. All three were bound over to court by Justice Godwin. Returned From Camp Jackson John Tyndall, who was in the selective draft and left here with the squad of Martin County men on September 21st, has been re leased from military service, and he arrived here to resume his work with the Williamston Tele phone Company, On account of his usefulness in that special branch of the business of the country, he was given an honor able discharge. In speaking of the life of thecamp at Columbia, he gave a very pleasant report, stating that the work was not so strenuous and that the food fur nished wa3 excellent and plenti ful. This statement is contrary to that of some men who have different impressions. Mr. Tyn dall stated that the cook who prepared the meals for his com pany, was one of the best that he had ever seen. From his re port, Uncle Sam is trying to give his boys the very best. Home On Furlough. Friends and relatives of Dur ward E. Gurganus are pleased to see him at home again. He en listed in the United States Army several years ago, and was in Mexico during the trouble there. He was a member of the famous 13th Cavalry, which made a dash over the border. Recently, he has been transferred to Ft. Riley, Ark., and has been pro moted to Supply Corporal. He is visited his father, Mr. Eli Gur ganns, on West Main Street. Williamston Will Be There. The Great Barnum & Bailey show will be at Washington on Tuesday, and even now Martin County people, especially those living here, have- made all ar rangements to go to see the animals. It is earnestly hoped that no one will be specially in terested in pigs-"greasy" kind. For those who like circu3es, this splendid aggregation will be something for a lifetime. The parade will be worth the time to drive over and see ft, then the menagerie and the arena complete the Greatest Show on Earth. Don't forget to register Satur day, Registration Day, for the women of the county. WOMEN'S COUNCIL OF DEFENSE MEETS Mrs. R. ft. Cotton Made Splendid Address. A . large crowd of the Women of thte County here Tht first meeting of the Mar tin County Council of Defense, after its organization, was held in ths rooms of the Lotus Club Monday at 2:30 o'oclock p. m. at whteh time Mrs. Robert R. Cotten addressed the women A 'large nutnber of women attend ed, the rooms being crowded; Robersonville sent the largest delegation, and Hamilton next, and there was a good local repre sentation. Mrs. John D. BiggS, Chair man, called the meeting to order and introduced Mrs. Cotteri, who with the first sentence captured her audience. In a manner fit once pfeaaing and convincing, ■he outlined woman's work in the great world struggle now go ing on. That a tremendous part of the job has been placed upon the shoulders of the women, was strongly emphasized by Mrs ,Cotten, whose time is so largely given to helping the State and Nation; she stated that the gov ernment had fully realized that women could and would carry their load i n North Carolina and in Martin County, as others were doing everywhere today. Taking each department of the activities in which women are tailed to Nrva, shU Spoke briefly of each, explaining the workings concise ly. One thing she urged :that wo men co-Operate with each other in securing the best pay for ser vices along with proper treat ment on the part of their em ployers; that if a woman did a man's work well, she should re ceive n man pay- a condition which liua not prevailed in the world heretofore Conservation of the resources of the body, mind and food was urged and this the women can and must do, if thev play the part well which is theirs. Mrs. Cotten desired that those present ask any question which might help, and these she an swered in a helpful way. She ex pressed her pleasure at this, her first visit, to Williamston, and paid a tribute to the splendid movement which had been start ed in the county under such fav orable conditions for success. At the close of her address, she was enthusiastically applauded. Mrs. Biggs, Chairman, thank ed her on behalf of the women of the county, and then proceeded to hold the business session. Miss Daisy Manning read the minutes of the last meeting, which were adopted by vote. As the office of secretary was made vacant bv the declination of the one elected, the election of her suc cessor was made, and Miss Daisy Manning, who had been acting, was chosen. Committees were called for reports, and the chair mans responded. The time for meetings was discussed, and upon motion of Mrs. Staton, the first Monday in each month was decided upon; the place the Court House. The additional chairmans named were, Mrs. Edgar E. Bun dy, of Williamston, Social service Mrs. J. E. Ward, of Roberson ville, Public Health: Mrs. B. L. Long for HamiLton Township; Mrs. W. H. Harrell, of William ston, Training Classes. After the singing of "Ttie Star - Spangled Banner," the mating adjourned. Perhaps, there has been no meeting held in any county, where the inter- Buy A BondToDay J The campaign for the sale of I Five Millions of Liberty Loan I Bonds closes tomorrow night. Have you bought' your?? Time flies; it waits not for the invi diual or governments;"what you want to do in patriotic service to your country must be done Now. Martin County is expected to do her bit in the purchase of Bonds; will the liberty-loving citizens put her to shame not? Think of the soldiers already in France; think of those prepar ing to go. One may be your own son, or your brother. Do you want your money to say you are standing with him in the fight, or do you care less fpr him and (tie safety of the country than sordid gold with which Heaven has blessed you? Don't be a slac ker in this campain. There are hundreds of people in Martin County who can take Bonds; let not Saturday's sun do down on you unless there are Liberty Bonds purchased in your name, or in that of some loved one. Bonds are a safe investment - taxation a heavy burden. Unless you buy one, you will have to pay the other. BUY A BOND TODAY AND STAND BY YOUR COUNTRY AND ITS ARMY AND NAVY. Has Purchased Grocery. W. J. Hodges, who for years has been in the grocsry business here, and who has met with sue* cess in the establishment of a profitable business, has sold out to .John L. Rodgerson, Asst. Cashier of the F, & M. Bank. Mr. Hodges desires to engage in some other work after years of close application to the grocery trade. est was keener than on this day. The women present, no doubt, represented in their enthusiasm tiiat of the entire county, and it was an inspiration to the onlook er to note that every heart and soul were alive to the demands of the hour. And the Liberty Loan Bonds were not forgotten, for meetings throughout the county, were arranged for by the chairman, Mrs. Staton, who with helpers made engagements to visit the different parts of the county during the campaign, Williamston was glad to have within her gates such a number of splendid women of the county. In time past, when the cannons roared, Martin County mothers and sisters stood by the beloved Southland, and now there is no delay in answering the call to do their bit. Those from out of town were: Miss Daisy Taylor, Misses Hattie and Blanche Everett, Mrs. J. E Smithwick, Mrs. Andrew, Mrs. L. M. Waters, Mrs. W. H. Edwards, Mesdames S. D. Matt hews, B. L. Long, J. P. Boyle, R. W ( . Salsbury, B. B. Sherrod, Norma Grimes, F. L. Gladstone, T. B. Slade, Jr., M. I. Fleming, Mis 3M. B. Jones, Miss Waldo, of Hamilton; Mesdames. R. A. Bailey, C. C, Taylor, Vernon Ward, Wiley Rogerson, Fate James, R. J, Nelson, W. T. Hurst, T. H. Grimes. B, F, Co burn, R L. Smith, L W. Vick, B. E. Moye, H. H. Gray, W. H. Adkins, Aug. Taylor, H. A. Cox, Dan Parker, Misses Little, Malone Roebuck, Crofton, Boyett, Peele, Mrs. H. H. Pope, of Roberson ville; Mesdames J. L. Hines, -J. B. BoweVs, F. M. Harrell, of Oak Citv; Mrs. J. S Ayers, of Ever etts; Mias Lela Hadley, Mrs. H. jC. Green, Mrs. R. L. Perry. si.oo a Year in Advance A Year 01 Storms. It would seem that Nature de sires to keep pace with the world in its unrest, for not in the me mory of the oldest inhabitants has there been as many storms as in this year of grace. 1917. It has either been a rain storm or wind and most times, both- Now that winter is approaching, dis turbances are appearing nearly [every week. One dav is balmg, the next cold and windy. Suffic ient fuel has not been gathered up to keep people comfortable if a prolonged spell of bad weather should grip the country. Even in this section, where there is woof on every hand, the supply is ex ceedingly short, and relief seems far distant. If the summer storms presage the winter ones, then there is coming some unpleasant days. To Hold White Sale The Ladies Aid Society of Biggs's Chapel will hold a white and fancy goods sale in the Mas onic Hall, on Friday, November 9th. Proceeds in aid of the new building. Farms For Sale. 300 acres of good upland, 125 in cultivation, 6 tenant houses, one eight-room dwelling, good barns and out buildings, one new 60 saw gin, grist mill, peanut picker, 12 h. p. gas engine, 6 mules, one year's forage, ade quate farming machinery Lands i adapted to growing of peanuts, 'cottonand tobacco, situated on the main road 5 miles from Ply mouth, N: C., railroad station and siding on the farm, within 'j mile of good eight-month school, good community, health ful locality. Other good farms for sale at low price. Address. Washington Ccunty Realty Corpuraiiuu, inc. Plymouth, N. C. Appointments Elder L. 11. Hartly, of Atlantic N. C., and Elder W. N. Tharp, of Indiana.are expected to preach at Skewarkey, Wednesday, Oct. 31st; Bear Grass, Thursday, Nov. Ist: Smithwiek Creek, Friday, Nov. 2nd. Benefits Of Dipping Vats Great. The building of dipping vats has been rather slow so far due to bad weather, the scarcity of labor and the busy farmers. As the fail is ar. ideal time for this work, we hope live stock owners will make use of the first oppor tunity to put in that vat, Two days will finish the concrete work. Unless a large number of vats are built thi3 fall it will take three years instead of two to get rid of the tick. Regarding the benefits derived from dipping, I have received* the following from Mr. Mc Mann ing, "County Commissioner: "In reply to your letter concerning our dipping vat, I am pleased to say that my brothers, neighbors and myself commenced dipping last June. We have dipped from 100 to 120 cattle twice a month ever since. Our cattle are now free from ticks for the first time in September for several years. They run on a free range in the eastern part of Griffins Township. We also dip our hogs. It keeps, them free from mange and ticks* I feel that that is a great help to live stock." J- S. O'Hare. Williamston women are to register at the graded school ; building on Saturday.