- *. The Entei >rise A County Newspap*. published weekly at the Cou Seat df Martin l»\ W. C. MANNING, Edit-- & Gvwier SUBSCRIPTION TXTBE One Year t oo | Six MOD the *- .50, Three Month* ?S Strictly C*ah In ' itance K«»*i«1 «t th«- I'M* Oflic/ Vilil«ni«inn. H. C. M Setoml Cl«»" Mill V. ri Address all Commur ntion* to THE ENTHRP" ■>!., Wllllamston. C. FRIDAY. NOVRMHKR H'ls MUST mm FOOD XPORTS! America Culled •» by IMIII of the War to -vpply Added Mi ; ions STILLNKKI)I.- ONOMY witn the guna In 1 .pe Kllcncol, | have now to coaslil. now wniiil fond situation. Hut tl cAn he 11" but>c that Hie volunip 'iir x cab be Ughteaed to tl slightest •!«•- I |TM with the cessuUoi fln »»st 1111 !••»« 1 Millions of people llbi > '1 from the Prussian yolfe are t ili-pernling 1 upon us for the f»o1 will keep ] then from starvation. With food th© Unit Suites innilo 1 tt possible for the fi s of democ racy to hold out to vie' To Insure democracy In the worl' . must con tinue to live simply I 1 ■ I-r thiii tve may supply those Uho I naUmis .f Buropo With food. 1 1 iimohj: n people Inevitably I Is anarchy. American food munt it i.-ie the woik of making the world f"i ih IHIM i«cy. Last year we cent 11 i.ono tons of feed to Europe, For 1 present your, with only th* Kumpein Mes to feed, we had originally pled ..III'MCIVCS to • program that wou!> increased onr exports to 17,f>nn ' HIS NOW. te feed the liberated •ns, we will l»»ire to export 11 total ■ ' I less than SOYOOO.OOO toil H prni II IV tlie limit J of loading capacity at;- r porta, lie viewing the world fe, Itiintlon, we ; find that some foods v .• olitaliinl'le | In quantities audlelei to meet nil world needs under 11 of ee> nomlcul consumption u tl lli.r | hnnd, there will he irked world ■hortiigea In some Imp -nit coniinoill- Uca. Return to Normal cad Loaf. With the enlarge wheat crop* | which American farn luivo grown, and the supplies of A rnlia, the Ar (entitle and other ni:r IN now ncccs Bible tb shipping, >• nre I.read grains enough to enal. iin« nations to return to their noli . . wheal leaf, provided we continue mill Hour nt ; a percentage e v trail Inn and ! molntulirEconomy In .ting and the i •tpltlanco of waste. In fats there will he heavy short- j ago— about 5,000,0n0 •) pounds— In j pork products, dnln p'OduetH and vegetable oils. While . re will he a . ahorPige of about tl ■ million tons In rich protein feed or dairy ani muls, there will he i- • cionl .supplies of other feedstuff* to >w economical consumption. In the mutter of I f, the world's supplies are limited t■ lie capai I'.y of j Ike a>njlnble refrlgei « ships. The 1 supplies of beef In A 'rulla, the Ar ' gentitie and the I'lilt stales are suf flcjei I to lo:ii these "There "ill lie a f hortage in tin .iportlng ci.un-J tries, LuJ \ve cantic ipe to expand •xporftlttjtbrliilly I ,ie next months In vleV "(if the bol ' leek In trans j portullon. We will have a *.l ient supply of J «Ug*r to allow norn. insinuation In , 04m ceiißtry If the er nations re tain their present si • rations or In rreaae them only s , itly. For the i ricfi of linropi mvever, to In j ereuso their presen 1 il.ins to n tmi | t«Ji.l extent will tin itule our shut' ion H part of our i . supplies wllh them. Twenty Million i» of Food. Of the world tote North America , will furnish more t 1 60 per cent, j The United States, I idlng the West j Indies, will be callc. poll to furnish j 20,000,0**1 ions of fi 1 f all kinds ns compared with our t war exports of ; abciut o,uoo,t>oo tons Whfle we will be : •> to change our program lu many -peels, even a casual survey of 11 world supplies In comparison to \vi demands shows conclusively that 1 'pe will know famlno unless the noiican people bring their houiu 1 vutnptlon down to the barest minimi that will main tain health and stri h. Ttiere ure coudlti ■» of famine 1n Barope that will be yond our power 'to remedy There ; 10,tKl0,0(N) peo- In North lluss! whom there Is chance of r> Ulng with food titf* winter.' Their nusportiilion Is demoralized In comi te anarchy, and ahortly many of t: • ports will be frozen, even If I rnal transport could be realized. To Prwaerve /lliiatlon. At this moment rrnany him not alone sucked the 1 and animals from all those ma of people she has dominated am! ft starving, hut ' ■*"» has left behind r n total wreck age of sodal lnsi tlous, and this maae of people Is n Confronted with absolute anarchy. If we value our J safety and t lie J ■octal organization the wcyld, If we value the preserva >ll of civilization itself, we cannot pe. ..It growth of tills cancer in the world vitals. Famine la the 1 ■ >1 her of anarchy, ftiom the Inability • 1 governments to nenre food for t' ir people grows •woiution char" From an ability to supply their peot le grows stability e£ government and he defeat of an asdiy. Did we pu it on no higher Uan oyr lo rests In the pro trtV of opr int. -utlons, we must la solution of tbia WASHINGTON COUNTY BANK | Plymouth, N. C. 1 () 1 N I 1) i) ItKlNkl.l V. I'lVn.trm ' \I-**J- M il I.M AN, Vlir I'ir.idrni W H v\ vi Is, r.i,iii.-i " J CAPITAL. $ 20.000 SURPLUS AND PROFIT $ 10.000 i l ' i I)i .it l-ru iul .itiil I'.itpai It I, now 11.11\'- 11i»v i inn .nil! \ "ii will sonti In-Kin nmrkt-t voitr , rn|is KI-.MI Mill k:) 111 \ - will .is ;il\\ a\s cash vour clit-i ks rjtt .Hi- I>.iiik :11\ wln 11. V.i'! l i.i Mr •-! I v sii|iril vnii t> K t tis il yon ' ,i r « ~.i\ i.l j.. i -1 o; ' . il •iih tiiinii to our i \ ntf; ' 1,.. ~I 11, i„,w 11 ic; ,t, : I>i |...siti.i xon lm vt* a_ frit ml who | I',,dii. on uli it \.... • \ I! woiil'i I tank ' h« r■■ 11 sou wotiM ask |,. m A,~,1. , ; | 1■ 'o .ill! I'll , »»l tJ I Jl' 10l .fills in our list of ' P1,,,. ,! rill. \>l 11 «.ThN ( 'l N 'l'N I'.XNK I'l.N' Mi il 'l'l 1 N i' ' 'II von .111 not * l.'| .'is ■' ot (Ills Is an invil.it lotl to ci I'll c 111 rlKll r tj | n ,, IV I(».I I\ v ~• |l I. '■ its .1 11 \ 11 I- Hilt .11 lit lo please as well as to , 1 -.i i \ i Il on, . .ni-i.,1,; 111.1 to;'i\. ill- pin)'!' of this t >it i ill tl li 11 \ tin; ]„. I I I 1,1 1.1, |M, ..I ,t . 1 1:I.1,1 •. « ML! I III! II ill wotkniK lone' (lirec- | I t,, ts th.il 11 it ■■ 1 '-.i• I>• 'l' « III'I I | 111 11" Itlclll makes this possible. It - iii! |i 1 1« T«> I> r 111 ■ln »in* t«» V • #ll 1m »WOf ! ll.\ \ K can help I v , ,n 11, ~i, ,•, i HI i ' s-. iii \ out ill.lll I 1. 1 1 .i IT.III s, \\ e all make III) ill* 'VM |l,ut.,iil\ lie :■ >•. -.n, ii Now i- tin linn lo MM a pall "I volir ill | |, N .I, j.. 'lll.' ,l w ill II- I nh. i oil I lie. kill).: or Saving arc )»lllll. | iii).'s or Cerlifi I II ,iii -of I --1 . \\ , , |,. • ~|, 1 \ ~. i.j ,i v ~iir I|l -posit- l.i ep \otii IIH »ni \ s.alcly and ~ mi, T \ ~.i\ , ~ ; 1 1| ~1 I I i >ll lh.it .111 \ I >:iiik in tlie com I Piup.j. , 'pi . il, t.il , .it. ol \ our v.ilu.ilili papers ami «i v«- j ~j ~ , , 1111s111. it.m ui..hi Ii ol i h itn' u , , IP i: ■' » l I! \Nls 'I lv ll.\ \ Is. lilt s lo sel V p 'l'll , \\ \ HIM. I. |\ .1 ML II \NK \\ li W ills, t' is!\ t \t»Ki II (Aliill IS'AN MV!.s TESTIMONY; Mn. Walston Dec !.!.•( •• Her Troti hlcs Arc (.one .ind Sli*' Has t. .1 iv, luy .wo I bs. Since I I akiiit; T inlac \i, t: ,■ :l, j in!-' ol well | k'nr.\ i> P *''l'lC '' i' il'' li's ; t|i \, • ! tin- ns;, i kali!*- nn-rits ',, ■ j'.. - p.. op i m ri• "iii Ihi .; . , , • ;|■ ! ■.i li' '• 111111 i ii i. \ . ' • rili v. ai I'ir.n, .\i' i' if.lull' lo 111 rl> \ll S'ljl'r ! nil 111. All S W.'Moi, tf.-iiiii'ii I wen ly-l ,vn piiiiin! a.nJ !>•' 'i ro lieveii of a st»i HHP ;.ml a;. r pri avat • inn rlieuin itic i* 11 iition llirounli (| lt . usi' ol Taiilar alli'r oilitT it'i atiniMit had laiinl In lii'lp Ih'I" JI or tin.m>l in Ih!I• •t' irln I In' I all la*' Olli "s at Atlanta. (Jonrnia. ' is re|iiiiiltii'i**! hi'li'w: ' (ii'til'iMiH't,: |'i is p to ,'pri i' thai I ha vo , ta . ji. !':i11 .a', w11 l ' Ihr li" ti| J stills I s;iil'i epii it'li'iio' pain j fi'i'itl t'hei.niiitisni ami I' the (liK'tiir t t'l'iiliiiv' oil 1 l :, f !i \«• j i til i:itl|s lull joit n i in Iter I Siinu'iini' tnlil in.' In trv I'm , ! |:i,» ami 1 was - • i»ri>«•«I a' tin' j result Tho lirst liuttli' a vtn.'! •o j roliovi' tip' so I iv itiiiui'il li.kinu J lit until I 'vns f*> -.tofeil to !..■:: i , j and iihh' I f«'«'l like ;• p -i' 1 son I tiavi tali Ml nnly i tlo.s h > far i Wi.eti lln nan tisitur tlu- tin d j ■ it'ini* I witnlu'il niilv 1!S potiiiiis anil I now wciph 1 It* I o'i'" ! - ami i f cannot say t i T iii'ao. Vou arc at I i • p. 1 i s !' this as I w is!; ■ IV 1 .-n! fp'.s '.it! 'li.'. ..'v ! II Tail lac. Uu s rospectfoils, Mi : I, K Walston • 1,0 .. • k'il o\c't:sivt'l> jp \\ i 1 t;, i ■iMI -»v lie S Iv liiC'Li ; ' " in U«'s'« . -'"ii ville by I 1. i' rum: in Has-srii hv tlio Si'!. Inir\ Supply Co. ati) in dak Vh\ lr. i! pi -\- llarrrll. * rrs»«:>—»4a i» sg J. K. I'OPI Nolnry I'iihlic ( lili. i. ; M.. t1 p. O • I i! V S u mi;s ,\ Tills! Company | j*. ______ k H. l». UUiNCH Ant-'i". Tor 1 Carolina AUtal ,j \\ illiarrißt;>n. N. t' Phone 170 Mrs. Mattie Speller Denier li» (IENI3KAL MERCHi\NDiS Also a fuH wall paper, 'j I'liouf 53 Wllllam«ton, N C SAVE 16.000.000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT THAT FORMERLY WAS LOST IN THRESHING | Farmers, Urged by Food Administra tion, Provide Seven Extra Loaves of Bread for Every American. Itv adopting elonnor threshing moth | ods mill li.\ lltcrully combing harvest fields 1" gut her K iii I n formerly wnst (>il, tliroshoriiieii and farmers of the U ill It 1 Suites this y« a r saved full.* Hi INKI.INKI bushels nf wheat, estimated i»M •(]iil v nl ■ iit to about seveu one-pound j loiivi'S of lni'iid fur every person In tin- nniiilry. This result, accompanied liy corresponding savings of hurley, . ontii, rye nml other grains, Is shown hy reports from !l!l grain slates to the l'. ! I'.ioil Alll II 111 Ist ni I Icm (lllier Hi a ten, j although not prepared to 1111*111m11 defi nite Ilgures of coiiKervntlon In the 1 grain llelilM, report greally reduced j harvest louses. Thin rural food Having achievement, j accomplished In scarcely six months' J lime, wiia In dlreet response to re- j quests hy the Food Administration, ; which asked farmers and threshermen I to reduce harvest losses frinu about j I ;i>4 per cent; the estimated nverage J In normal times to tlie lowest possl i hie minimum. Country grain thresh* j | liir rommlttees earrled Into every : I grnlii growing eommunlty the official I ■'eeouiineiidatlons for accomplishing j ' the results deslrod. In numerous Instances drivers of | nick* with leaky bottoms were sent , from the fields to repair their equip- j ! meld ami frequently had order thresh- j j 111 y machines were slopped until the j | cause of waste was removed. Hut In j proportion to tflie numher of persons | j engaged In gathWing the nation's grain j crop, cases of compulsion were com- j puratlvelv rare. The Vood Aduillila- I trillion freely ntfrlhutes the success of , | t tie i: rn 111 threshing campaign to p«- | I trlollc service hy gunners, thresher- [ men ami their crews. incidentally I grain growers of the United States are many millions of dollars "In pocket" as a result of the gruln saved. NO ONE SUFFERED HERE. The mnrvel of our voluntary food t'livlng, now tlmt we nre "getting re sults," Is that no one ever actually stillcred uny hardship from 11; that jwe . M are heller Iti healtn and spirit ! i;it i In-;tcr satisfied with ourselves be i:,i,sc .if ot;, trioutiiy self-denial. I o"i! control In Anierlen held the price of I) rends tuff» steady, prevented 1 1 vlcli us speculation and extortion and I preserved tranquillity at home. | In no other nation Is there so willing a sense of voluntary self-sacrifice as i In America that was shown lu the j abslllieice from wheat. Find more wheal, It came; more , poik; It came; save sugar, It was done. -j So Americans answered the challenge of (.icriunn starvation. flood will rules the new world as fear governed the old world. Through sh/frlng food America helps make the whole world kin. V \ Food control made sufficiency from shortage, ki pi the '"ln on food prices, • gave the It:. ....1 stieugtli exer cise. Starvation by Germany challenged all Jlu' world; food conservation In ( America answered the challenge. ) Food conservation In America has beeu the triumph ot Individual devo ■ Uon to the.national causa, LOST.—On Halloween night one,oblong gold brooch with dia mond in center. Finder please return to Mrs. T. R. Gelfeinger ; and receive reward. We Carry at ail Times a Complete Stock of Meialic and Wooden Burial Caskets Latest Designs ANDKRSON, CRAWFORD & CO. j HARRISON Hani! COMPANY ,1 Kohl. (i. Harrison (ico. 11. Harrison 1 I OIJR SECOND CAR LOAD L I '' 1 . f of I'laycr Pianos left New York last Monday and should reach us in a week or ten days. Come in and select one for a Christmas present for your wife or daughter. The soldier boys will be home in a short while. Nothing will make them happier than music, Get a piano and give them a royal welcome when they arrive -• ! Ml HAYNES, SAI.ES MANMitB j Next !o post office / Williiimston I * il j: r WZ'MWi ll ■ ■HI II 111 I I LT, I. . Watts Garage I lie Only Authorized mttew • # r |«M • 4 „ Agency hi WilliiitnHton. Wc* curry a Complete Sloe It of (icnuine Ford l\irts Storage Batteries Repaired and Repaired Your Ki pnir Work will Reeei\c Prompt Attention Here We Sell Buick Ford and Saxon Cars Phone 201 \\ illianiston, N. C. ♦ m \ A WORD YOUNG MEN Jjk i' wish even man in this town and counr\ could yflmt I "' '' c k '' ns* starr a ''ark account with us. It would# not meai much to us hut it MgL, |BS 18C AM' 5 \ tH,r town aiu ' countv could we sav to the world that even vounjr ! ■xT **••"!, - : " ,;m *-" arr ie'«.l a hank account. It would he worth more to the town 7Bsjb It ■ j,'±22( Hi ;•£&' than to adversise we had the greatest college on earth. Young men J® | come in and let us talk this over with vou. Farmers and Merchants Bank . ASS^?jj. OVF ' R $ 8 °0,000.00 •a"-- o. I». CARS • ARPHEN, V-Prcs. GILBERT PEEL. Ass K- ' v - SALISBURY. V-Pres. TURNER T. GRIMES, Asft. Cashier C.'>. CARSTARPHEN,Jr. Bookkeeper ALMA SPARKS, Stenographer ' Flowers For All Occasions on Short Notice Especially For Funerals ——. The Hammond Co., Richmond Mrs. Martin, Rocky Mount W. H. GURKIN Williamsion, N. C. NOTICE Under and by virture ot an or der of the Superior C"Urt of Martin County made in the Spec ial proceedings entitled R. S. Council, et als, ex parte, the undersigned commissioner will/ on thr ?nrh day of Det;eiqt)gr, 1918, at 11 .o'clock A. M., on the] the premises of the land herein* after described and the land form- Lerly owned bv Bake-r Council near Oak C'ty. N . C. • offer lor sale to I the highest bidder fur cash the !three tracts o! land described as follows: Fik-i THAI. 1 : Adjoining the lands of James H, Hvinan, I-. K. Brown, et als. beginning at a s« n 1 g u 111 in the said ('.. 1i ■ I .r.i 11 1 1. K . B .wn s .11 ...... 1 _ 1 . 1 I dll'A I. - "• 'J { ;• V ' •' I • O . 1 11. . A • J K ; " '' IM •••. I It -...id HK nt ' 'in 1 ! Tl'o"i .••> (' 11 • • . ; x:.- i i ■ 1 • w \ made line i>•l\t .1 1. Ihe in ?'• >1 1 111 1 - 1 • ilrgi e.st IJO pi .lo 1.1 a ' lit* lit Wood sf ike 1:1 lll'* M 'III I Koad. theme along the . 1.«1 road north 7.' 1-; degteo west 40 pules! north K_' degrees west ■'"> pules:' north 53 degrees west poles; norih 4.' degrees wot Is poles; to a 1 igthwood stake uti the west side of the ruad,. the lames K. Ilvman corner; tlienre his line along a small drain, south v/ 1-2 degrees west 1-• south ''j degrees WcM 1-' poles; south 7s degrees west 50 poles (o a Black (inlll. the s. 11 I Ilyman s corner! theme smith 4 degrees west 8K poles to i 1 iiner maple and gii 111; theme s 11,tli 15 degrees west 4.4 poles t'i .1 lightwood stump. Brow n - 1 ii in r; tlienre south 41 poles t.. tin t: si sjati'iti, 1 iitit.un. Ing ].• .1 •. , in. nc» or less L„ We Sell Your Farm, City or . Th» Atlantic Coast Realty Company I F, Quick and Profitable Results I Or' i i. irlliiifr farm, rity and suluirlun property by aiirtinn—that «• know li w i. c :»foiMzcti l>y the lettcn of appreciation we receive from every one of i>ur ciieiiti. Wo CJjcividennd Sell at Auction All Kinds ot Prop cr'y WiiS Satisfaction to Both Buyer and Seller. Compete!*/ c ;>p' I v i*h ii efficient corps of publicity experts, accurate ti ' * «»:ictri a.ul sales force. Our method* have won the confident eof •»w pui-:". i/'rile for our representative who will emit to you c.-it hot ixed to ait. He Mill submit yeu a liberal {ontra.t. It'e guarantee satisfaction. Our biokiit plaining our methods will be sent upon request. FARi«i .iALES OUR SPECIALTY TERRITORY UNLIMITED ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY i The Name that Justifies Your Confidence PETERSBURG, VA. OFFICES —GREENVILLE, N. C. Reference: Any Bank in Peferrbtirc. Va. or Greenville, N. C. a SECOND TRACT Beginning at I the bridge across the and ifi said .ii rim' . r .inning down the canal in SJ..I i •AM h to the Main run of the swamc; then up the run of said swamp poles to F. j, .HarreU's lorner; thPfiTrtS line' * OTJT+T -y tr -degreei west 225 poles to a lightwood stake, said Harrells corner; thenee north 59 degrees west 11; pulps to a post oak. aid Hariell's •corner; thence south 36 degrees west 58 l-z poles to a stake. Jamee R. Uyman's corner on the edge of the Main Ko.nl; then along the said road to the first station, con taining 104 1-j acres more or less. THIKH TKAC 1 Tnat trait ad. i lining the lands ol |, | Long. /.r\i Wli 1 teharsl,. the land on vvhu'i M 1 s w Mi.l H- Harrell lived - and the lands o* !• S, ('olimil. • 11 t.I 111 ill g 1/5 a 11s more 1 F IT- ss, ami K.' AII .is t!IE It —ll land, and o- 1 it•• :I, s.iiin- 1 ,1 ,1 pur, h.iscd by I ! S, (*. 11 1 MI ■II rtm 1 1 u x nt Ici • • IPC IN I' IK K K K , page :>)>, AND J>11«• • BASED I»v | S, Council LI'IM () 1 I' L INES. .01, IN uril in 15'iijis K k K,. at page rol This 1 »;H day ol November, lvl*. I>. A. Crill her. Com missioner Notice Having i|ia lifted as executors upou ( the Kstite ol W 11, Hill deceased; Ne tire l» hereby j(ivc'i to all pr rso n 8 holit inK claims against said Kstate to pre seut them t" the uuder«l|(ned for piv inent 01 m before the l9tli ilav of Nov. 1 /19. or tills notice w 11 be plead in bar ot receiver). All [K-rmti* imlebtej to said Fsiat are requested to make immediate pav tn -nt This 19th day of Novemlier, lyiH. Alexanner Hill Wm A. Hill 11 21 f" Ktr'-ulrr