Prominent Coloted PeopU Wed i ..A party consisting of Cleo An rt vs. Birissia Darving. D and at ;e Gray, and J D Slade "i, ti the Ever, tt fa-ni last Wo- e* i i>. S-'H : t»Ui to wit th- iiiarriagenl Ni-.i Milliard '■'! Alii" l'asctnor«, ut 3:00 'iiud.. A'tt'i t »>o oremony .•iiii'h v> a.-? |ifr formed I»v Rev. G.. fin piety left for ; M-ky \li-uot atit fit m there to 'ichmomi and other interesting oirt* Hi ia. R :> ii«'l l v A'» ti Browne >ROI-KSMON u. cards us. 11. Sauiukiv )\. 1). ItyMCMi • iiO ii.' •:i\ phone M Ni»iii WilluunsiM . N V 11. t- \V «| '.-I • ■ ■ . . »rs. Warren vV kl,>do , V •* * Physicians aiici Niri»»'"«* ■ , 1 1 i - i n iugh B. York. V*. iJ licroscopy, Electrotherapy. X >iay, IhaKnusis, Sp«'«-t;»ltir 'lll Oil iSIIIII!'» I 1 *'• !• •• ■Hire lioiiii*. sU» ♦ • * . *«• v. « •»* 1 Vtfcr * • !.••»•» M > P. B. CONh Dentist. Office over Farmers :md Mer iHtits Bank Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to ft hone No. 9 Res Phone No. 166 )r. R. L. Savage ■ Rocky Mount will be at the tlantic Hotel fourth Wendnea ly in each month to treat dis hes of the EYE, EAR. NOSE id THROAT and FIT GLASSES R. Dunning Clayton Moot* DUNNING & MOORE Attorney'• and Councilor* At l-a*' Office® in the People* Bank Building > lliamflon, N. C. Phone 135 ! A. CHITCHEH H. I). CRITCHER CRITCHER & CRITCHER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ! AIN STREET PHONE 77 Williamston. N. C. heeler Martin Wliecler M/utin, Martin & Martin Attorneys-at-Law '• illiamston - North Carolina 'PHOKK 23 S. J. Everett Attorney-at-Law I ecu-rille, N. C. ■ Williuniton, N. C fJrecnville Long Distance Phone 328 J. D. SLADE } mlertaker and Licensed Embal mer ! iymouth, - N. C. \ *ione 37. Williamston, N. C l)r. E. N. GORDON Veterinarian (. ills answered day or night. )f --t e phone (day) 196, Residence I lone (night) 167. J. E. POPE Notary Public t ffice: Martin County Sav ings \ Trust Company All Ready We now havo in stock «a new and complete line of Mens Clothing, Shoes and Hats. Ladies ready to-wear consisting of Dresses, Coats, Coat Suits, and a line of up-to-date Ervin Drew Shoes there are none better. Our cleri cal force is ample to serve all who may come, and our stock will not disappoint them. You try us. J.L.Hassel & Co. Everything for Everybody Williamston, N. C. Oh You School - -*—* • ; - - , „ @Oi I.HI. C VJ 1 ' " (> j- ir RUTENBERD & ABLER W illiamston's Shopping Center.- Next to Biggs drug store Littleton College Hot water Imai, electric lights .iikl other modern improvements. 37th annual session will begin September 25th ..rite for new illustrated cata log; also for particulars concern ing our spe inl oiler to a lew girls who cannot pay our catalog rate. Addtm M RHODES, ljttlrton, N. C. FARM FOR SALE The John A Purvis Farm ad joining Jule Purvis Farm near Spring Green, 175 acres, 8G cleared; high fertile land; good residence; 3 tobacco barns; good stables; new tenant house; one red mule; all stable fertilizer, one-half barrel paint. This farm is five miles from Everett, five miles from Robersonville and five from Hamilton. Good Farm Splendid locality. Apply to E. A. CLARK, Everett, N. C. Tires made blow-out-proof by using the "Red Innerslui." Ask tor our guarantee bond. C. D. CAM™ 8 CO. Williamston, N. C. We arc sole agents for Martin County , FOR SALE on ten years time Nine Farms one mile and a half from Speed, N. C. 24 aeres to 90 aeres B. F. Shelton, Speed, N. C. James Pender, Tarboro, N. C. 3 Autos For. Sale 1 have three automobiles which I desire to sell; a ' Ford, Chevrolet and an Overland. Write to U. S. HASSEbL I ■ I"JAMESVILLE, N.C. fpp" ~ F' • " Thank You Wc wish to say to our friends and customers that we most heartily thank them for the loyal patronage they have given us in the past, and to say further that while past patronage is ap preciated, we feel that the way * we have handled sales and the priees we have gotten for your tobacco warrant us in asking - for your future sales. Should you at any time feel like you did not get the full value for every pile of your tobacco sold on our floors please let us know just as soon as the sales are over so that we can adjust the matter satisfactorily with you before you leave our house. Our prices are good on all good high grades and if you will come to see us and bring us your tobacco we will do our best for you on all grades. So bring us your next load and we will hold the Brick Warehouse up to its standard of service and high prices. s Brick Warehouse W. A. JAMES, Manager.,