. 11 I. ii * |jft'le4 la the Interest tl I I .%!»» t'r. County in General St I >] tune 20. Number ■T: SELL STAMPS IN 1919 1 ■ an-v er to the question "Can V\ : • Savi igs pledges matte this v- * b redeemed next year?" s v erv a .quarters for War Sav ir, issued the followingbul- Je i: \Va Saving* pledges made t! v» r i•> be redeemed by De obi» : are not redeemable a r i;.-c inber 31st It is true it .. .1 Sivings Stamps as gov e: ii.m i ;courities will be issued u n r ext * ear, but the 1918 se ri lot v hicli the pledges were fin s :ii not be on sale after L .iril-f 31. l>.t i'»l9 stamp will be blue ir r»;.d o* which will easi ly s i the two issues. The n at; nips will be smaller than tl pre if.it stamps for mechani cs rva o is. and will bear the v it.t ;of Franklin, the apostle 0 ixi g instead of Washington. T ch nge of a picture on the st ij.s is necessary as a precau ti :igdt-.st counterfiting The t.l t'f t amp and the ti»rift card no ■ in will continue to be u !in 1 19 and can be exchang es or oil e War Savings Stamps There are two main reasons v , ui ■ war savings pledges for th >e: r must be redeemed this y. \ n e people gave the gov ern« i t heir word of honor that th • tv u d buy their quota of tl 1M > issue of stamps, where i]i ntl e government took the p j!es word as their bond and sv it ti' money. Bv doing so tl wa has been brought to a 3]. 'o e • !lose than could have b-i'.le -ase if the money had n b«*n .pent and thousands of li i :ii ve been saved. Now the g «rn nrnt calls on the people t( >ak ; irood their pledges and •p tlii» debt of honor ♦ he 9i9 aeries mature in 1924, * I le tic series matures in it, 1923 Notice l'p:li r »nd by virtue of tbe au. tl' j ty. c ontained in a certain D d o Trust, executed on the 27 I d y »f January, 1014, by J. R x'tvt. ti and wife, and regis ti (t~T the Register's of Deeds o'i, e t'.r Martin County in Book 1) r. page to secure the p -pient of a certain bond of e 1 •!:t« therewith, and the stip u lons 111 said Dee I of Trust ji having been complied with, a i»t .he request of the parties i' -res eI, the undersigned trustee v . n Friday, the 20th day >f 1* r 111 >c", 191 S, 12 :oo o clock M, a> hi- « irtliouse door of Martin 1 ni\, it Williamston, N. C., rai public sale to the highest \ 1,-r for cash, the following dc s. b«-c r;al estate. irst Tract; Beginning in the c ■ if.r )i head of a bottom on the 1 igh Rtail below where the 1 Davis' house stood or s ids theme running dawn « Ibttim in the center of to t He race Gurain land; thence c sli i .and so far southwester -1 ■ «s or a straight line; from V nee to the D wight road; •otc down said road to the be 'nr, being the same land con % Davis by Clayton r( " -»rdcl in B >ok X. X,, r. ore ft f : e ' Beginning at a tc(n Tract. 4)r Ashley , e Miunp Ste. forn . r on " b , P i te,U T H f -011 Jamesville Ro 8q | n ill 10.1-4 deyrees \ e t> 1 post oak in the v " n. n s line; thence north 4. V d* jrers west 10 poles along t 1( limeu's line to the Mire) B 111c■»; tlience the run of Mirey B inc.i up stream 175 P°' es 10 tt , olu Jamesville Road; tlience 63 1 d grees ea l -! 4° .V 4 poles d wn said road to the beginning, bung tbe sunc laud ciMiveyed by the Statr ol North Carolina to W VV D,.vis, recorded in Book J. J, J., page ;?♦. being tbe >am«- -hisdav bought bv J. R. Newton from L |F. Waters and xvite. FanniTV. Waters. Tins 20th day of November, roiß. Wheeler Martin Jr Trustee. WANTED-A manager for a 1-1 hci se farm in Pitt County, a rk d chiefly by tenants, rais i' tooacco. cotton and corn, two m les from a Bplendid school and c urches, A good opportunity —»> d p rmanent position for the right man. Post Office Box 7, Washington, N. C. 4~wks. THE ENTERPRISE Husiaess Men to H= lp Se core Stau'i Allaltmeatl Winston-Salem. Novemt>er 29 Tobacco warehousemen, mer chants. an I manufacturers of ihe State are going to be askrtd to invest in the name of their businesses #I,OOO in War Saving# Certificates by December 31st. i These wer.'the plans made at ft conference held her»» yesterday composed ot reprfcseij'aiito bacconist, merchants and manu* farturera. ______ Appreciation of Aid | My sincere thanks to my niany| friends who were so kind to me during my sickness, fever in the ahsence of my only son, who is in the army, which leaves me entirely alone-I appreciated the aid in housing my crop, cutting and hauling wood for me to burn those lonely winter days thanking vou again loving friends. May the Lord bless you. Mrs J R Peele Williamston, N C. School Closed Again The Williamston graded school has been closed until January 1, 1919, on account of the fresh out break of influenza The school board urges all parents to keep children at home and away from crowds If individuals do not prot ct themselves it means suf fering, and in many instances, death, for a great many people in the community. Junior Red Cross Report The Martin Conntv Junior Red Cross Branch was organised in April with an Auxiliary at Hamilton and one at Williamst n Chairman. Mrs. Warren Biggs. Secretary, Miss Daisy Manning, Treasurer, Mr. E. E. Bundy. Report of Work For 1918 Report of Secretary; Members 400; One colored Auxiliary, Done splendid work in Liberty Loan Campaign, War Savings Drive and in War Fund Campaign, doth in canvassing- and in con tributing Report of Treasurer; Deposits $178.38, Checks 202.53 Balance slls-85. Report of work accomplished; 100 Chemises, 40 Property Bags. 200 Tongs Depressor, 24 Petti coats, 3U Housedresses, 2 quilts (finished 3 (unfinished), 30 hun dred pounhs of tinfoil corrected lor the Grverment Mrs. W H. Biggs. Chmn. Killed in Action Mr. John A. Hodges received information on Nov 27th. that his son, L. David Hodges, waß killed in battle September 29th This was the day that a goodly number of Martin eounty boys lost their lives charging the Hin denburg lines. It is with supreme sorrow that we have to pay the bulwarks of Satan that those left in the world may enjoy peace and quietness. Thia >oung man left home in September, 1917, and went to Camp Jackson with 76 other drafted men. After remaining two months he was s-*nt to Cam," 1 Sevier, After a full course of intei.tive training he -aas aent to Jersey f«ity and Bailed during April for Eu*op«'. where he did his duty and though he died in a foreign iand and away from the friends of h id youth, he diet! at his post. Thanksgiving Party Mr. Charles A. Knight delight fully entertained fourteen of his friends on Friday night. The hours were spent in music, games and conversation. Cocoa with whipped cream, cake, nuts and raisins were ser ved. . - Superior court "will not convene Monday because of the fresh outbreak of influenza. Williamston, Martin December 6, 1018 RED CROSS ROLL CALL On Christmas Eve a year ago 22.000,000 Americans halanswr ed "Her and given to the allied world a pledge of faith more con vincing than gathering than gat hering armies and ship* of war. Nearly ten millons nf school chil dren. also inalsUd on being coun ted It wai a wondeaful showing for ari urgtnization which In 1916 numbered only 22,000 membera. It was notmoroh au indorsement of the principle of the ttedCross —humanity and nier-M it was notice to the nations that Ameri ca's entrance into the war was [not merely an acl of iho govern ment. of (he confess or of the President, but that the people of the United Stttes ratified that act and would maintain it to the end. Nineteen-eighteen has been a wonderful year a year of sacri fice and of (rial, to be sure, but a year of heroic deeds and of ur.- shaken faith. America ha known the shock of battle and the joy of victory; she has known also the sorrow that is the price of victory. There are thousands of American graves in Europe, but every one of them it a monument to mark the pathway to the final freedom of the world. Throunh all (his time of tumult, of death, and of glory (he Red Cross has kept the faith. To ev erv war blighted eountry .where it could make its way it has g ne as the messenger of (he Ameri can people, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and cheering the hope less. The end is not vet. Tin world's measure of suffering in greater than we can know until time and victory can lift the en (air. of war which hides it But in the great c«>miiii«ion given to the Red Groan the ttra* concern was the welfare of the American sailor and soldier, to see that by every means that minds could devise or money pay for their ordeal should be light ened and their way made smooth. It was a work of both lojalty and love. In lending all its aid to keeping th 3 boys at the front | comfortable and fit, the Red Cross has delivered a double contribu lion from the women and chil dren at home toward the nation's task in the winning of the war. In keeping intact and strong the chain which bound him to his own home altars, in maintaining unbroken the line of communica tion betweeu the roaring battle line and the doorstep where hie children played, it has upheld th' home ideas in American life against all the disintegrating forces of war It lias Kept th° home fires burning steadily and peaceful. The war is not over. There will be many a long day bef >re the boys come home. Trie R-i Cros has a great work to do unl ill the guns are still. It needs at tine time the sanction of 100 percent membership, that it may deliver its message with the voir 1 of th» whold natin, that to every American soldi r offering bis life in his country's causf, wherever he may be. it shall stand as the ever-present embodiment of his home and his peple. Theie is a personal force in this tha' can n t be overestimated. This is the Christians time, the Koine time wh n all aroiitd the warld the home bells,clear above the noiae oftb«.A.u, *1.1,, aing the undying menage ofg ». >■ will.' T l if* arj 411 li j n s an not many happy one.*, when th whole world suffers, but J. ere are millions of homes and ir.illio ns of hearts where the Chri tmas flames will burn brighter fur the thougt that the path between them and the field of batte ia cl ear to the Red Cr jss messenge and that while their man guards libertys alter, the Red Cross is guarding his This roll call is a plea for your pledge Make it unanimous Read the advertisement of the Walter and Gurley Auction Co. in thia issue. KEPTPIEOCE TO SEND BREAD \ American Nation Maintained Al lied loaf Through Self- Denial at Home Table. AVERTED EUROPEAN DESPAIR. Willi MOlfery Upon Ooun Shipping ft«4l«vad, World U AbU I* ftlrtttrn to Normal White Broad. Biacs Ht»alv«nt of th* latott whom crop tbs ftlfy limitation upou Ameri can orportS to Europe Im* been the shortage Of Shipping. Between July 1 nnd Octataj 10 we shipped 6T>,080,803 buahftli. IfUhle rat* ahouhl oontluue until U» Sa of the fiscal year will h*vo ftnttfced Uie Allies wllli uioro than bushel* of wheat and floor la toffee of wheat. Th* roflft of Increased produotloo and con**rvotton efforta In tte tTalted State* hSB keen Uiat with Ihe c***a- Uon of hootllttle* wa aro able to r»- turn to S SOnu*l wheat diet. Supplies that hav* sccvimulat*d In AuitrftHa, Argenttn* sftd other hitherto Inaccoa alble mnrketp may b« tapped by ihlp* r*lc#a*4 from transport eenrlce, and ■uropean Sotnand for Anorlcan wheat probably wQI not eioood our normal aurplo*. Thfre l« wh**t enough avail sbl* to hav»a whit* loaf ot th* com mon table But laat y*ar th* tal* was different. Only by flio greatest poulble wring and aacrtflc* w*r* w* able to keep a steady stream of wheat and flour mov ing across tbe sea. Wa found our selves at tka beginning of th* harvest year with SB unusually short crop. Ev*n th* SMSt optimistic statisticians figured that We had a bare aurptus of 20,000,000 bt|ph*ls. And y*t fcuropo was facln« tko probability of a brend famine—and (a Europ* broad li by far th* moat lmpirtant article In th* diet. All of ttty surplus had Uft tho country early in tho fall. By th* first of tho year w* had managed to ship a little more than M,000,000 bushels by practicing the utmost economy at boa*—by wheetlesa days, whsatless meals, hoavy substitution of other coroals and by sacrifice at utmost overy meal throughout the country. In Jaauary tte lat* Lord Rhondda, then BHtleb.ypifl Controller, cabled, -daMQ If wo ooat an addttloual 7V 000,000 bushels before July 1 could ha Sake tho responsibility of assuring his people that they would be fed. The response of tbe American peo i pie was 80,000,000 bushels safely dellv ered overseas between January 1 and July 1. Out of a harveet which gsre us only 20,000,000 bushels surplus we actually shipped 141,000,000 busb*la Thus did America fulfill her pledgo that the Allied bread rations could ho maintained, and already the American people are demonstrating that, with an awakened war conscience, last year'* figures will b* bettered. +++++ +++ ++ +++V+ ++ + + + + + Our exports sine* la country + + entered th* war have Justified a + + statement mad* by tbe Food Ad- + + ministration ahortly after Its con- + + cepttou, outlining the principles + + and policies that would govern -f + the solution of this country's + 4 food problems. + + "The whole foundstlon of de- + + tnocracy," declared (lie Food Ad- + + mltilatraUon, "lies In the lndl- + + vidua! Initiative of Its peoplo + + and their wllllrfgnfess to serve th* -J --+ Interests of the nation with com- +• + plet* self *ffacetii*nt In the tlmo + + of emergoncy. Demorrnry can + + yield to discipline, and we can •{• i + solve this food problem for our + + own people and for the Allies In + + this way. To have done so will + have been a greater servlco than + * our Immediate objective, for wo + + have demonstrated the rightful- 4» + ness of our faith and our ability •{• + to defend ourselves without be- + + lug l'i usslanlzed." + ♦ + + ++ + + + + ++ + + + + + + T + + + a Sending to Europe 141,000,000 bush els of wheat from a surplun of appar ently nothing was the outstanding ex ploit of the American food army In the critical year of th* war. QRKATEST OPPORTUNITY WOMEN EVER HAD. It was given to the women of this eountry to perform the greatest serv ice in the winning of the war vouch safed to any women In the history of the wars of tbe world—to feed Uie warriors and the war sufTerers. By the arts of pescs, the practice of sim ple, homely virtues the womanhood of a whole nation seFved humanity In Its profoundeet struggle for peace atffi freedom. ♦ ♦ ♦ FIRST CALL TO FOOD ARMY. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ This co-operation and service ♦ ♦ 1 ask of all In full confidence 4 ♦ that Amerlcs will render more ♦ ♦ for flag and freedom than king ♦ ♦ ridden people surrender at com- 4 ♦ pulsion.—Herbert Hoover, Au- ♦ ♦ gust 10, 191 T. ♦ ♦ s ♦ A year ago voluntary food control was a daring aflventure In democracy; daring tbe year an establlslictl proof if democratic efficiency - f ~ - Renew your subsrription to the | Enterprise now. HAMILTON NEWS ITEMS Ik>K Slad\ Jr . and I), (.i, Mat thews spent Sunday in Sutl'olk Mr. and Mrs Ben Everett, of Palmyra, were in town Satur day Sergeant .lue Council, of Citnip Upton spent Thanksgiving with his people here. News was received here Wed nesday that Private Robert Sals bury, of Hassells, was seriously wounded on the !Hh of Novem Miss Lou Council, of Oak City, was in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Calhoun and children, of Rocky Mount, were in towi. for Thanksgiving. Mr and Mrs: P. L. Salsbury and little son left Tuesday for Richmord. Mrs. Pattie Johnson, of Scot and Neck, is spending sometime here. Mrs. R..H, Watkins has return ed from a visit to Mrs. M I. Fleming in Rocky Mount Mrs Bessie Williams, has been the guest of her mother, Mrs Joe Ponder, for the past week C. D, Carstarphen and Sheriff Crawford, of Williamston. were in town Wednesday, Ginncrs Report The Kinners report for season to Nov. 14th shows that for this vear North Carolina had ginned 527,484 bales and for same period last year had only 318,214 baies u d for same period last year had only ginned 318,214. Martin County ginned to same date this year 4938 hales and in 1917.2832 giving an increase !n 1918 over last year of 78jper cent. Again, at the approach of Ch ristmas the Red Cross sounds ihe oil-call for rerewal of its memb ership. Another Hero Dead Martin county has given an other son to the cause of free iom and peace, another name is inscribed on the roll of honor and another gold star added to the •ounty's service flag. This time t is Corporal Wiley L Bailey, of hi'322nd Infantry, and he was billed in action on November 11, just a few minutes before peace v as declared. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bailey of Bear Crass ownship and wan 2(i years old. He leaves a mother, father and several brothers and sisters One brother was in the same battle in which Corporal Bailey was killed. He entered the service in Octob er, 1917. and was home in the summer on a furlough. The community and county sympathize with ihe bereaved family. NOTICK On Friday, December 20, 1918, I will sell at auction to tho high pst bidder for cash my corn and household and kitchen furniture. Mrs. Sudie K. Lanier, 2t Everett, N. C. Trustee's Sale By virtue of tin- autliontv i "ii leirfd in me l»y a "Dcnl "I Tiust' executed to me by J"' Williams and wile Is.iltella, on the 23rd day of December 191?, am! Inly re ortled in tin* Roister ■ I Deed's office in Martin Count v, ,n Hook DI Page 39. to vn 11 re j tlie payment .of a certain haul bearing even date therewith, and the stipulations in said Deed of Trust not having been complied w ill , 1 shall expose at public au ction, for cash, on Monday, the 23rd day ot December, I9IS, at 12 o'clock, N, at Cmrt House in Martin County, the following property: Adjoining the lands of Delia Rogerson, Sherman Bond and others, in the town of William ston, and being the same House & Lit,where the said Joe Will iams and wife now live and fullv described in above mentioned Deed of Tryst, to which refer, ence is given for a rtote-ac urate description. This Nov. 19th 1918. J. D. Biggs, Trustee. W. Davin Roberson Dead Mr W. Da via Roberson died of >lood,'poison on Friday, Novem ber 29, at his home in Bear Grass tow iship He was 64 years old, having been born April i 9, 1854. Mr. Roberson fell on Sunday, Nov. and broke his wrist, it I became infec'ed and blood poison developed, of which he died. He leaves i» wife and one daughter, several brothers and sisters and a host of near relatives and friends. Sv 0 * " The funeral waa conducted on Sunday, Nov. 80th, by Rev. J. F. Carter of the Williamston Bap tist church of which the deceas ed was a member Excellent Results Treating Influenza At (he Thomasville Orphanage there are 4(X) children. Of thip numbtr 4»0 had influenza during the epidemic. During the first week of O tober there were 52 of the children sick, and eight of these had pneumonia. At this point the fresh air and sunshine treatment was in Induced upon the suggestion of the State Hoard After beginning this treatment only two addition al cases of pneumonia developed. Invariably the patients showed marked improvement from the beginning of the treatment, and progressed rapidly to complete recovery. This method of treating influ enza and pneumonia was recom menced by the State Board of Healtii at the height of the epi demic in the State, when num erous committees were pleading for additional physicians and nurses to care for the large num hers of the sick. The method had been tested in Masachusetts with excellent results, and upon tb* •luggestion of the State health authorities it was tried in a num ber of cases in North Carolina. The results at tho Thomasville Orphanage are given because in that case there was a large num ber of patients ill when the treatment was inaugurated; there were pneumonia complications; the patients ,vere under excell ent control and careful observa tions could be made constantly In other words, it was a case of testing the measure on a large scale. Influenza, and the resultant pneumonia, is continuing in many sections of the State The epidemic will in all probability continue through the winter. For the treatment of both influ enza and pneumonia the State Board of Health again urges this method of treat nent. The treatment is just what is implied in the name. Move the patients out of doors where they will he directly exposed to the sunlistht and to the open air. At this season great" r care must he taken to see that patients are warmly chid and covered, and of course they must be protected "mm the inclemencies of the weather, Such protection is af forded by the porches of most homes. See that nourishing food is given at frequent intervals, and that the bowels are kept freely moving. Nature, through its own healing qualities, will work the cure. Keep in Mind That- The sugar allotment for Dec ember will be on a basis of four pounds per person per month. Retailers will receive 33 1-2 pr cent more certificates than they received for November. Hotels, restaurants and boardinj? houses will receive a similar increase. Every merchant in North Car olina should take an active part in Conservation Week for World Relief, December 17. The Amer ican people have greater demands upon them for foodstuffs at pre sent and will have during the next six months than they have had at any time during the war. i 4 . Read the ads in The Enter j prise and save money. wi|l fad mm/ Cmlmmm* Utafc lUy t* 1100 Martin Crnmmtf Hmmh Established 1808 WILLIAMSTON LOCALS ' Miss Elizabeth Wads worth, of I Greenville spent the week-end 1 with Mrs. J. G. Godard. . Mrs. S. R. Biggs Jr. spent i Thanksgiving with her brother J Mr. Frank Fagan in Richmond. w H. Peel U. S N. of Nor- J folk is at home on a twelve days furk ugh. . Mr W. C. Manning went to ; Greenville Monday night to at- i tend the aenual Christian Con- ! ventlon. Put a new leaf in the "Com- \ mon Table". Many of our new guest haven't had a square meal for a long time and never had a square deal. Mr. W. M. Knott, represent ing the Atlantic Coast Realty Co., is in town this week advertising the sale at auction of the Ballard Farm near Everetts. See the ad- i vertisement in this issue for par ticulars of the sale. Miss Francis E. Knight spent Thanksgiving with her pareuts Dr. and Mrs J. B H. Knight. She was accompauied by the Misses Minnie Mav Cannady of Oxford and Geneva Quinn of Wallace, N. C. John D. Bigga cane home from Camp Humphrey, Alexandria, Va., on Wednesday. Capt. Biggs had teen stationed I there about a month with the U. S. Engineers but has received his - discharge since peace was declar ed and is home for good now. We are beginning to realize that the war is over when our men begin to return. Notice of Trastee's Sals Default having l>een made ra pay ment of the "indebted , secured by that certain deed of trust made to ine a* trustee for the Jefferson Standard I.ite Insurance Company by Alexander Corey and wife Lil* ban J. Corey on the 17th day of . Jlint-, I'M 7, and recorded in the of fice of tlie register of deeds of Mar tin count\ , in hook R-l, page 570 et., I will under and by virtue of the pnwi-i ot sale vested in tne by said deed of trust and at the re quest nl I lie cestui que trust, and for the purpose of discharging the debt secured by said deed of trust, proceed to sell to the highest bid der tor cash, at the court house door in Williamston. North Caro lina. .it lo'clock m. on Saturday, the Mlid iv ot January, 1919, the follow.nc described lands situate in the st;itc ot North Carolina, and in the count\ of Martin, and mors purtictilarlv described as follows: Town >f Jamesville, adjoining the lands of H. T. Stallings, N, B, Mariner, Wilnier Mi/.ell and Annie Mi/ell, a lot in the town of James ville, adjoining H. T. Stallings on North and Hast, Water Street on the South, Annie and Will Mizell ' on the West, and being the same lot conveved bv J, V Gray to Brown and Van Hon the 2nd day of December, 1904, Book K-K-K, page .S2h. beginning at Elizabeth II- Mariner's corner in said town on the north side of said Water St.; thence extending along said Ma riner line to Roanoke river 56 feet; thence a line at right angles with said Mariner line 18 feet; thence parallel with said Mariner line 56 feet to Water street, thence along Water street to the beginning, con taining 1008 square feet. This sth day of December. 1918. GKO. A. GRIMSLEY, n , Trustee. Brooks, Sapp & lvully, attorneys at-Law. Greensboro. N, C. Dec 6—st A Letter of Thanks Dear Editor; I am writing to thank the Red Cross publicly for their kindness to my family when we were so very sick. I hope to be able some dav to do something for them all, I also want to thank my physician. Dr. J. S- Rhodes and my nurse Mrs. N. R Hopewell who were so faithful to in our affliction. With love to them all . .. Mrs. John Hopewell,

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