The Enterprise A. County Newspapn published weekly at the Couii ; > Se«„ of Martin by W. C. MANNING, Editv- & Owner SUBSCRIPTION * THS One Year • »'°° Six Month* • • • - .$0 Three Month* *5 I Strictly C««h In /. .»ance K iMnl ■( »u 1-oM nun m •I'tlamrton. M. C. M Becond C!»»» M»ll V. •' AMitnall Commui tilon* to THE ENTERI'I >F-. Wllllamgton. C. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER h - 191H Food is measured 0 .y in terms of human life. Foodstuffs and fee lull's must be measured in tern >f human lives. Food that is d royed by rata and mice in Am,- -en cannot save human lives in ! irope. The food problem a perpet ual challenge to the 1 'ealismar.d business efficiency 0' \merica- America and the vllica have pooled food resource and it is now up to every Am ican to put more in the pool arc take less out -no spillways runted. professionai cards Jos. H. Saundc •, M. lv Physician and Day phone 53 - Nil t pl»"i • HI Williamston. C. Wm. K. Warren Drs. Warren I Klmdcs Physicians and : rgeons Office ill BIki:» |)nl >' s ""' Hugh B. Yor: M.IJ Microscopy, Klectro ritpy, X- Ray, Diagnosis, S entities Office on Smltliwu k St.. I > •'' 11 ' Office bourn, « t» •« »• 1 ' "I, Office 'plume tq - NV' I Dr P. B. t ONH Dentin Office over Farniei and Mer chants Bank. Hours 9 to 12 0 1 > I to n Phone No. 9 Kes 1 ' Ni> 1 Dr. R. L. : avajre of Rocky Mount wi be »t the Atlantic Hotel fourt• \\ endues day in each month 1 treat dis eases of the FiYK, ' h, and THROAT and I'M CLAKShS A K Dunning Clayton Mooir dunning & r )ork Altotnry • »ml Couhtr! Al I .aw 111 llic |Vo|ilc» H ' HutUling Williamson. N. C. 4 M, "" c 135 n. A. ( unYHF.K nt UlTl-111-.U CKI'ICI 11.R CI-' I'CI U K ATToHNKY-A'l .AW MAIN STREKT I'HONN II Williamston. C. Whrclcr Marttii Wt -r Muflla, Martin & i lartin Attorncys-at aw Williamston - N h Carolina riiONK S.J. Everett Attor-ney-at • aw Greenville, N. C. - W imslou, N. t Greenville I,OIIK DUtiu Phone .). I). SI, vI)E Undertaker and Lit M'd mcr Plymouth, - Phone ,17. Will iistou, N. t Dr. G. C. ( odwin PHYSIC vN Ounoing At Moore n I CMhc Lrggett Built Telcphonri No. 161 *'ul 101-i Hi FOR SALE The John A. Pur\ s Farm ad joining Jule Purvi Farm neai Spring Green, 175 acres, 8t cleared; high fertil land; good residence; 3 tobaccc >arns; good stables; new tenan. house; brie red mule; all stati fertilizer, one-half barrel pair*. This farm is five miles from Everett, five miles fiom Roberr iville and five from Hamilton Good Farm Splendid locality. Apply to Leslie Fcwden \., * • Williamston, N. C. Demand For Tanlac Breaks All Records Over Ten Million [potties Z Sold And l>»striht»tvd In Three Yeats SIiCCIiSS ACMIKVKI) ALMOST INC:hl)IBL"li Fame Of Aledic'ne Sweeps Whole Continent- Sol J t From Coast to Coast Never before, perhaps, in all ( history has the demand for a proprietary iivdieirv: ev rap- 1 proaclied 'be wutideiftil recm d 1 that is now b-'ing'u.tade bv 'lan lac, the celebrated medicine 1 wlik'h has been arcoinplishing ■ sueli remarkable rt ailts in aIJ parts of the country From Coast and from the , (Julf to the iieat I. de.-. Tanlac 1 is known and honoied. Millions have taken it and have pronounc ed it the greatest m* dicine ever 1 given to the people, and the only | explanation of Tanhu 's triumph : in the medical world h ranlac's 1 true worth. Hack of Tanlac's i triumph in the drug store is Tan- 1 lac's triumph in the homes. It is the people's- medicflU' and the people themselves have made I'anlae what :11 I No matter where you go, Tan- 1 lac is a hoti:>e;iold v,i rd and it is ; ■ 1 rn|uestloi'ittb! s liie njosl widelv talked id ri;eo.i"oe in the world 1 today. One p, i .»■, rll > ariably tells - cinother alioiit a medicine tiiai , Helps Itiui ami in this way scores 1 or even hundreds may hear ol | I'anlae as a direct re ult or one bottle in a single home. 1 The first bottle o, Tanlac to , reach the public v\ ::s sold just 1 { little over thiee year * ago in the thriving little city of l/Hington, | K y., where 2d,IK"! bottles of the , [in dicine >vei e :.ol»I in only a few month- Stijce in,.i lime there | have been sold throughout the United ,SWiiis oO ill tiling over leu luilli- *! ■ hot Hi and a to- ( malice vvlitcn has 00 parallel in | lheiUL.dL.oi busincMs world, has ( begun. 1:.. •::' 11 ai d il' in inenrd I .11. -i 1-s nicli T'o ;.c won in . I I ii... ~1 ) 00 id 1 cat dpi j 111 practical 1\ every large ifiavri. , small town, village and hamlet | 111 North America, Hawaii, Al- | aska, Cuba, I'orto Kico, and other ; American posses- ion* ♦lave t clamored for Tauiac. I .lust a few months ago, It was announced in the At'atitif papers j that twenty-two c ''loads, lit!"), j 17t'» bottles of Tanlao had been ( sold tluvugh the Atlanta otliee ( alone. Since that time, 2,2!1i,r>2l ( Dottles have been soal, and the grand total now -1. ad at over two million and a li .it' bottles. These are actual figures, and the fact that two hundred and fifty-eight carloads of I'anlae have been hold and : hipped into the South and Wc. t bince the ■ lit si day of (Ictober. I'.'lo, is a matter of record and can easily be verified One retail tinn alone, the .la colts' Pharmacy Co.. of Atlanta, have m>M the astonishing total ol 70,0 n battles within the past twelve months. What is true of Atlanta, is also true of ( Tactical ly every large cit • !' ie Snt Si | and West, when ..v 1 ive . been.correspond ilf.i ilr«—. >i 1 ;u* country have v- .inbu ■ c .mo forward and staleii n. plain, cold figures, the record breaking sales everywhere, is evidenc ' ed by the startling sales records shown in the following figures: Texas and Oklahoma dealers! have sold i:i only five months time the astonishim, total of ap . proximately .live hundred thous and bottles or an average of 100,000 bottles per month, smash ing all world's records. Memphis jobber and retailers ' have sold since April I?, 1910, "1313,500 bottles. [5 Atlanta jobber and retailers 1 have sold since October in, 1915, I 186.-180 J»t ties- * 3 Birmingham jobber and rel.dl ' ers have sold since August IS, 1 1915, 158,975 hot lies 1 Nashville jobber and retailer f have sold since August 11. 1915, 195,750 bottles. Macon jobber and retailer have sold since Novcntkfer 17, 1915, 120,030 bottles. Jacksonville jobber and retail er have sold since January 22* 1916, 60,096 bottles. fv. C. JOBBERS BUY IN CARI OAD LOTS .Ino. M. Scott A Co., And Dr. T. C. Smith Co , Get Wholesale Agencies "The wholesale distributing agency for Tanlac in the North Carolina territory has been a warded to Jrlo. M. Scott & Co., Charlotte, and Dr. T C Smith 'n., Ashvilte," said E. C. Mar ti;, representing the internation al Distributor of Tanlac, a few lays ago "Tnese firms," con tinued Mr. Harris, "gave their order for an er.tire carload of I'anlac several weeks ago and have just received same. 1 his comprises 1000 dozen, 12,720 bottles, and is without doubt, tin? largest order ever given by North Carolina dealers for a new preparation, but having heard through absolutely reliable sources of the remarkable and rapidiy gro'ving demand for lan lac io other cities, these firms i!iii not hesitate to place on order for tin.: above above amount "In only a few weeks' time I'anlae will he placed on sale in practically every large city, town, village and hamlet in the state of North Carolina "A number of agencies al ready have been established in a very Imiiied time, but it is my desire that the distribution h" made more complete and far-1 reahing. "VVit>t this end in view, I laic-1 1 his means o| until ving gists, and th alers who are inter- j estel to write or tel. t-apli C F. j Willis. I'liiirth National Hank llldg . Atlanta, Ca " M'Aitgomer> jobber and it I ml' r bav« sold .nice January ■!* j I'M!), SH.7SI bottles "These cimr.noils sales," saiil j t!. I'' Willis, International l)is- j trinutor of Tanlac, 'mentis butj one thing, and lliat is merit Tanlac 1. well advertised, ii is, tnc. but micli a large and rapid-j ]v 1 iwitig demand could not be, brou about by advertising alone. It's what the neighorsj say that counts. One bottle is; sold in a neighborhood through, advertising, but ten more are I sold in that community after the first bottle produces results." Tanlac is now' sold exclusively in Williamston by the S. R. Higgs Drug Co.; in Robersonville by C I/. Cannon: in llassel by, the Salsbury Supply Co., and in] Oak City by (lines & Ilarrell Money to Loan On Real Estate From One Thousand Up For Five to Ten Years Critelicr «V Critehcr Littleton College Hit water r|cctric lights .iikl olhei modern improvements, ijfli session will begin September J.sth .Vine lor 11 ew illustrated eat. - log; al- > toi p.u tic ulars emu 1 1 ,1- im; lai 1 • pei ial offer lo a few i;i rls w! 1 eannot pav our catalog rate A 1.1-.-v I M. Kt IOI)KS, Littleton, N. C. ivtrU Jersey Cabbage j IV ly, $2 r.o per M , Fast Sid. * J. L llolliday, Williamston, N C WF send laundry every week. It must he in by 12 o'clock on i :n-h Wednesday, or wait a 1 week. Oscar Anderson ; i-wks. J. E. POPE Notary Public ' Ollicc: Martin County Savings & Ti'ist Company i; : . . .cn \ t.t n r Cirotiisa kttnl Shingles . Williamston. N. C Phone 17J • Mrs. Mattie Speller Doalor in (IBNBRAL MKRCHANDIS Also a full line of wall paper. Phone )s W.|llam«ton, N C We Carry at all Times a Complete Stock of Metalie and Wooden Burial Caskets Latest Designs ANDERSON, CRAWFORD & CO. y HARRISON HAND COMPANY Kohl. (i. H urrison Geo. H. Harrison Selling your tobacco on tho = Williamston market means p that yui are getting ovory penny it will vvhen in k town be sure to visit our music store and look at our Pianos* Victrolfis, etc; they are the finest made and our prices are right , M.M. HAVNES,SALES MANAIiER j Next Co post office Williamston ! I " > HMMMKv i* ■ Watts iiara^e 'Uie Only Authorized Agency in Williamston. Wc carry a Complete Stock of Centime Fort! l*nrts 'Storage Batteries Repaired and Repaired Your Kepiiir Work will Receive Prompt Attention Here We Sell Buick, Ford and Saxon Cars Phone 201 Williamston, N. C. J THE BANK THAT LIVES UP TO irL ITS POLICY ~ ■i-We are very definite in our ideas of what a hank owes to its . communitv—anil of the attitude which it should take toward its customers. There are no favored tew here. Kvery patron stands jS r * : upon ex, ;I v the same tooting—entitled to all the service can JEM render properly*. I here is a feeling that hanks are stiff and reserved institutions^-sitting in judgment upon mens "affairs. But this is JHBI B "./,iV. seek to impress you with btrr sincere desire to handle your account '|9H H ':- .?xtja(SSlj ' iWf". and meet -vour requirements to the fullest degree. You may he sure «H IS 5 fe*- what wfrean legitimately do, within the bonds of rational reason Jag jH P Sii f ' '&-%s£' will he done cordially and cheerfully, t here IS a difference in hanks ' pvbprCrv —but the banners & Merchants is the progressive kind—welcoming | I Jsp your business \\ith geifuine appreciation—expressed in SKRVICK. fiPli VH Farmers and Merchants Bank |j l . OVER $800,00^.00 ~ c. D'.CARSTARPI'.IEN, V-Pres. GILBERT PHEL, Asst. Cashier ~ R. W. SALISBURY, V-Pres. TURNER T. GRIMES, Asst. Cashier CO. CARSTARPHEN,Jr. Bookkeeper ALMA SPARKS, Stenographer Flowers For All Occasions on Short Notice Especially For Funerals - I- Rg'Prf lKtt-t The Hammond Co., Richmond Mrs. Martin, Rocky Mount W. H. GURKIN \Vt lliainsiiui. N. C. All Ready We now have? in stock a new and complete lino of Moris Clothing, Shoos and II:»ts. Ladies ready to-wear consist inn* of Dresses, oats, Coal Suits, and a line of up-to-date Krvin Drew Shoes — tj.inv are nine hotter. Our cleri cal force is ample to serve all who may eojne, and our stock will not disappoint them. \on try us. j»l J® Hassel & Co. Everything for Everybody Mifti + Wiltiamston, N.«C. We Sell Your Farm, City or , Th? Atlantic Coast Realty Company F "Quick and Profitable Results (i. r ' ■ i 1 « "itvj f - 'nil, city and suburban property by auction—that we know )i .7 i, r- .•'ri.iwil by the letters of appreciation we receive from every one ol WUR CHVTMS. W'J C-'uiividc and Sell at Auction All Kinds of Prop c V/: i Satisfaction to Both Buyer and Seller. ( .ini|! 'i '*/ ; - I with nn efficient corps of publicity experts, accurate aurvcycri* f ci- vis aaj tales font. Our method* have won the confident* oi,, ' I' ■■ ■ . i rile Jit our representatn* ivho will tome to you / authorized to ait. He tvill submit you a liberal iintract. It'e guarantee satisfaction. Our booklet -• r pljininz our methods will be sent upon request. FAR.-: OUR SPECIALTY TERRITORY UNLIMITED ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY The Name that Justifies Your Confidrncc PETERSBURG, VA. - OFF'CES GREENVILLE, N. C. Reference: Any In Petersburg, Va. or Greenville, N. C.