United War Work Campaign Is Placing America's Arms Around Gallant Sons MARTIN COUNTY WILL STRIKE HANDS WITH MEN AMID FLAMES OF DATTLE Through Organization of Men, Women and Young People Has Been Perfected in This County--- Committees and Teams Are Ready for Whirl wind Campaign From November 11th to 18th — In This supreme National Crisis l:very Patriotic American Must Do His Full Share. MARTIN COUNTY WAR WORK COMMITTEE 1.1-SI.IK I'OWDI.N, ( In::. JULIAN C. AN DKRSON, Secy. C. B. H ASSI I .1., Tics. A. K. I)I'NNIN(i, I'hair man Speakers Com. \Y. C. MA N N IN i, Chin. Publicity Com. TOWNSHIP CHAIRMEN Alex Corey, Jaimsvilk C has. 1.. Daniel, Williams Plenny Peel, .(iriffin A. It. Avers, Bear (irass K. B.Crawford, Will iamston Dr. J. W. Williams, Cross Roads J. M. I'crry, Kobersonvillr J. R.Everett, Poplar Point Mrs. J. P. Boyle, Hamilton B. M. Worsley, (joose Nest GIVE FREELY - .: * 1 v ' ■ 1 This Advertisement Contributed to tne United War Work Campaign By / * " X' ' B. S. COURTNEY Uncle Sam sends out the call; 3,000,000 boys are waiting for your answer. MERCY MUNITIONS NEEDEdJNTRENCHES Lieut. Conlnflsby Dawson, Fight ing Author, Makes Stirring Appeal for Y. W. C. A. _____ T Lieut. Oontngsby Dawson, who wrote "Carry On," My* of tho war work which tho Y. W. 0. A. la doing: "Too at home cannot fight with your HTM, but you can fight with your mercy. Tho Y. W. G. A. la offering you Just thin chance. It garrlaona the women'* support trenches, which He behind the men's. It asks you to supply them with munitions of mercy that they may be i>a*ttel on to us. We need auch supplies badiy. Give generously that we may the sooner defeat tha Hun." What Lieut. Dawson aaya of the T. W. O. A. he might have said of all the natlonnl organisations which are com ing together for tho biggest financial campaign that organisations have eter headed. All the *170,500,000 to ba raised by the seven great national or ganizations the week of November 11 will be used to garrison and supply the aupport trenches behind the lines. They are the T. M. 0. A., the Y. W. O. A., the National Catholic War Coun cil, Jewish Welfare Hoard, American Library Association, War Camps Com munity Service aud Salvation Army. American, girls In various uniforms mlngYo strangely with picturesque Brittany costumes lu France. The American Y. W. C. A. has a hostess house In Brittany where the Signal Corps women live and a but where the nurses spend their free time. Both these centers are fitted with many of the comforts and conveniences of home. "At a tea given at the nurses' hut one Saturday afternoon," writes Miss Mabel Warner, of Satlna, Kansas, Y. W. C. A. worker there, "thera was an odd gathering—one admiral, a bishop, a I'resbyterlan minister, a Roman Catholic priest, a doctor, an ensign, one civilian and myself." Firat Victory Boy's Work J "Say, I'm wlar to yon, all right," a Western Union messenger boy whis pered to one of the directors of tho United War Work Campaign In tfc* Now York headquarters. The direc tor's desk had only just been moved In and tho work of the big drive had hardly begun. "I'm onto your stunt," tha boy went on as ho swung a grimy flst over the desk; "you're goln' to give us fellows that ain't old enough to go to war a chance to earn an' give to back up a fighter an' help wilt the war. Listen; I'm In on this." The crumpled fO bill he dropped on the desk made him the first of "a mil lion boys behind a million fighters" who are to be lined up as Victory Boys during the week of the drive. There will be a division of Victory Girls, too, and every bot and every girl enrolled will have to earn every dollar he or slut gives to tha war weifc fund. i hfs.ii wi ■