The Enterprise I A County Newspaper published weekly Ht the C tiiity Seal of ; Iftflftii l-»y W. C. MANNINC. I Itur y> I m " SUBSCKIPri> KATES I One Year f> °° p| I Six Month- -V> j| f Three Month* '5 Strictly Culi » \dvancc * Kltertxl at the Po*t «t William r :I|* K.C Hr s AMnu all Comi nlcatlon* to THE ENTIi RISE, Willlam*t> N_ C. II FRIDAY, OCTOBEK - L ;,LH ific 1 Not* -• Having qualified executors upon the Rstate of Isbnine! ■ .ma' . ileocnwil; Notice i* hereby t ,|x 1 ' "" I" 1 ul H ' hoMing claim* hk"" si "' l ''.~laic f| pre»cni theui to 111.- i.i.lersin.H-1 fm |f payment on or liefon tl« 3" 1 ' 1 '' M 1,1 September, lyl'j, ot ll • notice will be i ] pleal in.lmr of tteir t very. All persons indebl «■> N »i' l hstale arc requested to mad in till «l i /»l« pay- Bient. This joth day of Si J■ uttwrr. I'*•s --j H. '/ II ll)man. NOTh li Havingijiialfietl a*. 1 > ,|1 " 1 til""' 11 ~IC EaUte of Klij»li B' '«" •-'—l N"H"' la hereby given to "1' ' i'"* liml Im ' l ' clalHis against *»»'' l ,||Krtl 1 them to the undersi,, I b>r piMiieitl on or beloro the 21 di> • ' Sept notice will be J>leii'l ore lb- !"' "• their recovery. All person intlelili I" " ll 1 M lU ' are requested to nial> 11 mi It ii« )"J --ineut. This J1 (lny of Sep! is \' ( >1 11 It Hlll, 104 r, \ t PROFESSION CARDS Jos. H. Sauiu'' is, M. I). Physician an Surgeon Day phone f»«J - >l't I'hot ' Williamston N. ( Wm. K. Warren ! ■ S- K holer Drs. Warren /> Kliudo Physicians an surgeons Office iu Uikigs Prtig ! ' 7 Hugh B. Y. k, M. I Microscopy, Elei 'horapy, X- Kay, Diagnosis tecialties Office on SinlthwirV rear Mount lUc Office hours, Kto u> 1 7•"' I* Offi ?'phone 60 phone 6J Dr P. B. "ONE Denial Office over Far l and Mer chants Bank. Hours St to l'J til Ito 6 Phone No. !) Res mne No. lf)C> Dr. R. L. Savage of Rocky Mount II be nt the Atlantic Hotel foi ii Wentities day in ■ mon! 1 .0 treat dis eases 01 tn«.' K\l.. ' w\R. NOSh and THROAT ami .T GLASSES A. R. Dunning Inylon MOOIT DUNNING vIOORE Attorney'» sntl Com «»*■* Al Law Oilier* in llir People Builtlm# Williamflnn. N. C. Phone 135 B. A. CKITt'IIKK "T" n. CRTTCTTER | CRITCHER & iIITCHEK | ATTORNBY \ t KAW MAIN BTREKT I'HONK (7 Williamnto? l , S. Wheeler Martin Wi.-eler Maitiiu, Martin & Vlartin Attorneys-^ 1 Law Williamston - I.orth ('arolino •PHONI. S. J. ere 11 Law Greenville, N. Cr V• i liaittalon. N i Greenville DU. urc Phone D. S) A 1)K Undertaker and 1. i used Knil>.ti mer Plymouth, - N. C. Phone Wii aMisl«iii, N. C FARM FOI SALE The John A Pur . : s Farm ad- I joining Jule Purvi Farm near I Spring Green, 17r acres, 8(! | cleared; high fertii j land; good 1 residence; 3 tohacc; barns; good i stables; new tena'i- house; one I rtid mule; all sta. e fertilizer, HiPOd-balf barrel pai t. This farm | is five miles from Everett, five S miles from Robei • 'nville and I five from Hamilto:> Good Farm I Splendid locality. I Apply to , Leslie Fowden | Williamston, N. C. SPANISH INFLUENZA RAPIDI V SPKHAIIIMI Persons Weak and Rundown Easy Victims-Fortify Younelf Against it by Takinp Tanlac. According to late reports issu j ed by State and Federal health j authorities the Spanish Influen za epidemic F rapidly threading to all parts of the country, and j it now seems that practically every State in the Union will be seriously affected before it runs] its course. It has not onlv become a great! ami terrifying n»"tiace to the public health, but unless check ! id, ii i- apt toti-ri u.sly effect the profit.-ii'l A'ai v\urk in all its: viii ion-;- departim nt.s. Already , the Shipping Hoard has announc-! Ed thai ten pi r c'ni ot its work j ers had been afT• tied The li -rase ha • made its great [ est progress in lli• Mast where it has claimed its victims by the thousands Reports from other, sections, howevei, are equally | alarming; and both civil arid mil-1 itary authorities have warned the public to take every precau tion tn prevent its further .spread. In many citie schools, churches! and theatres have been closed} and public gatherings of all j kinds furbiddi n. Medical aullloiiiies agree thati people who an- weak and run down are victims of the Influenza | idemic. If you find yourself tired, weak and los ing llesli, or il \ou are in a gen ! erally rtiruiown condition, or it | you catch cold easily this warn- , ing should be heeded promptly, j You are reallv in great danger, because the germ of this disease is very catching and you are apt to'fall an easy victim if you j come in contact with the germs, j People who ale well and strong! are not liUel\ to contract the di I sease because they are able to throw it oil'. The common-sense way to keep from taking it is to fortify the system against attack ; bv building up tiie constitution. I In other words t« use the old ■i'iai;e, "An ounce ni prevention i , . e "lie! re " And a you at in .aal 'on dition the proper thing to do is \ to begin immediately to build up your powers of resistance. To 1 accomplish tins, nothing on earth i will strengthen \ou and build you up like Tanlac, the powerful re-, constructive tonic, which con-j tains the very elements needed j by the system to >.• ive you light- \ ing strength and ward off the influenza germ First off all Tanlac begins its' action by creating a girt® healty ; appetite t'oi wholi■■•oinejnourish-i ing feotl. and assi-is every organ 1 of the body to perform its natu ral functions, thus helping to build up health and strength in the natural wa>. Tanlac is also the ideal streng thening tonic for persons who are suffering from the afteref fects of Influenza, Grippe or. Hi iiirclTTal troubles aTid hundreds j of thousands are using it daily, with the most gratifying results, j In connection with the Tanlac treatment, it is necassary to keep the bowels open by taking Tan lac l/axative Tablets, samples of which are included with every bottle of Tanlac It is also im portant that the every day rules of hygiene be observed; that is. sleep in well ventilated rooms, get plenty of fresh air and exer cise and keep nwa> from crowds. Tanlac-ra' sold in Williamston exclusively by Dr. l\ night; in Hassell by the Salsbury Supply Co. and in Rohersonville by Can non's Pharmacy. lUo.(KH) Karly Jersey Cabbage ' Plants ready. 5o per M , East I Side Farm. .J. F. Holliday, Williamston, N C WK send laundp every week. llt must be in by 12 oVlo.'k on each. Wednesday, or wait a i week. Oscar Anderson | -t-wks. ■ i ■■ ■ mmmrnmnmm i ■ ■■ ■ ■ Littleton College 11 it Wiiter heat, electric lights dud otlir modern improvements. ill annual session will begin .September 25th • » ntc for IUVW illustrated cata log; also for particulars concern ing our special offer to afew girls who cannot pay our catalog rate. Addieu j. M. RHODES, Littleton, N. C. - ,\- t t Dr. G. C. Godwin PHYSICIAN Dunning Moore'o former Office* "TJvjirtt Tl'aiding (elfplione* No. I'll -2 and 161 J NOTICE I Noith I arolina M-ittin County J This >s I" notify nil creditor* aud the public that tin- Watt* Garage, doing it* bum ■ s lit Williarnaton, N. C., cotn ! pooed of I', k lUnibill, Wheeler Martin, J Mi-. P. Miblei, H 11. Co wen and J. W. I Watts, has Ineii ili*» >lved, and B. K. Rarnliill is thr sole owner of tlie Watt* j (fara);e fiow " ail thai 11. H. Barnhill is ! responsible l'«r all the debts of the busi ! M'-S* |. W. Wats 11. R. n'■ rll !■ 111 II 11. (Jiiwriii Mr. li. Mobiey, Win fit i Mar hi Money to Loan On Ileal Kstate From One Thousand Up For Five to Ten Years Critcher A Criteher H. P. HUNCH AKent For Carolina Metal Shingles ! Williairiston. N. " Phone 170 h Mrs. Mattie Speller Donlur In OHNHUAI. MKKCHANOIS Also a full line of wall paper, i hoM \s wiiiiiiin«»i.on, Pi c Skcwarkcc Lodge I.'j.flO . Skewarkee Lodge No. 90, A. jF*& A. M. p meets every #m>i4 and fourth Tuesday night at H I o'clock. NO I ICK | ll,i\iiu; 1111 .1 il ti• -i) .is Ailininis. li.ilol n|n in l lie 1". St. it i' i>l J oil a A. Hcillirtl ilci c.isril ; Nutiii' is lii'ii liy jjivt'ti l>> all jutsoii* l u>lll •.» I i l.iiid . against said Kstalr In |>i «• - I -I :it tlk in tn t lir 11n«1«-rsivrn»"«! '"i I j>i v mint iiii mi In fuic tin* iStli l,i\ i a t l.'tnlior |i)ii)iit 111 ». notice will In: plead in liar of their rr | i 11 \ «•i y, All prison i nili' I d 'il t«i s.iiil I'.s. j talc aif 11111 i st il l" make iin 1111-111,i1 1* |si v nunt l ilts iSt Ii il.i vi il '•rt'nlicr, 11|J S \V It Hrn net t ■ Ail ill t nisi i atui lot J.ilin A Hen net I 1 (i.t j. i:. pope Notary Public ' »Hit «•: Martin County Savings \ Trust Company Notice , Not 111 Carolina, Martin County. In The Superior Coiut Before The Clerk. Kiuekn I,umbei Coi.tji: nv, \ Petitioner Vs ]. M. litceu, James Sheppnrd, A 1). Hadley, C.. A. lVele, C. il, liariisoti, s Eli Roberson, Wlieelt t Ronerson. I H. I I.eKgett II W. t>ggett J. II Whitaker, . 1 A Kii buck, J. R, liavenport, J \V ! Chauiieey. N. A Rogerson. tie hi A j i Unwell, I'.nette Kverette, J. A. t'.i dti I ! Aaron Mi/.ell. Notice and Summons: To Whom ii May Concern: The parties above named, and all ] ■ others interested, will take notice that on the 28th, day of June. IqiH theatiove 11.lined petitioner filed a petition in the otlice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to 1 i have the title to certain lam's therein described, registered and conlirtliid j pursuant to Chapter go Public Laws i f I lyi.t, as amended, and that summon? j lias been issued, returnable into the of 1 fire of the Clerk ot the Superior Conn , 'fi( Martin County, in the JMh dav of | August lyiS.'which said return day has ' j In supplt'iiieittnl order herein, been con I mined to the i4lli dav of October, 191.N . .it two o'clo.'k in ihe afternoon Sain j l.iud is bjuilded as follows: , •I First iract: Bounded on the Noith 1m | the lands of J. 11. I.wgett, 011 tin K>s. land Southeast by Turkey and l!i i: Grass Swamps, on the Eolith liv KuieUu j I I.nnibi r Conip:ii|y and J. W. Cha>"ci) 'j on the Southwest and West b I >1 s I Cieik Jmnes K -rlnick and 11 j If using ,VSO acres. iveoiui trie-t: l!outv''d 011 i'.i,- NOl Ii ... 1 Northe.. 1 !«• i' A. I\el, r r. 1 t ntirriw l ' - . K . r» vi and Wli del '■ R r* r*- f' * by James Siitp + pirrt n —77H vi.l ! - Iby A. :I. ila lley Inn t! . . 'Vi IVol; i o.taiiiing ■ i"S ;ioll j third 1 t " tin North by \ .1011 .1 >. li, 1 .st In | v Brit » , lain, on il sou a* 1» | A Britlaiu and 1 un the V.*. .* J I*.Htain; couUiin | iiig 4«» s a.'us Which said lands 'ire more full* de ! m rilied, by metes ml liouuds, in the petition ami map filed therewilb; and the adjoining laud owners are those k he re IB a hove name I. ' Is- Notice is given that upon the return dav of said sutMiious, as uow fixed by [this Supplemental o.«Ur, to-wit, Oclo j !\i 14th. 191s, petitoner will bs 1 « t'uat 1 | the same he referred to an K*a>nii er of j fitles, an.l that its title be legmtcred . -prrrl coutiritieck | (iiveii under u>v hand aud olficial, sell, this 19th day of August, 1918 t s ! V ■— ' R. J Peel . | "" Cluk -f the Superior Court of iMwtt£eiiut;. B—it 8 wks. i We Carry at all Times a J Complete Stock of : M»ta lie* ami , Wooden | Burial (xlskcls Lutes! Designs ANDERSON, CRAWFORD & CO. i ! 1 i !| HAKKISON Mil COMPANY | I Robt. G. H arrison Cieo. H. Harrison ! Selling your tobacco on the jU Williamston market means that you are getting every penny it will When In town be sure to visit our music store and look at our Pianos, Victrolas, etc; they /ire the finest made and our prices | are right 11W.HAYIS, SALES MANAGER ■A 7 , I Nexl to pont office Williamston i I Watts Garage \ The Only Authorized M i s a3 Agency in Williamston. Wc curry u (Complete f Stock of (icnuiiH* Fori! I%»rts g I • P Storage Batteries Repaired aiuS Repaired Your Repair Work will Receive Prompt Attention Merc | We Sell | Buiek, lord and Saxon Cars Phone 20 1 W illiamston, N. C. A THE BANK THAT LIVES UP TO % ITS POLICY @Wv are very definite in our ideas of what a "bank owes to its ' community—and of the attitude which it should take toward its customers. There are no favored few here. Kvery patron stands upon exactly the same looting—entitled to all the service we can render properly. I'here is ;t feeling that banks are stiff and reserved ••l," institutions sitting in judgment upon mens affairs. But this is NO I' one of that type. Our attitude is studiously opposite. We i\ seek to impress you with our sincere desire to handle your account and meet your requirements to the fullest degree. You may be sure that what we can legitimately do, within the bonds of rational reason & will be done cordially and cheerfully. There IS a difference in banks —but the farmers iv Merchants is the progressive kind—welcoming your business with genuine appreciation—expressed in SKRVICE. K| Farmers and Merchants Bank J_ " - OFFICERS: JOHN D. BIGGS, President R. G. HARRISON, Cashier C. D. CARSTARPHEN, V-Pres. - GILBERT-PEEL Asst .Cashier R. W. SALISBURY. V-Pres. TURNER T. GRIMES, Ass't. Cashier CM"). C \RSTARPHEN,Jr. Bookkeeper ALMA SPARKS, Stenographer Flowers ; For All Occasions on Short Notice Especially For Funerals I Krpn-sent The- Hammond Co., Ri hmnnd Mis. Martin, Rocky Mount W. H. C.URKIN W-t'l:.iinston, N. C I ! 1 AH Ready Wo'mm have in stook a new and complete line 4 of Mons Clothing, Shoos and Hats. Ladirs ready to-woar consisting of Dressos, ('oats, Coat Suits, and a lino of np-10-dnh Krvin Drew Shoos— there aro noiio hotter. Our clot i oal force is ainplo to serve all who may como, and out' stock will not disappoint thorn. You try us. J.L.Hassel Co. Kverything for Kvcrybody , Williamston, N. C. We Sell Your Farm, City or T'-q Atlantic Coast Realty Company P.-••'•'ccs Quick and Profitable Results •>i r ' ■ • i i «rl!ini» farm, city and suburban property ly auction —that we know Inw i "j'lnsine.l by the letters of appreciation we receive from every one of out l 'i. Wo S_bdivideand Sell at Auction All Kinds of Prop c".' With Saiisfaction to Both Buyer and Seller. font] let !v ' ;■ 1 with an efficient corps of publicity experts, accurate surveyer*, eiicrj ri'• .-v".uncus and talcs forne. Our methods have won tlie confidence of • i ui..:,-. Vrltt Jor our representing u'ho trill tome to you iiuthorrud to act. He will submit you a liberal antrai t. li t guarantee satisfaction. Our booklet r.xplaininf our methods will bt sent a port requeit. FA7u. .iALES OUR SPECIALTY TERRITORY UNLIMITED ATIANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY The Name that Justifies Your Confidence - PETERSBURG, VA. OFFICES GREENVILLE, N. C. Reference: Any Dank in Pct»rsbi'ro, V.i. t>r Greenville, N. C.

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