ADVICE TO "FLO" CJtIVAI.ESCENTS SPAH AND ENGLAND REPORT WCi'cASE IN TUBERCULOSIS AFTER INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC. U. S. Public Health Service Warn« Pubic Against Tuberculosis. Oni Mi lion Cases Tubercu losis in United States—Each a So. ce of Danger. tnftuen-i Convalescents Should Have Luncs Enamined—Cold* Which Hung Ot C :tn leylnning of Tuberculosis. No C.TUte for Alarm If Tuberculoma Is r-!:ecnixed Early—Patent Medi cines 'Jot to Be Trueted. * * * Hi-ware tuberculosis ufter In- * * Iluen/.n. No need to worry If # * vim take iii-ec notions in time. * * limit diagnose your own eon- * * dltiiin. Have your v doctor exam- * * Ine your lungs several tluies at # * iiiontlili InlervHlo Build tip your * * (itn-nifUi wllli rlxlit living, good # * fooil hihl plenty of fresh ntr * it liint waste money on patent A * inedirliies mlvertUed to cure lu- * * bert tilosls. * •* lti tome a freuli air eraiik and * * enjoy life # * * #****#*####**####* cording lu tt re|Hirt made to the United Stutes I'uldlc Health Service, the epl« demlc of Inlluetua In S(ialu haa al ready ciiu*ed mi lncreaae In the prevu lence mid dentin from pulmonary tu burculosls. A similar association be tween Influenza and tuberculosis was recently made by Sir Arthur News- the chief medical officer of the fcuKlUli public health aervtce, In his analysis of the tuberculosis death rata In England. In order that the people of the Unit ed States nmy profit by the experience of other countries Burgeou Oeneral Rupert P>lue of the United States Hub lie Health Service has Juat Issued a warning emphasizing the need of spe cial precautions at the present time. "Exper ence aeoras to Indicate," says the Surgeon tieneral, "that persona whese insist mce lias been weakened by an attuik of Influenza are peculiar ly susci-ptlljle to tuberculosis. With millions of Its people recently affected with Influenza tills country now of fers cet lit lons fuvorlng the spread of tuberculosis." One Million Consumptives In the United Statea. "Then you consider this a serious nenace?" was asked. "In my opinion It Is. though l hasten to add It Is dis tinctly oue ngnlnst which the peopl# Sale of Real Estate At Auction Splendid Small Farms, The John Manning Farm Subdivided on Jamesville to Plymouth Road, 1-2 mile from Dar den Station, N. C., 6 miles from Plymouth, N. C. Thursday, December 12th, 10:30 A. M. -- __ • / It it. the desire of every man to accumulate wealth* Take a look at the folks in this section who DI'.SCKH'TK>N OF TUP. I'ROI'KRT\ I'O Hl'. OFl'hKhl) are wealthv. Don't thev own a lot of land'' You will find that most wealthy peop.e do own a lot of Splendid -null farms, foh 11 Maiming larm, Mil) divided on Jamesville to Plymouth road, '-2 mile ' V " land and they will tell you that they consider the read estate they own one of their best investments. from Harden. N. C., o miles from Plymouth, X C. C»ood neighborhood, convenient to stores, schools There is nothing l>etter or safer than small farms in this section of North Carolina, , and churches, Koanly topsoil with clay subsoil that will produce splendid crops of cotton, corn, , , , , , , . . , tobacco, in fact all crops grown in t'os section, There i- no better tobacco farm to be hud in this Crops of all kinds are bringing unheard of prices, 1 lie demand for food products is sc great that V 1 section. One dwelling in fair condition, with all the necessary barns, stables, shelters, outbuildings, vou are practically assured a profit On any crops you can raise. You can help meet the demand and , . . . , , , , I four tenant houses with outbuildings, all of which arc in fair condition. Good tobacco barns. Ample at the same time pay for your farm with the high prices that are being paid the farmers for their pro J tT 1 , . *1 c°rd wood tor all farm purposes, Kach tract will ha ve a road frontage. Your price ail terms of 15 ducts. Invest your profits from your I*lß crops as a cash payment on u small farm. Ihe crops each / _ • . . . f/ per cent on dav of sale, >) per cent Januarv 1.V910. the balance in cue, two, three, four, five, six, vear will take care of the deferred payments and at the name time your land will be increasing in val .... , , ... / sevan and eight vears from Jan. Ist, 1919. You get possession of the property on fan. »st, 1919. In ue. It's a fact that the day of the small farm is here. It is to your advantage to buy a small farm /J . . ~ . ■ .. »\ spect this property today. It is w*rth your while. Then do what your good judgment tells vou to ■ at our sale. Make a progressive, conservative investment. You cannot afford to let this opportunity / ■ ~ i n.u if, i do and be oil hand at our sale Thursday. Dec, i_\ 10:30 A. M., and buv a small farm. go, So be present at our sale of splendid small furms, Thursday, Dec. 12th, I0;30 A. M. 1 - r - - . - J , - Sale Conducted By ( j ATLANTIC COAST REALTY COMPANY \ "The Name That Justifies Your Confidence" -vOiffices Greenville, N. C., and Petersburg, Va. tu && ftlM" to HTWKi lai wuttii. th«rt ar« at pr«Hct ibom one mtnioa cases of tuberculosis in the WWT S rates Therti Is UlfflrtßMteV complete census available to show •*- actlj the number ot tuberculosis p*r> aons tii each state despite the fact that most ot the states have made the die ease reportable. In New York city, where reporting has bean in force for many years, over 35,000 cases of tu berculosis are registered with the De partment of Health. Those familiar with the situation believe that the ad dition of unrecognised and unreported cases would make the number nearer 60,000. The very careful health sur vey conducted during the past two years In Framlngbam, Mass., revealed 200 esses of tuberculosis In a popula tion of approximately 15,000. It these proportions hold true for the United States ss a whole they would Indicate that sbout one In evefy hundred per sons Is tuberculous Each ot thSM constitutes a source of danger to fca guarded against" Whst te De. In his statement to the public Sur geon, General Blue points out how ttioSe who have had Influenza should protect themselves against tuberculo •la "All who hsvr recovered from In fluenza," says tiie Surgeon General, "should have their lungs carefully ex ainlned by a competent physicist), in fart, It Is desirable to have aeveral ex auilnatlons made a month apart. Noeb examinations cannot be nitili- through the clothing nor can they he carried out In two or three minutes If the luugs are found to he free from tuber culosis every effort should be made to teep them so. This can be done hy right living, goed food and nleuty »t fresh air." Danger Sign* The Surgeon (federal warued espe cially sgalnst certain dsuger signs, •uch as "decline" and "evlds wfclcfc hang on." These, he explained, were often ths beginning of tuberculosis "If you do ftot get well promptly. If your cold seems to hsng on or your hesltli and strength decline, remember thst theee are often the esrly signs of tubsrculo sln. Pisco yourself at once under the rare of a competent physician. Tuber culosla Is curable In the esrly stsges. Patent Medicines Dangerous In Tuber culesls. "Above all do not trust In the tula lesdlng ststements of unscrupulous patent medietas fakers There la as specific medicine for the cure of tuber culosis. Ths monsy spent ea such medicla%* Is thrown sway; It should be spent Instead for good Toed aad te nant living." Trustee's Sale Hv vn i in- ni the authority ton ic in 11 in inr liy a "Deed of Trust' executed '> me by Louisa Kespes*, Lruira Wit it ley ,'incl St e j plicn • Mi/ell Trustees Gritlins Primitive Baptist Church, on the 611 (lav ol September 1905. and duly recorded in the Register ol Heed'* oflice in Martin County, in *0 k P F if .1 tort-tin bot.d he ,r r,;hPrcv»ilh, .an J the supul.ait.iv tr, Deed ot Trust tu-t tit»v been 0. in plied 11 with, I shall e\poe at public-aud ition, lor cash, on Mcnil.iv, the sjrtl dav ot December IJIiS, at ji o'clock \>on at the Ci uil House Un'.r in C'"unt\,|| tile foilovwi« propei ty A(lj*>it'ii c tin !,.r.d> •1 )• hn J Scott Heits «nd . I-, >!• t! e town ol WI: .'.-I n:»: I I-. oil \V> M hi mil w tor. *• 1 rt • i nin.l t>:li v c!i c Ili - 1 ed in above met tinoil ' I* ol o! T. r list" U' tt l i h ;c leieuc c giv en I 1 11 more i«c. hjmTc dcsctip* li i. S p', pr 1 e l lc ki ■w n ns (Jiilbi I'r it ii.Vw I . (('nloi r 1 1 n.i- Ni v, I v''' 1 «.JjS I Hi" i- U Ti usteo ' FMtkE I The John A I'u rv is Km in ad-; joining Julc Puru* Kami in ur Spnuy Green. 175 hitch, 86 cleared: lukli fertile lai d; tfood residence; 3 tobacco barns; tfood stable?; new tenant house; one red mule; all ttalle fertilizer, one-half barrel paint. This farm is Jive miles from Evrrett, five miles from Rohersonville and five from Hamilton. Good Farm Splendid locolitv Apply 10 Leslie Fowden Williamslon, N. C. Wc Carry at all Times a Complete Stock of Metalic and Wooden Burial Caskets Latest Designs ANDERSON, CRAWFORD & CO. J. E. POPE Notary Public Office: Martin County Saving-* & Trust Company cw ' t Vcr >' young man in this town and county could I start 11 '* aP ' i account with us. It would not mean much to us but it I'- ■ 1 would mean lots to them. What a recommendation it would be for » B V''! • our town and county could we say to the world that every young I * Wiil> IP/ man carrie d a hank account. It would be worth more to the town 8j: B than to adversisc we had the greatest college on earth. Young men 91 Kh Farmers and Merchants Bank AS w*iii OVFR B^°®y o ° * ~ %T " C. I». C;\KST A R I'l I K N.| r. Hookkreper ' ALMA SPARKS, Sten ographe WASHINGTON COUNTY BANK Plymouth, N. C. 11) i 8 t> O. HRINkI l Y, I'tp.iJcnl M. J STILI.M W, Wf Pintilrni W II WATI'S, C' 4 .l„r. CAPITAL % 20.000 SURPLUS AND PROFIT $ 10.000 Dear Frietul and Patron: It is now harvesting time and you will soon to market your crops. RKMKMHFK that we will, as always gladly cash your checks on am bank anvwhcic And we eaincstU solicit v»u t>> let us lit vim are not already a deposistor) add your tfood name to our evernrowniß list of Depositors. If you are a Depositor you have a friend who "Banks" on what you say. He would "Bank" here if you would ai-k him. Won't you help us to add this j>ood friend of yours to our list of many more at "THK WASHINGTON COUNTY HANK, IM.Y MOUTH, N. C.?" ll yon atv not a depositor this is ail invitation to cotlic ill rifjb'' now. TO-DAY. and tfive us a try. It is our aim to please as well as to . sir vc It is out constant study to give the people of this community the J IK'S! hanking facilities obtainable. Our efficient working force direc- j tors that direct, experience and epuipeinent makes this possible. li is out desire to bring home to you how OUR BANK can help you to a greater success in your material affairs. We all make money hut onlv the few save it. Now is the time to save a part of your in- J come hy depositing it with tts either on checking or Saving account. We pay ♦ pit cent Compounded (Juarterlv on Saving or Certifi- j j eates ot I)eposit, We not only accept your deposits, keep your money safely and ' ; ! render von every possible accommodation that any hank in the com- \ niunitv can, hut we will take care of your v.duahle papers and d you our assistance in any business transaction free of charge. We invite YOU to make OUR HANK YOUR BANK. Yours to serve, ML THK WASHINGTON COUNTY BANK, | W. B. Watts, Cashier. 1

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