51 w. T ==MC3MMJ ► ( FOR SALE s ■ 1 ' I Sugar at 9 cents per pound. Good Pattern flour sl3 50 js! per barrel. Seed Rye at $2.45 P« bushel and also a large Ej supply of juniper Shingles. ~ QEdRaE W. SMITH, Robersonville, NC. II Asnm —% it m — mm NOTICE Having qualified as Executor to the last will and testament of Ritlir Griffin^decra»ed; Notice is hrrebv given to all persons hold ii g cl inns against said Estate to piCS6it them to the undersigned tor paymenr on or before the *nd day of October, this notice will l>e plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make im mediate payment This 2nd day of October 1917. THOMAS C. GRIFFIN, Sale of Land Cnder tlic p v.er contained in a ertain deed »>f trust, dated Umber iJ, 117. executed to me I>\ T. H. Combs ami wife and iliily ret on!c»i in the oftice of the K.egister of Heeds of Martin County, 1 will sell .it public auc tion to the highest bidder, at Oak City, said county, at 12 ««'i lock, iiiion, on Monday, Oct, .47 the following describ ed real estate: A tract of land consisting of two parcels, containing 100 acres, more or less; being the lands con veyed to said T.H.Combs by Alex H. Smith and Wheeler Martin, Cotnmi v. 11 y deed recorded in H"..k !•' F F, page ,*oo, and by the hens at law of the late So|.|.i.i 11 Howell by deed ic (01 ded in book M M M, page n>B to which deeds reference is here by ■ ade. S.IK! lands adjoin the of Moses llarrell, dei eased, |. v j,h H.iriell, Margaret Staton ;u d others, each tract containing SO acres, more or less. There is no better tobacco land in Mai tin County. Terms of sale. One-third cash and balance on agreeable terms. Sept. 15th, i;l7. W. A. 11 ART, Trustee. My \ 1111 > • •! p«>wer vested in me bv that ( fit. uii Deed ♦! Trust ex ecuted to iiic I y K 1 I Willough bv >n the 9th day «> December, 11)1;. ami duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for M ,i mi ( ouuty ni Hook XXXX, a' page 426, and given to secure jhose five certain notes in the sum suiii ol s.joo, 00 each, ,therein mentioned, 110 part of which has been pai 1. I shall sell to the high est i»i(lder lor cash, at public auc tion, at the court House door 111 the town of Willianiston, on Tues day. the 20th day, of November, 1«) 17. at twelve o'clock, noon, the following devci ibeii tiact of real estate, lying, being and situate in the county of Martin.State ofN.c. adjoining the lands of W. W. An drews heirs ami others, and more particularly described as follows: Being that ceit.iin tractor par cel of laid known as the Moore place, and deeded to B k Note (ty | W Fen ell and wife l.oulie 1' Feirell on the 20th day of July. 191 3* and described as follows: Beginning at a black mini in the run of the swamp at the mouth of Arv'en Branch, thence down, the'iun ol said branch to a long sweet gum. neai ly opposite Alcx andei Nelson's corner, thence So ith "5 Wl 7 one fifth poles to a pine stump. said Nelson s cor ner. thence to said Nelson's line t> his and W W Andrews heirs line or corner, thence along the various courses of the old An drew!' line, to the orignal corner in the first mentioned swamp, to the beginning, containing 150 acres more or less. Said deed from J W Ferrell and wife is f record in Martin county Registry in B.jok EI, at page 170 t.aid record is hereby referred to for a more accurate description, and being the same tract of land this day conveyed to the srid K T J Willoughby by that deed to be liereafter lecorded in Margin county, to which reference is made Thi« October 19th. 1917. ALBION DUNN, Trustee, WANTED" By Rosemary Manufacturing _ Company, Roanoke Rapids, N. C, families and single men and we men for work ftt cotton mill. We have one of the best mills in the State, and a very healthy vil lage, with fine schools and churches. Good wages paid while learning. For further information • write T. W. Mullen, Supt., Rose mary, N. C. Attention Tax Payers The special" privilege taxes have been due since August Ist, 1917, and the general taxes are now due. The Tax Collector will proceed to collect same at once. The citizens will please be ready 0} pay when called on. W. T- Meadows, Town Treas Executor Noilb Caiolina i In Superior Court Martin County^ p. wr Wright, v»." Leaji.e Wright. The defendant above named will tak«* notice, that au action entitled a* above haa I een commenced in the Superior Court of Marpu County, North Carolina (or the purpoie of obtaining a divorce A Vinculo .Matrimonii," end the said defenent will take further notice that she i* required to appear at the term of the Superior Court of said county, to be held on the 14th Monday after the Ist Monday of September. 1917 It being the 10th day of December, 19i7, at the courthouse of the said county in Willian ston, North Carolina, and an swer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff. Thi» the and day of October, 1917 K. J Peel Clerk, Superior Conrt. FOR SALE. —One 5-room resi dence on Railroad Street in Rob ersonville, N. C. For terms apply to Mrs (leorge M. Underwood, 721 Boush St., Norfolk, ,Va. Mules Lor Sale. Always from 100 to 300 head of horses \ mules ol all description for sale at my stables in -York, Pa |OK KINDIC,. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MARTIN COI'NTY. 111 tl e Superior Court betoie Ihe Clerk IN RK: Lucy Miz;ll, William S, Charles H ami clara M. Mizell, by their next fiientl W. c Manning, e* part. *—' Notice is li rebv given tliat under rind by virtue of tin order of the Superior Coint of Martin conuty enured in the above entitled cause and approved bv George W. Connor. Ju the uudetNigti ed commissioner will 011 the 16th tlav of November, at ti:oo o'clock uo;>n ni the court house door of M.titin County offer nt . 1 Mic sale to the lushest bidder lorca'li. the loiloivi'.ig detail bed laud to-wit: Situate ia the town of WilliiMiistou, N C and 011 the S Hitlis ile Hide of Main Street voing t.iwmtl il.e knauoke Hiver ai d known as "The Hiker l'lace" ami the third 'tract of land mentioned 1 and conveyed to Wheeler Mm tin bv deed | fn in V\ ilium S Elliott and othtrs, dated the jyt'a das i f Dectuibtr, 189 S. and of 11 eoiu 1• 1 111 e Public Registry of Maitiu , county in Hook at I'age 40s. This 2}rd da\ of October, 1917. cI.AYTON MOORE comr. Notice I'nder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer |tain'deed of trust executed by A Corey and wife to the undersign-, edj.rustee, bearing date of the July, 1917. and of record in the of Martin County in Book 1, page 57, to secure a certain bond of even date and the stipulatians therein con tained not ha\ing been complied with at the request of the parties in interest the undersigned will on Monday, November 19th, 1917. at twelve o'clock noon, at the the court house door of Martin county Willianiston N, c. expose at public sale to the highest bid der for cash the following describ ed land to-wit: FIRST Tract: a store and lot in the Town of Jamesvilie N c, now used as a PostOffice,adjoining the Waters Street, Bank of James ville and the lands of U S Hassell and being the land purchased by said Corey from \V 11 Ellison and U S Hassell, Secuud Tract: On the West side of Sunset Avenue, bounded on the North by Brown " Streets and Sunset Avenue, on the Soith by Manning and Griffin, on the West by the land of the late George M. Burras and being the lot No. Block .... of Mrs, L. M. Brown land division which is recorded in land division book No, I, page 338 on the Mar tin county Publ'jc Registry. This Uth day of Oct, 1917. W&EELER MARTIN. Trustee. 1 Notice THE ENTERPRISE, WXLLIAMStOB, *OKm CAjLULfIUt NOTICE. ——— f Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Jes*e Nor ris deceased; late of Martin County, North Carolina thi* is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ec to exhibit them to the under signed at Oak City, N. Ci on or! before nth day of October 1918. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. * All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 12th day of October ■9'7. J. C. Ross, Administrator of the estate "of Jesse Norris Deceased. GHICHfcIrER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND TL~ TJ Y*> V FS LAPIEM lik 7«ur (of CT!!*CB(S-TW. $ A PIAMOND ) ..rt.S'P rtU.S 111 Rra *o4)/A GOLD meiil ic tet. rtL'.f wiih Bluc(0 > Kibhoii. T.vtn )ta ot»*C3, Cai rf THr\V I IVamrte* and a.k to, lli CM(I TU > V MAUONI) Hli AM) 1'11.1.n, for «wentT-(l»W /curt regarded a» Be-t Fafcrt, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS aa EVERYWHERE sag, WANTED—WeII brokt bird (log. Must l')e good retreaver. Address, () C Petway, Rocky Mount, N. C, ROANOKE CAMP NO. 107 Roanoke Camp No. 107, W. 0 W., meets the 2nd and laat Mon day nights of each month at 8 o'clock. Money to Loan On Real E*>tate From One Thousand Up For Five to Ten Years CRITCHER It CHITCHEH RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, L\ lie Sprainn, Bruises, Cuts, Burr.?, OKI Sore., Tetter, Ring-Worrr\ Ec . zrma, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25" DAUGHTER WAS WEAK AND FRAIL For a Long Time l ucked to Strength to Walk far Nothing Seemed to Help Her Friend Said A-l-M VVas what She Needed • My dan. liter's condition wor ried tuc .1 great deal. (She was weak, tun.down and tiouMeil al! the time, coming into wonLinliood with irregularities which seemed to weiglit-her down terribly and sup lier strength atul energy. She could walk but a li)tic ways with, out resting." say^'B. H. Carter, of Basset, V'a., just a few days "A friend recommended Acid Iron Mineral to me and mv daughter hadn't taken but two bottles before she was well and strong and going about the house work feeling wonderfully im proved. The results have been so remarkable in her case I be lieve Acid Iron Mineral * will do all that is claimed for it and take pleasure in* recommending it to all. I consider it a Godsend to suffering humanity." The above enthusiastic endorse ment ot Acid Iron Mineral the great iron remedy, which thous ands of people praise, proves how splendid it is as a tonic for the blood, kidneys, bladder and di gestion, » . t Acid Iron Mineral may be ob tained at most drug storer in large or small bottles, - A tta spoonful in a glass ot water makes a dose. It helps the blood, drives out uric acid and other impuri ties snd strengthens one almost from the first dose. The appe tite is stimulated, digestion is helped and the blood enrichened, bringing back that rosy glow W the cheeks and a sparkle tc> lack lustre eyes. Note—Acid Iron Mineral is just a highly concentrated natural medicinal iron, tested and bottled by the Ferrodine chamical corp., Roanoke, Va, the lessors of the deposit from which it comes, It is non-alcoholic and non-injuri ous, Does not affect the teeth, cause constipation or harm diges tion as ordinary iron is apt to do. Get a bottle today. - TkADE AT HOME AND HELP YOUR HOME TOWN YOUNG MEN Don't Forget We are in Position to Fit You In a . SWELL SUIT OR OVERCOAT IN STOCK AND ALSO . MAKE A SWELL LINE OF i SUITS TO ORDER Complete Line of 5 # Belt-Back and Conservative § MANHATTAN SHIKTS ™ Best Known $ U Known as the Best Thompson Bros. jg BENCH-MADE SHOES In ail L asts and Leathers °«prrliM Hart MaCxc * Kan BEAUTIFUL LINE OF HATS Rutenberg Adler s, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. TRADE AT HOME AND HELP YOUR HOME TOWN PRKH OF CHART,K An> nclult mffcruin from colli or broi■ 011 1 11 -, 's Inv'tfl to call at ihe tfru,; *1 >re of SmuuU-ih \ l'oi;il*n fttnl K«-t hii hh'olulely fiee, :* if li'isii.et's tSrruiau Sutip, > #ootllliK atnl be !n n rriuei!', for all lunw troubles. Wlliili !>•«- « succtssfi.i lemtcl ot f:it jeatv (livf* llic J alient a V"'Ort J-'n' l jest frit- from coughing, with tree e* nectorntion in tee morning. Regular sizes, >5 aii'i 75 cents. For all civilfzjil countrtw. Skcwarkee Lodge No. 90 Skewarkee Lodge No. 90, A. F. & A. M., meets every second and fourth Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. To My Customers Owing to the high prices of all materials used in the laundry work. I am obliged to make slight advances commencing October Ist'l9l7, on collars and cuffs as follows; Shirts Plain from 10 to 11 cents Collars from 2c. 2 l-2c. "* Cuffs, per pair, from 4c to sc. , CHINESE LAUNDRY, 107 Main Street, Williamston, N. C. , Burned Hit Face. One night this week. Jesse Stubb?, the son of Mr. Marcellus Stubbs, was at the depot and fitt ed himself out with cotton whis 4tersas boys will do He struck a match too near the cotton, and now Jesse has a bad ly burned chin. Such careless play should not be indulged in, as often deaths result therefrom. Then cotton is too high to be burned even if only an ounce. Saturday is the dav tor Regis tration for Martin county women, at the graded school building. E. P. BUNCH Agent For arolina Metal Shingle* Williamston, N. C Phone 170 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Aloat Reliable After many years' experience in the use of it and other cough! medicines, there are many who! brefer Chamberlain's to anyj other. Mrs \. C. Kirstein, I Greenville. Ills,, writes, "Cham berlain's Cough Remedy has pe'Mi used in my mother's home and mine for vears, and we al ways found it a quick cure for colds and bronchial troubles We find it to be the most reliable cough medicine we have used." Excellent Farm For Sale. Ths Bynum Roborson Farm containing 180 acres. 115 in high state of cultivation. Excellent two story dwelling, 2 tenent houses, 3 tobacco barns, all ne cessary ontbuilding. One of the very best farms in Martin Connty. 5 miles from Roberson-j ville, V/ 2 miles from church and school, in one of the very best sections of the county. For price and terms see or write G. A, Peel orR. G. Harrison, Williams ton N C. Don't Fail To Register. The call for women to register has been made ail over the county, and the registrars will be at thg jespective school houses to assistfTn the w.ork. The women ( of Williamston are urged to go to the graded school building be tween the hours of 9 and 12 in the morning, 2 and 4 in the af ternoon as is* most convenient for them. Mrs. W. H. Harrell is registrar and will be assisted by Miss Daisy Manning. Do not for get the time and place. The country needs the services of the women in this tremendous strug* gle for democracy-get in line for work. ' For Sale North Carolina, * Beaufort County. Bv virtue 6f a power ot sale contained iu two ceitHin deeds of trust, executed by Louis M. M xel 1 aad wife, i aunie Mi/-11, to H A l>ai,:srl, Jr., trustee, 'lated June 7th. 1915, and recorded, one n.book K-l, 139, Kegisti-r's office of Marliu County, ami Hie other iu book II 1, page 4)6 Register's office of Mntin county, said deeds of truat being given to secure certain indebtedness thereby secured, and therein recited, default having been jnade in payment of said indebtedness, and the holder of said uo'es having made demand upon the undersigned to foreclose under the power of stfle contained in said deeds of trust. I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for at the Courthouse door in Martin county, at 12 o'clock m. on the tath day of November, 1917, the fol lowing tract of land. Beginuing at a black gutu iu Thin branch iu Jesse Mizell's line, Redmond Harrison's corner, thence north 10 west 37 poles to a pine, a corner in Redmond Harrison's line, theuce along Harrison's line ot marked trees north 13 weat (0 Hsrrison's corner, a pine, thence alasi? Reduioud Harrison's line of marked trees to ji corner at the path, a pine, thence north along the path of marked trees with HaysisonY line to a corner in Jas. P. Bailey's line, a black gam, thence with Bailey's line to Bailey and Elizs Rocerson's corner, a lightwood stump, thence with Rogerson'a line of marked trees to the run of Thin branch, a corner a pine, thence down the run its vartajus courses of said branch to the beginning, containing 57 acres, more or let*. E E. DANIEL, ■„ Trustee. This the Bth day of October 1917. Notice of Sale Under Execvtioa. North Carolina, In the Superior Court. Martin Count. Pan Mannfaturing Company, E. W. Swain By virture of an excution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Martin County in the above entitled action, I will, on Tnesday, the 30th of October. 1917, at twelve o'clock. M, at the conrthouse door of said couhty sell to the highest bidder for cash satisfy said excution. all the right, title and interest which the said E. W. Swain, the defenbant. has in the following describ ed tract of land, to-wit: Lying and be ing Poplar Point Township, Martin County, North Carolina; adjoining the lands of Warren Leggett, Henry Wyno, and H H. Mizell, et als. Beginning at a canal bridge on the county road, thence a straight line to a light-wood stake on the bank of the, thenoe up said , ditch to the county road, thence along said road to Warren Leggett's litfe, thence with Leggett'a line to Henry Wjnn's corner, hence with H. H. Mizsll'a line to the beginnig, being the J. R. Swain home place. This the 38th day of September. 1917. J. H. PAGE. Sheriff! FOR RENT- —Safety depbsit boxes. Prices reasonable.—Mar tin Co., Savings and Trust Co.

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