The Enterprise A County Newsp. -er published E weekly at the L. auty St.u of Martin >v W. C. MANNING, 1 ) lltor & KJ WIIEF SUBSCRIPTS V- KATHS p One Year * • fi.oo Six Month? " 5° Three MonUn " Strictly Cash AJvwu Kjlcred »l th* HOM i. »t Willi* nirton, N. C. M Second CI*M .v V.Mtrr Address all Cow nicatlona to THE ENTi WISE. William* N C FRIDAY, NOVEMI. I.» - 1!'1H The universn ,'iestion last week, when wii oe wa; - end. The popular tpie n this wee l -, is when will the - come lionv naturally we art interested HI the particular pi of the war, we would guess I v ver that i! those who are th' rig most of this question classed l>> grades that the o'hers would be first, sweet irts second fathers third 'ers fourth brothers fifth, an hen down to the remotest boui we hope til every man will r> :ce at the re turn of our brav. >ys. One of the sat things in the whole war w when the brave courageot. \uiing men shall pull up the it stak s and with faces brigli and beaming turn toward the estern Hem isphere, Home, l ing .some I" hind never to P n I he\ are the golden coin "at paid t • debt of world reed«'in .MIU though the old lee will never be brightened, I T loved ones will always be cl ml with tiiel thought that il a ■ they who protected virtu imnor and truth from the s.- ./ery of bar bartious forces. Nor do our ob «tions to tie* boys cease with • signing d peace when tl come home they will have a 'per appreci ation of the hi. r tiling >! life, a keener co; ;>lion of m,n B duty to his I "r ami we should keep pare .it-, them We should attend t ;v duty tha 1 f builds up the hit. i and bet»l things of life Si !y, m r; . physically, politi and ously. They have bee >roadened b) the school ol it rience and when they retin ill have inanv valuable lessons the folks at home. The I'nited U Work Cam paign will help i, •to meet the .needs of the si r than any thing we have I e lately, it helps him as ti receiver and blesses lis as the « er. Redeem Vou War Saving Pledges. Not e Hating ij i.illlied executor* upon the H state of Utimii' »man, ileceascil; Notice is heiehy to nil |x.TMins holliun clniins it};.' ! -al.l Instate to present tlieni to tl ■ micU-rsigneil for payment on or lief .• 30th »t« > of Septenit>-t. lyH, ot , notice will lie plead in liar of tlee vt-rt All persiyn* null to sitlil list tie arc requested to tii. lruuieiliate pay -1 meat. This 30th ilav of int)er,"iijlS, J. 11. >' 11. Ilyman, NO i ;TT~ Having i|ualfieil as .tvutor upoou the Estate of Elijah Bn>. .leceasetl: Notice isliereby given to n 'persons holding claims against said i state to present them to the under-' ed for payment on or Iteforo the 21 u t>f SepP i l l>y >• notice wi'l t>e plea t . lore the bar of their recovery. All person iiulet ; t to sni 1 ite are requested to in. nn mediate pay ment. This 21 clay of Sf;. miS. \V. V. t)i inoinl. 104 • Executor. . Skewarkee L nise NO. 90 -4K Skewurkee ge No. 90, A. F' & A. M.„ me every second and fourth Tut iay night at 8 o'clock. Redeem You- War Saving Pledges. LOST.—On Halloween night one oblong gold t ooch with dia mond in centei Finder please return to Mrs. T. R. Getsinger and receive rewa. d. Redeem Your War Saving Pledges. Many Prominent Men Come Out For Tanlac M »x or *' -H«# h 4>f ficals, bankers Law yers, Doctors En dorse it " • PELT IT THEIR DUTY TO GIVE TESTIMONY Unhesitatingly Tell I heir Suffering Humanity What Celebrated Medi cinc I!is bone for i hem 11 i • •>' io'i, i .-! •■ i, I ft i' in 'O i. :,i• ,i" ; j eci til ■ men b"ld" g liiK r h puolie office. will irgly • v.>■ •• .s t'l •• i'id—riti"to a prom i : iry ».• li-iin• Manv prominent men, however, inciud it.u' xuprerne eourf judges, may urs of otii i• *:i11111>' cities, promi nent stat.* and county officials, bankers, lawyers, doctors, lead ing educators, government offi cials and even milliliters of the (Josp'd h.rc t|eer.,ed it t heir fluty to come f irward ;.n i tell the poo pie what Tanlac has done for them. These v.'ell-kno vn men of af fairs have reciviiiized in Mii.i tin dicii.e a new t!.st'overy and a scientific triumph in the medical world. I' is a well known fact thoo pl' iidid indorsements h i', lieon giv.'fi Tanlac time and a.'mi th i . i!I c miiiiiie to be y : . .i ii ei- 1 as "I t. ti iis new tes's ot it- p .vers are made; and it a'so explaiiii why numbers of the hi):' drug fi'i'isol thecotin li v are ord'-ring it exclusively in carload h st. I >n roit I'KKSCKUKS IT I )r. .1 T. Kdwards, of Fayette villi-, la. one id th.' best known members of the medical profes sion in the slnte of (leoigis, makes a t.ite.uent will un ll i.,;|y produce t profound im pression l lirougluiiit the South '-Ifrffly tltirly .ears »-t actual practice as a licensed physician in the State of tieorgia," says ii, I'd „ ,»r d-t,' 1 Lave never seen • ,• 'l,o ;' in e«| ril Tanlac as a .nctiieii i to proipict! results, am ~i". u, ■ ' ~.Jk ; -ats nk" most every day. I 'rot es- or I' (', f lot I eltei,' prominent educai »r and principal of tht' High School at Mm Hill, Cih. ,says: 1 was in such bad physical condition that 1 feared 1 would have to give up my duties 1 suffered from rhumatism. slug gish liver, nausea and terrible billimis headaches I have taken 15 bottles of Tanlac and feel bet tcr than 1 have I • It in years Noted TI:\AN TAI.KS Hen, Archie K Anderson, ex sheiilTof Ilarri.- t '.rinty, Texas, is u.upiestionabis not only one of the best known, hut one of the most popular incti that ever Meld ollice m Texas He served the people in this important office for 15 consecutive years. "I had the wor:-t kind of indi gestion, suffered all the time gas en my stomach and was con tinually belching up undigested food," said Mr Anderson. "1 suffered with neuralgic pains of the worst sort and nothing seem ed to help me except in a tem porary way. "1-began (,> . I b r after taking my firs' (.•>'?' • of Tanlac] and have ju tu.. .tarled on: my third. I'm a o». iman I already H. W Hill, presdient of one of j the leading banking institutions of South Pittsburg, Tenn . and one of the most successful bank ers and business men of Tonnes see, said: j "1 suffered from rheumatism ! andotheraliments for many years and Tanlac has done me more ! good than anything 1 ever tried 1 now wake up in the morning I feeling fine. - Tm telling all my friends about Tanlac and am recom mending is to them, regardless jof their age and trouble." : Dr.G.W. DeLaPerriere, ofVVir* : der, Ga., Is not WTiy one of the best known physicans and drug gists in the State-of Ga., but is also a man of expensive proper ty and wide influence, ranking as one of the ' leading citizens of that entire section- He has , been in the drug business in Winder for 25 years. Recently Dr. De LaPerriere wrote: Nare EX-MAYOR HI COMMENDS IT Eormer Mayor Frank V. Evans of Birmingham, Ala., Makes a Strong Statement One of the latest additions to the large and rapidly growing list of prominent men who havel publicly indorsed Tanlac for the good it has done them, is thej i.amc of H»n. Frank V. F.vans, former Mavor of Birmingham, j Mr Evans is one of the best-1 known men in public life in Ala j batna today, being at one time editor of one of the South'sj greatest newspapers, the Bir mingham Age-Herald. He was j examiner of the Public accounts of Alabama In telling of the benefits he- had derived from Tanlac.Mr. Evans said: "For years 1 suffered with l gasttitis and indigestion in the! worst form I was habitually con I stipatl'd and had pains in my shoulders and headache continu- I ally. My appetite left me almost j entirely and everything I would eat hurt me. Finally 1 got to having awful attacks of acute, indigestion, palpitation of the | heart and smothering spells. For a bug time I would have one or; more of these spells every night! and I would wake out of my i restless sleep gasping f h»atb I "I bought a bottle ot T«i*tla*. . and to my surprise and > ratifies lion I began to feel reli 1 •• few doses I kept taking the medicine and now my recovery I isimplv the talk ofßirmmg I ham "Our pi'Viple are nuch enthu.s ed over the beneficial effects of lanlac ami I desire to say that n is the most wonderful seller I ever had in this store Other prominent men wh have endorsed Tanlac arc: L'rofessor Filmor Morri. of Dover, Tenn; I'rofesßor A. | Wood of the Central Graded Schools Winder. Ga ,C.C. ('oop' er, pi esideiit of the Georgia s Home t'otton Oil Company, I Lawrenceville, (la : S. S. Shcp ard, member Atlantic city council; Hon. tieorge Samuel Riley, Chief of Police in Macon, 1 Ga.: H. C. I.avender, register of Williamson County, Tennessee; |)r \V. II Hrown, iiS22 Char lolte Ave, Ten., founder of and j presidentof the Tennessee Pro testant Home for Girls; John F. I Carroll, cotton mill superinten dent of (.'hattahochce and At lanta. I'anlac is now sold in Williams ton, exclusively by the S. It. Bi^gs,: >" Uobersonville by C. Ij. Cannon; in llassell by the Salsbury Supply Co., and in Oak City by llines & llarrell. Littleton College II it water, elect! ir lights .mil other modern improvonvnts. 37 ill annual session will l.cgin | Sep'i*mher 511 i ,1 lue tin new illustrated rata-I Idv;; ,iK 1 fur p irt it ulars concern* itii>tni s|»fi ial otter to a tew girlsj «. .1 .111111 1 pay our catalog rate. ; J J M Kt lODES, Littleton, N. C. ' • ,(K)0 Karly Jersey Cabbage IVI its ready, $2 fin per M , Fast Side Farm. .1. L. Holliday, j"j Williamston, N C VVK send laundry every week. 'lt must he in by lli o'clock 01 each Wednesday, or wait a j week. Oscar Arilor»on | 4-wks. J. F. POPE Not it 1 y Public j Oili- M iti 0 onty T« is mp.r- \ I r.l>. BUNCH Agent For "" ! Carolina Metal Shingles | Williamston. N. C Phone 170 : Mrs. Mattic Speiler Dnnlor In . QRNBKAL MERCHANDIS Also a full line of wall paper, j fhone J5 Williamston, N C We Carry at all Times a Complete Stock of Metalic and Wooden 1. - Burial Caskets Latest Designs ANDERSON, CRAWFORD & CO. 9 mm HAKKtSON Mi COMPANY , I Roht. (i. Harrison »eo. H. Harrison Selling your tobacco on the J Williamston market means that you are getting every i penny it will bring. When in ,p town be sure to visit our music j I store and look at our Pianos, i Victrolfis, etc; they are the finest made and our prices i are right U HAYNES, SALES MANAGER | jJI Next to post office Williamston m-: an ; I^—————l——MWH I MWl——■ II I ' Watts Garage The Only Authorized Agency in Williamston. We carry a Complete Stock of Genuine Ford Parts Storage Batteries Repaired and Repaired Your Repair Work will Receive Prompt Attention llcrc We Sell Buicli, Ford and Saxon Cars Phone 201 Williamston, N. C. «A THE bank that lives up to & , ITS POLICY :.. .; We arc very definite in our ideas of what a hank owes to its community—ami ot the attitude which it should take toward its custom -is. There are no favored few here. Every patron stands upon exactly the same footing—entitled to all the service we can render properly. v Thfrre ts a feeling that banks are stiff"and reserved institutions-sitting in judgment upon mens affairs. But this is NOT one of that type. Our attitude is studiously opposite. We seek to impress you with our sincere desire to handle your account and meet voui requirements to the fullest degree. You may be sure 1 that what we can legitimately do, within the bonds ot rational reason will be done cordially and cheerfully. There IS a difference in banks —but the banners \ Merchants is the progressive kind—welcoming your business with genuine appreciation—expressed in SERVICE. Farmers and Merchants Bank » ASSETS OVF.R $800,00^.00 JOHN I). BIGGS, President K. G. HARRISON, Cashier C. 1). CARS" ARPHEN, V-Pres. GILBERT PEEL, Asst. Cashier R. W SALISBURY, V-Pres. TURNER T. GRIMES, Asst. Cashier C.D. CARSTARPHEN.Jr. Boo kk eeper ALMA SPARKS, Stenographer . / •:• -v J- — 4 . ' Flowers For All Occasions on Short Notice Especially For Funerals I Represent The Hammond Co., Richmond M::., Martin, Rocky Mount W. H. GLRKIN Williamston, N. C, All Ready We now have in stock a new and complete line of Mens Clothing;, Shoes ;tltd lints. Ladies ready •/ to-\vcar consisting? of Drosses, ( i »'il('oat Suits, and-a 1 iin? of U p-( M-' 1 ;; T »• Krvin DIVW Shoes — there a. none bet ter.. Onr cleri cal I'orce is ample to serve all who m;i\ come, and onr stock will not disappoint them. Yon try ns. J.L.Hassel & Co. Everything for Everybody Williainston, N. C. RJMM RUNMMAMM' - : JSMUSWUOIK ■MSB TMUMMM—— We Sell Your Farm, City or , Suburban Property At Auction | T!'.q Atlanfe 'Coast Realty Company ; F •' ccs Quick and Profitable Results I Oi r i ii «etllin£* farm, city and suburban properly by auction—that we know limv i. 0.-pHiucU by the letter* of appreciation we receive from every one at our clicnti. V.'3 S-bdi«/lde and Sell at Auction All Kinds of Prop c-:.' Willi Satisfaction to Both Buyer and Seller. j Oomjlcttlyc 'iippcl withan efficient corpi of publicity experts, accurate iurveyers, M tner. ii•• . ' lu iii and lalei force. Our methods hava won the confidence ol jj if' Jar our representative who will ccmc to you J c.uthorixtd to act. He will submit you a liberal li.-utruit. If 'e guarantee satis/action. Our boo/tut explaining our methods will le lent upon request. FAr..., OUR SPECIALTY TERRITORY UNLIMITED i AT'-ANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY The Name that Justifies Your Confidence PETERSBURG, VA. OFFICES N. C. Reference: Any Bank la Petersburg, Va. or Greenville, N. C. II 31

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