RSPOILT OP TH* CONDIftOH OP THE BANK OF HAMILTON kt Hamilton N C , at the close of bist iieM, NoVetobet Jit ntS. R SOURCES Loens and Discounts f%■"» 0' *7 Banking Houses. hnrniture and Fixtures, -5.15° 00 ,\H olh"ef *«il Estate own»l v AXJI3 Due from Natioual Bands 1,916 83 Due from State Bulks and Bankers i,7»S oS Checks for clearing 255 5° Gold Coin 3*7 00 Silver Coin, including all minor coin currency *6i 98 National Bank Note* and other B. S. Notes 4,06t.00 ToUl 76,511,11 LIABILITIES Capital Block paid in $5. 000 00 Surplus P«od 10.0)000 I'ndivided Profits, less current expense* and taxes paid 86 40 Bil W Payable lo 000 00 Deposits subject to check 30,000 95 Tune Certificate of Deposit aI,»JJ 5 Cashier's Checks outstanding ifto.M Total >76.S«i 11 State of North Carolina, Conntv of Martin, 191K I, F L tlaislip, Caahier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief P. L- Haislip, Cashier. Correct Attest P. L. Salsbury, B L. Long, W. S. Rhodes, • Directors Subscribed and sworn to before ine, this nth day of November, 1918, R A. Bdmondson. Notsry Public. Notice of Sale of Land Uader and by virtue of the authority contained in a certain Deed of Trust ex ecuted on the 11 th day of February, l9iß by Joe Williams and wife, Bettie Williams, registered in the Reg ister's of Deeds office of Msrtin Connty in Book N 1, at page 58. to cure the payment of a certain bond of even date therewith, nnd the stipula tions in said deed of trust not having »>eeu complied with, and at the request of the parties interested, the undersign ed trustee will on Monday, the 16M1 day of Decemlier, 1918, *t >2oo o'clock m. in front of the courthouse door of Mar tin County, Williamuton, N. C , offer at public sale lo the highest b'dder for cash the following described teal rotate A lot in the Towu of Willi ruiston, N. C. bounded on the north by the lands of Mi/elle Biggs, and by the lauds of Mi zelle Biggs 011 esst; the land of Delia Rogers On the south, and the lands of Delia Rogers 011 the west, containing % of an acre mote or less, and heing the aame property conveyed to the aaid Joe Williams by Sylvester Hasseil, This J ith day of November, 1918. Wheeler Martin, Trustee. FISH FERTILIZER :•••: ANNOUNCEMENT I To the Farmers of North Carolina This is to advise that we have purchased the largest menhaden fish ing factory in the north located at Hicks Island, Long Island, New York and taken over a lease on a large menhaden fishing plant at Lewis, Del. In taking over these northen plants, we have secured several thousand tons offish scrap in addition to scrap we have allready made in North Carolina. ' The North Carolina plant, Hicks Island plant and the Lewes, Deleware plant, have handled to September first, 1918 over 195,000 l.arrells of fish, with a net profit to this company of over SJ. 50,000. We catch more fish, and a better grade of fish, during the fall fishing in North Carolina, than at any other time of the year. We regard the season as only abouf one-half over on Septembers!. The combined capacity of these plants will permit us to supply the North Carolina farmers with more fish scrap annually than they have ever heretofore had the opportunity to secure. • Write us how you can secure your fish scrap at wholesale prices. THE FISHERIES PRODUCTS COMPANY Wilmington, North Carolina t ~* , ■ ■ 4 : v , NOTICE fi«d as AdtU'S'sbMor Upon the Kstate of Joseoh I# U*«itef de cessed; Notice is hereby given to *ll persons holding claims against said Bs tate to present them to the undersiphed for payment on or tefote the 26 iUv of Oct. 1919, or this notice will be pled in twr bf ttohreeoWry; All persons iudebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This 26 day of Oct lv' 9 Mc. O. Taylor Administrator. Come to ses B.S. COURTNEY Sole Agent for EDISON'S PHONOGRAPHS New Records always on hand Money to Loan On Real Estate From One Thousand Up For Five to Ten Years Critcher & Critcher FOR SALE. One li>lß model Ford car for sale. Needed closed ear for winter reason for selling. Dr. J. S. Rhodes. N OTIC I Having qualified ns Administratrix upon the Instate of Mi I' Mobley de ceased; N dice is hereby given to nil persons holding clams against said Kstate to present them to the undersign ed for payment on or before the 2* day of Oct. 1919, or this notice will be pled in bu of their recoyery. All persons indebted to said Kstate lire requested to make immediate payment This »5 day of October 1919- I.ena C. Mobley ii.|.4t Administratrix, ;j »Vt : r : "if? >X.I»IW —MI ; aT'OR peanut pfcker wth po.Ver. Good con dition. Tdtms easy. J. B. Cherry & Bro. R. F. D. 3. Phone 192 3H WANTED.-One Rood milk XW:" "6 W: €oHratitr- Ford car for sale; good-as new, C. C. Todd; Tarboro: N.C Land Sale North Catoliti* Martin County ruder and by virtue of ■■ decree of the Clerk of the Superior C'uit of M utili County, made on he 2nd day of Octo ber, lylH iu the Special Proceeding en titled (> T. House and Other*, to th Court K* l'atte, the irnderslßiied c«uie inissiom r will on Saturday, tile 9' b day of NovttJibrr, 1918, at 11 o'clock M at the Couit House door in Willi.tu;- mi, Martin County, expose to public sal to the highest bidder for cash, the follow-- irg desrrilied tract 01 parcel of' j »nd situate, l\ing Mid being ill Matt'u C un ty, Oo>se Nest Township, bounded and described as follows: ADJOINING TllK LANDS of John Best. RobJtt Staton 11 11 *1 Others and BR GINNINO *t « pine no.I Ihtec(j) »;ums chopped pointing and bi'il'j; near the John H >st South-east corner; running from said corner South 4t West 8 > It », poles to a stooping pine; thence North 46 West 81)->,s poles to a "pine; thence North 44 Hast 89 11 2.S poles to a pine in the John nest" line; thnce along sanl line South 16 Hast 8y 11 1$ pole to the beginning, containing I'ltty > 1 acres, more or less. I'. C. Harding Commissioner This the Jnd day of October, 1918. ft. NOTICE Having qualified ns Adminis tratrix upon the Estate of Reuben T. Robereon deceased: Notice is hereby given to all persons hold ing claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 31 day of October I!U9, Or lliis notice will be pled in liar of tli. ir recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate an 1 requested to make immadiate payment. This 31 day of October, 1!>1S. Annie Roberson, 10 l-6t Administratrix Notice of Sale •Jndet »nd by virtue of the authority j Contained in a certain Ileed of Trust ex ecuted ou the 4UI day nf March 1916. by J. H. Riddick and wife, Pantile Kiddick ntid registered in the Register's of Deeds office foi Martin Countv in Book X T 3637T, 1 'Mvnre-ttie "pnymrtVt of a certain bond >if even date there with, and the stipulation* in said deed of liust not having tieeu complied with ami at the request ot the parties interest ed, tile undersigned trustee will on Mon day 2nd day of Deeeu.ber, lgiS, at 11:00 M., at ihe courthouse door of Martin County, Willinniston, N. C. v - offer at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following descritied real estate lk-giuning at Spe;ir Knight's corner; thence along his western Jim to his northwest corner; tlietice the name course continued to the old Martin now the Will mnston I.nud i\nd Improvement Co 111 • thence smith west I v an old lence'toid to the three ums 111 II is sell's 1: e; thence along ll.issell's and Ma \ o's line lp the beginning, contain ing ttiire ,\ acres mote or less and being the sl ie deeded fio.ll M I, Mayo to the W llliattistoit I, ind and Improve ment s'\, of toeor lin tlie Public Regis tr\ of M.iitiil County in Hook O, 0. O. at P'ige 165 Saving and incepting the the following des nln?d property, which was sold bv J. II T. Riddick to Rtisha Clemens, under date Jan. >3, 1915, of record ii. the Public Registry of Martin County, in b'Rik XX G I, page ,\.\7, describe! as follows ItugluninK 011 Ihe southeastern cornel of S. R. Riddick's tie at an i ron stub, running thence in 1 a northwest course to Brown Street, a corner; thence alou>; Brown Sueet to an an iron stob, thence in straight line to the beginning, This jqth day cl October, u»IS, Wbeelet Martin, jr. Trustee. 11-Hl6 Notice Having qualified .is Adminis trator upon tl> «• INtatc ol (100. I-, Daniel deceased; Notice is here by given to all persons holding claims against said list ate to pre sent theiti to the undersigned lor payment on 01 lielme the 7th day of November 1919. or this notice 111 lie plead in.hai of their ic Covery. All persons indeli'.ed to said Kstatc are re. to make immediate pa\ meul This 7111 d.i\ ol November S \V . Casper Ad in r. (.-t 'r ■ * I t ,1 Having qualified ai A llnlnittialrit* C. T. A. upon the Hstate of W. A. Fleming deceased; Notice Is hereby given to all persons holding claims against sai 1 Rs tate to present them to the undersigned for p-yment 011 or before the )th day of November 19IQ or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Karate, 'are rfqitesTed tii Tiia'ke Immediate psy inent. This sth day of November lgiS Kli/.alivth B Fleming Adu/i. C T. A. 6-t NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator upon the Estate of John A. Bennett deceased; Notice is here by given to all persons holding claims against said Estate to pre sent them In the undersigned for payment 011 or before the 18111 day of October 1919 or this notice will he plead in bar of their re covery. All person indebted to said Es tate are requested to make im mediate payment, This |Hih day of October, 1918 W, H, Uennett Administrator lor John A, Uennett >-t Notice Having qatilifiecj as adminis tratrix of the rotate of the late Ueo. W. Corey, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the said estate to make settle ments thereof without delay, and to all persona holding claims against the estate to present them to me for payment within one year from this date ( or this notice will be pleadod in bar of their recovery. This November 12, lUIH. Ella Corey, Administratrix Notice Having qualified as Administra tor upon ihe Kstate of W. 11. Hnr risou deeeasi'd: Notice is hereby Kiveil to all persons holding claims agamst said Kstate te present tlicnt to the undersigned for payment on ol before the day of October I'M') or this notice will he plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said b,state to make immediate payment This ,U st dav of October I'U.H. James 11. Harrison, Administrator. Farms and Town properly FOR SALE 111 Virginia and North Carolina. Also wanting farmers to list —' their farms with me to sell lIHRTIiORD HOTKI, This is the only Hotel in town of Hertford, N. C. A new three story wood huildidg of 32 root n on a lot 100 by JHO feet, If you care to run a Hotel, this is a cinch. I,HIS WITH STUNK HtIII.INN«.S ON SAMK in center of business district of Winfall, N. C. Now vn ed by Alon/.o White, Reasons for selling. wants to retire from active business life. Town I.uts With I)wki.un.s In Cits Ok Si'i'kock, Va, FARMERS ! •Now is your chance of a life time to buy farms cheap, lam selling and buying farms all the ne, Will cite you a few special bargains. The W. I', Jludgins Farm known as the John B, Perry (deceased) farm at Belvidere, N. C. Henry C. Chappell Kami near Kyland, N. C. The J. I). Twine Farm saw mill, plaining mill and edger and an up-to-date ectton gin with a ad ditional lot of new machinery not yet put up. This property is situated 1 14 miles Cannon s Ferry a i 1 I I miles Woodley's Wharf °n Chowan River, two lyiles of Ryluud station 011 Norfolk Southern Rai -id. Really, this is the best business stand in Chowan, N. C. It faces two county roads, being in fork of ro. at Iludsons. Fine stand W wheat Hour, and cornnieal mill to attach to present machinery, also 110 : ter stand for a nicrchantilc business. This farm has every advantage for business and fanning—four dwe i.igs cn same, Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Three farj.ns owned by R. T, Savage, Corapeake, N. L, Jim Hare farm near Sunbury, N. C. J, W, Baggett Home Farm —3 12 miles of Whaleyville, \'a. Sam Wilkins farm near Bosley, N. C. Cleveland Branton farm near Drum Hill, N. C. C. O, I*/lwards farm near Sunbury, N. C. Charlie Jackson farm near Drum Hill, N. C. J. Thomas Savage farm near Drum Hill, N. C, The T W. Savage (deceased > farm known as the Red farm at Mannings Station oil Sonthern Rail road -onlv 4 miles of Suffolk, Va. This farm is near Church and High School right at station and saw mill- as finujsoil as V irginia caii lioast of. These are j 11st a few of the properties I am offering for sale. MR. INVESTOR Now is your chance of a life time to buy while farm and town properties are selling cheap. These properties were bought when everybody was blue —crops looked sorry—labor scarce—an he prospects of a long and bitter war ahead of Us. With these conditions facing them the farmers natl ;Uy wanted to uaload on the other fellow, but it is now the reverse. The war will soon be history—we've rot the boche 011 file tnit prices of land products are high —there will soon lie plenty of labor —then t nns can't be puchased at any price. WHY? Because they will be a better investment than a Klondike Void Mine. —- Buyers AnD Seu.kks Get Busy, Write nie and whisper your wants and I'll do the rest. Am stopping at the Nansemond Hotel, juf folk, Va. H. P. Winslow REALTY AGENT" T"" , P.0.80x 4 19, Sußdtk, — 1 ' ? ——_ * K I See us before buying your Disc |H Harrows, and Stag Sulky Plows. gj3 j)0 We can SAVE you MONEY, and 01 will do so if you will see us before if buying H j§j Hoyt Hardware Co. §j Fw Wllllamston, N. C. WSjSaimiSBSiSniSiaBSSS :i Tires made blow-out-proof by using the "Red Innershu." Ask tor our •r-v , guarantee bond. C. D. CARSIARPHEN & CO. Williumston, N. C. We arc sole agents for Martin County

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