Dtvotod tv th* ItkMmt of VUrt'n County in C*Mra! h » iiutanon in Particular Volume 19. Number 45 liational Highway New* Special to Th* Emtmprim* Birmingham, Ala. Sept 1918 .1 A. Roundtree, Secretary of th«- Bankhead National Highway after a two weeks tour through North Carolina and Virginia, in apt cting branch routes of the Bankhead National Highway in those stated and also visiting Washington in the interest Of the Bankhead Highway, return ed home Saturday morning full of enthusiasm over the prospects of the Highway being taken over b? the Government rs a Military road, traversing from Washing ion to Los Angeles, Calif. On September 2nd, Secretary Roundtree headed a pathflnding committee composed of C .1. C. M. Vanstory, Director at-Large, and Col. Bennehan Cameron, Director for North Carolina. W. S. Fallis, State Highway Engi neer of North Carolina. D N. Winslow, Maintenance Engineer of North Carolina, traversed the Military branch of the Highway • from Williamstown. N. C to Raleigh, Henderson and to Nor folk, Va. Tuey also inspected the Naval branch from Norfolk to Peters burg The pathflnding party was most cordially received and an ovation tendered them at vari ous town 3 and cities through which they passed The Pathfind ers were delighted with the at tentions accorded them and the branch routes which they inspect ed. After the pathflnding trip, Secretary Rountree, accompanied by a strong delegation, composed of leading good roads advocates, went to Washington for the pur pose of inducing the Government to pass the Stephens-Bank head Military Road biil to take over the Bankhead National High way, which traverses from Wash ington to Los Angeles, as a Mili tary Highway. The Committee' appeared before Senator John H. Bankhead. Chairman Post Office and Post Roads committee, Senator F. H. Simmons. Chair man Committee on Finance, Sen ator Martin, Chairman Commit tee on Appropriations, Senator Chamberlain, Chairman Senate Military Cohimittee, Congress man Dent, Chairman of the Mili tary affairs of the House. The committee was most cordially re ceived and assurances given that the building of the Bankhead National Highway was feasible and within the perview of the law. After consultation it was suggest ed by the Senators that a special hearing should be arranged Be fore the Military Committee trfid representatives from California. Arizona, New u Mexico, Texas, X)klahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia should appear with maps, data, profiles and estima tes and show why the Govern ment should take over the Bank-j head Highway as a Military nec essity. Senator Chamberlain de signated December 13th as the day for hearing the various com mittee from the States named. It is expected that Commercial Clubs, Automobile Clubs, Bank head local Highway Associations in the various cities along the route will send representatives. The Twentieth Centary Club * 4 The Twentieth Club held its meeting of the season Wednes day Sept. 25th, Mrs Oscar An derson, hostess. The Club is studying The Great War this year and we hope it will prove both interesting and instructive to its members Refreshments x were served by the hostess, as sisted by Mrs Wheeler Martin. There will be no meeting of the Red Cross on Tuesday night, o . Save your country or slave for the Hun. THE ENTERPRISE University of North Carolina News Service ~ I- J The first and second days of Registration of the opening of the Universityof North Carolina this week promises to enroll such a number of students as will tax thecapa'rityofthedormitories and dining hall General estimates place the number expected above the 1000 mark. Tuesday i and Wedneaaay are the days of registration while class work and drill l»egins Thursday. The conversion of the dormi tories into barracks, the dining hall into a mess hall, Memorial Hall into an Armory, the cam pus into a Goverment Camp, and the introduction and substitution of many new courses of study in the curriculum are some of * the most distinguishing marks which characterizes the transition of the University from the old order to the new , With the conversion of the University from a State to a gov erment plant, the military fea ture will naturally predominate. Lieut-Col. G W. S. Stevens, U S. A. will be Commandant in charge, assisted by Capt. J Stuart Allen, a Canadian officer, and Adjutant J V. Whitfield, the latter two being members of last yea 's military faculty. Major C. Towner and four lieut enants, assisting, will also be stationed here as inspectors of the student army training crops units in the South Atlantic States, Every student in the S A. T. C., with a slight reduction in the case of engineering and medical students, will be required to take 63 hours of work a week. 42 hours of academic work and 11 hours of military drill. The instruction will be partly military and partly in alliod subjects that have a value"" of a means of training officers and experts to meet the service. The allied subjects will ordinarily be selected from the following: English, French, German, Math ematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology. Geology. Topography and Map Drawing. Meteorology. Astronomy, Hygiene, Sanitati in, Mechanical and Free Hand Drawing, Descriptive Geography. Accounting, History, Burveving. Economics, International Law. Government and Psychology. The program of study in allied subjects must includes course or courses on the underlying issues of the war. with not more than three hours per week in lectures and recitations The war issues course will touch the fields of History, Government, Econom ics, Philosophy, Modern Litera ture and English Composition With the introduction of the new order of things class lines will be abolishsd. The courses selected will be determined by the age of the student. Former senior, junior, sophomore, and freshman groups have been re placed by groups of 20 year-olds, the 19vear-olds. the 18 year-olds, and the non-S. A. T. C.students. In carrying out this program a strictly military schedule will be adhered to. The first call will come at 6 a m. Taps will be sounndedat 10 p. m. This is the system of all the schools in the State under military control. Hifher Pi ices for Tobacco There has been a marked im provement in price of tobacco recently. Farmers have been requested and urged to go slow in selling their tobacco, by the buyers. The phortage of labor fnakes it impossible to handle the crop in a rush. Farmers should take warning !at the recent depression caused |by the block and the decided rise, just as soon as the buyers •'"cleaned up." You are likely to get a much higher price for the remainder of your crop if you put it in good shape.and market it gradually. WilLiamaton, Martin County, N. C. September 27,1918 Letter From France "Somewhere in France" Sept. 3rd, 1918. Dear Sister The letter you wrote August 2nd. was forwarded and I receiv ed it to day, while it was rather old. Nevertheless 1 was indeed glad to get it tor it was the first piece ot mail 1 have had since I've been on this side. 1 guess you have heard from me several times cince I sailed or at least you have been aware of the fact that I was not in the II S A This is a wonderful country and it is a real treat to be over here and see it for myself and not have to take what some body else may say about it in the fu ture years. 1 am now stationed at a small village and it is a curiosity to notice the difference in the way the people live here and in the U. S. A.I hope all the family are well altyi enjoying Rood health as much as I am. With best wishes and love to all 1 am Your loving brother Jodie, This is a letter received by Mrs. J S Peele. of Everett, N. C. from her brother in France whose address is * Sgt J. I). Woolard, Hq. Co. 316 th. F. A. A. K. F. Red Crou Workers The following ladies have worked in the Red Cross Chap ter rooms thia week on the re spective dates. More workers are needed and are urged to come. The rooms will be open on Tues day night of each week from H to 10:30 and on Friday from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. The allotment for this month is large, and un less all help we are apt to fall short, and that has never hap pened in th« Chaptw If you icannot come to the work rooms make application for home sew ing. You are needed. Sept. 20th Mrs. C. H. God win. Mrs. Peel, Mrs, J. B H. Knight, Mrs Henrv Crawfoad, Mrs. W. R. Burrell, Mrs. A. R. Dunning, Mrs. F. U. Barnes, B. S. Courtney, Mrs. John D. Big#, Jr., Misses Ruth and Ethel Britt. Sept. 24th, Mrs. H. God win, Mrs A, R. Dunning, Mrs. J. D. Biggs, Mrs. Lawrence Peele, Mrs. J. H Rhodes, Mrs, John Hassell, Mrs F. U. Barnes, Mrs. L. B Harrison, Mrs. J. H. Purvis, Mrs. Sallie Biggs, Mrs. J. B. H Knight, Mrs. H M Eure, Mrs. Henrv Crawford, Mrs. B- S Courtney. Mrs. Wheel er Martin Sr Mrs. Cobb, Misses Flossie Tilley, Daisy Wynne, Ethel' Britt, Gladys Ballance, Carrie Delle Blount, Mildred and Vella Andrews, and Miss Thorne. Don't Hoard Gasoline Though the President ha* re quested owners of automobiles not to drive on Sunday, we see lot a of cars flying through the town and country at all hours every Sunday. It only proves that we are a pleasure loving people and doubtless most peo ple who drive cars on Sunday have sortie regard for the re quest and are patriotic but it >would seem that the desire for pleasure overshadows every thing else. Of course most peo ple have been or are going to Church aid expect to be excus ed. It should be impressed upon car owners that there is going to be a great shortage of gasoline and universal stopping of the Sunday driving will >help the war program on the front It seems absurd th it the American people will force the Govern ment to make a direct law again st pleasure drjying, but necess ary. Attention is called to the ct that Harrison Bros. & Co., now have their fall stock of goods ready for their friends and cus tumers. Their ad appears els - where in this issue. Ten War CoMßaadments for the Frencti People and for Our People Pan.- 1 , July 21 —The economic and Micial section of the League of Patriots, with headquraters in Pari.-, 4 Rue Ste. Anne, has distributed a leaflet, urging the Freneti 'o endure without coin plaint iHe restrictions imposed up off ill hi in the interest of their count'v The following is a copy: "(i> Do not forget that we a-e ai >var. In your smallest ex penditures never lose sight of the interest of th® native land "(2) Economize on the pro ducts necessary for the life of the country: coal, bread, meat, milk, sugar, wine, butter, beans, cloths, leather, oil- Accept ra tions. yourself as to food, cloth ing, amusements. "(3) Save, th« products of French soil, lest aome day you deprive your father, your son, your husband, who are shedding their blood to defend you "(4) Save the products that France must buy from foreign countries. I)o not drain reserves of gold, which are indispensable to victory. "(5) Waste nothing All waste is a crime which Imperils the national defense—prolongs the war l "(C)) Buy only according to your needs. Do not hoard provi- j sions: your selfishness raises prices and deprives those of smaller means of things indis pensable to existence. "(7) Do not travel unnecessa rily. Reflect that our trains are, before all, destined for the trans portation of the troops, the feed ing of the population, the needs of our national production. "(8) Do not remain idl?. Ac cording td your age and your ability, work your country Do not consume without produc ing. Idleness is 4p*rtion. ''(9) Accept without murmur ing the privations which are im posed upon you Reflect upon sufferings of those who are fighting for you, upon the mar tydom of the population whose hearths hive been devastated by the enemy. "(10) Remember that victory belongs to those who can hold out a quarter of an hour the longest. "That the world may live, she must be victorious " Sugar Question Again We hear occasional rumors of over charges for sugar, flour, meal and other foodstuffs which are required to be sold at a fixed price. If reported these offend ers of the law will be punished as they deserve. For the benefit of the public we will again pub lisb the price of su^ar: The refiner getsiJc the railroad gets freight of average of 40c per hundred pounds, this makes sugar cost the retailer 9.75 in bulk. In packages it cost about 10.15 per hundred. The retail merchant must sell a single pound for 11c. 2 His. f*,r 22c 3 lbs for 33c, 4 lbs. for 44c and 5 lbs. for 54c. in hulk, carton or cased sgjar 11c. Kvery pound of sugar must go to the consumer with only two profits for hand ling, if one wholesaler buys from another he is not allowed any profit. The proper price for flour va ries some as to grades. The mer chants are permitted to charge *l2O profit for cash and approxi matelv i-2.50 on time. Feeding ihe nation ie one of the jobs that cannot be neglect edand the government has adopt ed this method in order that the strong shall not trod on the weak. _ - We ask the cooperation of both buyer and seller in carrying out this order. The years subscription to the Red Cross for a great many Martin County people expires in October and it will be greatly appreciated by the Chapter if people will renew their subscrip tions at once. The Real Rural Teacher A rural teacher is one: Who knows her work and works her knowledge Who loves the bee in spite of its sting. Who can pat a puppv that be spatters his garments with mud. Who is born, bred and buttered on the farm and is proud of it. Who has originality and lead ership and wishes to develop them. Who not only shouts Long Live the farmer, but who lives with the farmer. Who not only spends his vaca tion in the country, but vacates the city for the country Who not only stays close to but occasionally catches up with it. Who'not only enjoys the fried chicken and brown gravy but respects the method by which they were produced. Who can be generously sym pathetic with nature without be ing patronizing. Who can sacrifice a few man made pleasures for the greater joy of communing with God's great out-of-doors. Who has no time tracing an cestors because he is so busy as cending Who understands that it is foolish to wait for his ship to come in when it has never been launched. Who knows that he must not be over cautious about where he is to land, for he who always looks before he leaps, usually de cides to hunt a soft spot and so never jumps The School News and Practical Education- Confederate Reunion in Oklahoma The county honors its old veterans by giving them a trip to the Confederate Reunion which is being held this week at Tulsa Oklahoma These meetings are always much enjoyed by tlie old Veterans of more than fifty years ago and it is a great pleas ure to the County to send them There are now men in the ranks who are vigorous with youth and are the followers of Foch and Pershing but the gray line is fast disappearing and soon the last follower of Lee and Jackson will sheath his sword to be drawn no more and the last Wound caused liy that dreadful slaugh ter of "01-65" will be healed. Those'attending are C. B. liar rison, James B. Waters, John K. Reddick, David K. Roberson and John Nelson. Meeting for the women of the County On October 7th the Womans Committee of the Council of National Defense, Martin County Division, has its quarterly meet ing in the courthouse at William ston. The business session will be in the morning, then a lunch will be .given to all the women of the county by the a illiamston Unit of Council of Defense and in the afternoon there will be two addresses and the raising of Liberty Loan and War Savings Flags. A large Servic Flatr ih to be given to the. County with a star for each Martin County man in the war In next weeks issue of the En terprise we give a full program of the day and it is requested that every woman in the county attend this meeting if possible. Learn what the Council of De fense is and let it help your com munity. Remember the date. Monday Oct. 7th. Rev. T. F. Carter is at Rid dicks Grove where he is assisting in a protracted meeting there. We hate to lose a subscriber, so remember to send us a dollar if you are behind, the Enterprise has never cut off a customer be fore and it is the great paper shortage that forces the govern ment to make us do it now. Government Army Airship it the Rocky Mount Fair. The Rocky Mount Fair Com pany with the assistance of the Liberty Loan committee of Nash Edgecombe, Halifax, and Wilson counties, have secured one of Uncle Sam's standard observa tion airships for exhibition at the Rocky Mount Fair October 1-2-3-4 The airship piloted by a regular U. S. armv pilot and carrying an observer will leave Langley Field, Virginia at eleven o'clock Tuesday morning Oct. Ist arriving at the Rocky Mount Fair grounds at twelve fifteen Immediately upon arrival the of ficers will give an exhibition flight. The airship will remain on the Rocky Mount Fair grounds untii Friday night October fourth wiien it will fly back to Uncle Sam's aviation base at liangley Field. Exhibition flightH of one hour will be given by the officers each day. These flights will demonstrate what our boys are required to do in the way of fancy flying, such as, Loop the Loop, Tail spin. Nose Dive, Side swings, Lalla paloozing, I'oint Landings, and other dare devil flying that may prove an necessity in time of ac tual conflict when meeting the German tylanes over the fields of France. The United States army air ships are a great deal larger than the regular aeroplanes and for the first time people of this sec tion will have an opportunity of seeing the wonderful Liberty motor pushing one of Uncle Sam's fighting machines through the air at the rate of 126 miles per hour, and carrying an army ob server In addition to the government airship; there is being construct ed on the Rocky Mount Fair Grounds a Y. M. C. A. hut that is an exact duplicate of the huts from which the soldier boys are served in the front line trenches. The hut will be of regulation size, covered with sand bags, camouflaged, and equipped l on the inside the standard man ner. There has just been another load of war relics received in New York which will be turned over to the Liberty Loan organi zation of the Treasury depart-' ment The district Liberty Loan" officials have promised that everything possible will be done to have a train containing these war relics on the side track of the Rocky Mount Fair grounds at least one day during the fair Without a doubt the exhibi tion of war relics and equipment shown at the Rockv Mount Fair grounds will be the greatest ever brought, together at one point in the south. The govern ment has/ilso authorized reduc ed rates to the Rocky Mount fair from practically every town within 75 miles in order to en courage the people to visit the wonderful exhibition. Coastal Plain Fair To the people of Martin County, We are sure you are proud of the exhibits your county has made at the Coastal Plain Fair in the past, and that you will do all you can this year to help your County Apent make them better than ever. The Coastal Plain Fair much yours as it is any of the other twelve counties' that ex hibit here So, let us make our Fair this year the bigger and better than ever, by exhibiting County resources, and being present every day of the Fair- Oct. 29Lh, 30th, 31st, and Nov. Ist, 1918. Special rates on Rail road. Our splendid Premium Book will be mailed you by request. COASTAL PLAIN FAIR, Tarboro, N. C. C. A. Johnson, Secretary, | M. W. Haynes, Asst. Secretary' AtaftiMM will feU ritf Colair)ni«L*toh ICtyts I 30 Martin Coantf HooMt. "■"irt.... jA u9B Willianuton PCTMO al Forrest Boone spent th week end in Farmville. Dave Stalls visited his lild in Farmville last week. J. D. Ray, of Scotland Neck was in town Wednesday. Mrs. W P. McCraw re urned to her home in Tarboro M' .iday. J. W. Watts has been it Bal timore for the past week c : bus iness . Miss Essie Peel left la Fri day for New York City to enter Scudders School for the fa' term Clayton Moore has be n in Charlotte this week on pi Kess ional business. Rennie Lilley, of Jam« ville, was in town Tuesday or busi ness. Dr. Joseph O'Hare, of Ply mouth, was in town this week on business. Miss Sallie Hadley left Vlon day for Battleboro, where ie is to teach in the High Scho. Prof. L. R Lappin of tl • fa culty of Atlantic Christia Col lege, Wilson N. C., was in town last week. Harry A Biggs has >een transferred to Camp Gene, Charlotte, in interest of t' Y. M. C. A. Titus Critcher and Sa; pson Hadley went to Wake rest Tuesday to begin Military rain ing. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rufl i, of Tarboro spent Sunday hen. with their parents Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Britt. Mrs. W. R. Burrell hi re ceived a cablegram fron her husband Rev. W. R. 1 rrell saying that he had landed afely overseas. Mrs. Fannie Biggs, Mrs A. T. Crawford, Mrs. Carrie B. Will iams and little daughter r .urn ed from Black Mountain .\ies day. W. L. Stalls and party went to Baltimore this week for some cars, and they brought fiv Mit chells in splendid shape. Earle Wynne, Walter 0: 3ans, Garland Anderson, Sam 1 .rrell and Joe David Throwe left Tuesday for Durham to tal mil itary training at Trinity Park School. Mrs. P. E. Brown, Mrs. I >rtle Evans, Misses Esther . G J. 'as, Gussie Winstead and Miss Har mon, with R. E. Boberso and Clyde Sewell motored to ' Wash ington Wednesday night ai I at tended a show. The Right Rev. Thorr 9 C. Darst, 1). I)., Bishop of East Carolina, will preach ant con firm at the Church of the Ad vent (Episcopal) on Tt 1 iday evening at 8.30, October 1, 1)18. All are cordially invited I the servicd. Miss Georgia Pearsall o Red Springs, N. C., the music ach er at the Graded School ha had to leave because of the nail number of pupils taking i . sic. The people in Williamstc are always complaining the the school hasn't a good jusic teachtr and when one come they dont patronize her. Miss Pt rsall came here recommened as 13 of the very best teachers in 1 ast ern Carolina and it is . > be regretted that the to\ iis losing her. Shegoes from h 3to Greenvilje. Notice to Business Men t Martin County At the suggestion of T! >mas A Edison, you will please all your letters for the next hree weeks, with the words, ' 'ours for the Fourth Liberty I an." This suggestion has been lopt ed by the Liberty Loan co imit tee and is being sent bro: least throughout the country. You will help the cause aiong i; you will adopt the above plan. C. H. Godwii Chairman of Marti; Co., Liberty Loan Coma, ttee,

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