MS BOWLE THE CROIIUIYIiOIM Or ALL. OTHER PAPERS, IN THE CO'^ImTT VOL XIX. NO i: 400,000 NEW FOOD INSTRUCTION CARDS IN NORTH CtROUNt Every Patriotic Americao , Household Urgad to Ob* esrve "Fotfcka" Day. SAVI AMD BUIiTITUTI •AYS KXUIKT HOOVXK At Lea* On Mi ilkM ttt ii litnictid in SUlubmbl from m. mo M Bngg*m\mm Ctfven fWd Instructts® Card tor Knry Household in Bsttfe ftlate. Raleigh. DM. n.-Th* fftote Food Administration bas Jul let contracts for the pihitlag of 400,000 tary htm* Instrnetloa cards to be dis trlbutsd on* for eaeb household in the entire Ststs. Tlia Iseeanc* of these additional Instruction csrds la prompt ed by tb« iscreased seriousness of tba food situation In Europe both from the standpoint of military necessity ami for the relief of hundreds of thou sands of Europeans wbo ecf*> threaten ed with starvation unless Immediate relief can be given them. The supplementary Instruction card calls Tor a "porklesir" day each week In addition to "Meatless" and "Wheat less" days, and for a wheatlees and meatless meal each day. The con •uiMr la urged to use sugar on a baala of not more than three pounds per per son per month Mr Hoover, on one side of the card, frankly and impres slvely presents the food situation It la. "As a nation we eat and waste 8" per cent more protein than we require to maintain health," the directions de clare. "Therefore, we can reduce the amount of meat we eat without harm We eat and waste 240 per cent more f»t than la necessary." What Is Called for How. Aside from the general directions contained in the first home lnrtruction card the new card asks everyone to maintain rigid economy of at least: ON'K WHEATLES3 day ea* h week and one WHEAtLESS MEAL each day, the wheatless day to bo Wednes day. By wheatless we mean to eat no wheat products ONE**MEATLESB DAY each -week which shall be Tuesday and one •leaf less meal each diy. Tly meatiest we mean to eat no red meat —beef. p»»rk mutton, veal, lamb; no presetted meat —beef, biKHwi, ham or lard. ONE PORKL.WBS day each week In addition to Tuesnay, which shall be Saturday. By porklees we mean ns fresh or salted pork, bacon, lard or ,hsm. ai'GAß—Yea can materially reduce sugar by reducing tbe use of candy and sweet drinks. We will make ev ery endeavor to aee that the country la provided with supply of household eugar -on the baala ef three pounds of •agar -for each peraon per month. Do not oonenme more. We Are a Wsstsfel People. Human foodstuffs comprise three principal element*: PROTEfK: Mainly present in meat, beana, fish, poultry, milk, and te #ome extent in grates. PATS: That is, butter, cream, lard, bacon, margarine, cooking fats, beans, cotton seed oil and other vegetable oils. CARBOHYDRATES: Grains, sugar, j potatoes and other vegetables. A* a nation we eat and waste 80 per cent more protein than we require to maintain health. Therefore, we can reduce the amount of meat we eat without harm. We eat end waste 240 per cent more fat than la necessary. Of the carbohydrates we can Just as well consume corn, oats and other eereals as wheat and we hare abund ant supplies of potatoes and veget* blee. Do sot ttndt year soppliee of milk and table buttes, hat consume It all. Boat waste any. i Tea can retaoe the ooaaamption of fete by redoofag pastry and fried toots. ■nnimHr Ma Oespel of the Ciena Mb. tbo eurrtog ef Mall portiene, the poreaaee efleea supplies. THE ENTERP-wiSu WM HOSTS »*Q DSSS. Any person in the UnHed States who bays more feedstaSs thaa he custom arflv keeps at home In peace thnea is defeating toe Poed AdmaUstmtten in! its purpose »o seeere a Just dletrlbu J tion of toed aad hi ita grset endear ers to reflate prices Tke hearding of I food In heaeehuMa is aet enfer unnse' eeeary, as the gevernaseat is protect ing tbe toed supplg ef our peefte, hal (I ll seKsh and Is a cause of high prices. Such actions multiplied by thou sands lacreaee the dams ad# apse oar railways far case sad sls«s|r, INMN of oar military demssds, ft ft ea tryte difficulty we eaa aov mere lbs vlßly nsoessary lead to maobet. There Is aaash InsSSleas p*epean*Oa In the oeoatry iptnt eoaisnaUsa aad Isassasad predestine All apfe sMlea to theae smil— to dtreet ne siataaoe to the saeaay. The SMueMen (brave. The mw»e aide of tbe eard earriea • aaeaage to theee who have signed tbe ptoige card ef tbe Admdnie tmtton it Is aa telle**: 1% Members of the United Mates Pood AdmlalstraUea: The toad sltutotea in Earepe to far graver thaa when tbe prultmtaary sur vey of tbe food eappbr of tbe world %ar this year Whs toads We have aa abandaace for oursslvss. and it ie the Sna polley of tbe Mod Admiatotoa tion, by tbe preveettoa of exports, to reuin for oar people an ample supply of every essential foodstuff. Tbe har vests of oar Alkes hare proved less thaa we had ooatemplntod, aad ths great cartailmsat of shipping by ths sabmariass during ths laet few months bas further prevented them from asssss to more remots manbote. Beyond tbe dsm—da of tbe AMse thsrs is a oall upon us by tbs friendly neutrals for food supplies. and If we cannot at leaat In part respond to theas nsutral calls, starvation on an unparalleled soale must enaue. Greater Sacrifice Necssaary. Pood has now taken a dominant po sltion In the war, and we must ask the American people to sacrifice far more than was at first thought neces j sary. We have exported the whole of the surplus of the wheat from thle - hardest after reserving to ourselres an ! amount sufficient for our normal con ! sumption of seed and flour untH the next harvest, and therefore the amount of wheat flour that the Vnlted State# ran contribute to mix with the wsr bread of our Allies during this winter | will he nlmply the amount that our [ people reduce their consumption month hy month. In other words, ev ery grain of wheat or its products thai the Allies receive from the United States from now until the next harvest will be exactly the amount which our people have saved each month on their behalf. The Allies today ask for 25 per cent more meat and fats (pork, dairy prod nets and vegetable oils) than we con sider otir monthly production permits us to send them without trenching on our own supplies, or, on the other hand, unless we can sonsutne less. Du»i to the shortage In shipping, our avail able sugar supplies niUKt be less than normal from the present tlrno forward Every Particle Saved Will Count. Thus every particle of consumption by the American people is one particle more for the Moldiers. men. women and children of our Al ! lies and for the starving people in oth ler countries. This is a personal obli- I gation upon every one of us toward some Individual abroad viho will suf fer privation to the extent of our own individual negligence. Jf we are to reduce the consump tian of the few products which wo abeuld export sbroad. we wlfioieed to sat .a larger proportion of many dif ferent foodstuffs which we ca«»ot ex port and which we have at"home. Por this reason we MUfiT NOT waste »ANY foodstuffs. A great many lndlvtdarfs In our population eat far more food than Is necessary t* maintain their health and strength. In this emergen cy only the simplest of living Is patrl otle. We want no persetn in the Unit ed States to eat less than is required for good health and full strength, for In this emergency America requires I every atom of the productivt power of our people. While many can eat less, all of oar population can substitute other foodstuffs for the few that are vitally needed for export. We must not overlook the fact that Russia collapsed not because of the Germans -on her boyders but largely because of the feflnre to organise and feed her own crthens, and, IP WE ARE TO emerge vlatorlou* from this war. we cannot risk the collapee of another of , our Allies from this same cause. There la no waste of feed among any ef oar Allies—there Is the most drastic reductlsn in their con sumption ; there la actual prtratloa among their wsmeu aad children; there Is aterrattoa to Belgium. Problem tor Individual. We have saggesUeas to toe Heme Card—a eard that la new haagtog to eag. Ito *§* Hon of ferns. That* MKHv ' WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY DECEMBER 28 IQ17: ARMIES NEED FOOD; \DONT LET IT BURN I .. L I Planting and Raising of Crops Will Not Suffice; Every Care Must be Exercised Toward tke Prevention of Destruction and Waste ef Ike Food After it is Made aad Housed "Our armies need tood; don't let It born!" is tbe slogan adopted by tba Michigan Conservation Association re cently, and it might well be adopted as the slogan of every association aad every individual In tba country at this Uase. Vast numbers of associations aad governmeat agencies throughout the oountry are argtag every hour tbe growing and conservation of food* stuffs. Tba reports so far from tba Department of Agriculture Indicate aa enormous yield for the year. Bui planting and ralalng crops wIH not floe. Every care must be eaerclsod toward ths prevsnUoa of the dsstroo tion aad waste of ths food after It baa bean made and housed. ▲ few weeks ago a grain etovator la Chicago was destroyed by Sre and with It wheat sufficient to make 60,000,05S loaves of bread. Taking this amouat of bread and estimating the amount of flour used by bakers In making bread, and figuring by the amy Quar termaster Departmeat's allowance for feeding a soldier, this wheat da stroyed would furnish the flret Incre ment of the new national army com posed of 687.000 men In bread for nearly two months. Wherever there is a lire that de stroys a considerable amount of prop erty there la almost always some lack of care or edse a criminal Intent. Ex tremely few fires are "providential." Hundreds and thousands of young men have within the past few months walk ed Into recruiting stations and volun teered to lay their lives at the disposal of the American government to pros ecute this war. To those wbo stay at home it Is but a small effort to put ' forth to practice the eternal vigi lance that will prevent the fires which may destroy foodstuffs, everv I which Is sorely needed •* ihla time ro feed America's soldiers, America sal ! li«>* and America's women and chll j dren who must remain at home and fight the battles that are absolutely I essential to "keep the home fires j burning." 1 Appealing to city and county offl ! rials throughout North Carolina to I Join with the department In lending I aid to a nation wide campaign iiKainst preventable lire waste, Insurance Torn misßloner James U. Young reccmly Is sued a letter which was sent to those officials and to a number of other pub ' IN THE WAR AGAINST WASTE. I Joining other numerous forcet i throughout the nation In the war ' against waste as a helping hand to ■ the country's struggle to "Make the World Safe Por Democracy," one of the largj Insurance companies has !k , sued n bulletin which, it announces, ; has as its object the promoting of | patriotism, good citizenship and the 1 physical betterment of the people. 1 Somo very timely suggestions are I herewith presented from this valu | able paper: : "Give no time or money to selfish : pleasure which can be given In unself ish service to ths nation." "In the name of common humanity j and of oommon sense, let us at once adapt ourselves to the extraordinary war conditions which have come upon us." "Unless extravagance is checked, the nation -will be injurod—people will go hungry and the war will be pro longed." "What a blessing rational eebnomy would bring -to war wore humanity In the present food crisis." "But economy Is not enough. We must produce more, conserve more and every one enlist in the war against wasts" WTshould, we must think. We -muit act. Take la the situation and then as true North Carolinians, true Americans, measure up to the occas lon •* « "0 _ _ have already shown important results, and ts these we now add others. The problem of ssving In food Is a local and individual one, so that mere pre cise and definite rules Just to all can hot be formnlated. It is a matter for ths conscientisus consideration of ev ery Individual that he or she should eat only that which is neoesssry to maintain bodily health and strength and unselfishly to sslsct these food stuffs ths uas ef which relieves inter national necessities. In ibis winter of I*ll lies the period when there win be tested la this groat tree country of aars the guestiea as te whether er aot our people are eoaabls of volaataryj individual seltsaertflce to savs tba world. . " HnmiT noovm. Halted States Feed l todalstrartsa lis spirited sitliena in tbe state. The letter nebs ee-operatlon in the cam pelgn being festered by the Council of National Defence aad which has the MSesst aad Strang co-operation of the Sfatteaal Board of Firs Underwriters aad Is he lag pushed by Insurance Com SBtottoasn Sad lira Marshals all over the aattoa. The campaign also has tbe endorsement of President WU eon, wbo bas issued a statement whleb oonUlas the following paragraph: "Preventable fire is more thaa s private ■totoi tana. It ts pnbllc dero Nation. At a time Mke this of erner ■easy, aad ef manifest neceosity ten the conservation of national reeourceo, It Is snore than ever a matter of deep aad preeelag consequence that every meaas should be taken to prevent this evil." In Commissioner Young's appeal to efflclala he polnta out the fact thai more thaa SIOO,OOO worth of bread stuffs were daatroyed in 'North Caro lina Inet year In preventable fires. In addition npprexlmntely s like amount was Involved In machinery and equip meat in plsnts for the making and handling of breedstuffs. "In this time of emergency," the statement ssys, "less of foodstuffs is total loes. Insurance money collect ed doee not replace the actual food stuffs. Our people cannot eat mopey While our soldiers are preparing to fight tba enemy and our allies are holding out their hands for food the in selves aad tkslr dependent loved ones, It Is tlreason (or our people to allow one thing that goes Into the making of food to be wasted.'' Ths aid asd support of every county and city official and every civic organisation In the state Is urged In this smsrgsncy firs prevention cam paign me fOTnirrl»«4nnpr nenin calls attention to he fact that an expert fire engineer In the service of the depart uient is available at all times for tht training of fire departments for cities and towns and to give Instruction in (ire fighting and Are prevention means. Also an electrical expert stands ready to inspect and correct errors dn elec trical »f|uipment that might lead to fires and serious accidents. The ser vices of these men lis well as the ot lic 0r .. 1 i.,. 1 , O "t () f |} lß department are at the caH of the people of North Caro - Una. AVOID ALL "NEAR ACCIDENTS" Perils Which Cause "Near Accidents" Should, Be Abolished With Proper Care to Prevent Reoccurence. A "near accident" may be defined as a happening.-the nature of winch is dangerous to persons, hut which did not result In injury owing to the for tunate absence of a man from a par ticular spot, or to his quickness, or to the merest other chance, but the recurrence of which is always a peril— a peril which should be übolinßod by proper care. A familiar Illustration of a near acci dent is the rase of a peraon caught be tween two trains traveling in oppo site directions on different tracks, but who escaped death or Injury by lying down between the tracks. There are many other such instances of escaped Injury, inside as well ae outside the ! industrial shops. Tools and materials 1 flopping from scaffolds and roofs, but 1 striking no one. Ladders falling or slipping with men who land unhurt, J vehicles skidding and Just missing pedestrians or other vehicles—all these are common occurrences. These are but few of the many in stances that will suggest themselves to fhe average reader, but In every j instance of this kind there is a lesson from which every one should profit, j "Near accidents" are a fruitful source ! of suggestion, for precautions ,to he observed, and for rules to,be formu-1 lated for the avoidance of dangerous practices. Regrettable as it may be, however, the fact remains' that too little atten tion Is paid to "near accidents." It sssms to require actual accidents to startle us sufficiently. This should not be so. There i« Just as much In- , ft ruction to be had from "near acci-1 dents" aa from actual accident. "Safety I First" work Is a study and prevention I ef accident causes, and It should not | require ths theft of a horse to make jou reoliss the Importance of locking : tbe ham. Oood safety work is seeing that 1 there le a lock on the barn door before 1 the attempt Is made to eteal ths horse. 1 . ■ | Mies Sue Leggett is spending 1 some time in Washington, N. C. GLEAN UP ILL THE SCHOOL HOOSES Schools will open shortly, but now that they are idle an excellent oppor tunity is afforded to have them thor oughly Inspected and piles of old pa pers, rubbish and other litter cleared out and all Are hazards removed or properly safeguarded. Stove pipes and furnace equipments should be in vestigated and all defects corrected, and every method adopted which ■pells proteotion against and preven tion of SrelT The annual average of 629 school houses damaged or da w999 SFxrwie Q -' fa 0 For prices on Steam Dried gfe 3 Fish Scrap g 5 Ground Oyster 35 1 Shells I for [immediate delivery phone $ w , or wr!te a> g E. A, COUNCIL, Morehead City, N. C. jg 999999 999 m RUBBISH HEAP IS A MENAGE TO HOUSEHOLD More fires orlginste In rubbish heaps than from any other source. To permit rubbish to remain In the building not only Invitss a fire to visit your home or place of business, and render your family temporarily home less. or cripplrf your business at a time when'you can least afford It; but you are also permitting the lives of your family or employes to he endan gered. foi A fire not only destroys a quarter of a billion dollars' worth of property each year in this country, but alto claws more than two thou sand fives year. Tlje homo is built to protect your loved ones, and you wap( to STorythlftg to ihsure Ibßolufe pfoteot}o& to tfiWO \ It. % Removal Sale | ¥ v $ We are going to move into our new store Jf about January Ist and are offering reduced ,«Tj, V prices on Ladies Coat Suits © Coats, Skirls, 0 Shirt Waist, ra ,/J ... Misses and Children Coats and Dresses at a reduction. Take advantage pf this oppor- tunity to clothe the entire family at reduced cost. & . { Visit our store and let us show you our bargains in everything. Hp Harrison Bros. & Company l? MAIN STREET w Williamston, - North Carolina §j[ €•€3 C-C-C FARMERS SHOULD USE MORE LIME TO INSURE BETTER CHOPS . I will sell in car load .-lots Burnt Un slacked Lump Lime in bulk 8.18. Burnt Slacked Lime in bags 8.68.' Ground Limestone in bags 5.43. Ground Limestone in bags 4.43.' Kiln Dried Fine Oyster Shell Lime in bags $lO.lB. Kiln Dried Fine, Osyter Shell Lime in bulk 8.68. " " These prices are delivered at .your station subject to a two* per cent discount for cash. To insure deliveries place orders early. W. C. MANNING, • Williasnston, N. C. Si.ou :i \ '*;tr nr Advance stroyed by Are can easily be lowered If a little foresight and caution aro exercised in a thorough cleaning up and Inspection campaign before the - school term opens. It Is to be remem bered that the lives of children are Involved in the necessity of careful ness in this important Item, and no amount of expense or caution should be spared in protecting these little ones against danger or injury by lire. A hint to school officials and Janitors ought to be sufficient.—Fire Facts. That rubbish heap In the store room, attic or basement Is a menace to your household, because there Is al ways a possibility of fire starting In it.and the worst of it Is it may start when least expected. Fire may route you and your fam- Jlly out any night—your wife, children and you may escape and some of you may not—. Just use your tmagir)*- tlon and think what might happen and then get a Rafety first move on you and have that menace eliminated. Tuesday, October 9, Is Fire I'reven tlon Day In North Carolina. That la tbe day Is your duty as a toyal citizen to look carefully four Dremiaes and if there 18 a fclfV h«p there get rlJ of it. ,