Prepare FOR THE ) Great United War Workers I Drive ——— • NOVEMBER II TO 18 viartin County must give S9OOO t is tor our own boys jIVE FREELY RSH FERTILIZERANNOUNCEMENT , To the Farmers of North Carolina This is to advise that we have purchased the largest menhaden fish ng factory in the north located at Hicks Island, Long Island, New York ind taken over a lease on a large menhaden fishing plant at Lewis, Del. In taking over these northen plants, we have secured several thousand ons of fish scrap in addition to scrap we have allready made in North Carolina. The North Carolina plant, Hicks Island plant and the Lewes, Deleware plant, m ve handled to September first, iyiß over 195,000 barrells of lish, with a net profit to his company of over $250,000. We catch more fish, and a better grade of fish, during the fall fishing n North Carolina, than at any other time of the year. We regard the eason as only abouf one-half over on September Ist. The combined capacity of these plants will permit us to supply the North Carolina armers with more fish scrap annually than they have ever heretofore had,the opportunity to ecurc. Write us how you can secure your fish scrap at wholesale prices. THE FISHERIES PRODUCTS COMPANY Wilmington, North Carolina NOTICE > HaVtbg qualified as AdtniftlWtaiot upon the Estate U Jos;oh L L*s»*Ur de ceased; Notice ia liereby given lo all pcraocs holding claim* again it Mid Ba tata to preeeat them to the underaigoed for payment on or before the 26 day of Oct. 1919, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. »-■ All persona ludebted to aaid estate are requested to make imttaediate pavment. This 26 day of Oct 11*19 Mc. G Taylor U-I-it Administrator. Come to ses B.S. COURTNEY Sole Agent for EDISON'S PHONOGRAPHS New Records always on hand FOR SALE.—One 1918 model Ford car for sale Needed closed car for winter reason for selling. l)r J. S Rhodes. NOTICE Having qualified as Administrate* upon the Kst«te of Mc. I> Mobley di e-eased; Notice is hereby jj'ven to all persons holding claims s#sinst said Kstatv to present them to the undersign d for payment ou or before the 2 5 day of Oct. 1919, or this notice will »>e pled in bar of their recovery. All peisons indebted to said Rstate aie requested to mske immediate payment This *5 day of October 1919. Lena C. Mobley I l-I-6t Administratrix, % SBSSESrSbSS9EE!SBB^^B fOft SALE- One peanut picket complete with power. Good con dition. Term? efcsy. . J. B. Cherry & Bro. R F- D. 8. Phone 192 WANTED —One (food milk cow. G. W. Coltrain Ford car for sale; Rood as ne\y. \(0. C. Todd; Tarboro: N.C. Land Sale North Carolina Martin County Under and by virtue of s dectee of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County, made on .he 2ud day of Octo ber, 1918 in the Special Proceeding en titled: O. T. House and Others, to th- Court. K* Parte, the undersigned couie inissioner will on Saturday, the 4th day of November, 1918, at I> o'clock M., at the Court Hoiim- door in WUliamsloiw Martin County, e*pose to public sals to the highest bidder for cash, the follow irg described tract or parcel of l.ind situate, l)ing auil Iteing in Martin Couu ( ty, Goose Nest Township, bounded and described a* follows: ADJOINING THK LANDS of John Best, Robot Staton wild Others uiid HK » GINNING at a pine and thiee(J) KUIIIS chopped pointing and beiny neat the John Best South-east corner; 'tunning from said corner South 44 West - lpoles to a stoopiug pine; thence Noith 46 West 89-j.S |iolcs to a pine; thence Notth 44 Kast 89 It 2s poles to a pine iu the John Hest line; thnce along ( said line South 46 Kast 89 1 1-25 poles to the beginning, containing I'itty (Sj) acres, more or less. F. C. Harding | Commissioner ■ This the and day of October, 1918, 1 4 t NOTICE Having cpiabfied as Adminis tratrix upon the Estate of Reuben T. Roberson deceased: Notice is hereby given to all persons hold ing claims against said Estate to [ present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 31 1 day of October 1919, or this 1 notice will be pled in bar of their , recovery 1 AH persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make f immadiate payment. ' This 31 day of October, 191 H. Annie Roberson, 10-l-6t Administratrix Nftttee of Baie UU'UI aiiil by virtue of the authorilj contained iu • certain Deed of Truit ex ecuted on the 4th day uf March 19161 by J. H. Rlddlck and wife, Hstinle Kiddick and regiatered in the Register's of l)eed» office for Martiu County in Book N-I, at page 261, to secure the payment of a eertam bond of even date there with, and the stipulations in said deed of tinst not having t>eeu complied with atid at the request oi the parties interest ed, tlie undersigned trustee will op Mon day »nd day of Deeeuiber, lqiS, at 12:00 M., at the rouithouse door of Martiu County, Williamston, N. C., offer at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, the fallowing described real estale Beginning «t Spear Knight's cornet; thence along his western lint to his uorthwest corner; thence the same course continni d to the old Martin now the William-.ton I, md and Improvement Co. line: llu-nce southwestly along an old fence 10 id to the three yums in Ur acil's line; th.n'ce along Hassell's and Mayo'* littf to the beginning, contain ing three t acies mure or less and lieing \).e saue dcc '.d fioin M 1,. Mayo to the Williamson and Improve ment Co.. of recur I 111 t|»e I'nblic Regis try of Martin County iu Book O. 0.0. at page 165 Saving aud itccpting the the following described propel ly, which was sold by ) II T. Uiddick to Klisha Clemens, tinder d .te Jail. JJ, 1915. of record in the Public Kegistiy of Martiu County, in h»ok XX 0-1, page ,vt7. described as follows: Beginning on the southeastern corner of S. R. Kiddick's ne at ail i ron slob; riiuuiug thence in a uorthwest course to Brown Street, a corner; thence along Brown Street to an an iron stob, thence in straight line to the beginning. This 30th day cf October, 1918, * Wheeler Martiu, JI. Trustee. it 8-16 Notice Having qualified as Adminis trator upon the Kstate "f Oeo, 1.. Daniel deceased: Notice is hcre hy given t" .ill persons holding claims against sai«l list at f to pre sent them lo tin- undersigned f"i payment on or licfon* the ytb day of Novembi't I9I'), 1)1 this m> ti • «.* will l>c plead i" bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to saul Kstate are lequested l ( > make i mtnediate payment. This 71 h day id November 191 K S. W . Casper Ad 111 r. " Notice r '" m>i Having (jualifled m Administratrix C T. A. upau the Bitate of W. A. Fleming deeeased; Notice is hereby giveu to all pcraona holding claims against sai 1 K»- tate to present them to the nnderslgned for payment oti or before the sth day of November 1919 or this uotlce will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to snid Kstate are requested to make immediate psy ment.• —~ —...... . This SHI day of November 1918 Klizsbeth B Fleming Adrox. C T A. 6-t NOTICE Having quailtied as Adminis trator upon the Estate of JOII.I A, Bennett deceased; Notice is here by given to all persons holding claims against said Kstateto pre sent them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 131h day of October 1919 or this notice will he plead in bar of their re covery, All person indebted to said lis. tate are requested to make im mediate payment, This IHt It day of October, J9IB \V i M, Dennett Administrator for John A Bennett 6-t NOTICE North Carolina Martin County This is to notify all creditors and the public til ut the Watts Oarage, doing its busine s at Williamston, N, C., com |K>sed of B. R. nartilli 11, Wlieelei Martiu, Mc. 0. Mobley, H. H. Cowen ami J. W. Watts, has tieen dissolved; aud B. U. Barnhill is the sole owner of the Walts Oarage now, aud that B. R. Barnhill is ie.H|H>usihle for all the dvUttt uf the busi ness. J. W, Watts, 11. R. Barnhill, 11. 11. Cowen, Mc. I). Mobley, Wheeler Martin, Notice Having qualified as Administra tor upon ilie. list ate of \V, U Har rison deceased: Notice is hereby given to all persons,holding claims against-said list ale te present them to the tindersigheil for payment 011 or before the .Kit 11 day of October I'M 1 ) or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said listate to make immediate payment This.Mst day of October I'UX. James 11. Harrison, Administrator. Farms and Town property FOR SALE In Virginia and North Carolina. Also wanting farmers to list their farms with me to sell IIFRTFORD HOTIiI. This is the only Hotel in town of Hertford, N. C. A new three story wood buildidg of 32 rooms C' a lot 100 by .'HO foci, If you care to run a Hotel, tins is a cinch. I,>TN WITH ST«»KK Htn,MN;s ON SAMI: in center of business district of W in fall, N. C. Now own ed bv Alon/o White, Reasons for selling. Wants to retire from active business life. A TOWN LOTS WITH I)WI:I.I.IN;S IN CITV >l St'l'l'ocK, \A, FARMERS! .1 Now is your chance of a life time to buy farms cheap, I am selling and buying farms all the time Will cite you a few special bargains. The W !\ Iludgins Farm -known as the John H, Ferry (deceased) farm at Belvidere, N. C. Henry C. Chappcll Farm near Ryland, N. C ... The J. I). Twine Farm ~ saw mill, pluinitiK mill und edjjer and an up-to-date cotton gin witn an &( dilional lot of new machinery not vet put tip. This property is situated 1 1 4 miles Cannon s Ferry and I ' miles Wood ley's Wharf », i Chowan River, two miles of Ryland station on Norfolk Southern Railroa« Really this is the best business stand in Chowan, N. C. It faces two county roads, being in fork of roads r Hudsons Fine stand for wheat (lotir, and cornmeal mill to attach to present machinery, also no bett> stand for a merchaiitilc business. This farm lias every advantage for business and fanning—four dwelling cn same, Will sell cheap to piick buyer. Three farms owned 1»v R. T, Savage, Corapeake, N. L, Jini Hare farm near Sunbury., N. C. _ J. W, Baggett Home Farm —3-1 miles of VVhalevville, Va. Sain Wilkins farm near llosley, N. C. Cleveland Branton farm near Drum Hill, N. C. C, O, lid wards'farm near Stinbury, N. C.. Charlie Jackson farm near Drum Hill, N. C I Thomas Savage farm near J>riiin Hill, N. C, The T \V. Savage (deceased) farm known as the Red farm at Mannings Station on Sonthern R«i^ road-only •» miles of Suffolk, Va. This farm is near Church and High School right at station and sa\ mill—as fine soil as Virginia can boast of. These are just a few of tlie properties I am offering for sale. MR. INVESTOR I Now is your chance of a life time to buy while farm and town properties are selling cheap. These properties were bought when everybody was blue-crops looked sorry-labor scarce—and tl prospects of a long and bitter war ahead of us. With these conditions facing them the farmers natural wanted to uaload on the other fellow, but it is now the reverse. The war will soon be history—we've g| the boche on flie trot prices of land products are high-there will soon be plenty of labor—then farte: can't be i*t any price. WHY? Because they will be a better investment than a Klondike Go] Mine. 1 . i * Huvi-RH' AND SKIXKKS GI:T BUSY, Write nie and whisper your wants and I'll do the rest. Am stopping at the Nansemond Hotel, folk, Va. H. P. Winslow REALTY AGENT JH P.0.80x 419, ■ Suffolk, Xi NOTICE I Having qnalfled ti Bxecatdt tipooa tb« Estate of Blijah Brown dtcMMd: Notice i* hereby given to *ll pttMHi bold tag claim* against said Batata to present them to tor paymeat on or betoro the it day of Sept 1919 or notice will be plead befttie the bar of their recovery. All person indebted to said Batata are requested to make immediate pay ment. This 11 day of Sept. 1418. W. V. Ormond, 10-4 ' Executor. Skcwarkec Lodge No. 90 •Jkr Skewarkee Lodge No. 90, A. F l ' & A. M., meets every second and fourth Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. ■' I • 1 fires made blow-out-proof S by using the Ov "Red lnnershu." Ask for our guarantee bond. I C. D. CARSTARPHEN & CO. Williuniston, N. C. Wc are sole agents for Martin County NOt ICt Hsftnfe cJmlideJ M MMMr n,-, the Estate of Ishmaal By man, tom Notice ia hereby gttraa to all pOTfci holding claims agataat aaid tMr' p—m them to 11M HDM%NLI paymeat on or before the 30th September. 1919, or this notice wOl plead ia bar of their recovery. All paraona indebted to said IW are requested to made immediato p meat. This 30th day of September/.lfclS. I. B. » Z. H. Hymaa, | LOST.—On Halloween nig one oblong gold brooch with dv mond in center. Finder plec return to Mrs. T. R. Getting and receive reward.