Report of the Condition of Farmers & Merchants Bank WillUnuton, N. C., at the close of buti ness Nov 20, 1917 RBfIOORCKS: Loans and Discount* 1562,377.5 i ■Overdrafts Secured 26,613.55 North Carolina State Bonds 1,000.00 All other Bonds 69,000.00 Premium on bonds 1,000.00 Banking House Furniture and Fixtures 15.860.31 All other seal estate owned Demand Loans Due from National Banks . 36,381.86 Due from state banks and bankers 5,192.90 Gold coin 93*-50 Silver coin, including all minor coin curreucy 2,45805 National bank notes and other U. S. notes 12,000.00 1721,982.26 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock |75.000.00 Surplus Fund 37,500.00 Undivided profits less current expenses and taxes paid 5 336 65 Notes and bills rediscounted Dividends unpaid Bills payable 60.000.c0 Deposits sjbject to check 362,121 00 Time certificates deposit 154,215 08 Due to National Banks Cashier's Checks outstanding 7.-H7 7 J Due to State Banks, B inkers and Trust Compitiie- 20 3SI 81 f;ji ,982.26 State of Nor I'/ Carolina. Co of Martin, *» Nov. To i /l—. 1 K. Harrison Cashier of the above liameo l>ank, d.> solemnly swear that the atwne statement i* tine to the best of my knowledge and twlief K C. llAKßlSfoN,.Cashier Correct—Attest' Wheeler Martin Jno. 1). Higgs 1). R, Rober^rOu Sub«ctilxd suit swivrn to before me. this, 30th da> of Nov ism: , Gilbeit Peel, Notary Public Martin County Savings & Trust Comoan* Williamston. N. C., at the close of busi ness Nov. 20, 1917 RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts 140,243.27 Overdrafts secured, N C. State Bonds All other stocks bonds, rntgs Banking house fur. and tixt'rs 185.25 All other real estate owned Dae from National banks 2 836. ijk Due from State Banks and * 9^ Bankers 377-9* Cash Items 2^7." •Gold Coin - 20.00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency. 373-^ National bank notes and other U. S. Notes 1,074.00 Total 46.406.52 LIABILITIES Capital Stock 1i0.000.00 Surplus Fund "ndivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 6ik> 86 ?posits subject to check 27,04176 3tes and Bills rediscounted •lis payable ivingi Depjsits ime Certificates of Deposit 8,663.f>4 ortified Check :»shiers checks outstanding 20 26 » Total. $46,406.52 htate of North Carolina. County of Martin, 1 >l7, * I, J. K. Pope, Cushter of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the aboye state meat is true to the beat of ray knowledge and belief. J. K. .POPK Cashier Correct—AUeat: T. I'. Harrison, Wheeler Martin B. A Critcher. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 4 day of Nov, 1917 C.ilbcrt Pee'. Notary Public. Report ot the Condition of the Bank of Oak City Oak City, N. C., at the close of bnsines, Nov. 20, 1917 RESOURCES Loans and discounts (78,008.07 Overdrafts secured and 1 unsecured, 2,138.55 Unite 1 States Hon Is on hand 9,893.00 Banking house fur. and fixt'rs 5,300 00 Demand loans : 12,594.20 Due from National Banks 9,115.66 Due from banks and bankers 11,091.04 Gold Coin 1 059 00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 585 £3 National bank notes and other U. S. notes 1,200,00 Total 1 f 131,485 33 LIABILITIES Capital stock f5,000.00 Surplus 8,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 167.07 Dividends unpaid 120,00 Bills payable 19,000.00 Deposits subject-to check 62,495.52 Time certificates of deposit 35,118.96 Cashier's checks outstanding 1,583.78 Total f13J.485.33 State of North Carolina, County of Martin Nov. 3 i Worbley, Cashier of the C&ove-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state meat ia true to the beat of my knowledge and belief, t B. M. WORSI.EY, Cashier. Correct—Attest: H. 9. Everett, W. R Everett J. C. Ross. Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20 day of Sept. iqn. T. H.fohnson, N,P. STRAYED.- One 80w (> yellow spotted, «)i&rked left ear crop an d ilnderbit, weight 140 pounds Finder will please notify L. P, f Hardison, Route 1. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MARTIN COUNTY. In U e Superior Court before the Clerk. IN RE: » Lucy Mizell, WillUm S , charlM H. and Clara m. Mizell, by their next friend W. c Manning, ex part., Notice ia hi reby (riven that under and by virtue of an order of the Superior court of Martin connty entered in the above entitled cause and approved by George W. Connor, Ju ge, the undersign ed commissioner will on the a6th day of November, 1917, at 12:00 o'clock nooh at the court house door of Martin couhty offer at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described land to-wit: Situate in the town of Willi*m>ton, N c and on the Southslde side of Main Street going toward ihe Roanoke River and known as "The Raker Place" and being the third tract of land mentioned and conveyed to Wheeler Martin by deed from William S. Klliott and others, dated the 27th day of December, 189S, and of record in the Public Registry of Martin county in Rook SSS, at Page 403. This 23rd dav of October. 1917. CLAYTON mQORB comr, NOTICE Having qualified r.s executor ti|>ou the estate*of fhits. P. Moore, deceased; Notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against mid estate to present them to the undersignid for payment on or before the 19th day of October, 191S, or this notice wi.i be plead in bar of ihelr recovery. All pei sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment This iqtli day of October 19.17. GKO. W, DI'GGAN. Kxecutor. Notice Having qualifie 1 as-d'xecutor upon the Estate of J. 15. ColHcld decease!; Notice is hereby yiveti to nil persons holding minims against Kstate to present theui to the undersigned tor pa\*tnejit ou or before the 15th day of November, 191S, or tin; notice will be plead in bu of their recovery All persona - Tiidebted 10 said Hsiate~ are requestel to lfi&ke immediate pav ment. This 15th dav of November, 1917 J. H PURVIS. Notice Having qualified as executor of the estate >t Aaron Mizell, tie ceased, late of Martin county, North Carolina, this is to notil\ all persons having claims agains the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of Novem ber, 191 8 or this notice will be I pleaded in bar of their recovery. All person indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. This the 27th of No'vember, J. K, WYNNE Executor For The Kstate Of Aaron Mizell, Deceased. 11-3° FOR SALE.—SO or 75 hogs on foot, in good condition to go through peanut field. J. B. Cherry & Bro. Williamston, N. C. Report of the Condition of The Bank of Jamesville Jamesville, N. C., at the close of business Nov. 20, 1917 RKSOI'RCKS Loans and discounts fH6.877.83 .Overdrafts unsecured 1,027.47 Banking house, Pur. Sc K;*., 3.8^0.00 Due from banks & bankers 11.443 57 Due from National Hanks Cash Items 16S Gold Coin 5*3-5o Silver coin-, including all minor coin currency 7-4.54 National bank notes and other U. S. notes 3,670 00 Acrued Interest 146.60 Total ■ f 107,732.71 UAIi:i.IT!K.S "Capital btock paid in fio.coo 00 Surplus 2,500.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid Rills Payable' Deposits subject to check 5',05H.64 Time certificates of deposits 45,174.10 Savings Deposits Total fi07,73 2 -74 State of Noith Carolina, County of Martin, ss. I, Jno. 1). I.illcy, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above atate ruent is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JNO. 1). ULI.KV, Cashier Correct—Attest: J. K. Smithwick, 1,. W. Mizell S. t,. Wallace, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to t>efore me, this 28, day of Nov. 1917 ' A. Corey Notary Public Notice. Having qualified as administra trix upon the estate of the late Henry Shepherd, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 24th day of November, lplS, or this notice will be plead in bar aftheir recovery. All persons indebted -to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This 24th dav 1917. MALINDA SHEPHERD. H. 30 Administratrix. THfc ENTERPRISE, WTI.T.TAMBTON, NORTH CABOLINA ! ' Farmers | o Jpgjgg Rightly refer to this bank as their own. Hundreds of S them point to it as the factor that has helped themjto ||} fmj V help themselves to success. Are you in]the success class? J! jmM sonnel of its Board of Directors: fa John *V>^ T ' N *'' jj^j ASSBTTS OVER $700,000.00 fa g. Wiiliamstan, N. C. j$ Money T» Lt-i.d OnimpVovtd Fai%i lyH':ii> iti Martin County at 5 per co; *■» !.e--l"r Marin ..' «.'1 Viotp If your e l i'. : tlru are subject to croup gel a UiUio of Chamber lain's Gout>h Remedy, and when the attack o tnes 011 he careful to follow the tdain piinted difec tioi.s. Y■ -1 j v\ i :t he sin prised at the quick ivlb'f « hich it affords. iiop 11 «'■£ ('oiMi i iii of n.ANTKKS & MERCHANTS HANK '. . I" 1 ■ 11. ; , w .»• •! A ' c! ; !i: "j.i ■. - .v :>• i> 17 ** RFSOURCKS: Loansaiul Discounts 1 "i.oTti Overdrafts unsecured \'£ L l '- United Stats Boials on hand L L. Boi>ds 5,000.00 P.ankikg House l-'urni ture and Fixtures 3,352 50 Demand loans Due from National Hks 1(5,095 07 Due from Stato Hanks and Bankers 37,665 P5 Gold Coin 75.00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 2,153 S7 Nat- bk. Notes and other U. S. Notes 2,690.00 Total . $113,088.81 Liauilitiks: Capital stock paid in, * 10,000 00 Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid 1,384 61 Dividends Unpaid Bills payable Deposits subject to ck, 77,234.50 Time Cer. of Deposit 19,976.72 Cashier's ck outsta'di'g, 4,492.98 „ Total . SI 13,088.81 State of North Carolina, Coun ty of Martin, Nov. 27, 1917: I, V. (J. Taylor, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. V. G. Taylor, Cashier. Correct Attest:— V. R. Taylor R. A. Bailey J. T. BarnhilJ Directors Subscribed and sworn to be fore me, this 28th day of Nov. 1917. J. S. Ayers, Notary Public. FARMERS SHOULD-USE MORE LIME TO INSURE BETTER CROPS I will sell in car load lots Burnt Un slacked Lump Liinc in bulk 8-18. Burnt Slacked IJme in bags 8.68. Ground Limestone in bags 5.43. Ground Limestone in bags 4.43, Kiln Dried Fine (Oyster Shell Lime in bags $lO.lB. Kiln Dried Fine Osyter Shell Lime in bulk 8.68, " 9 , These prices are delivered at your station subject to a two per cent discount for cash. To insure deliveries place" orders early. W. C. MANNING, ■\ Williamston, N. C. iNOTICK. - 11.i\ ii".: - is.. .is ai! tiiiiiis— t I .It : . ! 'in «>•..?• . J ISM 1 N »Sr-. lis '•> 'mmy! ; ;.i! ill Martin Coiini'i, \i 11It (V.i ■ >l.ii.■ this is to ii 't 11 \ ,i 1 1 j>i : : s 11.. \ . 11x i l.iims ajL;aiii«t tlic « ■ sl.• 1• * >.n,cl dec cas r. to exhibit tlier.i to tin- tiudcr signcd .it Oak City, N. G. on or bet'ori: uili day d October 191H, 1 »r t tint it e tn* j>l«'.i(U:d in bar i/l tju-ii rci \ «»rv. All pt rsnns imlcbtcd to said es tate will plr.isr make ininifdiate pa) 11.1 nt. T>i.- nie i.'tli dav 1 1 October 11 r y — ('."! 1 HIST 1.1 t-I M lI tiu! I'sta'r «• F ,\ oK i 15 11 l». i ,t m •«!. SoiHjy to bOdll On Real Kstate From One Thousand Up For Five to Ten Years CKITCHEK & CKITCHEK Skcwarkec Lodge No. 90 Lodge No. 90, A. F. & A. M... meets every second ami fourth Tuesday night at N o'clock. Notice of Sale of Land I'uder and by viitue of the power of sale outniued 111 a certain deed of irnst i executed by W. J. r 'Hymai and wife, barali J, Ilyman, to tilt- I triist« c* beat iiijj date, 7DI day of >cl !.i-r 1915, tvud of Kecold in the Public 11 ( ' Martin County in Book 39 at 1 :,'Ke SSI to Hfcure .. certain bond of even date and the stipulations therein con taiued' not l.avinK been complied" with aiid at the icquest of the parties in in ttresl the i ri(lersif;ned will on Monday, December 3rd, 1917 at 12 o'clock ni. at the couit house door of Martin County in Wilhainston, North Carolina, expose at public auction to the highest bidder lor cash the following described land to-wit: Adjoining Ed Orniand und otheis and beir.K the same land now occupied by W. J. Hyman and family and being the sauie land conve>ed to Wheeler Martin by 1). C. Jonei trustee by deed dated Afri! 3rd iHHif 1 nd of record in itie Pub lic Reentry of Martin County in hook oo.iit page 433 containing two acres more or less. This the 31st day of October, 1917. WHREUiR MARTIN, Jk . Trustee $ Rein oval Sale 1 s*' ' ' O We are going to move into our new store rcS about January Ist and are offering reduced jjf prices on Ladies Coat Suits Z r ? M Coats, * Skirts, y Shirt Waist, Shoes. ® Misses and Children Coats and Dresses at a reduction. Take advantage of this oppor- tunity to clothe the entire family at m . reduced cost. \yjf w SJ y Visit our store and let us show you our bargains in everything. |j Harrison Bros. &Gompany |jj 0 MAIN STREET tfU VViilidmston,. - North Carolina $ €♦€•€• C-CJCCOC-^ WNEXMUSMMMAMM MI ■IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII mimiiw rfl goimc. TUCE ■ DON'T make apologies for the old bed any more People don't believe them anyway. We have just the bed vou will want for the guest room. And we are ready to make you a special price on it. Come in and see how nearly we can meet your requirements as to price and quality-. jj