Our lood iospel f eat le >« 1 ■erve waste rt thin^ America's Pledge cf Food Gave Heart t.*» the Allies In Their arkest Hour Whatever Is nec. s y America vll •end. That was A ha s pledge - oj the Interallied food until And I •l cause the Ameri":i' cod army h dj hitherto made got ••• icy took heft; and went forward. Farm enterprise a much soft coin increused pork >u. . , food cous.r- | vatUm Increased c. its —total shi,»- | roeuts doubled. ♦ ♦♦♦♦ + •♦ + v ****** '« ♦ ♦ ♦ FAITH JUSTIF + 4. V EVENTS. + I * * ♦ Ido not belt. ihnt ilrtisilc + ♦ force need lie i- * 1 I" main- + ♦ tain economic ■ hut ion and ♦ sane use of . s I'V 'he + ♦ treat majority • 'eriean 1 o- ♦ ♦ jtle, and 1 liav. ■' d a «I ft> + ♦ and abiding fa . tin* n'clli + ♦ gence of the a '* Auiort'-.m ♦ ♦ business man, v ' aid we an- * ♦ tlclpate and de n to re'.ie- + +dy thi! evils i ■ i'ed by U.e ♦ ♦ war.—Herbert l ver, August ♦ ♦ 10, 1817. + ♦ + ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ + ♦♦•■ ******** Patriots Meaty Bqy less rve less Eatcn|ys jlsad^v "Waste no' lug \fc>ui will cheer fuljy snar- tnple f.uv Be Prot to be a. food ever N r Under and bv it' >f m 1 der of the Super 'ourtof M. r tin countv mad it • hI proceedings nt I.'■■/■/ •' ll' r rell eta's, «-s .!• •!- .-t als, the ui-dersi . .mini- =i u er will c:i .he 3 ■ ... I > ber 'it lite cou r .*>•-' ' Martin cot mty ; > c; >rl. ,\ offer for a.ile t. tul.t.H i der for ea-sh t! *• >llovvi scribed tr: ct of i: A certai l tra »f lan-i lyi-ij* and beinf? on tl .A ( it;. :> n» Hobgood road l . 1 • >e t !.'k n ship. Marin c i • . t- >«1 1- 'io ■ i as the .lim .Jo! • .■ I ons* stc .l, contain 'i, .70 sk- more or le's; and bounded oi ' uoitr, bv hi lands of c hnri idr ier ; .-id Bill Jobnt-m; o o-'l t 'lie lands of Arch ie!l, * i . ci Harrell ai d Ru Warren; on the sout!i by t' •• «i d> M. Ma\o; .'n on . "ve«t by 'he lands i Jim , r.son and he same beir,? flu • • t »f land ir town M.irt •it **» n ty, N. G.. whe 0 .Urn John or lived and died. This 28th day >■ '.ruber, I'. IH B. . Ci n'MKl' \>irmi-"ioner. North Carolina Martin County - Sup«' r i'" C ui i Cassar. Iris Hvni l-.br ei.i Hynian, Deceased \ - J. B. Hyman, H\tn»n, /- H Hjnian, J. G. H> . -i l.ucv, Rct rt, Major and Dorc». .mat), C i Savage, Fred Ji • • Pe-d Jo..ts Heirs*at La'v of I- ; i m dec s el. "v.- The defendant , - h«- Siv Paul Jones nd Ft . t.ov i tn ed, will ak • nntic *. a " «■ li'vi i tied as »bove has .1 ihfieucee li the Supv-.ricr Cot:.. ' ■■ UO t. nu .t) North Carolina, ( r «.e. f •—v ing allotted to C Hy#. n tlie widow of it'iniael ; i_ ber >'■ wt> in the of her lr i '..rnd; a. id ' .11 defends't» will fu take tie/tire lu. they are required r ' :ir at t'.e e> fif oftheCierl. of t . t «r:a eons, i' Martin ointy at !'iui V C on the. 30th day o. rml er, 19:8, «:ki answer >r demur he comprtit' in siid action, or the ittlT will apply •■> the Court f cr th_- :ef demanded in faid conipKiut. This ?7th day o. --nb-r, iilß. K. J. Peel , t lerk v ■ jiur|'fi!' ICi art. 4-t • No' :e Having quahfie esecutc/' « ron the Estate of W. .1 1111 lieceaied; N'; - tice is hereby glv« • -all i>«i >o;s Lobi-' ing claims d 1-. >'. a 1 e 10 pre sent them to the iv. for n,v ment on or before -*f mh da% of Mov. 1919. or ibis notice i i>e plead in bar of recovery . All persons inde' -I to xi^tat are requested to-:e. ■ in:iuer;irte pav ment. This t9th day oi j /enib;:r. 19 8. Vie* uu.i I fill \ Wni. A. Hili ?: n U " ; wecutcr NOTICE j* c t*i 1f r a'ul l>\ vll;urc" •! an »i - de: t;e Sn,»(•; ior (.*• e; t »>t ' :i (' !\ u' i.) lite S;>ei'- , . • > *l. h « i li:'«••! i r- 1!. .1 .•>, c\ part \ I 1f,.:. ■ 1 ■ .. :i.-s;c in 1 will e 11:1 r : ... I, . v ~"t 1 >•■ I '. I. : ' I ;.v ... 1 ; . . .. . A M . I'll- I tl. ■ •a : li' t• : I ',t |' li: ■■ l.l" : I 't 1 j NC 1 • ■ ■ | follows: 1 . j ! 1 • 'A '« • • 1 : I • . ! K!- !*i 1 ■ i*. .1! . ..■ ■ 1 •1 ' : ■ ' ■' |. i .... , t 5..1.1 j I(' \l, >. 1 lin 11. I. K, lii.' nlls i 1 1 ,i,i'. .i 1111 i.nw ill:- ! I - 'ti ,ii 11. it.u line 1u | . I ; ~ 1.. . ' Iv.l . , k j 'nil, I I. 1 4 "ill ''l I \WI I I ' ! lie s.l 1• 1 i! K ; I Hi' ,1• -1 d aI II j . . • •'""I I'- ' ■ ■ ! !• ' I 15 I- ■ , .Ik .• st ,L ■ ; •it I 1 ' J■' • • 'v II 1 1.. . ; ' li. .1 e li.s 'li.. ..nil ! • v -'i ~ ... ."j ' > I 1 I ' • I L . i'l . • . f - • : | 1;■ ' • 1 ' I • i ' . » II- s-.. , I I, . 1 :. ••••! .'l' Is, ,i ( ' : 1 ~ t |||, : > .'.i I' .1; ' I 1 »• '.J.fii •.I . • w. 11".; ! lire , 1 , ;i ,e 1.. n id -.nu s\>a nr .' v j ill 1 1 i". I II••1 e I • 1111 ci ; ] . ... I,l*- .1e I ■ ,0 It II Hi !• I I'l s .!. . ■ i |• ■ .1 .1 11 lit u • iO'I f j.. .I - ■ I!. - - ; j;1 •. 1 t• 1 t ~1",; ••( > \\'i "-1 11 7 j - ' - 11 ' 1 ,l !; I ... ,s. .a:!. ue,,,ees ■| ■ , . • 1 ;• ' j I! n. • e or, li I in' • 'll,' . , ' 1 ' .' n li, . .ii l I lit ; tl. tile" .1! . • .li.'H. I oe ' ini"itK ]• • 4.. 1 ?,e h". i'i l ' 1«• .ir lt-s> T 111 1. I'l .■ 1 lot I'i -i' • j,.tlL- t'• i.T.0l .o| I. I. built. i , o. .11 t'lt* i I I'l _ "II 11 •. '1 M * 1 • Ill'' *-1 i I.' -1 .. -.0 tli" lin »s ii. S. ( -hi 11 ii. •ti aini. . y 5 .11 : '■ ■ : '• 1-- • -' ' ■ll k :i■. ,is ! i>. I'h i I 1.1 n.I. .ii'! ' i.ciiii; '.mil nut' lia-e'l 1 I._ S _ ( '., ,1 .! [ 1 iili.iv 1 1' " - j ■ 11! 1:1 I 'k i U. K.. ) .ni ci" •'>! '1 '' I uni ()> 11 I'll ( ' ! I 111 ' It.ltd. K. i\ .k , , ;il I'.ls'" -''l r ' 'I iii', I ■>t 11 da-, id N )% e 1111 it-1 . • 1 ,\ . f It. A. Grit. li. 1. t Com m i s'" 'l■ -1 >T()' ICI: l It 1i- lb. v an otdcr - f tjn > .perji-r C art • f •; ilia '. mi is it.ad. 1 1 - •-1 Ml 1 1 entitle•! ; > Th I ,r . t n'.i. |.. In ', 'a- ■de ■if : 11 .i .a' '■ will iii, 1 1. ■ •: .» i 1 'e a,.1 ; r : s li, t, : r - t. ' . • ' I • I t h'v ' I do ■■ 1 . cad ' I ■ I'l 1 1 . ei. de« 1...1 la d' . n Ware, iiio i,i 1 "lot 1 ti"* I' V. >J . 1 I':' tins'. ', Iwoei ,1 ' - ilie iiiiitli be 'lllijtliton -tree'. 1 u'.li l-s tie ] .O'li uf tr * H • I'iio!, M iMufar. t..rtun Co. in i|,.. , , j, ;•.(! I.bs ' ' mi ! B ii-'. ! -1 • th ; -a by iiKirisi-a W. ..d. i el bt-li; ''.e ,-ame -..-n.l' •. ri . n . inavi ,ii >Cr_IIJ, • 1 I 11 • lir fl, lit Tav • r c Mo'-.e* Ti is 2jr i.ie of .'I veinber, iqiß. II \ Cti'.rher, Cofnniit-.ioi ■ r -Jt.i*.h tar lii:a iaii.iu Co"iily " t* de'r r-d bv th'. Hiithr.ritv 1 citntair.ed •1 a eerta. . Deed of Tiast txe at 1 till : t *iy of a ntury i t]f, by je eL. I.il '••> .nd L"iiis« L'Hee , 'et irdf'l in M. p/ne 147 (i,r Martin auiity tc 1 rot •• pfi nirtit of rr 1. a it. •i »uds of > e" d"t. therevilth a-id'th i; 'I tio coutai :• diu sai l di.d *i«.l -j 1-. iv'.nff be- a rompn d v. ith. the nad. .gred tu. tee, at tie rtquest 01 the pai 1 \e* lntere ved will ,eli nt public Auc •101 l at tlie Court iJou*e 1 r to tin h'ghest bl' ler. foi r, it, at f?: o CI-m V ' e 30th 1' -v of De. .rnlur the t. '- •u»ii|{ de. 'itbed tra.» et lajid' Bt ginning in the Beaver Dam Jlinnch J t tlie path, »Aid branch •j II T. Robfrbon'3 ami Noah Peel's J oriier a i stump, said stnnip is 5 ov. Kobc.fioti'# W. F. Manning s ar others corner; theac.-uortberly elon# W . -. .Janni and A J*. Oriffiin's line to be aforesaid fitxijtr pdh thence easier y .sawn erod path fad ;• tniieur) Rob ta in and L. K. Cirey'a lir.e to iht be- (ji'UtaitiMX kk>. one hundred '" e r,s Jnor'-or less; illis befa'g 'hi- same r'a. . of 1 .ui coaveie'i to Jesse Liliey VN. f iiber oio iiiio the 3 iibda-, H : "Novettit • 1 Jt 4 Bphuaiu Peel. (Se4l) r .. Trustee ORSALF]- One peanut picker omp'ete with power. Good con ation. Term" easy. J. B Chenv llro. 1. F I) 3. Phone 102 B'* « ; i «MW H>« WANTED—One Rood milk w G W. Col train. Ford car for sale; good as new. ; i r Todd; Tarboro; N.C. j NOTI'CK L' 'I'I'IIIII I' V ITNO I NLT L I>F •:i.. u. [h sj"i i.il proNt iihiiv i. Ii v * .i! \ !i\ li t »• «'-o ',\ . Vt? 1» i . in ' .tin \ : C II'In.• n»m ' ,u. , i! il .• in ill iii }\ \IK* 1H:H) ' H.-lUh- i i t'n |> "til »n ifcc ' S'l.u'Mlll ' d'll Miltl )h\m\ no! I fi ~;i s.ii.l tl ilr line t t- n'iMVio.l.il.'e (thsiMtre « f tin* ioinmt>* • i er, .t.i*! . » »«nlei !i ivmn lioni »••!»•!«• \ | IV I v."! Ik «>' lilt SII'KMI ir rnuil k ..mt \ . »ti I lie 1 >\.W «»' i lit.« » , Ii I S i ".? i • 'lu- •*\ \ i\ II ii»!u l oin" • I « II). , lo ». ~'\ l Ms'- S Itil ' oi.l ft»l • 1 ,1 ' » , I'l « • «l IM •' I 11 1 • • o • o'l .11 'V.s Ml V.liil |j t i i 1 t n I* t l la\, lh» « t.' ' ♦• • tii •• v| IS, . IF* r lor s:»'r . • !.'• ,u i tt •!, « -MI- I ho'iNi* door I'll |'i i Ml • » 1 ■». k in . to lllf ! •i I, .i«l, . *,», .il' 1 l»f t 11 't yy U .It- • ■•! Lr- i B i K »* illi« r( 0 vuivift ,;»«■! .'■ ;»* 11 M j'»l i *'*•»;« • II 'it Hie In, ii.»si ah r« -l 1 '-r. *i . i« •! " K • .. i i. • i a. i So. \\ 4 1 "«• i Hi Ii • l'» » •' •• v! r* . 1 ' '' r . 4b v c > I- I. .U•«' i pM « ; Ml'. 41 1 " H-) !; 2 1H» S:o I . . 1 . I V limi-. th .re .»lot % ~ 'm-«* % ...' ! .* I• l 1 J> In r i . i :in» »'"ln (SO) i i . .• . » i«*v- I C Hm.-'HV Cotunn Mt.oiir r. Tins Nuvrin! ri iSib. ipiH. ' I NOTH'K !la'.intr .piaidied i>s ratrix up in tbe lv-tat«'of Renin n r. UnlH"*-tiii deceased; Notice is eieln jriv« nto all persons hold nt M Vl'us avain; t said Kstiite to ireseiit th* il) to the undeisic.iu d oi payment on or before the 31 b»v of October 1010, or fbis mi ice will be pled iii bar of tin ir -ecovery All persons indebted to said >iate a.re requested to tnak TH in idiate |»a > merit Tiiis 31 day of October, lblX. Annie Koberson, 10 1 -Ot Administratrix Notice of Sale of I .and I .i-ti-i ..j, i liv viit ii iii.' iiltiin .»> ,; ~|. ;i • ( I'l t . || ' ' 'OI-' > .-•It-, a o i 111" I ell a:i ■ .1 I'M. I Hilt. Wit- I. I«• Willi un- .'I 'i 'A 11 . Bati. e :I I :.!>! s,; v« I i «-•! : • !I. " li I' i', i,| 1) i lls i Hire "I M»i tIn . i>•:■ a. 111 U >• U N i nt l)^ ■ 1" sl ' i.i t llk I»r> .-'e- a .»! a i -i i.i n liniiit i a -VL':I I'. it' tin rc« 'li. met I II" ntipulrt i, i,. i'i .ai ! iltt-I ot Oust rot 'hi ii i ,it']ili-'l '*e!i till'l a! tin" if It;. |i.lltli-s i t( 11'j.lr.l, 111 .11 UrMK'l t.l, Sc wi:i -11 >|.(|l'l#> , the I'll ll d'lv ill'., i inlicr, eyiS, ill i2:'in o'elock in HI liotU i f Hit* KJiittliufisi' iloot »f Mm tin tamiiU' Willi.inuron, N C.. rlTfi ul nl.lie suit' to the li'J.lei foi ■ ;i.li tin; itescrilw-a real estate \ lot i'i the Town "f \Villi«tu»tou, N. in,liii.U-a on the norib l>> lh« land* of VI /.fit- li'KV'S HTI'I In the Ullilit of Ml /,-!|" on «* «f«t; tl.«* lail't (if llt-lln i N the Hiitilh. all'! the IUIKIB of Delia killer-, OM th- >vst, contaiuinß % if i', (. u- moie .ir I' HS, .'Old the k'iic t.ni'ieilv finv.- eil t'> the Balfl Joe | W. 11 j ■ tti v l» v Sylvc'-n-r Hfssell. I 'not, lah ',iv of NovemHer, nyiS. '.Vim I' r ilartiti, Tnihtee. I NO I iCIC UaviiiK qualified! as Adlnii ; .tratri* lir ii ihe l'.-t:ite of Me I) Vobley He Notice is hereby K' vetl to «'* iri -ii - lioldiox claims anuiust saiil • t>; ent theni to the underfciXn ! ■ • .Miieut on or before the 2s day l )i'( i ttiii. notice will be jiled I the r I i.l j.en.oi.H indebted to said K»tate.fire r.;ed to ii.'ke immediate payrntnl Ties dav "I 11 t jber 1919. Lena C. Mobley II I fit Administratrix, Notice Having (pialified as Aflminis- Itratoi* upon the Kstate of (ieo. 1,. Daniel deeeast'J; Notice is ht .e --i)\ t(ivsii t 1 a'l persons holding rl tints a gains' said Instate to pre sent thi.ai Ito the tindei i.a • 1 fir p.iyno'ttl >ll or before t 'ic 7111 -i ty a' N »v nil her 1919, or 'his 1 'tice ■ ill he p'cad in tVi. i-1 their re civpi y. A .i'i ai tadeb'.'il to said I-. .• t • 'Sted to make. i 1 1 in• /:-iti- •1: ■'• "it. TI;; 7.' November 191 H .). W . Casper Admr.i 6-t NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator u|»oii the of Josenh T, Lasslter de c»«sed; Notice is hereby given 'to • all l»i rso!.s hold'iiy t l'.itnn against SStft R«-" lute to pieaert.tl ni to the undersljfned 'or pa' nieieton ur before; the 2> day of .Oct-/!919, or tb s notice will be plel iiij bar of iheir-r covery. t All ;trio:-.' iirdebfed lo said estate ar« requested to tnuke immediate payment. This diy of Oct 1919 Mc. G. Taylor 1 l'iii-6t - Adminittrator.* ' ' ' VALUABLE FARMS for SALE! J FARM LIST 1918 j NO. 555 11 110 acres, about halt' of which lies within the t'>wj» 1 limits of the tinvn n! Oik Ci'v About 75 acres in cultivation. No buildings, but vor fine land tor tobacco, pen nuts, cotton, corn, etc. , ani most admit abb located and the only way to realize what n bargain vve are »IT. ring i- to >e'il an Imi 'vstu ite i». l'rice oi.ly >25,0.(0 £B,OOO C.IS!I, I al.mce on i oa-enable terms. 1 NO, 5W> II 25 teres. Ii iicn-s el o• • . .md in a i»o id slat" of en' vation. \ N'i I .iilditur . »».u 1 O'ti iVet of Jumbo.' and (4(H) ri ' s alreltdv there to nu .1 •. ir - place is located d miles- lr m : >..k City Jin gaod road I' • >'J.e >0 .SI .0 til ea h, balance on reas unable tewms No, sStt-H I'd cios, «.i i\ : i .-ittoa || is i:n pood tnree room hi use .. ith . all. •• • . . »• .r-i and etc . ai o lias a inc >• 'ot of timber and .. ! tin o 1 t ••• til «• \i• riei ,i This )'l ieo is located 312 mi es f»-.. ,• •: u • i I ! miUa I' • i:n To v -Siding I*l ice $5500. '• 11 i.c • >n : asm dn ■ terms No ,iS7 li I Oil .iß' S>• i .!. which lie.- within town limits if the toi .it O. v t'tiv. improvem mts consist if !■ n roum house a it! •i \ l• n»» lights ami wat a - with all iii-ces-eir, out. buildings, till in o i 'l.hs c imlitio'i and we I Iv.:• • I a!s > i-ne three room t miu' sab! - to aceom .date ntt'.r leant. .ad neccessary I tr i- tud «lt -It vs. Ihe eleare I lan! 0 in a I ir • tati' of cultll .i 1.1 an in;d .o i i.medi.de * vail rile f Mibd'\ • > . • ,'tid sab" a:; I \\ >. c..- I' .o, .»ill make a nao!■ > 11 :■> n • aid lor an\ otv tic t, g i> ove m a a .i . • . 11! im! . ie\ v :• investment : \« I'MCO Ml. 1' :•.»-> oie thn ! cadi bi! ti. • reasonable No 5W5 0 11 > s '• "res, ;{sil Cieia a d and in ,i •..> d ■* ,te of • ••», .a lion lliis one .A lay four raoin lion R, abo eight i'nee ai i •ar to un t*. natit li '.i ;in j, iod n ir.it S* t'e >s, i»a•" md s , •is Phis farm al-i •• "tins n t>iln m pun n,, | i ail w.od no. er estimated iibut 2 000,000, ft. Th; ■■ i.i.. ■ :n i- atid tni>> s Scotland N 'Ci ,II -.lifax anty in i».i. d n .•> id l i- is • very cheap farm l the pi ice it i-- li in,.; .»1 a• i t'*.)'! >is,u *f) uti cush, balance on : nig time. No 583 (> :!•"» , ~Ti ,s, S 1 acres • I• • r a: .1 in a 'u. nst tte ot • • ti vat ion This is i • >.• .if the b«-d loca' •' 1 ii n- : i, , • \ •.i > nor list, iMs |u ar •!,; I. ! roni Scot land N' - ■ •!;. ! ir !'• o n :! ■! »,?• i .•!, or.e ■ •no li ai i" mi' ft aa I'ala-.vra and ri/ht in a •. o. rnad- I'lio 1 vsildi■ ij.' - C'.i-tst .>I oit" burro at ho'is,', un.' • a . no sot of *tahles for •ir ' anis ai d ■■ -ii barn Pra> • - SiS O'ao Ti cms one ilmal ca;.h. halo " i\a-oiiabic \V«- c.inse!! this plae.» as a win I • or divide r into iiacts to uit tL pu:e aser. NO SHH II '.Hi u'Mes, 27 aci'i's ci a»• .1. lias two 2-room tenant houses, ps of .voail s.-d -.MII>' timber. Toe pl.ic •.: ioeate I 2 I 2 mil-'s fu-m 11 a•»1♦e11 n 11 d .1 nv.es from Oak Oily. I'l ice .SJ.UOO. Terms 1 ai" i no d ash NO. f>s> (! li'J teres Alhisit f.O acre,-, cleared. 2 I'! miles to Scotland Ni ek Has nt e uond J! IMOUJ. limUSo Willi h • i l . tM; I' lotus plastered all ov> t A!-n ne )! r »>ru ; arn, stables for four t -aois and a jfoo ! e 111 Thisjaud inline bir tul a.IM, peanutf, c. ru, etc. I'i ic One tliir-l c nil, balance l easmable terms. We havo two oil, i smal tr.ac's vviiieh adjoin that \v» can put in if :t party want ; a i truer place, NO SGO-11 'l5O acres of u hicli i 7 , acre,; are in cultivation four miles from Kinm* borifand about 2I 2 miles to I/\r'elt '. li e one 5 room cii't ip', i tenant b trtt and sjahli-s I'le it of nod and timber bi| u-V of the place, l itis is very KMIJ ! •,• I lo a tine RW. Mouse & Brother - V* ' Oak City, Nonh Carolina ' \r To the Farmers of North Carolina j mmmwmtmm . *■ w* v* %izM l gwd WRWH* mbmbbbmbhmwmbMLf tut&z: at& vWTP HUD 1 17 • * ■ This is to advise that we have purchased the largest menhaden fish ing factory in the north located at Hieks Island, Long island, New York and taken over a lease on a Sarge menhaden fishing plant at Lewis, Del* I In taking over these nerthen plants, we ha\ e secured several thousand tons of fish scrap in addition to scrap we have allready made in Norths Carolina. ■ - ■ > Tlic North Carolin i pimt, Hicks Inland plant land the Lewes, Deleware have haii led to S-pteinher first- njiK over ii>n,ooo hanells ot fish, with a net profit tQ : {fl this company ot over 50,000. m * *9 We catch more fish, and a better grade of fish, during the fall fishinJ in North Carolina, than at any other time of the year. We regard season as only abouf one-half over on September Ist. The combined capacity of these plants will permit us to supply the North Carolina] farmers with more fish scrap annually than t hey ever heretofore had the opportunity taj Write us how .you can secure your fish scrap at wholesale prices. THE FISHERIES PRODUCTS COMPANI - Wilmington, -North Carolina . f inning * • ri.>• i. (r :•» in jj >ol ships t > cut into three or mora "jj l arms and is a r sal bargain at our price, which is 55530.000 on teilTlß. ) MO or, !! li ,»••••.>, H milfs from '.V Mi taker.", N C.. on improv. e I highway. Jt2 acres cleared and in a high stit.' of cultivation. \ I) ie lie a ft room in-usi" at) I one oM ii room house, both in gi.od con- 1 di'i'in, s(• i' 11• • ; . tar i and belters. A very nit-* little farm in al H'"'l neip'rn aai-i 'I an ! a fine I'arminp section. Price only -5,500 on reasonable terms. * NO .">7:; ii iCo acr"M, ah ml acres cleared 3 miles from I ..eg- ' p :is, t> mil. I i Tar'., to. N One pood 3ro >it» house, 1 tobacco ' ii:o - n, Hlaliiis, i'-irn MM. I e.o t i.>«• ni f»r two I orses! About 20 a'res In 1 1vi\' tim'x re i-v h ( riginal ;>i o ••.!» mostly large p lie. I ','|i T I 'rnl as it 1' rlo mi soil. r\.j.\ subsoil, adapted to (.I'I,CCO, cotton arnl ll.'ari N> l/iv r land I !T«.» corn or cot tan land. • (I u'l n-ii-h't TIII.I 1 I'" • I \ )'■ r ii 1 i >i. I ,ii! Pi ice SG. 500, *6,000 cash. balance on good terms. \'l> M'H I'' I •' I. lo II".-- N ••!, Mmii". .'mm ';■>!• sville, N ! ii' i i-l f vl . .1i0.:.' • 1 i-i. it) •ii •; I . one old 5 ! i".t- ■ 11 LI. II an I'M ;i. rn ai/1 HI ait: I'ii pi: E»: lias heen very > i ' I i '> •i! i•. 1 , .;•! ■ ■ \ j•>».>r'", it i pood land and will % p i■ ••• i • ma' "i :! . • ;i.rl\ bandied. as our price leave? a ■. i .lit intiv .I. .I>er Price only (.On on very pood . 1 tns. NO .'i'.' ' Pit.i r':. s nil.", to «5 ,(•'»•., .M. C.. 2 1-2 intles of a v ii . Hiiiiry ache " "'.a aciv-s in /.•»• «• fair slate of cultivation, c-' >''ll.::. 7 M.'Mii'; w.th nice .'.ppl.» o'chaad, one nice Scup •. s> • >' ad me.l i" > via four s i;i and good barn. AU .so ' . MO . i I .I t'-l 1 I IM'. (I'lo I n-'i .'libra hof don li. F. r \' "..I iii i I >«• cutt ■ , ."ii.;, peanuts, tobacco, eto. 1' i.- ■ I t ■ n N->- ' •12 a a *s, i •••' HI! , -in -a, i itei (!ounty, N. C, LOO a.-ri'-i i - • ' R 'i ■. Il*s i. lie 7MM m residence* pii• i:.m I\ "■ : i'. v 1 it.; at 11 .!- i.c.v T-io-.m residi nee, ; p i : I • •' . in ; • im ■ i. .la i n. n» Hon as; 2 good ? s'i>•': I -. V rn' "I ;»ia tt";' r O ilv a ini'e and n lialf t'» ■'.»» I ■i ■ i •;i in;it. -e- and tc. Ex* j tra u> t • I'i ■ ■ >' ■ .'.."'"'l'll ■. terms. ' ' -• 1 a . nij ' t>■'i"'> 1. X'. . near improved 1 saii'l el., mad A' it i • -i in fan - 1 ten cultivation Ono S-* r•in ' i 11'. .a d '■ or 21, am. I add.tigs not. in very if.:."' ' :•!i ! ti •• >i i. • i i't-' icim, p.-ani't , cottoa, corn and ... ii'. : ':i " "f'iy . ' AI ,A I'l t-. lav ■. No •*)''• I!i '. ; f> a >'i aba al ,S »:• •• • H are.l, .las one 5-room cot» tn:'t, one ij" ,v 2 i'.. a, tfiia it 1...a u. • 1 man tenant house, one - • t-."r.cco barn. Five links l..un K iiig.-oor.; "-ti l sevn miles to Rocky ■ M.uuit by pood mail, sml is sandy loam and is pood for tobacco, I cijllllll, pi'iinuls anil e..rn l'rie o si»,;»M). One tl i;al cash, balanceon ■ rea's na'-i'e terms. -* i l