IMHBHT 3UR BACKBONE £ 1 *"Amc Ir an Willingness to Give Up L ury Demonstrated Na . t.on's War Consolenoe. ' STAND WITH THE 'ALU&S, By r—'uelnQ Coj)#umpt|on People of th Jnlted States Averted a imlne at Horn# In Spit* of Low Supplies. * Th act that >he people of tbe Unltt iates were able to reduce by men" u one-half million tons their July. ust, September and October const lon of sugar provea conclu sive!; it their war conscience wM 4 thorn ly awukened anl that the count .is 11 whole stood ready to fol low t -function! of the Government. t»u -Sial consumption of sugar In the f n/outh |>eriod beginning with July Ijpen 400.000 tons per month, a tot >f 1,000,000 for the quarter yei r. In , when our sugar stringency hi'Hn reach Its height, consumption win , eed to 200,000 tohm. In Au gust tons went In'o ells - trll'Ui utitFHi September only 1"7W,- 000 t' In October the distribution fi-U to >M»O tons. If i general public had failed to obser us Injunctions of the Food A(JID I itlon this country would have i lu the throes off a sugar fa mill fore the end of August Our vwil.l pplles were so low as to bring greit -•lety to those familiar with the si situation. They feared that It wo be absolutely Impossible to reduc usumptlon to n point where suijHr uld no longer be a mere lu*- ury It American diet. Fev -ompllahments of the.Food Admit atlon will stand forth mo pre donili i.v us this reduced ctmsutM)- tloa o ,'ar, Hy It we have been al»t^ to I>tl iver the period of stringency until new beet and LoulMana cane ■ujfir is wire In sight. No(V •> nation Is In n position *o that I •> choose we may return to our nil home use of sugar, and Europ 1 tli the release of ships to go fin itt can maintain Its recent re strict! utlons. If, however, those nation re to lucreaso their use of augur > considerably It must l>e by our ■ nued shnrlug with them throng uniting our own consuinp tloti. AMER N SPIRIT RELIED ON TO WIN. In t! light of succeeding events It is Ititc ting to recall the confidence with li the United States Food Adsitn ntpr viewed the gloomy out look li Vfly of 1917, when this coun try hn. i en In the war for less than fotir i "i lis and the Germans were Htundll ending the western front Bearer i- nearer to Paris, « » . . " c Sale of Real Estate At Auction *N.. . . , Splendid Small Farms, the Ballard Farm subdivided on Williamston and Hamilton Road, About j. 1-2 miles from Everetts, N.C., 6 miles Hamilton, N.C., and 7 Miles Williamston, N.C. 1 ■ ) Wednesday, December 11th, 10:30 A. M. __ ______ - - - ; ~r These .lav. a tuan is mi K htv wise watch jus. where he is puttm* his money from a '( torn top soil with an excellent clay sub soil that will produce «ood cjp, of tobacco, cotton, corn, , 11,1 '*!'* !• fM 1 t^iiiiut"s 111 fuel iiiiv crons crown in tins section. There is uliout 460 ucrcs of tins l&ud in 3 stand point «f safety. Rememlier that when you buy farm land, nobody can run away with it. \on \t peanuts, potatoes, in fact any crop; , , .it ... .... (/ liiah stite of cultivation One main dwelling* Fifteen tenant houses in good condition, with all the are the general manager of it, It produces crops that are absolutely necessary, therefore, you are J iuru Mate oicumvauon. vmc '/ necessary barns, stables, shelters, etc. Ten tobacco barns. One packhouse, and one tfin house. There bound to be safe when veu buy small farms. > „ „ , ... 11 i i„i f is about iOO acres of woods land on which there is about one million feet of pine£ two million feet of Think this over. Mr. Homeseeker and investor, it is an opportunity like you have never had be- f is idoui sw acres oi *uuu: *■ (ore Do what vour cood judgement tells you to ,10. and purchase one or more of these small farms at *«» «»> "»»«« «">»»• Am|Mc cord E " :h „ur sab- of real estate at auct.ou. Wednesday, Dec. . Ith., 10:30 a. m. V ta >e a road f r ontagc. Your price on terms of one fourth cash, thebalance in one, two. three, DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY TO HE OFFERED v tour, live, six, seven and eight years, will buy one or more of these splendid small farms. Inspect Splendid small farm, the Ballard tarn,, subdivided on Williamston and Hamilton Road, about V this toda V- U » an opportunity like you have never had before. B„ v a RO od farm in a , ~ f ... . , ~ , . xt o i i V good neighborhood, convenient to good markets for any cr»ps you can raise. By all means, make miles from Everetts, t> miles from Hamilton and 7 miles from Williamston, N- C, Oood neigh- |\ N " / „ . , _ . . . „ „ , . \ vour arrangements to meet us on the ground Wednesday, Dec. Uth, 1«:30 A. M. Buy a farm. / h*rhood. About 1 1-2 miles from a good school. Convenient to churches and stores. Good sandy S* \ •1 , Sale Conducted for Messrs. J. L. Wynn and J. T. Barnhill, of Everetts, N. C., by I ' . •: • ' k ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY jf ' - • ■ , . -J-'-r''- j-. J i "The Name That Justifies Your Offices Greenville, N. C., and Petersburg, Va. ar .v- - v • . . v *' ' ... - j -v- f " 4Rtt owns manw lfl IN fops taty b« gloomy today," hs ds clsr«d In a public statement, "no American who has knowledge of th* results already obtained In every di rection need have on* atom of few that democracy will oot defend Itself In these United Btatea." PROVED SPIRIT '> OF BEMOCBftGY Voluntary Basis of Food Savlnf Showed Heart of Amerloa Beat True for Freedom. To the voluntary service and sacri fice of the American people must be attributed the continued health, strength and morale of the Allied ar mies and the civil populace. Upon this spirit of service and sac rifice will depend Europe's fate In the months to come. In the past year we have carried out an export program, the magnitude of which Is almost be yond comprehension. But with the new demand* that have come, with the liberation of nations freed from Oerrnnn oppression, our exports most be almost doubled. Instead of 11.820.- 000 tons, we must ship twenty million tons of food to Europe In the coming year —as much us can be pushed through our ports. If the Allies had not been fed by Amerlcs, It would have been Impos sible for them to maintain their de fense agalnet Germany. Meeting this world need on a purely voluntary basis, the American people have proved that democ racy Is a success ana that In time of need It will ri#e to IU own defense. If there were no other accomplish ment to Its credit the rery fact that It has shown tbe strength of democracy has In Itself more than Justified the eilstencs of ths Food Administration In tbe eyes of the world. Less than four months after tbe United States declared war the United States Food Administrator expressed his determination to meet America's food problem on a baals of voluntary action and reiterated his confidence that awakened democracy would prove Irresistible. "Many thinking Americans," said Mr. Hoover, "and ths whole world have been watching anxiously the Isst four months In the fear that demo: era tic America could to meet autocratic Germany. Oermany bus been confident that It could not bo done. Contrary proof Is Immediately ut our door, and our people have al ready demonstrated their ability to mobilize, organize, tndure and prepare voluntarily and efficiently In many di rections an(t upon the word of Inspiration aside from the remarkable assemblage of otir Army and finance*" Tbe history of tho Food Administra tion has clearly shown that the trust of those who put their faith In democ racy bus not been misplaced. I cll your neighbor how you like The Enterprise. Notlcd of StW 1'b•*e I*»t be vntur uf ibe i uibCrilJi COAtatOotl »n « cSrUiu Deed «f Trust ea tcuteil on tbe 4«b '!*> of March ''J J. H. Biocikk adJ wife, Faiinic Kiddtck and rcK.swml itf the Kexister's Drril' for Msrtin i ouni" in N-I, «t pm(e j6i. l« »ecurt ihe payment of s certain bond of e'en iltte there with. and the stipulations ».» tatd deed of trii'.l not hsvinjr lieeu complied with und st ihr reque«t u' tlir parties interest ed, tlx undersigned iru-tee will on Mou •'») »o«l d*y of IVeetnbrr, I9IH at iroo M , t the cuiiithou-e Jojr of M»rtlu Cot. lly, WiHiamaloii, N C.. off--r at public cale to (lie hi|fli«**t bidder f"r cavil, the tdlowinrf dewcfttwd resl esUK , Beginning at Spesr Kuixnt's c-rnei; j tliei.f ' alonx hi» weilrru li■!' to lii* noflliwe.t nrnn; theme the same course coiitiniied to the old Mxrlin now the, WilHaii'Moii I.slid and Improvement Co IltTe: Ihei re si.iiihwesllv sl-m# sn old fence 10 id to the three • mill In H i«- sell's line: ib n r mI U and Mav>'» line to tbe li v niiiny»i in(( three junei »tm-e 1 le-.s and lx ii'l' the sai. le deeded' frtfin M I Mayo t> the Williamston Lainl and Imp'ove nieiit lo„ of recor 1 in 'lie Public K-vl try of Martin County in Book O O. O «t the followin deur bed property, wli th was sold by J II T. Ki.ldlck to Kli-ha Clemens..under.d.ite ;.i.i ti t'lt; o' record in the Public of M.nt: County, in b >ok XX »■!, p«K r *7> dtsciibed as full iw liegiuninK on th »outheß»tern corner of H. R Kiddnk V lie ht all lro 1 -.«••!•; runniuit thence In a north W'i.l course to Brown S'ne', h roi io; tlinice .il >tiK frown SueM to an in non -tub thence In nt'atKbt litie to , ]|« h-K'n• n r Til H ,11 II *l.i\ cf •' tn'ier. 19IH Wheeler Mh'titi ) Trustee 11-H-16 be proud to be food Saver --Notice • t- tL Hav iim qualified a* AdminimV tot jij>dti ihe Estate of W. H. Hfer risHh deceased: Notice is .given to all persons holding claims against said Estate tc present thfcm to the undersigned for payment on or before the 30tn day of October 1919 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate to make immediate payment This 31st day of Octolter 1918. James H- Harrison, Administrator. I I»I ■—rrrr* znammmmmmmm Notice Having qauliflfd a* admininia tratri of lhe« siate of the late Geo. W Corey, notice is hereby givvn to all p»'iH'>na indebted to the s*id estat. to make settle jmen'F thereof without delay, and t ) all p«. r->»i H holding claims the v-Ulo to present iherr. tome f«>r pi\me»it within one vear from tbi* dale, o' (his notice will be pl-aded in har of their recover v. Thn November 12, 1918. Klli Corey, Administratrix. NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis trator upon the Estate of Joha A. Bennett !•( rased; Notice is liere- I>y to all persons holding claim? against said Estate to pre sent them to tho-TThdersigned for payir.i nt on or before the ißth ,lay "I October K>i9or this notice will he plead in bar of tlprir IC» covcry, All person indebted to said Es tate aie requested to make im media'e payment. The ißth day of October, IylK W, M. Bennett Administrator for John A, Bennett 6-t Notice lMvi"K tpmlified »» A>tinliilatrutiii C. T A ui*>n the K«t»tc "f W A. Fleming ilrteitdr I; Notice (» hereby given to "" person- holding claims »g*in»t **i ' K» tali to lliein to the undersigned for p "ient on or before the Sth d«y of Novi tii'er igiQ or thl» notice will b«j fiend lr Imr of their recovery. All per»oni« indebted to *at(l Hslute nre r«p enlfd to make inimediiite psy me ut. Thin Sth Uy of November 1918 Kli/»l>etli It Fleming Adtvi. C T. A. Fawns and Town property FOR SALE i I „ metier . f In Virginia and North Carolina. Also wanting farmers to list their farms with me to sell • ..•1 • * : HERTFORD HOTEL This is the only Hotel in town of Hertford, N. C. A new three story wood buildidg of 32 rooms on a lot 100 by 280 feet, If you care to run a Hotel, this is a cinch.- 3 I/rrs WITH STOKK BUIUUN;S ON SAMK in center of business district of Winfall, N. C. Now own ed by Alonzo White, Reasons for selling, wants to retire from active business life. ALSO TOWN LOTS WITH DWELLINGS IN CITY OK SUFFOCK, VA, FARMERS ! Now is your chance of a life time to buy farms cheap, 1 am selling and bjying farms all the time, Will cite you a few special bargains. The W. I', Hudgins Farm known a» the John B, Perry (deceased) farm at Belvidere, N. C. Henry C. Cliappell Farm near Ryland, N. C. The J. D. Twine Farm —saw mill, plaining mill and edger and an up to date cctton gin with an ad ditional lot of new machinery not yet put up. This pro|«rty is situated 114 miles Cannon's Ferry and 1 12 miles Woodley's Wharf °n Chowan Kiver, two miles of Ryland station on Norfolk Southern Railroad. Really this is the best business stand in Chowan, N. C. It faces two county roads, being in fork of roads at lludsons. Fine stand for wheat flour, and cornmeal mill to attach to present machinery, also no better stand for a nierchantile business. This farm has every advantage for business and farming —four dwellings cn same, Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Three farms owned by R. T, Savage, Coraj>eake, N. C, Jim Hare farm near Sunbury, N. C. J, W, Baxgett-Homc Farm —3 1-2 miles of Whaleyvilie, Va. Sam Wilkins farm near Bosley, N. C. Cleveland Branton farm near Drum Hilf! N. C. C, U, Edwards farm near Sunbury, N. C. Charlie Jackson farm near Drum Hill, N. C\ J. Thomas Savage farm near Drum Hill, N C, The T/ W. Savage x (deceased ) farm Itnwwn a* the Red farm at Mantling* Station 011 Sonthern Rail road —only 4 miles of Suffolk, Va, 'P I !- farm is near Church and High School right at station and saw mill —as fine soil as Virginia lawst of These are just a fe\y qf the properties I am offering for sale. MR. INVESTOR Now is your chance of a life time to buy while farm and town properties are selling cheap. These properties were liought when everybody was blue —crops looked sorry labor scarce —and the prospects of a long and bitter war ahead of us. With these conditions facing them the farmers naturally wanted to uaload 011 the other fellow, but it is now the reverse. The war will soon be history —we've got the boche on flu- trot —prices of land products are high —there will soon !>e plenty of lal»or —then farms can't IK- puchased at anv price. WHY? Because thev will be a better investment than a Klondike Gold Mine. BUYKIU AND SKI.I.KK.M GUT BTJSV, Write rtie and whisper your wants and I'll do the rest. Am stopping at the Nansemond Hotel, Suf folk, Va H. P. Winslow REALTY AGENT P.0.80x 419, - Suffolk, Va

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