Prepare FOR THE Great United War Workers Drive NOVEMBER . 1110 It Martin County must give S9OOO It i* tor our own boys GIVE FREELY f Republican Ticket i House of Representatives: Wheeler Martin Clerk Superior Court: Jesse T. Price Sheriff: John I). Ward KegUter of Deeds: Weede W Walters Surveyor: John R. Mobley County Commissioners W. W. Green Marshall I). Wilson, Geo. E. Peel Charles C. Fagan Jos. B. Ay era. FISH FERTILIZERANNOUNCEMENT To the Farmers of North Carolina * This is to advise that we have purchased the largest menhaden fish ing factory in the north located at Hicks Island, Long Island, New York and taken over a lease on a large menhaden fishing plant at Lewis, Del. In taking over these northen plants, we have secured several thousand ons of fish scrap in addition to scrap we have allready made in North Carolina. The North Carolina plant, Hicks Island plant and the Lewes, Deleware plant, lave handled to September first, 1918 over 105,000 barrells of fish, with a net profit to l his company of over 50,000. CP We catch more fish, and a better grade of fish, during the fall fishing n North Carolina, than at any other time of the year. We regard the eason as only abouf one-half over on September Ist. The combined capacity of these plants will permit us to supply the North Carolina irmers with more tish scrap annually than they have ever heretofore had the opportunity to . ecu re. Write us how you can secure your fish scrap at wholesale prices. THE FISHERIES PRODUCTS COMPANY : . Wilmington, North Carolina NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator upoliTtie Estate of Joseota L.l>assiter de ceased; Notici U hereby given to nil I* rso us holding claims againtt said Es tate to pieaent them to the umlerhigned for pa>mem on or liefore the 26 day of Oct. 1919, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons iudebted to saiil estate «re requested to make immediate payment. This 26 day of Oct 1419 Mc. G Taylor ii-i-6t Administrator. Come to ses B.S. COURTNEY Sole Agent lor EDISON'S PHONOGRAPHS New Records always r on hand FOR SALE.-One 1918 model Ford car for sale. Needed closed car for winter reason for selling Dr J. S. Rhodes. N OTIC 1-1 Having qualified hh Administratrix ii|>on the Kstate of Mc. I) Mobley de ceased; Notice is hereby given to nil persons holding claims u»t said I'.state to present them to the uiidersiWn rd for pswneut "II or before tile 2> day of Oct. 1919, or mm notice will be pled iu bar of iheir recovery. All persons indebted to said Kstate ate requested to make immediate payment This »5 day of Octoln-r 1919. I.ena C. Mobley ii-l-6t Administratrix, FOR BALE- Otie peanut picker complete with power Good con dition. Term? easy. J. B. Cherry & Bro. R F D. 3. Phone 192 3 b " " ~ WANTED.- One Rood milk cow. G. W. Coltrain. Ford car for sale; good as new. C. C. Todd; Tarboro: N.C w. I ■■ ii— ■■■■■■■■■■■—— Land Sale North Carolina Msrtin County t'ndcr slid by virtue of s decree of ilie Clerk of the Superior Court of Mnitin CoMLty. ms'le on he 2nd day of Octo ber, 1018 in tbe S|ietial Proceeding en titled: G T. House «nd Others, to lb Court Kx I'aite, the come inissioner will on Satuidav, tbe 9111 d.i\ of November, 1918, at 1J o'clix k M . at the Couit House door iu Williamsli n. Martin Count) . espose to public side to the highest bidder for cash, ihe follow i"j{ described tract or parcel of luid situate, King tud in Maitiu Coun ty, t«oi>se Ntst Township, bounded and deacrilied as follows. ADJOINING TIIH I.ANUS of John Best. Rob»rt Statou and Others and TIK CWNNINO at a pine and guins chopped pointing and Iteing near the John nrst South-east corner; running from said corner South 44 West 11- J.S polea ton stooping pine; thence North 4b West 89-JS poles to a pine; thence Noith 44 liast 8g li 25 poles to a pine in the John nest line, thncc along said line South 46 Kast 89 11 15 (Miles to the beginning, containing Fifty (i ■) acres, more ot less. F. C. Harding Commissioner Tbis the and day of October, 1918. 4-t NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis tratrix upon the Estate of Reuben T. Roberson deceased: Notice is hereby given to all persons hold ing claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 31 day of October li>l9, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immadiate jiayment. This 31 day of October, 191 S. Annie Roberson, 10 l-Gt Administratrix Tobacco riarket TO OPEN rionday, November' 11 With the npproval of tho State Hoard Health, and the The East ern Tobaceo Association, Wil lianiston Market will open MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11th Every prospect of a strong* mar ket, as warehouses and buyers are in good shape to take eare of your tobaeco.and 1 am therefore in posi tion to guarantee you as good sale an can be obtained on any market jn North Carolina. • . -> v I * • 1 It your tobacco is high in order make some racks and hang this tobacco up so it will be in good shape for the market. J. 0. STATON Farms and Town property. FOR SALE In Virginia and North Carolina. Also wantiag farmers to list their farms with me to sell HKRTFORI) HOTIX This is tin* only Hotel in town of Hertford, N. C. A new three story wood buildidg of 32 rooms > n a lot 100 by _'HO feet, II yon tare to inn a Hotel, this is a cinch. I,>TS WITH STOKH ItI'II.IN«;S ON SAMK in center of business district of Winfall, N. C. Now owt el by Alonzo White, Reasons for selling- wants to retii• • from active business life. TOWN I,OTS WITII DWIXI.INI;!? IN CITY ()I SUI TOCK, VA. FARMERS ! Now is your chance of a life time to buy farms cheap, I am selling and buying farms all the tin •, Will cite you a few special bargains. The W. I', Hudgiiis Farm known as the John H, I'erry (deceased) farm at Helvidere, N. C. Henry C. Chappcll Farm near Kyland, N. C. The J. D. Twine Farm saw mill, plaining mill and edger anil an up to date cetton gin with an a ilitional lot of new machinery not yet put up. This property is situated 1 14 miles Cannon's Ferry and I 1-2 miles W'oodlev's Wliarf "n Chowan River, two miles of Rylaud station on Norfolk Southern Railroa . Really this is the best business stand in Chowan, N. C. It faces two county roads, being in fork of roads t Hudsons. Fine stand for wheat Hour, and corniueal mill to attach to present machinery, also no bett r. stand for a merchant ile business. This farm has every advantage for business anil farming—four dwellin > cn same, Will •/ell cheap to quick buyer. Three farms owned by R. T, Savage, Corapeake, N. C, Jim Hare farm near Sunbury, N. C. |, W, llaggett Home Farm *l2 miles of Whaleyville, \'a. Sain Wilkins farm near Hosley, N. C. Cleveland Hranton farm near Drum Hill, N. C. C, >, Kdwards farm near Sunbury, N. C. Charlie Jackson farm near Drum Hill, N. C. J. Thomas Savage farm near Drum Hill, N. C, The T. W. Savage (deceased) farm known as the Red farm at Mannings Station on Sonthern Ra road —only 1 milesof Suffolk, Va. This farm is near Church and High School right at station and say mill a,s fine soil as Virginia can boast of.' V These arc just a few of the properties I am offering for sale. MR. INVESTOR Now is your chance of a life time to buy while farm and town properties are selling cheap. These properties were bought when everybody was blue-crops looked sorry—labor scarce —and tl > prospects of a long and bitter war ahead of us. With these conditions facing them the farmers naturali wanted to tratoad on the other fellow, but it is now the reverse. The war will soon be history—we've jjc the boclie on fhe trot prices of land products are high —there will soon be plenty of labor —then farn i can't be puchased at any price. WHY? Hecause they will be a better investment than a Klondike Gold Mine. * ~ UUYKKS AND SKI.I.KKS GKT BUSY, , TRI Write me and whisper your wants and I'll do the rest. Anfi stopping at the Nansemond Hotel, Su • folk, Va. H. P. Winslow REALTY AGENT • 1 P.0.80x 4 19, - Suffolk, Va SUPPORT THE '1 ADMINISTRATION TUESDAY v Tires made blow-out-proof by using the "Red Innershu." Ask tor our guarantee bond. C. D. CARSTARPHEN & CO. Williamston, N. C. We arc sole agents for Martin County

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