Devoted to tlu Interest of Mart'n County th General 4 %'.!Hi3iton in Particular Vol nine 19. Williamaton Personal Mr. A B. Adler. of Plymouth was in town Wednesday. Mrs. J. H. Saunders and son returned from New York Friday. Bill Peel U. S N. who is sta tioned at Norfolk is at home this week .vlisses Virginia Herrick and Virginia Jordan have returned to St Mary's School. Raleigh. J Lass Wynne, Misses Vada Wynne. Fannie and Daisy Mann ing were in Washington Monday Mrs. Herbert Lilley and Mrs KateStallings. of Jamesville were in town Tuesday. Several of the younger boys went to Plymouth Tuesday night to see the show, "Oh. Baby". B. S Courtney was called to Norfolk Tuesday to attend the funeral of his father. S. Collin Peele and Arthur were at home Sunday from Newport News, where thev are stationed in limited service. Mrs. J. L. Thrower returned Sunday night from Hollister, where she has been visiting her son. Garland Anderson returned to the University of Virginia at Oharlottsville Thursday. He brought the body of Joe Mark Melson home for burial. Mr and Mrs. A. D- Mizelle of Tarboro, Mr. and Mrs J. A. Mi • zelle and Mrs Thomas House of Robersonville were in town Sun day. Mrs. Carrie Biggs Williams and daughter Frances with Vic tor Burrell motored to Charlotte Thursday to visit Harry A Biggs who is stationed at Camp Greene in Y. M. C. A. work. Mrs. Anna Harrison came Sun lay to resume her position with Harrison Bros, and Co., in the ntilinery department. Mrs. Har rison has been making her home in Lancaster. S. C. for some rime and she has many friends here who will be glad to learn of ner return. A Martin County girl. Mrs, Virginia Bullock, now living in Sew York City, voted a straight Jemocratic ticket at the recent •lection. Mrs Bullock is the laughter of Col. Wilson G. Lamb tnd has many friends in North Carolina who will be pleased to konw that she is continuing the ♦ifework of her father in xsup porting the Democratic party,"' Carton-Lanier Miss Delia Biggs Lanier and Mr. Sumner Jay Carson were •narried in the Chapel of St. lohn's Episcopal church by Rev. Herbert H. Fox, Tuesday Octo jer 29 at 5 o'clock. Miss Clara Taswell Jones, a cousin of the uride, acted as maid of honor, ind Mr. Albert Peter Kennedy .9 best man Mr. Robert P. Jones /ave the bride in marriage \fter the ceremony, a de ightful dinner was given to he bridal party at the home of 4r. and Mrs. Robert P. Jones !905 West Orange boulevard, -The Detroit Free Press. Miss Lanier is the daughter of tjf dri. C. M. Lanier of thia town ;nd is of the two oldest families f North Carolina, ,>b«in#ilhe 'randdaughter of the late Capt. lohn R. Lanier and Mr. Joseph ). Biggs both prominent men in arly history of Martin County. She is a girl of unusal charm >eauty and popularity and has a iost of friends in her native - bounty and State who wish her ouch happiness for the future. ,he is a talented musician and ias taught in Williamston two ears before going to Detroit Mr. Carson is from Philadel ' ia and is an Efficiency Engi aer, inspecting the machinery f the U. S. Munition Factories i Detroit Lt. and Mrs. J. Thomason left fcinesday for Roanoke Rapids 3 visit relatives. •£: i' " THE ENTERPRI S'g ■ —— —iJL —— Number 51 Letter Froa France I The following is a letter re ceived by Mr. John Moblev of Everett, N. C- from his brother Jim Mobley in France Somewhere in France. October 3rd, 1918. My Dear Brother: I reeeivwl your letter yester day and I sure was glad to know you were all right. This leaves me **'ll und getting along fine. I htuvnt written you all in about three weeks but it was be cause I was busy and it wasn't convenient. But we arp all back of the lines now at rest and I hope we will be out for a while. John I juat wish tome pretty moon light night you could look aevaral thousand miles to the Eaat and see what is taking place over here here, it is awful to see the ruin ed homes, they now look like just piles of brick and many of them can never be rebuilt. There is some beautiful farming land here but these people dont know how to farm, they don't raise anything but wheat and Irish potatoes, they have plenty of cat tle though and the funniest thing I ever saw was two dogs churning milk, they were fixed in a big wheel and as the dogg ran up the wheel, that cauaed it to turn and churn the milk. They earned all they ate all right. Weil I have been in real action since I have been here and we have had plenty of fire works and real onea too but J know I am the luckiest boy ever lived, not had a stratch. How are the girls? I havent seen ona in over a month but we will aoon be back where they are We are doing fine work here have alept beyond the Hinden burg line all right but still we havent done anything until we sleep in Berlin. They call us 1 Yanks fcere and Yanks we are; going to be until we show th# Kaiser what we ea» do. I hope I will soon hear from home again, write as often as often as you can. Lovingly. Your Brother Jim Health Officers Report - Wilhamston Chicken Pox: Sophia Little, Josie Harrison. Eva Harrison, Julia Ward, Ruth Ward, Paul Simpson Jr., Henry Manning, Ruth Manning, Grace Manning, Charles Manning, Sarah F. Cone, Myrtle Brown, W. T. Crawford, K. L, Roberson. Williamston R. F. D Scarlet Fever: A. C Bailey Mengitis: Oscar Mizelle Tyhoid Fever: Carrie Dell Brown. Geo. Stokes Jr., Mattie Smallwood, Rosie Johnson. Robersonville Septic Sore Throat: J. H. Knox. Whooping cough: Maude A. Little, 5 children. Diptheria: V. A. Ward Jr Dr W. E. Warren, Health Officer. Board of Commissioners Meet The Board of Commissioners met in regular session Monday and drew the following jury for the December Term of Court: L- W. Mizell, T. J. Hardison, L A. Sykes, J. W Martin, C- A. Askew, C. 0. Godard, A. E. Manning, S- D. Griffin, Jas. A- Daniel, J. Dawson Lilley, J R. S. Cowan, A. T. Rob erson, J. S Griffin, F. L. Teel, A. C. Barnhill, W. F. Wynn, W. A. Mobley, W. T. Cullifer, W. J. Bryan, W. H. Rogers, R. S. Price, Jesse T. Price, E. W. Gar rett, F. W Barnes, Mc G. Peel, R. A. Bailey. J. Rufus Carson, J. Henry Roberson, J. H. Rob erson, Jr. J. D. Cherry, W. E. Davenport, P. L. Salsbury, R. E. Turner, T. W. Davenport, N. M. Worsley. They also appointed the follow ng road Commissioners for Jamesville, Township. John D. Lilley. C- A. Askew, J. A. Getsinger, S. T. Jackson, S. S. Davis. They will have eaticfe charge of the road of that Township as they recently voted to work un der the taxation system. Williamston, Martin County, N. C. November, 8, 1918 Hamilton Items Mr*. R. B. Watkins of Phila delphia is the guest of Mrs. J. P. Boyle. The body of Mr. Will Pritchard was brought home from Raleigh and interment was made in the local cemetery. Dr and Mrs. M I. Fleming were here from Rocky Mount Friday C. D Pe'kins 9|»ent Sunday in Greenville. Ruth Hnrrell with a party of friends was here Sunday from Tarboro. Miss Marie Hyman of New port tjews spent the week-end with Mrs T B. Slade Jr. Miss Kathleen Willis of Wash ington spent several davs here last week with Miss Elisabeth Davenport. Bog Slade Jr. has returned from Newport News where he has been visiting his aunt for the past month. Miss Annie Mizell arrived Sat urday to t£ach in the Graded School here. "■ " A A Letter From France Somewhere in Franco Oct. 7th, 1618, My Dear : Your letter of August 28th was received, very glad to hear from you. Think that our mall is coming through fine now. It is true that I haven't written as often as I would have liked but over here things personal are al ways of last consideration. When I do have a few minutes they are usually spent in censoring my men's mail, which I hate to hold up. I wrote you about coming to the front line, well I have been here ever since with the excep tion of four days, Am beginning to feel like an old veteran at the game and have gotten used to the shells bursting near me but when a fellow hears a big one coming his way he immediately and involuntarily hags old Mother Earth and prays to the good Lord that it doesn't decide to stop. I've been over the top quite a number of times and have had a few interesting ex periences. The Huns attacked one of our strong points using liquid fire. One of our men was burned in the face and one arm and when he fell the square head sprayed him on the back. He was suffer ing agony but when they put him in the ambulance he was smiling and said, "Boys, give'm hell I will be back to help you in a few days." Another with a big piece of sharpnel in his face on being asked if he wanted to go to the hospital replied, "No, Sir! I'm going back to my com pany where I belong". What chance has the Kaiser and his beasts got against such spirit? Recent news is encouraging and I' m of the opinion that we can now see the beginning of the end. Of course all of us over here are very anxions to see the finish but NOT until Germany has been made to see the folly of trying to conquer the world, and the war carried home to the German peo ple and they be made to see the Kaiser and his puppets as they are- Until this is done we have not accomplished our mission and it will be only a matter of time before we will have to do all this over again. "When a task is once begun never leave it till its done " I was indeed sorry to hear of John Hassell's death but I know that John died like x true Ameri can. Trusting that we may continue to meet with success and will soon be able to return to home and loved ones after accomplish ing all duties. I am sincerely Roy, This is an extract from a let ter from 2nd Lt. Leßoy Ander son received by a friend in town. Lt. Anderson has been in the thick of the fight now for some time and he certainly has the , right spirit Thomas J. Smith Dead Mr Tnonta* J. Smith died of apoplexy Wednesday morning at eight o'clock. After eating break fast at the Britt Hotel where he stated that he was feeling fine, he went to the warehouse and while standing by two colored men in l)ts prize room was stricko i and was caught by the men ar.d plated in a chair, then moved lo a truck whore he died in about fifteen minutes. He was taken to his home in Danville, Va for bi}ria!. Mr Smith was born in Cascade County, Va . and was fifty six years old (fnlnarried Miss Cora Reynolds who with four children Lt. T J. Smith Jr. of Camp Wadaworth. Reynolds of William ston and Gorinne and Vincent of Danvjlle survive him He was the buyer of the Im perial Tobacoo Co. on the mar ket here and had been ia Wil liamston about fifteen years, his family living her." for several years. He wM one of the most popular men *vor here, was liked by everybody' and was generally called "UncW Tom." He was a member of the Metho dist Churoh an honorable and upright man, To AH Knitters An allotment of 187 Sweaters and 206 pair of Socks to be finish ed by Deceniber Ist has been sent us from Headquarters. How much of this number can we promise? Please let us know at once. Yarn has been ordered and is expected daily. Just as soon as it arrives it will be distributed among those who will promise to finish sweater* by December Ist. Sweaters and socks must be knit by the new directions. A copy of these directions can be found in the Home Journal p»g« JOffc Be sure the necks of the sweat era are large enough. The socks must be washed and dried on sock drying forms. These forms have been ordered. All work not coming up to the requirements will have to be made over. It !s desired that the sweaters be knit first. Who will help knit and thus keep our Bovs wirtn? Yours faithfully, Fannie Chase Staton, Supervisor of General Supplies, Martin Chapter Chapter. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs James II Mizell wish to express their thanks to numerous friends whoso kindly spoke words of encourgoment, cheer and sympathy in their hours stricken with grief at the death of their son John J) Mizell who fell in action in France. Red Cross Rooms Open For the benefit of the people of the county, the Red Cross Rooms will be open Tuesday af ternoons and all day Fridays to receive labels and give boxes for the Christmas packages. If any one wants a box before those dates see or telephone Mrs C H Godwin Notice The local lied Cross Chapter needs wood to heat the rooms for the winter work. If anyone will contribute a load of wood to this organization report it to the Chairman, Mrs. C. H. Godwin. Card of Thanks I am very anxious to person ally thank the Red Cross for their many kindnesses to me and family during our illness with influenza. Tom Gurganus and family There will be Sunday School and usual Sunday services at the Episcopal Church Nov. 10th. THE WAR WORK CAMPAIGN WILL HAVE SPEAKING IN THE COUNTY AS FOLLOWS MONDAY NIGHT Hardens Sandy Ridge Hurst Cross Roud Hassclls TUESDAY NIGHT Jlcur Grass Griffins Hamilton Robersonville Jamesville WEDNESDAY NIGHT Oak City Fairview Fveretts Parmele (iold Point THURSDAY NIGHT Lilley Hall Hrooksville Hiloum Mizelle School House Cooks School House FRIDAY NIGHT Jamesville Griffins School House Robersonville Oak City Hamilton SATURDAY NIGHT Sandy Ridge Hyur Gruss Macedonia Vernon Oak Grove A full program will also be had on Sunday the 17th The Township Committee will be expected to arrange for place of apeakiag and to get a full attendance. Great importance A. R. Dunning Climn. Sugar Allowance Increased From 2 To 3 Pounds Per Month The rapid manufacture of the new crop belt sugar in the west and new crop of Louisiana cane sugar in the south, together with the freer railway transportation conditions, the reductions that we have made in the consump tion of sugar In the manufac ture trades, and the patriotic conservation in the past four montiiH. enables us to increase the household allowance of sug ar from two pounds per person per month to three pounds per person per month, with the same ratio to public eating places as from Nove.nber Ist. This makes good our promise to increase the household allowance of sugar at the earliest possible moment that our supplies would justify and make it possible for the house holder to more freely use the ap ple, cranberry and grape fruit produce products and to use the fruits canned during the sum mer without sugar. The regula tions are also revised to the ex tent that any person may pur chase his whole monthly allow ance at one time if he so desires that is, any family may purchase a month's supply for the entire family in one purchase from the retail trade. November certificates were is sued on two-pound basis. These certificates were already mailed when new regulations were re ceived, but additional certificates for the extra pound par person will be mailed out between No vember 15-20. The expiration date of all class es of sugar certificates bearing the expiration date of October 115 th has been extended to No vember 15th. The Sunday Schools and the Churches of the town will open Sunday Nov. 10th. John Mizelle Killed In France Mr. and Mrs. James H. Mizelle received a cablegram Thursday Oct. 31, announcing the death of their son John Mizelle in France. He died Sept. 30th of wounds received in action. John Mizelle was born Feb. 28, 1898 and spent his early life in Williftmston, attending the (iraded School here. He united with the Baptist Church when fourteen years old. Soon after the United States declared war he enlisted in the Warrenton Company of Volunteers which became Co 11. 120 th Inft. U. S. A. when transferred to Camp Sevier, S. C. after seven months training at Camp Sevier he was sent to France and had been near the front three months when killed. He was a boy of unusual wit and humor and with his happy disposition had made himself popular with both comrades and officers in the army. He was the only son of Mr and Mrs. Mizelle and a constant ray of sunshine in their home. The whole community sympathizes with the grief stricken parents and sisters in their loss. Anoth eroreof Martin County's Sons to lay down his life un the Field of Honor defending the cause of Freedom. Market Cotton Slowly LOSSES SUSTAINED BY PLACING IT ON MARKET Now Raleigh, N, C., Nov.- North Carolina has already lost thou.i amds of dollars because its far mers are rushing their cotton to market Not only is the result being seen jo a shorUyf# of funds for the cotton farmer, but it is' gradually being felt by the bank er and the merchant in those counties where cotton is largely dependent upon for the financial structure of the county. The crop in North Carolina at this time is very good, hut as far as the whole cotton belt is concerned there is a shortage and every bale will be neeeed bo fore a new crop can he grown. According to Mr. O. J. Mc- Connell, Specialist in Cotton Marketing for the Agricultural Service, all existing conditions justify higher prices than are now prevailing, and il is almost certain that high prices will be received later in the year No great advance can be made how ever, when cotton is being push ed upon the market in excess of the current demand. Cood business judgment will require that the crop be harvest ed as fast as possible and then held in storage until belter prices are offered. George Daniel Dead (ieorge Daniel of Oak City died of influenza and pneumonia. He was the son of the late W. M. Daniel and wife Virginia Daniel. He has been living in Oak City for a number of years, where he married Miss Bessie Casper who with three small children survvie him. He also leave also four bro thers and four sisters, Messrs. W. Henry, John T, H. O. and James Daniel. Miss Estelle Dan iel, Mrs Henry Everett, Mrs. Elisha Everett and Mrs. Jack Taylor. He was buried at the Council graveyard near Oak City on Mon day, Rev. Mr. Crisp conducting the funeral service. Caid Of Thanks We are so thankful for what the good people of Williamston have done for us in our recent trouble when we lost our belov ed son Joe Mark, Jwe wish to ] thank them publicly I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Melson. AJvrimaQwa tmd • f " Column** Latch Kay to 11 } Martin Cowaty Hotnaa. Established It *)8 Ernest Hjau Died A H i Ernest Hyman, son of Mm. Jane Hyman of near Oak iflty was killed in action in Fran i on Sept. 30. He was living in lali fax County before go in to Camp and leaves a great > >.ny friends in the Eastern pt t if the State who sympathize *ith his sorrowing mother. The i for mation below came fron his Sergeant who wrote here :!iat Mrs. Hyman might know low bravely her boy died. Hia, i tter in part as follows: Ernest Hyman waa N . 1 gunner in my gun team and «aa put out. He blways did bis xrk well. He saved one of our ofi HTI lives as the Jerry was fixit to throw a hand grenade at th' of ficer. He cut him dowa with, lis forty five. He also killed four 01 era the same night with his p *1 all of whom were machine « -B ners. He was a very good sol ar and thought well of in his t a« pany." Examination! For White Tea* ■re An examination for Co. )ty teacher's Certificates will be old at the Courthouse in William tn on Tuesday Nov 12th, 1918. Ml applicants for 2nd, Grade Ce i 3« cate will please come on nt day. A. J. Manning, Sui Sunday Shool and rea lar Church services at the Me .o dist Church and at Vernon J p-? day. H. M. Eur . Martin County gives its u ial Democratic majority. The De »- cratic vote was 1303 and the 3- publican vote 220. Beware of Too Much Optimi i It ia the duty of M can not to let his optimism in away with him, particularly t t optimism he feels over an e: / peace. Optimism is a great p er when rightly used but w i overdone, it is egotism and i - ceit. Americans must allow noth i f to cool their ardor to light f( i permanent peace, nor to rei r I their giving until a perman t peace is secured. Our optim 11 should be such as to make us ly War-Savings Certificates until; le war is over and we have i? peace that is satisfactory to i i« world If peace comes quickly ia food demands upoh America > II be unprecedented. In addition tj oui Allies we will have the o portunity to save the lives of millions of women and child :n and men in Roumania, Ser ia and Russia, who are destined o die by starvation this winter l less we do save them, Holders of 4 per cent Conve ed Bonds of the First Libei_-y Loan and 4 per cent Bonds of t • Second Liberty Loan, must c . vert them into per c» Bonds by Nov. the 9th, 1918, r they will only get the origi a rate of 4 per cent. TheConstitutionalamendmer 3 were each sustained, the vote tn 6 months school term was par - ed bv a majority of 668, and o exempt notes on homesteaJs from taxation by 839 majority. Every producer, every diat butor and every consumer is : dividually responsible for ma taining a never-failing flow f the best quality of food fr a America to our troops in Frant The State majority was abc t 60,000. At the present writing t. e Senate seems to be Democrat , while the House looks to be B - publican.