The Enterprise A Oownty Newspaper published ! weekly at the Coiiuty Seal of j Martin by %. C. MANNING. Editor & KJ w uef j SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year >' oo Si* Month* - -Soj 1 hree Month* • t JS Strictly Ct>h in Advance r.alfir«l at ihf I'oM offiff hi WtlUltirto'i, | N C at Srfond Cl»»» Mull Mitlrr Address all Communication* to THE ENTKRHKISI.. Willlaraaloii. IS I. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 FL'IS' No Peace Yet We hope that no attention will] be paid by any of th«_* AI lied 1 -iwers to any peacu proposals t .at. may be made liy tornianv | I ;t liuigariu, let Turkey, lei / ustria be heard They have un Miowinßly, unconsciously arid impulsively been in war at tin t riding and under the promise of the German Kaiser. I'ut them en the road to honor and better King, help them to become bet t?r people Hut Germany, see her tleeing vith her whipped army carrying her all of the civil popula tun and burning the cities, t .wns and villages behind her. > o never let her sit at any Conn r.l of Peace, she hts llouted her i . iolence at and shown her dis r for honor of our llaKUe ( unventions, now let tier sit in t e criminals bar and reeeiv at 1 nds of civilized people such I nishment as murderers, loot traitors and beasts deserve "'ink i.f a nation asking for i ace and at the same time in flating the most horrible tortures i on the weak and helpless who I ippen to be in iheir grasp. Let no peace be made until eery soldier in all the allied ar n ies is permitted to Ireely Ira v rse every foul of Cierman ter ritory and begin to wipe out e '['lastingly that German spirit, G.nnanv sees what is ti'iead of hr in the coming seige, and lets d -n't show it to her at long din* t»..ett., Make her sutler as she 1 .« made otberd, but in a ei*ili i j way. ltwu.d.l take f dlcently, and I am alraid tier 11• j iiy will not be able to get her i ie deserts. "America's biggest shell load ii .? plant is gone. There are other p'Hiits in operation. Still others unJer construction Work at. all ti.ese is seriously retarded by la -k of labor. The Ordi nance Department states that the immediate shortage in exist in*- munition &mtH is one hun dred and thirty-nine thousand Ufikilled laborers Thoonlv way to nuke good the loss in shells, st> that it shall not injure not in jure Freshing s men, is to till! tl . labor shortage at once The requirements of men from State \vl tax your utmost efforts. TVy can be filled only hy getting I rr n from non-essential employ- ( m Community bailor Hoards i p.ast expediate c.milling non-es a'ntial employments and repktc-, in? men by women. Make clear to the jieople in vour State what is t! eir duty in this hour. Ame i c; as are not afraid, either in the ti mches or at the post of daa g r at home. To the Mills, F actorles, Cot ti.. and Tobaceri Dealers, all Cor fu atlOns and business Houses in N irth 'C&rolina, ""hte President of the United Stales andtheCTftVemOf of North C-.nlina have by proclamation dvlaTed Saturday October 12th, «• Holiday.* ' - r ■■■•' ■"- On behalf of our Libprry 1/rui workers T~appPal tff you to ob serve bhiitd*?-, and to *»» m* your your time and-the time of your #,4ployees to the securing of sub- to liberty Loan 3 i >nda._.. uUj( ... u Jbo . ... . ,Xb? taqk bpfoj-eus is thejjjfeat eii» financial proposition any .Na tit n ever, undertaken- to .in, three shot*.,w?ek&, SIX DpL}>AliS. O? HQNp&jt seems impossible, bi»i haye, ne vel vet, found § 4 task too big, fyr c th v fn.,,. u „. i'.i,, ~, n -..j.-Mwth .is „ v , ; . r . , , , .the unanimous support of our Everybody must help— evOTyv body must buy a bond. t Busy? Yes, 1 know you are busj. So are our boys in pursuit ■ m 'f qpi ii u uf the Qirmani.They havg glvtn' up everything at home, they are enduring hardships, and many of them are laying down their lives for us. Can we be too busy to nive just one whole day for them? Two things we must do; First, see that North Carolina goes far "Over the Top " Second, make sure that the great mass of our people show their loyalty bv buying bonds. There musl be "A HON I) IN EVEKY HOME " The Tick it Here Yet A. Why? Hecnuse certain live stock owners have not cooperated with us in building dipping vats m their neighborhoods.l refer specially to Hamilton, Poplar Point and Goose Nest Townships in the upper part of the county, and AngetoAoi in the lower part I lipping of stock in vats is the liesi method of getting rid of neks If, however, it is impossi ble to get help, or the expense of a vat is too great for the num ber of cattle in the community, then arrangements should be made to spray them. To do this properly a stock pen should be built the size depending on the number of animals to be handled with one end leading into a nar row chute, 2H inches wide, the posts bein H feet apart This chute can be built to hold from 1 to I cattle. The panete of chute should be of hoards riot more than (i inches wide, the nar i ower they are adds more to the is" of spraying Where the ma i»'rial isou hand achute can be had fow hour?, so that no one can be excused for not being prepared for the next dipping season, nhich commences April I 1010 As I will be absent from the County for a month or more, Louis 11. Peel will be in charge, and should h consulted right now with reference to the huilifing of vats or chutes Ills phone number is l.'i.'CI 1 ■ •!-, Williams tun. .Jo.-iepb t I'll are. Messrs. A- U. Ouiming, .lohn i.'uok, Tom Conk, H'.'OIN Craw rT ' IvidtT Cr.iwf.ord and Jim let i J'm'sday for Camp Point on the house boat. They expect to lie about ten days on the trip, the weather is ideal for hunting and tlie prpspects are g.iod for a heavy bagging Notice Having t|ii.ihhp(f upon 111 * I I *lill * ••»;%«».* ilrrtHtHfil , Notice- i H >'i\tii It# all pctmoi lit'l lnif; t l.i'ius t mi'.i I'M iic t«» prt-st'iii lliion t* tin- »iinU i for |>.i\nii*nt mi to IM I.MC tin* iliiv of foil t!ii«i ttoivc will hv j. Ilillhitt »f \ »• 11 . SI.. All |-n i L» Mill Kstnlv ii.t.- HMjiit stf«l t.Voimlf liiinit tli.ili* pay 11. ••lit rills pah . \t | S«'| >1 fl n I »t* r, |tjl s J It /' / II M\iii,iii. ISO TICK i|ualtit'(l AS I xeculoi u|h>OU tin* l 4 .h|nl«' Mil ih Uiowii ilft fasfil, Notice i • ht'i' l»v f ivi'ii I . .ill j K* i s*iis licl c iiitv - i vol l««»tnti' tt» pi client Uu in to the for p.o uient on w htOoro thf »I «!MV t»f Sept lwig or iiiilu o will l»t* pleml In fore the bur tif their recovery \ll peistm nulebtetl to sail Instate ate letpieste 1 to make iniineillale pft) - merit. VWn 'Ji tlay of Sept. lt|iS. W V. Oriiioml, lt»-.| Uxfcutor. Littleton College; O >i walor l»«-;#t v , olcetiiii lights ,i ii J oiUtN' inedci'.ii uopiovvuvents. t ijlh .intisg>sf«M| will begin September *sl h. ..iitc foi ii.'w itlnxfr;itt v d (\if.l - p.TRTV lit.'n s o>ncc*to ,'ilt( oui S'pc» M-l (illi'.l lo ti Irw virK U 1'M,1,.111|10l J>JV OUR, T ,IL .I|J% I .01 J Nt HI lUIH-S. Lmlclqn, N. C, FARM FOR Si The.Johi'vA. Parvls_»r.;:m 11 • joining dole Purvis !•'. mi n Spring tireen.' I7 r > es, 'cleared; high iVrtiN 4 'TA!ii J 1 r' * residence; *.5 tdliiicfO Imrir ; giii*>d stables;'new tenant house; t*«l 'nhile'r oil stuble fertilizer, one half barrel oaint.-This farm is five miles from Kverett, five miles .from.vKobersonvilie .'and five from Hamilton. Good Farm SptlfndidJpcaJity, u , Apply to Leslie Fowden • Everett, N. C. Dr. G.C. Godwin PHYSICIAN Dunning tk Moore • Former Office# Liggett Building TeUphonet No. 161-2 and 161-^ NOTICE IlnvinK (|imlifii*l «» Ailniiinstrntri* lip on the Hstatc of Delln Th«.iii»» itece«»e'l Notice u herrl.y iiwen lo *ll per»Mlt( , holiliiiK cUiinn «»i»lti«t MO.I K»'ac to j present tlieni to the imiletxiynerl for pay ment oil or tiefor.t the itup ■»f Sept 1919, nt thim notice will 1* [iUm'l in tie bar of tbe'f iecov«v. All J rt* * fto 11 h 111 fie * t t-*l to M'll'l K-'lite g me f«fjne*tefl t-. n» inline.linlf pay ' , men t. 1 Thin 9111 .li> of >■ (■• 1 1»(H 1.1/.7.1R THOMAS 'I Ailllli* NOTICH I North CaroliiiH Mttrtuj County This i* to notify all creilitom and the |>iibll«' that tile Watl» (Jatnije, ' it* liunine s at Willi»m»loti, N. C . .>ni pone.l of I!. K. liarnlutt Wheelei M irtin, M«'. I> M'llilev, II 11. Ci.wen «!».I J W Watt!,, limh >ieen>lveil , >* 11.1 H | llarnhllt lb the aiitr nwnei of the W.itls j | now. and licit II H. Ilainbill is j ! ri:h|M>u»ible for (ill the 'lelits uf t he l.usl j 1 j nesN. J W, WHIIS H. k. llarnhill, 11. 11 Cowen, Mr. It Mohley, Whreter Miir ill Money to Loan On keal Hstate From One Thousand lip For Five to Ten Years Critchcr & Critcher H. P. BUNCH Agent For Carolina Metal Shlnj^lch Willian . N (' Phone 17t) , .VTrs. JVl attic ' pdltr I>o.ilir lti 1 IlilNliWAl. Ml WIIAMIIs Also a full In e of wall paper. 1 h .i,»* \s 1111 .•«»>>• 1 . .1. IN ' Skcwarkcc No )0 i Skewurkee Lodge N'o. !K), A. IF' & A. M., nieetu ever> -ecotnl ! and fourth Tuesday innht. 01 l o'clock. ,\Ol ICI: llnviiiK qiiatili.'il ih h.!in 1 11 if-ti»ii>i up ! nil tlie Kslule til Mi l Saltie iy ileceas-.l Nutict* is hriil»y i'i\.*u t.» a'i peisoiis Kulntf to nreaenl litem to the cil for |..iyiiKut on 01 liefore the V't of j Septeiulivr 1119 or this notice «i!l ti. (ili-n.l in bin ol 1 licit recovery. All peimiiii, iiiilebti'il to s'ii'l Ksllil. mo reipienteil to tinike iniVtieilinte pm nietrt I This ilay of Sepl 191^ S, W. MANNINi; j in 11 v Notice North Ciirotinn, I Mm tin County. In The Snjierior Court I lleforr The l ler k . Huteka l.unibei tiy, Petitioner V» I J M t'.reen, James SheppHril, A. I». Iliiilley. (1. A. I'eete, C. ii. Iliutisou, Hli Kolierson, Wheelet Kovers*>n, J. II.J l.«Kt;elt, H W. i,CKKrtt. J. 11, Whilaket, I A Rocltuck, J. K, Duvenpoit, J \V Clmuncev. N. A Howell. I'totUv KvroMte, J A liritt'nu . Anroti Mt/ 01. To WhOtii it Miiy Onuoerti: The iMiitiys alKivtf nanic.l, ami all others interested, will take notice th*t 011 the jKtli, day of June. IqiN thealiorv II allied ]>etilicmer lilc.l n petition 111 the office of the Oletk of the Sujierlor Court of Martin Count?, N'oilti CarnllM.i, to tiHve the tillfl to cetuiu lauds ilieiein cleßCj-il>e«t, regislercil ami conlimttd pursuant to ChtMitef t'uhlic 4vaw» i f lyi hh HiiU'tHled unit that mi 111,111 011 j. has been issueit, reiniuilliU- 1 nt■ • Mie ol fiie of rile Cterk ol tlie Snpei ioi Coin of County, 01 ilic .la, .1 August tijlS. wliU'b s ii.t retu 1 1 .li li »- by suppWuieiital nr lrt neitiu, li tl . : 1- timieitto the i-tttl Xiv of (ti-f .'tin 1j I S at two o'clock in >tir ..iti i iimn 01 liiml is Ujuuiletl as 1 II ims T'lrst tfact : ttoutu*! it on ' lie No."ill li> the. hi nils of). H I, I'-.i', ,vli Hi Unsi ami Soiulicnst t>\ Tmi.'- \• 1 iteiO Orais SwrtWipi, iV( ti:o .ViCli K- ■K. ivfc j l.nultier C.ompau 1 immliJ _\\' t,|i.| . t -\ on the Smith** l m nii«l ii\ .'l'm '«• s I Creek, J ohes fuii k'aiiil 1 itm I taiu-tiiiK >,u >ie tr -4-~ . •. : - I Secon 1 1 .. ■ on tlu- N1 I. ! nint Ni'" In 1 l.'v i', A I'. ei C Ii ! Ilnrrlsoi v. ti.l I oe«rM>ll mil W'lM«,le l 0.1 tin Hisl by Jinn s Sli |i j.piriV, 011 tlli'HJ. V.lntisl by A.'!' 1 lift l*«-x lll«.\>'\:t'., .A. IVell c.l/ill,.ll,)|i> •>S ac re • riliriT if rf : Uoiiuiti'il riu tliV- North"ltv \ >\ iron M.tcil, On the Hys'. hv.J 1 ir t- j ,011 1 lii; MHIIIi b) I A llntU 11 j iln'* W 'J A.'iS'iOlii'cnn.t Oi!- j' -uIU tl» Hjaiufi . U |„. ~i,. |i Which sunt latnls Hre more fully iti-j 'j si'iiherl, hy inelts nil bouiuls, in the r petition uuii pup fijetl therewith; unit ; tlu-' adjoining lanif OWii'ers aVe' those hvfeinabove uaiuivi , . ~.. Notice is >;iven that ujiou the return | day Of s'atd suulliiOns,' as tiovf filed by this Supplemental order, to-wit,, Octo ber 14th, IQIS, petitoner will ask that 'die tattie be Vefefrefl to »tt' Hx«tntnef of r Tales, and. that, iia , Ue. be TexUUred ami confiruieit. Giveu umler twy hand aifrt 'Official, teal, this 19th day of August, 191 K. R. J. Peel Clerk of theSupeiiir Court of Martin County. K- 13-*- 8 wk»._ i J! JS * 11 - A- 1 !-■ Ur- UUiJ-l - , We Carry at all Timet a Complete Stock of Metalic and Wooden Burial Caskets Latest Designs ANDFRSON, CRAWFORD & CO. •' r '"V-'«♦ (L' ' i ,w ill - , HAHNISON Mil COMPANY |i Robi. (I. Harrison Ceo. H. Harrison 11 ! { Selling your tobacco on the jj f| Williamston market means that you are getting every jj U penny it will bring. When in r , town he sure to visit our music store and look at our Pianos. J I Victrolas, etc; they are the ! finest made and our prices jj are right . IH.M. HMRMMMK :i Jin **£s 1 Next to post office Williamslon j Jl . ~ ■ —.r ---- --5 -- XT-TT. 3 , T'-'J h«ke: - mmmtmmmmmammmammmm WBtts Garage The Only Authorized ney in Williamston. We carry a Complete I Stock of (icnuine Ford l\trfs Storage Batteries Repaired and Repaired Your Repair Work will Receive Prompt Attention Here We Sell !' *ick, Ford and Saxon Cars Phone 2M 1 Williamston, N. C. d THE BANK THAT LIVES UP TO Jr I • • '• "••• ITS POLICY 8 u[>6*ll I'victl y the sann\ l\w>ring entitled ,ta. allthe service wc can ii l'sTftllrV(J^ic iin ' ' mens atfairs. t ' l ' s ( ' s atiif mce \iuir reijuirettients ro the tv lest ilenrce. You may, be sure will he tloiii" coriiiaflv mild thi'tftuHy: There IS a'difference in banks rhe Rirtiiert!'& is' the progressive kind--welconiing .. Farmers aod Merchants Bank jNIIN JVfilOlliS.'PTrfi'detTf' .* R, 1 (), IFAIi-R-ISUN, Cashier - C. I».'CAfcSTARPHEN.-VwPre*... JLHKRTAsst. Cashier. " R. W. SALTSH-URV.-V-'PreSv•" TURN-IS R T GRIMCS, Asst. Cashier -C.'ft.'CARSTA'RPHKN','Jr.B H»kk«crH » «i ALMA,SPARKS. Swnpgrapher •«*«««»•. u l„. «. M u „ V —a- ' x ' ' *- f * Flowers For All Occasions . on Short Notice Especially For Funerals I Represent The Hammond C'i . Ru hmond Mrs. Maftm. RIK kv Mount W. H. GURKIN Williamston. N C I Used Autos FOR SALE I I We have seven used Ford ears for sale at reasonable prices. These cars have been thoroughly over hauled and are in good condition. See Koine Biggs S. R. Biggs Motor & Iron Works J We Sell Your Farm, City or The Atlantic Coast Realty Company Produces Quick and Profitable Results Our butinesi is sftHrlc fnrtti, citv »nd suhuitaun property by auction—that we know lurnr is rui|>batr/eil t>v the letter* of (ipprecUtion we receive from «*ery one o( our client!. We Subdivide and Sell at Auction All Kinds of Prop* qrty With Satisfaction to Both Buyer and Seller. CVrnVplctclrfpiippetl with -in •tiirient corps of publicity rxperts, accurate energetic acltoiiccrs ami talcs force. Our methods have won tlie, confidence ol %tie puhlic. l/'ritt for our rtprtitniatn* who will tome to you authori-zsJ to ait. Iff will submit you a liberal central t. trt Ruaranttt safiifattion. Our hookkt txplaiving our mtthorls will ht srnt upon rryuiit, FARM SALES OUR SPECIALTY TERRITORY UNLIMITED ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY The Name that Justifies Your Confidence PETERSBURG, VA. OFFICES GREENVILLE, N.C. Reference; Any Bank in Petersburg, Va. or Greenville, N. C.

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