ywEiip—ffnrTT" IBI i i i , FOR SALE j| 1 I I ba*t far ®ala 4000 Ibe. of Mgar aIM aador-wear and half boee at a U great Mftaf price, M I bought tbom (b«ap and expect to Mil tbam U I cheap aad a big lot of aoap aad waahlng Jwvdira at the old price $ cU. M I Drop ta «ad gat a big atew of ojaton miM an for while only, to come Og R t> aea ne for anything yon Bead aaracWly brick aad •hioglee of all rpg Ij QEORQE W. SMITH, Robcrsonvllle, NC. II Ha*—. j ■ jggggO GG CCCCCCfe | Announcement j| jg| We have rented the jjjjj J FARMERS WAREHOUSE g ? 'Andjhave secured the service of 2 Mr. Joe Taylor g peanuts and cotton. j S See us before you sell |j \ fßoberson-HarrisonCo. ij Williamston, N. C. J® j oC'C'C'€'€*€ C*€C' 6'6'6® ( ■ I ■ ~ Notice of Administration. Having qualified sa executor* if (be Mule of the .lute Jncquline Florence Kemp late of I,v county of Pitt. N. C , litis is torotifv nil peirotu having claims •ga'n»t hHitl estate to present the same to ihe ntidrraigttt'd executors ou fore V2nd day ot November. 1918, or this notice will be ple&d in l>ar of their recovery All teri>oti» indebted to the ■mil • aiatr will pleiuie make immediate settlement to tbe said executors. This Nov. at, 1917. ' J W BRYAN, E. H. TAFT. (ireei'Ville, N. C. tia'diug and Penrce, Att'ja. Notice Of Stray. «• I have Ifcken up in a stable at my home near Williamaton, one black and white spotted sow, weiKht about 200 Iba., find one m Hack and white spotted shoat, weight about 60 lbs. Both un mr.i ked. The owner of said hogs will call and claim them or I will dispose of them as provided by law, This the'lsth day of Novem ber. 1917. • .M H-23 Charles Johnson. To Rent Stalls. A- —— __ r The Town Market stalls will be offered for rent for the year 1918 at the Mayor's office, Friday night, Nw. 30th, 1917, at 8 •'dock; any person wishing to occupy same will please see us at said time and place. G. W. Blount, J. G. Staton, W. T. Meadows. Com. •Notice. r* Having qualified as administra trix upon the estate of the late Henry Shepherd, notice is hereby •T-. given to ail persons holding claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 24th day of November, 1918, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to aaid estate are requested to make Immediate payment. This 24th day erf November, l9ll ' MALINPA SHEPHERD * v Notice of Sale of Land Under end by virtue of the power of sale contained in a ceitain deed of trust execute 1 ! by J. F t.verett 10 the under signed truntee, bearing date ot April 9th 1917 and of record in the public reyimry of Martin Countv in Book M-i at p«i{e 42'1 to >ecii»i" n certain bond of even da'c therewith u::d ihe stipulation theteiti contained not having been complied p with and the requcnt of the parties in in terest the uudeisigned will on Mondav, December 171b at 13 o'clock M. in the town of Willis mston, N. C , sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the undivided interest of J F. Kverett iu the following described land: Adjoining J. L. Wynne on the ncttn Matt ie Reives on the en>t and Mollte Moore on the south and Merrick Gutter bridge 011 the w cat, containing 11 acres more or -Thjs Ihe 15th day of November, 1 qf7. 11-23 WHEELER MARTIN, Trustee. NOTICE Under and by vir.ne of the power con tained in it certain deed of trust dated the 3rd day of Jauuary, 1017. executed to me by lUnry Bell and duly recorded in the oflice of Register of Deeds ot Mat tin county iu boyk M-t, page 367, 1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at ihe court home door in Martin county at 13 o'clock ou Mon day, December 17th, the following de scribed property: Beginning at a chiukipeu post iu in Mary Nicholson's ami Perry Bsie more's home -tend land which ia about 200 yards from the Hamilton aud Poplar Point Road; thence with Mary Nichol son's aud Perry Bnzemore's land to a chop poplar in the edge of the river swamp; thence with the margin of the river swamp to the Lassiter corner; thence with tbe Lassiler line to a branch j to a chop poplar; thence a straight line to the beginning, containing 65 acres more or leas. • Thia 15th day of November. 1917. 11-23 B DUKB CRITCIIER, Trustee ! _______________ 1 J f NOTICE j "tinder and by virtue of the authority ' conferred in me by a certain deed of > trust executed to me by John L. Mat- L thews and wife, Maggie Matthews, c Paul Matthews,' Joe L. Matthews au4 wife, A. Matthews, Jesse Matthews and wife Addie Matthews aud J. Matthews, on the 4th day of December, 191 V ana duly recorded in Martin County Regis try in book M-i, page *l, and given to secure a certain bond of even date and tenor thereof, and the stipulations in ' said deed of trust, not having been com plied with, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at 12 o'clock M. in front of the court house door of Martin county on the 17 day of 'December, 1817, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lying and being in Robersonville Township, and adjoining the Johu and ' Elick Nelson farm, the Dave Roberson r land, the Koberson and Rogeraon land, , and containing* 60 acres more or lesa, ' and being the same land commonly known and designated as the John Mat r thews land. - l This 17th day of November, 1917, n u S3 B. DUKB CRITCH BR, Trustee. - ... Wanted. Dependable young colord man not under 18, to work around house and run automobile. J. R. Mobley ir'HimVl't" ' • THK IHTIRPMaB, WTI.r.TAMBTOT, fOttm CAtULfHX NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MARTIN COUNTY. In tbe Superior Court bdon the Clerk. INRB: LOCT MluU. William 8.. Charles H. and,dan M. Mixell, by their next friend W, c. Manning, or part. Notice b hereby (Inn that under and by virtue of as order of the Superior court of Martin county entered In the above entitled ceuae end approved by George W. counor. Jw ge, the aadersigu ed eemmiaaioßer will on the *6th day of November, 1017. at iasoo o'clock noon at the court house door of Martin cauaty offer at pnblic aale to the higheat bidder for caah, the followiag described laud to-wit: Situate in the town of Williamston, N C and on the Southalde aide of xain Street going toward ibe Roanoke River and known aa "The Baker Place" and being tbe third tract of laud mentioned and conveyed to Wheeler Martin by deed from Willum S. Elliott and others, dated the 37th day of December, 1898, and of record in the Public Registry of Martin county in Book SSS, at Page 405. This 33rd day of October, 1917. CLAYTON MOORB comr, NOTICE V Having qualified as executor upon the eatate of fhoe. P. Moore, deceased; Notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims againat said estate to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 19th dav of October, 1918, or thia notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This 19th aar of October 1917. GEO. W. DUGGAN, Bxecutor. Notice Having qualified aa Executor upon the Estate of J. B. Coffield deceased; Notice is hereby given to all persons holding claima againat said Estate to present them to the undartigne.l for payment on or before tbe 13th day of November, 1918, or thia notiee will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to raid Kstate are requested to make immediate pay ment. This 15th day of November, 1917 J. H. PURVIS. No, 666 Thin is a prescription prepared ecpe-islly '•JT MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVE3 t 'ive or six doses will break any cute, nn I if t..k«n thee, as a tonic the Ej/svcr will not rtfiirn. It acts on ths liver better thar viikotnoi wi doss not fiiipa or sicken 25c Subscribe to the Enterprise SI.OO the year J3AVOJ Suisuqojnd s}j 7 *sn SB|_j JH2\\OQ 31ft 9J9I|AV 9DB|d X|UO 3l|l 11 ' " ""' ' ' " " 1 '! "* . 1 ' "" • SUB3J4Q .-' ■' ' -' HOd . ,: ... '.J qaAiiasaii si SIH± ... vi " V "» • ' v" '-. 'V, v * » '• • ; ■*' - ' ' »• ; « • * ' TRADE AT HOME AND HELP YOUR HOME TOWN ' "THANKSGIVING DAY IS HERE" . Ak. - Come Into our store and let us fit you SW up. You will find here a stock of Ladles wT? SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, SHIRT i'L WAISTS, and complete line of Dry • /flw \1 Goods and Shoes > See prices on our Aia U | Suits and Coats this week you will V yUj surely get in one of them after Seeing us tu We are also getting j n a line of Irfwf flu I BEAUTIFUL OVERCOATS FOR MEN WW I in any style you want and will be 11l 1 ,l| glad to price them for you "They are l-jl Jml Right." Be sure and come to see us //# ft I when in town. /-ii /ifl Oopjrtakt Hut aekaeaar aKaas Ru ten berg & Adler -WILLIAMSTON, N. C. • - * .. . ' ' - * ' u * ~~ ~ - TRADE AT HOME AND HELP ' - * YOUR HOME TOWN 0 a ' ' • -f - '« I' •* * '• • ' --- W •

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