Sk varkecLolgc No. 90 g. H wnrkee Lodge No. • 90-, A. n F A. M., meets every second ant fourth Tuesday night at 8 o'c , 9 4 ■ _ I s tice of Sale of Land l'r and by virtue of the authority cont. -d in a certain -Deed of Trust c*- ecut ou the llth day of Fein»ry, iVtifs Joe Williams and wife. Heme Wil lis, registered in the Reg ister if Deeds office of Martin Con ii Book N l at page 58, to se curt- paymeut of a certain bond of evt-i u therewith, and the stlpula tfcin - ««■ 1 deed of trust not having tnei r.pile I with, an I at the re|ues; of tf interested, the undersign ed ti *■ wni on Monday, the 16th day of !>• -iScl, 191H, at 12:00 o'clock in. in fn ill ihe ioutthotiiie dixir of Mar tin I tv U'lllianiKton, N. C . offer at pnbli ale to the highest b'dder for c*sli following described real estate A 1 i the Town of Williauistou, N. C. bo ed on the north by the lands of Mi/fi h . Hl, d l>> the lands of Mi zelle i-s (in east; the land of Delia i the south, and the lands f Delia ers on the west, containing '* of at e more or less, and l>eing the sanu j eitv conveyed to the said Joe Will . .. (>v Sylvester Hassell. Thi • jtli ilav of November, 1918. Wheelei Martin, Trustee. . FISH FERTILIZER m ANNOUNCEMENT 1 To the Farmers of North Carolina —————_— This is to advise that we have purchased the largest menhaden fkh inj factory in the north located at Hicks Island, Long Island, New York an ! taken over a lease on a large menhaden fishing plant at Lewis, Del. In taking over these northen plants, we have secured several thousand toi > of fish scrap in addition to scrap we have allready made in North Cu olina. The North Carolina plant, Hicks Island plant andjj the Lewes, Deleware \>lant, thi company of over sit 50,000. We catch more fish, and a better grade of fish, during the fall fishing in Jorth Carolina, than at any other time of the year. We regard the ses .on as only abouf one-half over on September Ist. The combined capacity ot these plants will permit us to supply the North Carolina farr rs with more fish scrap annually than they have ever heretofore had the opportunity to sec 1 e. Write us how you can secure your fish scrap at wholesale prices. T HE FISHERIES PRODUCTS COMPANY Wilmington, North Carolma NOTICE Having qnslified as Adtniniltrator upon the Bstate of Joseoh L Lassiter de ceased; Notice is hereby given to nil persons holding claim* against aaid Ha ute to preaent them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 26 day of '('m: 1919, snSUIMIH win In pled in bar of their recovery. AH persons iudebted to aaid estate are requested to make immediate payment. This 26 day of Oct 1919. MC. G. Taylor n-i-6t _, Administrator. Come to ses B.S. COURTNEY Sole Agent tor 7 EDISON'S PHONOGRAPHS New Records always 011 hand Money to Loan On Real Estate / From One Thousand'.Up For Five to Ten Years ; Critcher He Critchery" FOR SALE.—One 1918 model Ford car for sale Needed closed car for winter reason for selling l)r. J. S. Rhodes. NOTICK Having qualified us Administrate* >i|>on the Kstate of Mc. 1) Mobley de ceased; Notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said F.state to present them to the underfill ed for iwyment on or before the 2s day of Oct. 1919, or this notice will be pled 111 bar of their recovery. All (leiaoiis indel)tel to said l'.state are requested to moke immediate payment This »5 day of October 1919. Lena C. Mobley n-i-6t Administratrix, ■a r ~-' f ■ ■ isoaj————s— ■ FOR peanut picker complete with power. Good con* dition. Term? easy. J. B. Cherry & Bro. R.f l). 8. Phone 192 8* WANTfiD.—One "Rood ftiilk cow. * G. W. Coltrain. Ford car for sale; good as new. I C. C. Todd; Tarboro: N.C NOTICE Under and by virtue of an order of sale made in the special proceeding en titled G. T House et al*., to the court on the day of October, tqiS, in which order F. C Harding was appointed com missioner of the court to sell the Imu.l described hi the petition on the 9th dav of November, ivilb, and said land not having bom so).I mi suit! dale due to the unavoidable absence of the commis sioner. and an oidei having been "tide bv K. J, Peel Clerk of the Superior Gourt of Maitin Countv. on the 18th day of November, 191 H. authorizing and em powering the ►aid I" C, Harding. Com missionet. to re advertise said land fot fifteen days and sell the astne upon the aatne terms and conditions as in said former order--I shall on Friday, the 6th day of December, 1918, offer for sale at public auction at the court houae door in Williamston, at i 2 o'clock m., to the highest bidder for cash the following d e scribed tract of land: Beginning at a pine and lhtee( j) gums chopped pointing and being near the |)SVin nest South-east corner; running jrom said corner South 44 West 89 ll *s poles to a stooping pine; thence North 46 West 89-1* poles to a pine; theooe North 44 Kast 89 11-2s poles to a pine in the John nest line; thnce along aaid tioe South 46 Kast 89 11-15 pole* to the beginning, containing Fitty (So) acres, more or less. F. C. Harding Commissioner. This November 18th, 1918. 4 t NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis tratrix upon the Kstateof Reuben T. Roberson deceased: Notice is hereby given to all persons hold ing claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 31 day of October 1919, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immadiate payment. p This 31 day of October, 191 H. Annie Roberson, 10 l-6t Administratrix Notice of Sale MJdr'ei and by virtu* of the authority contained in a certain Deed of Trust ex ecuted on the 4th day of March 1916. by I. R. Riddtck and wife, Fannie kiddick 4MhI legietered -te —the- - Remitter'* of Deeds office for Martin County in Book N-I, at page j6i, to secure the payment of a certain bond of even date there with. and the stipulations iu suid deed of trust not having been complied with and at the request ot the parties interest ed, the undersigned trustee will on Mon day and day of Deeeinlwr, lyiS, at 11:00 M., at the courthouse door of Martin County, Willlamaton, N. C., offer at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, the f«>llowit»K described real estate Beginning at Sj>«-«r Knight's corner; thence along hi* western line to his northwest corner: thence the some court* continued in the old Martin now the Willianiston Lund ami Improvement Co line: thence"" a»»nih»esUv along hii old tence road to the three 'utns 111 lias sell's line; thence almi* llassell's and Muwi's line to lh>* hegmtiing, contain inn tnree 3 acie« nnre ot less and Wing the - deeded fiOin M I, Mayo to the Williamston I.'tnd sml Improve ment Co., of recor I in uie Public Regis trv of Martin County in Hook O. O. O. at page i6y Saving and ocepting the the following described property, which was sold by J. H. T. Riddick to Kliaha Clemens, under date Jsn. jj, 1915, of record in the Public Registry of Martin County, in book XX O-I, page ,vt7, described as follows; Hex inning on the sout'.eastern corner of 8. R. kiddick's ue nl sn iron stoh; running thetire in a northwest courae to Browu Street, a corner; thence along Brown Street to nn an iron stob thence in straight line to the beginning. This 30th day cf October, 19IS, Wheeler Martin, jr. Trustee. 11-K-16 Notice Having qualified as Adminis trator/upon the Estate of tieo, I, Daniel deceased; Notice is liere -I>V fjiven to all persons holding claims against said Estate to pre sent tlit-iii to tlie undersigned for payment on or before the 7th day of November 1919, or this notice will he plead in bar of their re coverv. -All persons indebted to said I*l stall' are requested to make immediate payment. .Tins 7th day of November jyjS S. W, Casper Admr. 6-t Notice — ~~~~ having'ejuatified as Aduiinisttplrix C 1. A. upon the Estate of W. A? Fleming deceased; Notice la hereby given to all persona holding claims against sai '. Es tate to present them to the undersigned for psyment on or before the sth day of November igtQ or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to »sid Estate are requested to make immedlsle pny ment. This jth day of November 1918 Elizabeth B Fleming Ailrn*. C T A. 6-t NOTICE Having quailtied as Adminis tralor upon the Estate of John A. Bennett deceased; Notice is here by given to all persons holding claims against said Estate to pre sent them to the undersigned fur payment on or before the iStli day ot CJfctTfbcr igii)nr this notice will be plead in bar of their re cover y, All pcismyfhdehted to said Ks. tate are requested to make im mediate payment. This iStli day of October, IqJS W, 11. Henneit Administrator for John A. Bennett 6-t Notice Having iiaulitied as admininis tratrix of the estate of the late Geo. W Corey, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the said estate to make settle ments thereof without delay, and to all persons holding claims against the estate to present them to me for payment within one year from this date, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This November 12, 191 H. Ella Corey, Administratrix. Notice Having qualified as Adininistra lor upon 1 lie Instate of W. II Hat risou deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said hstitc tc present them to the undersigned for payment 011 or before the Join day of October l')l') or this 1 lot ice w ill be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said I-state to make immediate payment This .Ust day of October I'JIM. James II Harrison, Administrator. Farms and Town property FOR SALE 111 Virginia and North Carolina. Also wanting farmers to list their farms with me to sell HERTFORD HOTEI. 4 This is the only Hotel 111 town of Hertford, N. C. A new three storv wood buildidg of 32 rooms on a lot 10(1 by 2NO feet, If you rare to run a Hotel, this is a cinch. .1 I /its With 1 Stork On Samk in center of business district of Winfall, N. 0. Now own ed by Aloti/o White, Reasons for selling. wants to retire from actiVe business life. Town I,ots With Dwki.i.inus InCitv Oi Shirk k, Va, FARMERS ! Now is your chance of a life time to buy farms cheap, I am selling and buying farms all the time, Will cite you a few special bargains. The W. I', Hudgins Farm known as the John B, I'erry (deceased) farm at~Belvidere, N. C. Henry C. Chiippell l ; arin near Rvlund, N. C. The J.I). Twine Farm - saw mill, plaining mill and edger and an up to-date cctton gin with an ad ditional lot of new machinery not yet put up. This property is situated 1 1-4 miles Cannon's Kerry and 1 1-2 miles Woodk-y's Wharf u n Chowan River, two miles of Rylanil*station on Norfolk Southern Railroad. Really this is the best business stand 111 Chowan, N. C. It faces two county roads, being in fork of roads at Hudsons. Fine stand for wheat Hour, and cornnieal mill to attach to present machinery, also no better stand for a inerchantile business. This farm has every advantage for business and farming —four dwellings cti same, Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Three farms owned by R. T, Savage, Corapeake, N. C, t —^ Jim Hare farm near Sunbury, N. C. J, W, Raggett Home Farm 3 1-2 miles of Wlialeyvilli-, Va. Sam Wilkins farm near Bosky, N C. Cleveland Braiitoti farm near Drum Hill, N. C. C, 0, Eilwards farm near Sunbury, N. C. Charlie Jackson farm near Drum Hill, N. C. J. Thomas Savage farm near Drum Hill, N. C, The T. W. Savage (deceased) larm known as the Red farm at Mannings Station 011 Southern Rail road only 4 miles of Suffolk, Va. This farm is near Church and High 'School right at station and saw mill —as fine soil as Virginia can boast of. These are just a few" of the properties I am offering for sale. MR. INVESTOR Now is your chance of a life time to buy while farm and town properties are selling cheap. These properties were bought when everybody -was blue crtfps looked sorry —labor scarce —and the prospects of a long and bitter war ahead of Us. With these conditions fa'cing them the farmers naturally wanted to uaload on the other fellow, but it is now the reverse. The war will soon be history —we've got the boche on flu- trot—prices of land products are high —there "will soon'be . plenty of labor —then farms can't be puchased at any price. WHV? Because they wttj be a better investment than a Klondike Gold Mine. , . Buykrs AND SKA.KKS GKT Busy, —. I — l • Write me and wHFsper your wants and I'll do the rest. Am stopping at the Nansemond Hotel, Suf folk, Va. H. P. Winslow REALTY AGENT P.0.80x 4 19, , Suffolk, Va I LOOK I See us before buying your Disc Harrows, and Stag Sulky Plows. ]|j3 jg VVe can SAVK you MONEY, and |jj will do so if you will see us before u| j§ Hoyt Hardware Co. § Williamston, N. C. Tires made blow-out-proof by using the "Red Inncrshu." Ask lor our guarantee bond. [. D. CARSTARPHEN i CO. Williamftton, N. C. We arc sole agents for Martin County

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